Thursday, August 24, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Live Show Update 8/24 - Votes/Eviction

Votes are to evict...

Erika - James
Will - James
Danielle - George
Janelle - James

By a vote of 3 to 1, James is evicted from the Big Brother house.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday 8/24 Daytime

As tonight's the live eviction, let me take a moment to remind folks that I'll be posting updates on the big events as they air here on the East Coast. So, if you're a West Coast show night spoilers lover, this is the place to be! The eviction usually happens a bit after the half hour, HOH at the end of the show. If you're not seeing a new post, it may help to refresh the page or click on the August 2006 archive hyperlink on the right sidebar of the main blog page (not an individual post).

Onto the events of the day in that Big Brother House of Jumpy James and Curious George:
  • Big Brother woke up the houseguests at the crack of about 10:20 AM their time.
  • The HG were in the mood for Big Brother the Musical, so the feeds were blocked on and off for over an hour because of their singing. Grr.
  • James told Danielle that he realized that BB is a game, not a job... and now he's ready to stay, play and win. He also mentioned that he didn't have someone like her on his side last year. [Editor's note: I believe it may be a bit late for this epiphany.]
  • The now sober crew teased Mike about not letting them into the HOH room last night. [Editor's note: I wouldn't have let them in, either!]
  • BB told Mike he had to be out of the HOH room by noon.
  • Woogie talked about their questions asked during Diary Room sessions. Houseguests, do NOT discuss your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests.) Will said he keeps getting asked if people are playing him or he's playing people. Mike keeps getting asked if something is real or fake.
  • Will told Mike that over the past few days he's 100% sure Janelle isn't playing him. [Editor's note: Dr. Gullible, paging Dr. Gullible... that's the way to a Code Blue.]
  • Mike said he's not as sure of Erika.
  • Both want Janelle to win HOH this week. They think they're safe if she does.
  • Will said that he has the potential to win HOH this week. If he does, he'll put up Erika and Danielle telling them the plan is to backdoor Janelle. Then either they or Janelle win POV and won't use it.
  • Woogie talked to Danielle confirming they're evicting James tonight. Danielle told them to do what they want to do, but she's not happy about it.
  • Hmm... the BB voice warned the HG that it's against the rules to discuss their votes with other houseguests. That usually happens during taped votes. Hmmm.
  • Will told Boogie that he now intends on throwing the HOH.
  • Chicken George packed his bags... including a trash bag. He's so not like the others!
  • Erika and Danielle drilled each other on HOH-type questions.
  • Danielle told Erika that she told Marcellas to take the prizes (that Mike Boogie is lying and said he took) in the graveyard comp. [Editor's note: Don't ask my why she's saying that. I don't know. We all know that she didn't want Janelle to win the comp.]
  • Danielle wants Erika to do her dirty work... er, to tell George why she (Danielle) has to vote for James to stay -- that she just can't cast a vote to evict him even though she knows he's going. She wants George to understand it's not a vote against him.
  • Danielle and Erika think that the Coup d'Etat can still be used, or another power. They just referred to it as a "power."
  • Danielle cried some more because she doesn't want James to go.
  • James told her she needs to take out Chill Town, but she feels she needs to be up with one of them in the end -- it would be her only chance to win. He thinks she shoudl get rid of Will first because Janelle will try to protect him.
  • She then muttered that Chill Town would lose three jury votes if they kicked out James.
  • Meanwhile, James told her that he accepts that he isn't in the same league as Chill Town.

And there's where we stand. They're primping and cleaning for tonight's live show and it still looks like a James eviction.

One more note: Folks, please don't call other commenters names or harass me for removing posts in which other commenters were called names. Do I have to send a few to the Diary Room or what? Also, if the posts are getting nasty, trust me... I'll get to them. I thank the folks who are keeping things to show talk, no matter who you're cheering on. The majority of the comments are great and it's the comments that make this blog as much as my own entries. So, be cool, kick your feet up and watch the show! Then come back here to celebrate or to drown your sorrows in the written words.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday Evening and Overnight Into Thursday 8/24

Another live show eviction tonight? Will it be James leaving the house? I really think so, but until the votes are cast, it's hard to say with this bunch.

Here are the evening and overnight events from that Big Brother House of Slop Waffles and Wine:
  • Danielle claimed she wants to keep James because he'll go after Chill Town. [Editor's note: Can't she do that? Wait, didn't she say she's working with them?]
  • Will told Janelle that Mike knows he can't win against anyone if he makes the final two.
  • Erika told Danielle that she needs George to stay as he won't put her on the block but James would.
  • George told Erika and Danielle that he had lost focus for a while, but wanted the person who needed it the most to win. [Editor's note: I hope he means himself.]
  • He then told them about his family and how the money could change their lives. [Editor's note: Good.]
  • Erika said her gut says that George just may win the game.
  • Will made sure that Mike told Erika to throw HOH so she's not a target, as he told him to say. Mike affirmed that he did.
  • Erika said that George is after Janelle and Will because she (Janelle) lied to him about wanting Will out.
  • Mike thinks that Danielle has been crying all day just to get jury votes.
  • Danielle is concerned because George won't actually say he wants Janelle out. [Editor's note: Because maybe he doesn't, Danielle!]
  • Erika remained firm that she wants James out, better for her game.
  • Mike asked George if the girls had been pressuring him or promised him anything for their vote. He said they did in a roundabout way, but he didn't commit to anything. [Editor's note: I prefer to watch Will work people rather than Mike. Mike tries to use Will's style, but doesn't have the timing, nor the charisma.]
  • Mike told Erika he wants Danielle to be the only vote to keep James.
  • Big Brother gave the houseguests plenty of wine - just what they needed.
  • George asked BB if he could have a glass of wine and a cheeseburger since he's nominated anyway. He reported back that they said they'd put the request in, but he didn't expect anything. [Editor's note: That would have to be something coming from one of the producers, not the staff on hand.]
  • BB got back to George with a 'no cheeburger for you.' Well, maybe not in those words.
  • They played cards. Yawn. They played pool. Yawn.
  • James imbibed quite a bit.
  • Will and Janelle talked about flirting.
  • Will claimed he was drunk (Janelle had been telling him to drink for her). I don't think he was all that drunk at all, though. He jumped up on the pool table. [Editor's note: He's already said the BB has charged him for breaking things - he better be careful of the pool table!]
  • Big Brother yelled at him to stop.
  • Then it was hot tub time. Erika, Janelle, Will and James. They got to horseplay, not foreplay. Will and James did cannonballs into the tub. While they frolicked, George and Mike had already turned in for the night.
  • So... they all ran up to the HOH room wet and loud, banging on the door for Mike.
  • Big Brother yelled at them. Again.
  • Back to the hot tub and a game of Spin the Bottle.
  • Will moved Howie's Jack Shack box over to the edge of the hot tub so they could jump from it into the hot tub. Big Brother yelled at them.
  • The pool cover fell, striking both Danielle and James. Both said it hurt. [Editor's note: It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt!]
  • Will claimed he was Janelle's "boy toy" to Erika.
  • But, once alone in the pool both Will and Janelle told each other they're scared of each other. Oh, pshaw! They are not!
  • Then they decided they're friends and nothing more. They continued to tussle, joke around and just be friends in the hot tub. No Boogie action here.
  • Will once again told (lied to) Danielle that Janelle is going after Chill Town next week.
  • James thinks he will win HOH if he stays. He said he'd put up Mike and Erika and backdoor Janelle.
  • James asked Danielle what Will's been saying. Danielle told him that Will said he (James) really had to compete for HOH because they (LOD?) needed it. [Editor's note: We KNOW that's not what Will has been saying!]
  • Will and Janelle were in the Diary Room for yet another really long session, don't know what's going on there!
  • All headed to bed while Janelle stayed up reading the Bible (the only book in the house).

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Through The Afternoon Wednesday 8/23

<--- The houseguests (well, some of them) at the smaller table playing cards. If memory serves, the small table hasn't been shown yet on the show. Of course, at this point, the show and feeds are playing tricks on my mind. Sometimes I forget what the show has shown and what it hasn't!

Here are the events of the afternoon (their time, not mine - it's well into the evening here) from that Big Brother House of Sullied Reputations:
  • Chicken George mentioned that another thing he didn't get in his short reign as HOH was the camera. Aw, he's right. I didn't think about that. He really got the short end of the stick, didn't he?
  • James told Danielle to go after Chill Town if he leaves tomorrow. She told him she will, but she goes about things in a roundabout way.
  • Mike Boogie and Will actually studied for comps. [Editor's note: As if they intend to win? Well, I think Will wasn't pleased with Mike's rather premature HOH win and it may have kicked them into action where they feel they have to win every week from now on to be safe.]
  • Chicken George and James talked today. James told George that they all have choices and he chose to put Howie up. George said the decision was rushed and both agreed that Howie is probably angrier with Chill Town than at George.
  • James told George that he (James) and Marcellas were friends prior to the show this season - Marcellas went to Chicago and they hung out together. George was surprised to hear the information. He said he knew no one prior to the show.
  • Danielle is still upset - she told Erika she didn't think she belonged in the game anymore. She said that prior to going on the show she thought she wouldn't because she knew she'd be an emotional mess... and now she is indeed one. [Editor's note: I do think she's having a rough time as of late, but I also think she could snap back. She's a shrewd BB player at heart.]
  • When Janelle asked Will if he thought James would vote with them if he stayed, Will told her that he (James) would be coming after both her and Chill Town. When she asked why, the feeds were cut (doubt that's why - someone may have been singing on another feed or something).
  • Erika wouldn't commit either way when asked by Danielle about who she's voting to evict this week. She said it was a tough decision and both are dangerous players. [Editor's note: Her vote should go with Woogie for James to leave, as of this time anyway.]
  • Some of the HG slept a lot through the afternoon. Perhaps if they slept at night, they wouldn't sleep half the day. That's just me being snarky about it.
  • When talking with James, Mike Boogie made it sound like he wants George out.
  • James has decided that if he leaves 3-1, Janelle has betrayed him. If he leaves 2-2 with Mike casting the tiebreaker against him, Janelle just might be willing to work with Danielle.
  • Even Danielle and Erika are at odds about tomorrow's eviction. Danielle told Erika that she knows that James is going home, but she's not happy about it. When Erika commiserated and said no one would be happy, Danielle pointed at her and said, "Some will be happy." [Editor's note: Well, Erika... she nailed ya.]
  • Woogie is worried that Danielle will work on Erika to change the vote. [Editor's note: That would only make it 2-2 with Mike as the tiebreaker. Janelle and Will seem (note I said SEEM as anything can change anytime before the live vote) to be going for James' eviction, Erika for James and Danielle for George to go. That's how it stands right now.]
  • Woogie (alone together) talked about how they'll have to change strategies in a game without James. They weighed the pros and cons of how long Danielle, Erika, Janelle and George should last and who would work best with them. Will pushed the Janelle issue with Mike (again).

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday 8/23 Morning in the House

<--- The esteemed graphics artist Zoetawny noticed that on Will's site, he's even selling "Chill Town" doggie t-shirts, so she just had to express herself! Heehee! Someone asked about the earlier cat graphic and no, it's not really Will's cat. I don't think he has a cat, but Will and Erin have been photographed with a dog. Whether it's hers or theirs, I don't know.

Someone also asked in comments if I think the show is rigged. Now, every season we see that talk, and until this year I had an inside contact with one of the producers. I don't believe it's rigged at all. I think we're seeing a lot more pressure on BB from the houseguests this season which we really didn't see in the past. I think that perhaps the staff wasn't quite prepared for the ongoing and blatant challenging of rules, etc. Folks also tend to see Will and Mike say they're running the show, so it's often mistaken as fact. It's more that they personally think they're running the show, not that they actually are. It's a hard distinction, but it is what it is. ;-)

Onto this morning's happenings from that Big Brother House of Can You Feel The Love:
  • Before heading to bed, Will talked to Janelle about teaming up and going for The Amazing Race. I think Janelle would be good at that show as she's good in comps, but I'm not so sure about Will. He'd be good at Survivor as he's great with alliances and manipulating folks, but I don't know how he'd be at comps as his strategy has always been to avoid winning them. Can he win them? I don't even know after watching him for two seasons! But, The Amazing Race isn't a sneaky kind of show for the most part.
  • Big Brother woke up the houseguests early (for them) - around 9 AM their time.
  • Mike even wondered if they might be voting today instead of live because they had to get up so early. [Editor's note: It's a good thing he runs an evening-based business in real life. By 9 AM, I've usually been up at least a couple of hours, more on workdays.]
  • Whoa... Will and Janelle's Diary Room visit together last night went on for two hours according to Will. [Editor's note: Dang it! We see none of that on the feeds and I'm sure the show will air a teensy bit of it, but I'd love to have been a fly on the wall, wouldn't you?]
  • Woogie uses Banana Bread code for splitting the winnings on the show. Will says they're not committed to banana bread until next week.
  • Will told Mike he trusts Janelle.
  • The plans SEEM to be voting out James, then either Danielle or Erika not in any particular order, then George... leaving Will, Mike and Janelle as the final three. I think this might be an actual plan, not just a lie. Of course, Will and Mike want to be the final two, so we know when they want Janelle gone.
  • James told Will that it was obvious that he didn't want to talk to him. Will pretty much ignored him.
  • Although I missed part of it, it looks like Will told Danielle the intent is to vote out James this week. He had said he was going to hold off telling her until near time to vote. She's upset and doesn't want to vote him out. Will told her he'll continue to flip from alliance to alliance and can't be trusted.
  • Will "willed" her - "When you're upset, I'm upset." [Editor's note: Will this change the vote? I don't think so. I think Woogie is intent on James going home no matter what Danielle may want. But, as usual, Will knows to say just the right things at the right time to shmooze her.]
  • Will wants her to talk to Mike before she speaks to James.
  • Danielle sobbed while in the backyard. She said she wants to speak to Dr. Zachary (show shrink) and is ready to quit the show.
  • Will asked Erika if she was totally committed to the plan and she said she was. (Vote out James or, if a tie, Mike votes out James.)
  • They got the HOH digital camera, but with Danielle and James lost in their own funks, it's up to Chicken George to have fun with photos.

And that's where we stand as I get this posted. I have no answers why the producers are allowing the money splitting talk to go on, but they're obviously aware of it. After all, Big Brother is watching the houseguests...! (And so are we!)