Once again, the tides have turned in the Big Brother house. Now it's Erika's turn at betrayal. Will she go through with it and put her friend on the block during tomorrow's Veto Ceremony? It's a given that Janelle will save herself. At this time, Danielle knows that Erika plans to put her on the block to replace Janelle. Will Danielle fight to stay in the house or will she just go gentle into that good night? (My apologies for really misusing a fine Dylan Thomas poem.)
Here are the evening events from that Big Brother House of Pompous Playboys:
- After telling Janelle that Erika told her that she was going on the block, Danielle warned Janelle that Erika can't be trusted. Good timing there, Danielle.
- Danielle told Chicken George that he can trust Janelle. [Editor's note: It looks like Danielle wants to tie up any loose ends before leaving. Is she resigned to her fate?]
- Danielle thinks Janelle should start training George for competitions.
- Meanwhile, Erika is jumping on the trampoline in a bikini. [Editor's note: Maybe it does something for Mike or Will, but blech for me.]
- While bouncing together on the trampoline (not with Erika), Will and Janelle whispered about how great it is that Erika is going to put up Danielle... and then Erika goes home next week! Bounce. Bounce.
- Will talked to the Internet fans once again. This time he talked of welcoming us to the TerrorDome and taunted us. [Editor's note: Sigh, how quickly he forgot his love for us. Sniffle.]
- Will and Janelle discussed Janelle's pseudo-alliance with Erika. Janelle told all. It's obvious that she's playing Erika, but Erika's probably playing her, too.
- Will once again told George not to worry - he won't be going home this week. [Editor's note: Ah, but they think only one houseguest will leave this week. Welcome to our TerrorDome! Bwahahaha! Ahem.]
- They talked about American Idol. Janelle was a Katharine fan while Will liked Taylor better.
- Will wants a total body transplant because he hates working out. [Editor's note: I can identify with that!]
- Janelle and Will flirted more while on the trampoline.
- Danielle ducked to hide a cigarette she was smoking. [Editor's note: I don't think she wants her family to see her smoking or just doesn't want to be seen smoking on television. But, she's indeed stressed.]
For the most part, with the exception of Danielle knowing she's to be placed on the block tomorrow and the fact they had Christmas today, it's been a bit on the uneventful side. On the other hand, the food comp on tonight's show was a hoot! And, though they drastically shortened it and didn't mention that Will was talking to US, not the camera... his LoveFest was great. He has nice teeth, doesn't he?