Friday, March 07, 2008

BB9 - Feed Me!

My most recent feeds report has been posted at TV Squad.

But no one gave me a new motorcycle.

Quick BB9 Feeds Update - Power of Veto

The Power of Veto comp is done and over with. Chelsia (who's on the block as a pawn against Sharon) won, so it's likely she will remove herself. At least, if she's smart, she will.

Here are other POV comp doings:
  • Sheila has to wear a red unitard (like Jen last season?). I'm not sure of the time duration.
  • Adam won a motorcycle.
  • Sharon won a BB Slop pass.
  • Supposedly, Ryan plans to put Matt up against Sharon.
  • Joshuah got a letter from home.
  • Chelsia turned down the motorcycle to win the POV.
  • Ryan won $10,000.
I'm in the midst of witing a more thorough report for TVS, but wanted to get this up here!

BB9: Live Feeds Overnight Into Friday 3/07

Here are the happenings through the overnight from inside the Big Brother House:
  • Sheila told Chelsia that James adores her and she's sure that he'd take her off the block if he wins POV.
  • James told Chelsia he won't let her go home.
  • Ryan told Chelsia that there's a 99% chance she won't go home. He's sure it will be like the 6-0 which sent out Allison -- everyone will vote to send Sharon home. I don't think Sharon is the slam dunk Allison was, do you?
  • Natalie is ticked off at bad treatment by Matt. She said if she wins HOH she will put him on the block. (Give her a minute and I'm sure she'll be in love with him again.)
  • Joshuah suggested to Natalie that he could approach Ryan with a two weeks safety deal to backdoor Matt. Natalie told him Ryan and Matt are close and it wouldn't work.
  • They had a huge pool table for POV practice.
  • As they all practiced, it looked like Adam and Chelsia were best at the huge pool.
  • Shela and Joshuah think Adam had to be cast because he's crazy.
  • A large contingent has been saying how Matt needs to go because he plays everyone.
  • Sheila went to bed, barely practicing at all. She must love being alone in the Boat Room now.
  • But she couldn't resist and eventually practices.
  • Is Natalie that mad at Matt? Nope, she tells him everything everyone has been saying about him.
  • Matt thinks he's the new Evel Dick. @@
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

BB9: Live Feeds Into the Evening, Thursday 3/06

James and Chelsia snuggle.

If you missed my really brief post in the middle of other things happening earlier -- Ryan nominated Chelsia and Sharon for eviction. He had earlier told Chelsia (without out saying who her fellow nom would be) that she was the pawn. That can be the kiss of death as we all know.

A bit off topic, but my Survivor review is up over on TV Squad.

Here are the happenings since the nominations went down in that Big Brother House of Vote Early, Vote Often:
  • Natalie told Joshuah she won't vote against Sharon. She said that Chelsia personally attacked her, so she'll vote to evict her.
  • She also told Joshuah that Sheila wants Chelsia out, too. (Actually I think Sheila wants Adam out, but she doesn't have a choice.)
  • Natalie and Joshuah think that Chelsia must be the target because "everyone likes Sharon."
  • Joshuah is worried that it might be a plot to backdoor him if the POV is used.
  • Adam wanted beer and the BB rules book from the storage room to figure out how many compete for POV, but the camera nodded "no" and he wasn't allowed in.
  • Don't you love it when cameras not only watch you, but they interact?
  • As Natalie and Joshuah were trashing Chelsia elsewhere, Chelsia worried -- "How do I know they're not out to get me?"
  • Chelsia asked James if he won the POV, would he save her. He told her no because she has the votes to stay.
  • Then he told her he would if she wanted him to use it on her.
  • James said it would really bite if they voted her out.
  • James and Chelsia snuggled. (See screen cap above.)
  • Adam thinks Joshuah will vote however Ryan wants him to. I'm not so sure about that. Joshuah has more of a connection with Sharon in the house than he does with Ryan.
  • James told Joshuah that Ryan wants Sharon gone. Joshuah is shocked.
That's where we stand in Hamster Land.

'Celebrity Apprentice' East Coast Updates 3/06 Show

Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.

Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!

It should be interesting -- Piers and Omarosa are the project managers.

The task is selling artwork in art galleries.

Piers and his team brought off the biggest beating in history. They tromped Omarosa's team. Uh-oh! Poor Omarosa. Heehee!

Omarosa is GONE! $7,000 vs over $150,000 in sales, third loss as a PM. It's an overdue firing I say.

I loved the Piers kissing Trace. I didn't expect that.

The "Omarosa Free" blinking sign on the promo for next week is a hoot! I guess even Trump knows that no one wanted her back on the show.