Monday, September 10, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into the Night Sunday 9/09

There it is, the epitome of excitement in the house -- Jameka is reading the bible!

There's no drama for your mama tonight!
  • Daniele is sure the Donatos will win it all.
  • Dick did laundry. The machine is still not working properly, so he put in more soap thinking if the clothes don't get clean, at least they'll be soapy.
  • Daniele exercised.
  • They all ate together.
  • They still don't know of the planned Tuesday eviction.
  • There have been no brouhahas.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - 9/09 Sunday Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Due to the U.S. Open, the show is starting late here in the NYC area. But, finally, it's starting!

As it airs, this post will be frequently updated with the latest happenings. Please forgive any typos or misspellings as I tend to pay more attention to the TV than to my keyboard or monitor. Let's hope I keep my fingers over the right keys or orirr3dda!

I'd like to thank Isabelle -- a fellow TV Squad writer -- for letting us know the start of the show from Canada (where they started it on time) in the comments of my previous post!

Also, sigh ... I had to turn word verification back on -- got hit by a porn spambot.

We're into the recap and now Eric's getting evicted all over again. Now Jessica's getting evicted all over again. Deja vu all over again in spades no less! Thanks to Isabelle I know that this recap stuff is going to take up much too long a portion of tonight's show. What's up with that?

Dick is offering Jameka the fake deal for her vote to get her to the final three. This is all out of time sequence, it took place before Jessica's eviction. We're into the HOH between Dick, Daniele, and Eric from Thursday night before Eric was evicted.

Now Dick is nominating Eric all over again. To the Niagara Balls veto ... again. (Why did I bother watching the show last Thursday?) Amazing ... Zach won it for the second time, the dude has his balls all in a row, eh? Eric goes out the door again.

Now Jameka thinks she's on her own in the game. Dick is smug and is sure he and Daniele will be in the final three. Zach is feeling himself to be an outsider in their group. Daniele thinks it's funny that if they betray Zach they will have betrayed everyone. Zach sort of tires his own intimidation tactic with them -- you better not send me packing!

The houseguests found the Memory Wall full of new pictures. They know they'll be tied into the HOH comp somehow, so they must be studied. Daniele wants to win and is surprised how much she wants to win for both herself and her father. The comp is Mushroom Madness and they have to answer questions on the pictures (which were based on comps).

Yipes, the questions are a bit tough! Yeah, we can get the answers because they're showing us the pics as Dick asks the questions. Zach is in the lead by one right now with Jameka and Daniele on his tail. Whoops, Jameka got one wrong.

Zach and Daniele are tied. It's into a tiebreaker between Zach and Daniele. Daniele looks panicky, Zach subdued. Zach is the new HOH, Daniele hugs him. Dick thinks they're still safe because they've been working together with Zach.

Yeah, right.

Dick tells Daniele how proud he is of her. Daniele sulks, fusses, and is being petulant. Dick thinks that they're safe. He's only worried that Jameka might win POV, but not all that worried at all. Now you see why I summed up Daniele's post-HOH comp behavior in my feeds post with "This sucks." and "It sucks." The show made it more bearable, but that went on FOREVER.

Zach's HOH room party was a bit lackluster, but he's happy with his letter from home and the photos.

Evel Dick went to Zach pleading Daniele's case in the case of a Jameka POV win. Dick pushes for a Jameka nomination and voting her out. Zach tells him that he wants to be with him in the final two. Dick knows one Donato has to go on the block, but he doesn't want both of them up there.

Zach decides it's time to work with Jameka. He tells her he wants to put both of the Donatos on the block, she needs to play "her ass off" in the POV and then vote Daniele out.

Dniele still looks all mopey as she visits Zach in the HOH room. She asks him if he's going to put both her and her father up. She defends her father's gameplay. She tells him that they saved him in the game. (Why do I get the feeling that she's defending her father so much so Zach will save her, not him in the nominations?)

Zach doesn't tell her what he'll do but mumbles after she leaves ... "Nobody can beat your dad? Your dad's an idiot!"

She runs back to her father. Dick thinks he's stupid and decides he has to talk to him. He reminds Zach of the deal to the final three. (What about Dick's deal with Eric and Jessica?) Dick starts to get abrupt and intimidating.

It all hinges on the POV and it looks certain that Zach will nominate Daniele and Dick as he told Jameka. Dick and Daniele seem to feel he'll do that, too. And, of course, we know he will ... but it's time for a commercial!

Time for the nominations. It's a typical drawn-out long speech by Zach. On the feeds he said the DR told him to make it that way. He points out that Jameka restored his faith in God, which is huge to him. He pulls out Jameka's key. Dick tells him that it didn';t work for the first two HOHs and it won't work for them. Zach says he doesn't like Dick's tactics, but they work for him. He talks about Daniele's power in comps. "I'm the muscle and I'm going to muscle you out."

Jameka is sitting there looking dumbfounded and confused. Daniele is jumpy, Dick is getting into gear.

Dick is confident -- "If we win the POV, we win the game."

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Update Sunday So Far

The show tonight here on the East Coast is going to start nearly a half-hour behind schedule due to the US Open. When it starts, I'll start a live-blogging post. Since I got hit by a porn spambot, I had to turn on word verification once again -- I apologize.

In house news, there's not too much going on since they slept away most of the day so far, but here's the skinny:
  • Dick is giving Zach the cold shoulder, but not the nasty.
  • Zach can't stop telling Jameka how much he hates Dick. He told her that if he wins HOH, he's taking Daniele to the final two.
  • Jameka exercised and keeps working on her crafts plate she started with the kit from the other night.
  • Daniele is being congenial to both Zach and Jameka. Dick is being congenial to Jameka.
  • Jameka and Zach are certain that today is 9/11.
  • Jameka and Zach don't know that the eviction of Jameka will take place Tuesday -- they're still thinking Thursday.

'Survivor 15: China' - My First Impressions on the Cast - Part Three

This is my third installment on the new castaways for Survivor 15: China. I know I'm rather slowly muddling through this, but I swear I'll have my cast thoughts up before the season premiere! Previous castaway thoughts can be found here. And here.

Let's get it started!

Oh, my. Erik has one of the longest bio sections I think I've ever seen for a contestant on the show. He's been a pauper, a prince, and a king! Er, okay. I made that up or stole it from an old song.

After reading his 1000 word (or more) bio, I come away with he's a rock musician, has done modeling, is a Christian, and was sidelined from his track star status due to a broken leg.

He thinks he's "genuine, honest, sensitive, competitive, a problem solver, athletic and sometimes, a perfectionist." Well, he does, does he? In his video on the CBS site, he adds another quality -- he's good-looking!

I don't know. I usually end up getting turned off when folks go on about how handsome or attractive they think they are. Yeah, when they do that, they often are attractive, but narcissistic ways are often a hint at other behaviors which annoy me.

So, let me move on to his favorites list. Maybe he can redeem himself with me and be something more than eye candy. He likes outdoor activities, always a good thing for Survivor, but he doesn't list the show itself. He enjoys The Beatles and Led Zepplin -- odd tastes for his age bracket. Hmm. For his cereal, he likes Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That shows he's young at heart, but thinking a bit beyond Froot Loops.

His chances? He's a puzzler to me. I think on the physical level, he'll do fine. But something just isn't sitting right with me about him. In his video he said he didn't want to come across as arrogant. Y'know, I think that just may be it. I think he might have an alpha male thing a'goin' on. I predict out before mid-pack targeted as a threat by the others. Of course, I could be wrong!

Next I'm taking a closer look at the youngest Survivor contestant ever, Frosti. I don't think you can understand how hard it is for me not to make Frosty the Snowman references. Dang, almost impossible.

First off, although he sounds good and seems very capable ... how did he get on the show? I thought the minimum age was 21 and he's only 20. Since his estranged father isn't on the show (keyword: Donato), I'm not sure how he's there, not at all.

Getting past his age and his name, I checked out his bio page on the CBS website. He does seem to have quite a background for the mere child he is. Oops, I didn't want to mention his age again. He's smart, athletic, well-traveled, and more. That Parkour stuff (read at the bio link) might be a big plus for him in the game.

I checked his video and, except for him mentioning his age so much (oops), I thought he came across as eager and personable. In his bio he says he's creative, dynamic, and determined.

In his favorites, he doesn't mention Survivor as a TV show, but does mention Jack Kerouac as an author. Hmmm. He enjoys his Frosted Flakes, but I sort of suspected a cereal with a sugar punch for him.

I don't know. I kind of like this kid. He has spirit in his video and could have what it takes. A helpful hint for him -- don't go around talking about how you're the youngest castaway ever. I think he could last a long, long time.

Next is Jaime. Not to be catty, but I don't think I'll like her much on the show. When I watch an introductory video and the person goes on about how catty other girls are when it comes to her -- it sets off red flags in my mind. It comes across as an "I'm better and prettier than you could ever dream to be" state of mind. Perhaps she'll get together with Erik.

In her bio page, she looks better than in the video. She's a college senior on an academic scholarship (has the brights!) who works part-time as a waitress throughout the school year (has a work ethic). She thinks she's friendly, energetic, and candid. In the video she mentions that she tends to bottle up the frustration until she "goes redneck" on folks.

A look at her favorites reveal that she's a fan of both Survivor and David Letterman. I might have to change my opinion of her! A Letterman fan? Cool. Uh-oh. She lists multiple cereals -- Rice Krispies Treats, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She's fickle! Ack! Plus, they're all cereals geared to the child within.

Y'know, I'd love to say for the Letterman nod, I'll like her in the game. But I just can't do it. I think she may last a while, but I think that there will be issues with playing well with others or attitude.

Finally - Life in the 'Big Brother 8' House - Current Screen Cap

Here it is going for nearly 4:30 PM here on the East Coast -- Jameka and Daniele just got up. Zach and Evel Dick are still in bed. Not together, of course!

Now, THAT is something they should do something about next season!