Tuesday, September 12, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Tuesday 9/12

Last feeds report of the season! Last feeds report about watching Mike Boogie and Erika wallowing about the BB House!

Here are today's events from that Big Brother House of Should Have Ended Four Days Ago:
  • Erika and Mike Boogie got up early... noon, their time.
  • They know they're scheduled to go on The View tomorrow and have talked about it the past few days. Mike is now worried his ear(s) will give him a problem flying.
  • Erika mentioned that she thinks they're the most injury-prone two in the house. I think that the whole house was more injury-prone than any other season.
  • Erika mumbled that she looks like a stick figure. Yep, she does!
  • They packed more things, including their keys.
  • Mike exercised, Erika puttered about and shaved her legs.
  • They're both a bit antsy about tonight. I'm not.
  • Mike said that Janelle had no morals even though she was always reading the Bible. [Editor's note: @@ Can I get an eyeroll? Mike said someone else has no morals? Check.]
  • That's about it. The feeds are blocked as we get closer to the show.

As usual, I'll be posting East Coast Updates as the show airs here.

I'll be addressing some questions in comments/email a bit later tonight after the show. I'm not ignoring you! Really!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Monday Evening and Overnight Into Tuesday 9/12

Mundane. Tedious. Non-earthshaking.

Here are the events of the evening and overnight hours from that Big Brother house of the Deceitful and the Deceited:
  • Mike Boogie misses his mother. [Editor's note: She lives in New Hampshire, he in California. He should always miss her, right?]
  • Now Erika says she's not going to win. When Mike asked if it was because of Janelle, she said no. Janelle is just jealous. [Erika said that, not me!]
  • Once again, Big Brother gave them wine and beer.
  • Erika told Mike Boogie that if he wins, she will be happy for him. All he said was, "Back at ya."
  • Erika told Mike that his "character" (for the season) was the lead character, funny, life of the party.
  • Erika talked about her casting work on Survivor and spoke highly of the castaways (not the new upcoming ones, past seasons).
  • They both think tons of people will swarm them. [Editor's note: @@ Roll those eyes!]
  • Mike's ear is still bothering him.
  • They showered together in bathing suits.
  • They asked for and received movies to watch, which led to blocked feeds for us.
  • They're now asleep.

Monday, September 11, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Monday 9/11 Through The Afternoon

One more day and it's all over! I just saw a commercial for tomorrow night's show and they said (paraphrasing) that Erika will find out how Mike really is. So, it could be worthwhile. Too bad I don't like Erika or Mike much at all. Um. None at all. Make them both go away!

I want to address a few questions from the comments area:

The number to cancel the live feeds is 866-212-1343 - make sure you get a confirmation number or something to back it up. You have to call, it can't be done online.

A few folks asked if I had a P.O. Box. I ask that they send me an email (not in the comments area) to this address: jackiestvblog@gmail.com

The amount of money the houseguests receive was in question, too. Each week that they're in sequester (pre-season and jury) or in the house, the figure I've heard for a stipend is a net (not gross) amount of $2,000 for the All Stars season. The houseguests have it figured out if they last through the jury, they'll earn $30,000 gross. That's not in addition to the stipend - it IS the stipend money. The second place winner wins $50,000 and the winner $500,000.

Someone asked about tomorrow night's show schedule (yes, I'll blog the show here as it airs in the East) - it's an hour-long show, starting at 8 PM ET/PT in most areas.

Some were also wondering about my Survivor blogging - that will be done right here on this blog, as well as The Amazing Race and Lost. I have the Survivor posts in gear already with a show introduction and tribe information in these entries -- Looking at the Tribes: Part One, Looking at the Tribes: Part Two, Looking at the Tribes: Part Three and Looking at the Tribes: Part Four. I hope to see show fans there getting involved as we all notice different things and bring our own perspectives to the shows. But, you needn't change links or move to a new blog - it'll all be right here!

Finally... here's what happened today so far in that Big Brother House of The Unchosen:
  • That had to be a movie marathon last night as the feeds returned around 6:30 AM ET (3:30 their time) to a sleeping in the big bed Mike Boogie and Erika.
  • They were finally up about 1 PM (their time).
  • Erika made half-hearted attempts at cleaning while Mike tried to figure if the feeds were live or not. Erika told him that they were like an old married couple not talking - even after five years with Josh, they always talked.
  • Erika mumbled to herself that while she loves that guy (ew!), he's moody. [Editor's note: Wait to see how much she loves him tomorrow. I could burst into song... "Tonight you're mine completely, you give your love so sweetly, but will you still love me tomorrow?"]
  • Erika is still having trouble with the rib she broke early in the season.
  • Mike worked out.
  • While Mike said it was "poetic that Will left under his (Mike's) HOH reign, Erika tried to get him to admit that Will's eviction was all her doing.
  • He told her that it wasn't; it was Janelle's doing. She told him she got Janelle to do it.
  • They talked about what to wear, producers and other things - nothing really exciting.

One more day... one more day!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Brief - Overnight Into Monday 9/11

Not a heck of a lot went on last night in the Big Brother house.

Here's the skinny:
  • Mike and Erika both napped a bit, not together.
  • They got a Scrabble game from Big Brother.
  • Mike Boogie made tuna melts and then they played Scrabble. Woohoo.
  • Erika is bored. So are we, so are we.
  • Erika cried and said something about telling the Diary Room she was suicidal - she really wants out of the house.
  • BB gave them a movie to watch set up in the HOH room, so all went to flame/clouds as the feeds were blocked.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

'Survivor 13: Cook Islands' - A Look at the Tribes - Part 4

Ah, the last of the four tribes which will hopefully be mixed within a few weeks of the show. While it's good to have a more diverse cast (at last) on the show, I'd rather see folks from varying walks of life work together rather than segregated groups. We'll see what happens soon!

My previous posts in this series are:
Looking at the Tribes: Part One - Looking at the Tribes: Part Two - Looking at the Tribes: Part Three. Each entry explores a tribe within the show with the first part being a bit of an introduction to the season.

This is the last tribe I have to cover (no particular order went into how I listed the tribes - I hit a graphic I made stored away and it was the luck of the draw).

I now present the Hispanic-American (Latino-American would work, too) Tribe:

Ozzy Osbourne, he's certainly not! Ozzy was born in Mexico and has lived in both Central America and seven different U.S. states. He's currently a waiter and previously was a restaurant manager. Balance sports seem to be his thing - surfing, sailboarding, skateboarding, wakeboarding, gymnastics and motorcycle riding. He also has several skills which may come in handy on Survivor - spearfishing, diving to thirty feet, ability to hold his breath underwater for three minutes, camping and outdoors skills. Dang, he looks like a kid, but I think he's going to be very strong in physical challenges. He's single, lives in CA but owns land in Panama, and lives with his German Shepard mix, Buddha... who's also his surfing partner.

Oh, I think I have Ozzy fever!

Cristina is actually a Californian from California! That's unusual! She was born and raised in Santa Monica and grew up in a family of police officers. Her father was shot and killed in an unsolved murder when she was only 12. By the age of 14, she was already making strides to become a police officer herself. She's a police officer in her own city and has done police work for 14 years. She has also done some police-related consultant work for television and received a makeover on Red Carpet Confidential (E!). Cristina was shot in the line of duty on July 4, 2000 and suffered what was likely to be career-ending damage to her left arm. Through dedication and perserverance, she built the arm back and beat all odds.

No mention of a family for Cristina, although the CBS site has a really extensive bio on her. Another strong woman. Castaway men beware.

JP, eh? I always wonder about those "initials" people. Or not. Another native Californian. I was beginning to think all Californians came from New York while writing up the other tribes. JP was born in Santa Monica and grew up in Marina del Rey. He's a professional volleyball player and went to California State University (Lon Beach) on a full volleyball scholarship. He's coached Junior Olympic teams and is the co-director of the all-girl Mizuno Long Beach Volleyball Club. I'd say he's a volleyball buff, but is he a sole Survivor?

He could be... he's an avid swimmer and outrigger canoer (canoeist?), loves hiking and running. He occasionally models. He's seen some rough times - his mother passed away when he was 9 and his father recently passed. Both died of cancer and he's involved with cancer-related charities. He lives with his dog Frankie, a Jack Russell Terrier. Move over Ozzy... JP fever may take over!

Cecilia is a Californian from Peru. Well, at least that's different from all the New York Californians. She moved to CA at 15 and learned English at 16. She's a smart one - she secured scholarships at all colleges to which she applied. She chose the University of California, Davis, for her bachelors. She's working as a technology risk consultant, and previously worked as a management consultant. She enjoys photography and says her heroes are her parents who gave up a comfortable life in Peru to make a better life for their children.

I'm not seeing much at all in her CBS bio involving any kind of sports or athletic endeavors on her part.

Hmmm... she seems very smart, but will she have the grit and determination? I don't know.

Oh! A New Yorker residing in New York! Wonders shall never cease. Billy was born in New York, moved to Miami when he was seven, then packed up to move back to NY at the age of 22. He studied karate, judo and wrestling when he was young, but then turned his interest to music. He's currently a heavy metal band guitarist and songwriter (Forsakken), but at one time in 1997, he won a silver medal for amateur wrestling.

From the bio, he seems to be single. I'm not sure how wrestling and judo will translate to Survivor challenges. I want to like Billy. He looks like he might be interesting to watch. But I bet Vegas isn't betting on him for the big win.