Monday, August 28, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Late Night And Overnight Into Monday 8/28

Wow! Here are the happenings from the late night and overnight periods in that Big Brother house of Defensive Danielle and Reaping What You Sow:
  • Will said that Big Brother should give them a variety, but instead bought seven cases of wine and beer.
  • Danielle said she has no problem with the wine and beer. [Editor's note: Not a surprise after watching her lately.]
  • The houseguests got their alcohol around 9 PM. By then Danielle was already hiding behind the couch with another cigarette.
  • Will said he's never a nasty drunk, always happy, then goes to bed. Janelle said she talks too much when she drinks.
  • Will has plastic surgery on one ear where it was bitten by a dog when he was young.
  • Danielle started telling George all about how she can't believe she was lied to and that she's going to be voted out. She was actually crying and saying that Erika won't get her vote in the jury. George looked uncomfortable, yet tried to be sympathetic.
  • Danielle kept at poor George for a long, long time saying the same things over and over again.
  • Danielle told him the producers told her she would win. But now, he should try to get Erika to take him to the final two, then he could win because she won't have the votes.
  • Danielle thinks that Erika threw the spider's web HOH comp to put her in harm's way.
  • Danielle is drinking steadily with no signs of stopping.
  • Erika, Will, Mike and Janelle said they were going to ignore Danielle because she was drunk.
  • Will asked Janelle who George would put up if he was HOH. She didn't know. Earlier Erika had told him that George was going to put up Chill Town. Will's testing the waters.
  • Will and Janelle flirted. Again.
  • Danielle is not a good drunk, certainly not smart when drunk. In front of George, she asked Janelle to keep her in the house (thus voting out George) so she could go after Erika. George didn't say anything. Janelle just looked at her. When Danielle realized what she said, she hugged George and said she knew it wouldn't happen. Duh.
  • After ranting so much and so long, George suggested that Danielle talk to Erika (not him).
  • Under questioning from Danielle, Erika backpedaled a bit and said that putting her up was a possibility, not a done deal.
  • Danielle started drunkenly yelling at Erika. [Editor's note: Oh, yeah... that will help her cause.]
  • The confrontation went on for what seemed like forever - Danielle shouting and accusing, Erika pretty much just standing there probably not quite knowing what to do or say.
  • Danielle blatantly smoked as she ranted at Erika - no attempts to hide it.
  • Erika finally said that she knew Danielle was working with others and that she hadn't even nominated her yet.
  • Erika finally sought out help from the others as she couldn't stop Danielle's rant.
  • Mike didn't/wouldn't wake up, so Will ended up talking to Erika about how necessary it is to get Danielle out of the house. She had been wavering under the pressure from Danielle's rant, but Will worked his magic with her to meet the goals he's set in the game.
  • Danielle started leaning on the HOH doorbell (where Will and Erika were) with no sign of letting up. Will and Erika ignored her.
  • Danielle rang the bell more than 70 or 80 times, alternately banging on the door and yelling.
  • Will and Erika think Danielle's gone absolutely bonkers. Will decides to stay right there overnight so they don't have to face Danielle.
  • Finally Danielle gave up and went downstairs where she found Janelle.
  • She told Janelle all her troubles, once again repeating things over and over with the main thing being that Erika won't have her jury vote.
  • Janelle and nearby George were quiet, nodding now and then and making signs they were ready to head to bed. Both seemed at a loss how to handle Danielle.
  • Will was ticked that Mike was the one who wanted to do the show and he wasn't trying to help out during the evening - he was sleeping.
  • A Will quote: "You know your life is crazy when you like Janelle more than Mike Boogie." [Editor's note: Well, mine wouldn't be crazy, but Mike Boogie is supposed to be his best friend, not mine.]
  • After being an agitated broken record for several hours, Danielle went to bed, leaving George and Janelle in her wake. Janelle said she thought Danielle would wig out before this.
  • George warned Janelle that Will is "shady."
  • As I post this, Erika is the only one awake. She seems troubled by the events of the evening.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into Sunday Evening 8/27

Once again, the tides have turned in the Big Brother house. Now it's Erika's turn at betrayal. Will she go through with it and put her friend on the block during tomorrow's Veto Ceremony? It's a given that Janelle will save herself. At this time, Danielle knows that Erika plans to put her on the block to replace Janelle. Will Danielle fight to stay in the house or will she just go gentle into that good night? (My apologies for really misusing a fine Dylan Thomas poem.)

Here are the evening events from that Big Brother House of Pompous Playboys:
  • After telling Janelle that Erika told her that she was going on the block, Danielle warned Janelle that Erika can't be trusted. Good timing there, Danielle.
  • Danielle told Chicken George that he can trust Janelle. [Editor's note: It looks like Danielle wants to tie up any loose ends before leaving. Is she resigned to her fate?]
  • Danielle thinks Janelle should start training George for competitions.
  • Meanwhile, Erika is jumping on the trampoline in a bikini. [Editor's note: Maybe it does something for Mike or Will, but blech for me.]
  • While bouncing together on the trampoline (not with Erika), Will and Janelle whispered about how great it is that Erika is going to put up Danielle... and then Erika goes home next week! Bounce. Bounce.
  • Will talked to the Internet fans once again. This time he talked of welcoming us to the TerrorDome and taunted us. [Editor's note: Sigh, how quickly he forgot his love for us. Sniffle.]
  • Will and Janelle discussed Janelle's pseudo-alliance with Erika. Janelle told all. It's obvious that she's playing Erika, but Erika's probably playing her, too.
  • Will once again told George not to worry - he won't be going home this week. [Editor's note: Ah, but they think only one houseguest will leave this week. Welcome to our TerrorDome! Bwahahaha! Ahem.]
  • They talked about American Idol. Janelle was a Katharine fan while Will liked Taylor better.
  • Will wants a total body transplant because he hates working out. [Editor's note: I can identify with that!]
  • Janelle and Will flirted more while on the trampoline.
  • Danielle ducked to hide a cigarette she was smoking. [Editor's note: I don't think she wants her family to see her smoking or just doesn't want to be seen smoking on television. But, she's indeed stressed.]

For the most part, with the exception of Danielle knowing she's to be placed on the block tomorrow and the fact they had Christmas today, it's been a bit on the uneventful side. On the other hand, the food comp on tonight's show was a hoot! And, though they drastically shortened it and didn't mention that Will was talking to US, not the camera... his LoveFest was great. He has nice teeth, doesn't he?

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Sunday 8/27 Into The Afternoon

Did you see the snow? I only saw rain here today, but it was Christmas in August for our favorite (and not so favorite) Big Brother houseguests! As I previously mentioned, they blocked us from Christmas. Oh, that's so wrong, isn't it? I feel Scrooged.

Here are today's events leading well into the afternoon hours from that Big Brother House of Christmas In August Loot:
  • Will said Neil Patrick Harris was there, he's thrilled. The gifts included a camera, a PSP player, a DVD player and DVDs, new pillows, new clothes, and more.
  • Danielle went to bed after they finished the big party.
  • Will was like a kid on a sugar rush going on about the day while George thought it was "So COOL!"
  • Neil Patrick Harris allegedly ate slop. I can just imagine what his How I Met Your Mother character Barney would react to that - it would be legendary! He also filmed a Diary Room segment.
  • Will flirted more with Janelle. At one point, as she napped on the bed, he got on the floor and said he'll be able to move to the bed when his girlfriend dumps him over the show.
  • Janelle reminded him they're just friends and his response was: "I know! And that's how people get pregnant!"
  • They all napped. So, I took a bubble bath while listening to Mozart, then napped myself. Ah, that felt good!
  • Erika thought that Janelle got better clothes from the Christmas in August than she did.
  • Will is worried that a new shirt he received might make him look gay. "Does this make me look gay?" He may wear it on the live show. [Editor's note: Too bad Marcellas isn't around to critique it!]
  • Will talked to Erika more about the money split. [Editor's note: I imagine we'll keep hearing talk of this with her until the Erika split, planned for right after the Danielle split. How's them splits for ya, Erika?]
  • George is saving the spoon and its slop that touched the lips of Neil Patrick Harris. [Editor's note: Now, if he gave it to Howie, it would end up on Ebay!]
  • Janelle and Erika schemed about taking out Chill Town. Act or not?
  • Danielle told Will that she didn't want her family to see her walking out the door another loser in the game. [Editor's note: When in doubt, use sympathy votes!]
  • Danielle noticed that Erika was acting a bit subdued and asked if something was wrong. Erika told her that there was no way she could beat her (Danielle) in the final two.
  • Danielle muttered to herself that she should have kept Marcellas in the game. She realizes that Erika has turned.
  • Danielle questioned Janelle about her reasoning in voting out James. Janelle told her it was because she heard that James planned to backdoor her (he did) and the really bad acting throwing comps.
  • Danielle told Janelle that Erika just told her she was putting her (Danielle) on the block. Janelle played dumb. "Really? How did she say it?"
  • Danielle told Janelle it was all right, it was just a game. [Editor's note: It is, but it's a game with big stakes and she wanted to win it. Now, to ME, it's a game. I win or lose nothing and as long as I'm entertained, that's all I need. But if I were in it for the money in the house, I know I'd feel it was all much more than a game.]
  • Danielle fussed that the Diary Room needs to call her because it's un-freekin-believable that she's going on the block because people are scared she'll win. [Editor's note: Well, it may have a bit more to do with Chill Town just wanting her gone.]
  • Danielle is sure she'll be voted out and all of a sudden becomes Janelle's friend and confidante. She told Janelle that she hopes she (Janelle) wins. Too little, too late, methinks.
  • Danielle regrets trusting Erika and feels she should have realized that she wouldn't be on her side.

And that's it for now. Remember, the show is on at 8 PM ET/PT and tonight's show will be the nominations and Will's Internet Lovefest bits!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Quick Update - Christmas In August - 8/27

<--- Will takes a photo of George and Janelle with his new camera from Christmas in August.

The feeds were blocked for the event, save for a few short glimpses. The houseguests got DVDs and the camera, and probably a lot more loot as one glimpse showed an awful lot of discarded wrapping paper!

When the feeds returned for good, all were talking in the kitchen except Danielle who was either napping, plotting or sulking on her own in bed.

Will said that the three women should bounce on the trampoline in their lingerie with him. He had no takers.

Very little has happened today since the Christmas in August came not all that long after they got up. Once I gather enough happenings for a full report, I'll get one posted. But, I thought a quickie update was in order for y'all.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Sunday 8/27

Last night, the POV (which we were blocked from seeing) was one of the morph competitions. The houseguests were presented an image of two former houseguests and had to name the two, then go onto another image. Graphic artist Zoetawny gives us Dr. Winelle here. I find it scary. Yikes! But, if I didn't know who it was, I'd figure Janelle because of the hair and might have a rough time guessing Will.

Here are the events which transpired in the late night and overnight hours in that Big Brother House of An Exuberant Blonde and Her Dazed Competitors:
  • The comp took George 24 minutes to complete, Janelle less than one minute. All of the women shined in this one, but Danielle and Erika both forgot to light their light to move on and cost themselves time. Will and Mike did a lot better than George, but nowhere near Danielle, Erika and Janelle.
  • Will said that if he was given the answers, it would still take him more than a minute. He's in awe of Janelle's ability in the comp, as is the entire house.
  • Danielle hugged Janelle and congratulated her, but later went to the HOH to vent a bit by herself. She mumbled, she paced, she watched the others on the spy screen. She wanted Erika up there, but Erika was with the rest of the houseguests. She got herself together and then rejoined the rest of the house. [Editor's note: She seems in awe, but she wanted this one so bad. She has no reason to believe that Erika will put her on the block, so she's not feeling particularly threatened. I think she actually might want Janelle in the game more than George. Have I told you that not knowing George's strategy bugs her?]
  • The HG were saying how more of the face would show as time went on. Will said (paraphrasing), "When George was up they showed the face, then the body and then the person himself came up and tapped him on the shoulder and said 'It's me.'"
  • George, in the spirit of the true Chicken Man, laughed at himself and praised Janelle's abilities.
  • Woogie approached Erika and told her that she needs to put Danielle on the block in Janelle's place. She told them she couldn't.
  • They put on an act, implying that Danielle had said something about coming after her (Erika), but they were interrupted by Janelle walking in.
  • Janelle left. Will told Erika not to even tell Danielle she was putting her up; make her think she's safe. "At some point, you're going to have to make some moves that you consider bad (mean), but you have to do what can get you ahead in the game."
  • Danielle watched from the spy cam in the HOH room, then asked Erika if she was putting her (Danielle) on the block. Erika told her no and Danielle then said that she always asks. [Editor's note: She didn't mention spying on them. Remember, there's no audio on that spy cam.]
  • Janelle said the morph comp was different from the one last season. Last season had three faces combined, this one only had two. Will wondered why they made it "easier" for the All Stars.
  • Will put on a good act that he was frustrated with Janelle's abilities to win comps and how easy it was for her.
  • Janelle said (of the comp), "I knew those eyes. They were my friends, I looked into those eyes a lot last season."
  • Mike said he didn't want to "go down a James Rhine route" but she had to get absolutely nothing wrong in the comp. [Editor's note: To pull a Marcellas is to not use the veto to save yourself. To go down a James Rhine route is to fuss, moan and whine that comps are set for Janelle to win.]
  • Danielle thinks that this comp is Janelle's first real win in the game. She claims that all the other wins were even given to her or she cheated. [Editor's note: Ah, Danielle, green doesn't become you. Get your game going, girl.]
  • Alone together, Erika told Janelle that she doesn't think she could beat Danielle in the final two. Janelle said she didn't think anyone could. Erika asked Janelle her opinion on what she should do. Janelle told her there are three people left - Mike, Will, George - what did she want her to do? Does she want her to vote a certain way? [Editor's note: These two are asking for opinion, but obviously trying to see what the other knows or plans to do. Not as good as watching the PuppetMaster do it.]
  • Janelle hinted to Erika that Mike was good at the game, but Will wasn't good because he throws comps and doesn't really play the game. [Editor's note: She seems to be trying to steer Erika away from nominating Will by showing that he's not a threat to her, but Mike could be.]
  • Erika told Mike it worries her to leave him and Will in the game together.
  • Will and Mike then promised Erika that Mike would take Erika into the final two. [Editor's note: Now, if they were the final two, that's the one person that Erika might stand a chance to win against. Will she fall for their promise? We'll see.]
  • Will told Erika that he hates Janelle, but flirts with her to keep himself in the game. He loves his girlfriend, Erin. He told her that he would "bow out" of the final and leave it as Mike and her (Erika).
  • Will to Erika: "If you want to be selfish for yourself, vote out Danielle. If you want to be selfish for your brother and your family, vote out Danielle." And so on... hinting that Danielle is her biggest obstacle between herself and the win.
  • Erika told George she guarantees his safety this week - she'll put up someone who will be the target. [Editor's note: Hmmm... the votes are coming from Will, Mike, Janelle or Danielle. Only Danielle would be the sure shoo-out.]
  • She then told him it would have to be Danielle. She said that she wasn't even thinking of Will as a possibility.
  • Erika seems to have bought the bridge. Her target now seems to be Danielle. But, of course, tomorrow is another day and Danielle has time to work her between now and the POV Ceremony on Monday.
  • Will told Janelle that they've gotten Erika to target Danielle. "We work quietly and swiftly, unlike you guys." (S6?)
  • All are asleep now and today is supposed to be their food comp prize of Christmas in August.