Thursday, February 28, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds Through the Night

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yes, Zoetawny got that one right -- it's a shame Alex couldn't have rid himself of Amanda.

With Julie's cryptic mention of changes next week, I can only assume that the couples will break up and they're not going to voted out two by two.

Alas, a week too late to save Alex.

Here are the happenings since the end of the live show last night:
  • Allison thinks that she's always getting [bleeped] over in the house. Now she means with Joshuah as one of the HOH couple.
  • Matt wants Joshuah to be civil to Allison for the sake of the house. Apparently there was some big blow-up between Allison and Joshuah yesterday during the blocked feeds.
  • Adam latched onto Joshuah.
  • Alex and Amanda left their bed area in a mess.
  • Allison thinks all the shadiness in the house is due to Matt and Natalie.
  • Allison told Ryan that Joshuah threatened to slit her throat and threw the HOH key at her.
  • Joshuah says he's never hit a woman and all he did was get in her face.
  • Allison was called into the DR, then Joshuah. Sharon got worried they'd expel him from the house.
  • While Joshuah was in the DR, there was an audio leak (I always find those a bit conveniently mysterious) with Joshuah telling them he understood that Allison felt physically intimidated.
  • After he came out of the DR, Joshuah said he had to stay five feet away from Allison.
  • Adam doesn't think Matt is smart enough to win a HOH comp.
  • Joshuah promised Adam and Sheila that they wouldn't be going this week.
  • Ryan is sure that he and Allison will go on the block. He asked Adam to use the POV on him if he wins it. Adam didn't commit.
  • Allison is sick of the house, the drama. After all, she has a real life on the outside.
  • Allison thinks Joshuah is unstable and "lots of people have killed when they're unstable."
  • Allison also confronted Sheila about what she said on the live show to Julie Chen about their fight. Sheila said she never said anything bad about Allison.
  • Allison claims she doesn't know what set Joshuah off on her.
  • She also reminded Matt that the only reason they're still in the house is because of her and Ryan. @@
  • Joshuah thinks Ryan is scared of him.
  • Adam and Joshuah told Matt not to worry because Operation Gardener is in effect -- get rid of Allison because she's always planting seeds.
  • Allison thinks Joshuah and Sharon will backdoor her so she won't even have a chance.
  • James worried about the Hudson River Virus thinking it might flood the house. That's the first mention I've heard of it on the feeds and I'm surprised that James doesn't remember the Hudson is in NY -- he was picked up for the show in Brooklyn!
  • Joshuah said he "took a page from Dick's book and it worked."
  • Allison is going all kinds of hyper -- confronting Sharon, Joshuah, and even Ryan!
  • She wants out of the house if BB isn't going to take threats seriously.
  • Chelsia talked with Ryan telling him Allison is just selfish if she leaves, everyone knows Joshuah isn't going to kill anybody.
  • Chelsia went into detail with Ryan about the lesbian lie. He thinks that Allison is strong, but breaking under the pressure.
  • Allison called Ryan names to Matt in the boat room. She thinks he's spineless for not defending her (Ryan, not Matt).
  • Ryan found out Allison's talking about him and wanted to use Adam as a mediator to find out what was said.
  • Adam didn't want to get involved.
  • Ryan told Allison no one in the house liked her, they like him.
  • He said they're in a bad place in the house because of the way she acts. (Memories of Alex and Amanda drift through my mind.)
  • Natalie told Matt he never talks to her.
  • Joshuah got called into the DR again and told Sharon he has a gag order and can't talk about it.
  • All are in bed as I post this.
Can you feel the love?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

It looks like we'll just get the show in under the wire here -- Blogger has a ten minute outage for maintenance expected at 9 PM ET. Yipes!

But the show has started here in the NYC area and this post will be updated constantly as it airs. Please share your thoughts in comments! Right now, they're recapping Operation Condor, etc. The girls went to the hospital and all have a new perspective. The veto was not used ... and now we're ready!

Oy, my. Julie Chen is wearing boots. She looks like a biker chick! But first ... she talks Operation Condor and the swinging pendulum.

It looks stupid for the girls to be wearing bikinis while the guys are dressed. BB should have made the guys wear bathing suits, too!

I wonder how many times they'll show Amanda collapsing. Her blood sugar is still low and the doc told her to eat five meals. Of course, she's supposed to be on slop, but...

It's raining again. Matt tries to buddy up with Adam. Adam has his back.

Sharon realizes that Matt and Natalie are the strongest team and this would be the perfect time to evict them. She campaigns. People listen... even Adam, but he says he will be voting for Matt to stay.

Matt coaches Natalie on what to say to Joshuah and Sharon to keep them safe not knowing that the tide has turned. She promises Joshuah that he'll never go up. Natalie thinks she has a special job with them, but it just ain't so.

Ryan wants Amanda and Alex out while Allison wants Matt and Natalie gone.

The vote will be live, but we get taped DR segments. Adam and Sheila are pro-Mattalie.

Julie is checking in with the HG, tells Amanda and Allison that she's glad they're okay. Amanda thinks everyone is closer. Sheila thinks her relationship with Allison is fine, but goes on about things being said behind her back ... has learned to keep things to herself. She was worried about Allison's health scare. James gets applause for helping out Amanda.

Alex aid it felt great when Amanda returned. (Yeah, right.)

Life without drinking cups and hot water was miserable according to Matt. Sheila says the slop diet is the best diet ever -- she's lost five pounds and it tastes nothing like oatmeal.

Jame and Chelsia kindred spirits coming up.

DR room segment with Joshuah and Sharon -- she wants Mattalie gone, Joshuah wants Amanda gone.

James and Chelsia's friends are going to tell us why they're a perfect fit. They think they're both caring and passionate people. I notice BB hasn't mentioned the gay porn. Heh.

Julie talks to the HOH couple -- she reminds James he promised they wouldn't nominate Mattalie, he explains both couples were the strongest up so one would go. Chelsia has no regrets. It will make it hard for others to trust them, but. James says most of the HG are materialistic and have no desire to find themselves. Chelsia admits to being a girly-girl, but has common ground (dive bars) with James.

DR with Ryan and Allison -- Ryan definitely wants Alex and Amanda out, but they don't seem to care for either couple.

Time to talk to the nominees. Alex and Amanda -- She, ups and downs, apologizes and asks for one more chance and pleads for Alex. He says it's family and he doesn't want to go home, loves everyone, keepin it real.

Matt and Natalie -- Thankful and blessed, BB did great job pikcing cast, doesn't want to go back to the BEAVER State (once again), Matt -- hard decision, nervous, I love you.

If a couple doesn't agree on the vote, they're immdeiately evicted.

Votes are to evict
Sheila and Adam -- Amanda and Alex
Joshuah and Sharon -- Alex and Amanda, reluctantly
Ryan and Allison -- Amanda and Alex

Amanda and Alex are unanimously evicted.

Hugs, tears. They didn't look too shocked at all. Amanda isn't going to hold up too well with Julie.

Julie asks Alex about taking more of the blame for the eviction because he didn't campaign to save himself. He now says it's 50/50 blame. Amanda campaigned. She thought it would help them. Alex stayed true to his word. Alex still thinks Amanda is a beautiful woman.

Goodbye messages: Allison said they ignored her, Ryan said they had it out for him, Joshuah apologized for the comments he made to Amanda, Natalie loves them, Matt says Alex was his boy in the house. Nothing from Adam or Sheila.

HOH comp time. There's a nautical theme and it's called Words of Love. The questions are about the lvoe quotes all over the house. If they buzz in and are right, they eliminate another HG. Women first

Sharon eliminates Allison. Sharon eliminates Sheila. Sharon wins the ladies round.

Guys up. Ryan was wrong, eliminates himself. Joshuah eliminates Matt.

Joshuah and Sharon are the new HOH couple. Julie congratulates them and Sharon said they studied. They both want pictures from home. Matt says nice things about Alex.

Supposedly the evicted couple next week will get a surprise no one will expect and the season will begin a new chapter. I would guess it's the breaking up of the couples play. They have to do it to have a full-length season. But I wonder why the COUPLE will receive a surprise. A reprieve? Only one goes?

Quickie Live Feeds Update

I apologize for being amongst the missing today. It was my day off and I slept practically all day. I blame the now ex-flu. It was the best sleep I've had in weeks!

I'll be live blogging the show tonight in a separate entry, but here's a quick rundown on some of the happenings since last night:
  • Allison and Sheila are friends again, although probably not lesbian lovers ever again.
  • Allison tried to reassure Amanda that she could be staying, but then told her not to bother trying to get Sheila's vote.
  • Amanda fussed about Alex not being nice to her.
  • Joshuah said Allison is like wallpaper, forgettable.
  • Both couples packed.
  • They got their drinking cups back.
  • They seem to think the vote will be 3-0 tonight for Alex and Amanda to be evicted.
  • The feeds have been blocked most of the afternoon. It sounds like we'll have a live vote (unless something has gone on during the last long feed block).

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

'Big Brother 9' - Live Blogged from the East Coast - Feb. 26

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm writing this a bit off the cuff. As always, I want your take on the show in comments! After all, that's where the fun is!

It's the black and white recap. I wonder who decided the older stuff should be balck and white. Oops! Color, it must be new now! ;-)

They're all hugging after the nominations ceremony. Alex thinks it's Amanda's fault he's on the block, So, it's still all old news. He's fussing about James going back on his word.

Matt and Natalie are talking. He's mad, but he's not blaming Natalie for being on the block. Alex is sulking and trying to avoid Amanda. He's being rough on Amanda, but he has a point.

Allison is relieved not to be on the block. So Sheila is pointing out how much she's changed to Mattalie. She claims her gut feels betrayed by Allison. Matt confronts James and he pretty much points out that they're playing Big Brother. Alex is out there, too. James tries to convince them it will be a great POV.

Sheila confronts Allison saying she's getting a weird vibe from her. (I've seen this ... I think it's mostly in Sheila's head, but she made it into a situation.)

Time to pick players for the POV comp -- one wild card couple -- Sharon and Joshuah. The host will be Adam. Matt and Alex went into the storage room -- one of them MUST win and they're still buddies despite being on the block against each other. James is a bit oblivious to them.

The POV is ready to start. They have their hardhats on and they're in the backyard with electrical stuff and radioactive barrels. They all have sweats yet they're shivering. They're supposed to restore communications. They have to go into bins of peanuts, hook up communication wires on poles which would allow them to reach the outside world ... or something to that effect. In pouring rain, Joshuah and Sharon won.

The news from the outside world was McCain leading, Barack Obama is leading Hillary, Britney Spears gossip ... then a fake story tying in with Jericho about the Hudson River Virus cutting off people from the outside world. (I think I caught that when I fell into the Hudson some years back!)

Amanda cheered both Republican and Democratic. Most of the houseguests mispronounced Barack as they read aloud from the ticker. They made it barrack as in army barracks. @@

Sheila's back to ranting about Allison. That drove me crazy on the feeds. She was on her rant too loudly, too long. She built it up in her mind and now Allison has reason to turn on her. Sharon eavesdropped and is now reporting to Allison, Ryan, Chelsia and James.

Allison has to go talk to her. I see no problem with that. She is being slimed by Sheila's oddness. Sheila reminds me of a boss I had decades ago who called me a smart-ass college kid (when I had graduated college a good decade before!).

Ryan and Adam come in and they're right. Allison was NOT backstabbing Sheila. Not friends any longer now!

Sharon is instigating a bit, but Sheila was out of line. All of a sudden, Allison had to go to the DR -- she's having some sort of allergic reaction. As she's talking to the nurs, Amanda and Natalie are in the kitchen. Amanda hasn't been eating her slop. Oops, she passes out! Hypoglycemic. She's into a convulsion and it does look real. The TV is more clear (and larger) than my feeds. And we even get to see the nurse!

James helped Amanda and that's impressed Adam. Joshuah feels bad about Amanda because he was so mean to her. Now they're all worried about their BB family. Now even Sheila feels bad.

Amanda's back! She just goes and tries to crawl into her bed, but they all check on her and drag her out. Alex not so receptive.

Amanda's happy to be with "these people" and touched. And now Allison is back.

Aw, a big hugfest and Sheila is normal once again! Well, she's crying to us from the DR. Amanda has a new resolve to win.

Joshuah and Sharon are readying for the veto meeting. Sheila is worried because of her own stupidity in fighting with Allison. Amanda and Alex speak first, kind of a do what you have to do. Matt and Natalie respect the decision. Natalie doesn't want to go back to the Beaver State. She always has to use the nickname, you know.

They didn't use the veto, nominations remain the same.

BB9 - Stuff!

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

I couldn't resist putting this new graphic by Zoetawny up -- I think it's more funny than risque, don't you?

My latest feed report is up over on TV Squad. Just a note of explanation -- I link the actual article here, so you don't really see the jump. But if you're reading the main TVS site, I can't post any spoilers before the link to read on. So, I'm not entirely bonkers. But it dawned on me that you guys often don't see the jump link.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show in a new entry. Please stop back!