Monday, August 11, 2008

BB10: Live Feeds Into Monday Morning

Renny and Dan on the patio last night.

My apologies for being a bit late with this report. I was up most of the night, then conked out around dawn without getting it written up. I think someone's feeding me rat poison or something. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of a Leeching Lecherous Old Guy:
  • Ollie told April she's mean. She thought he was joking. I think she definitely has a mean streak.
  • Memphis didn't have to wear the onion garland for a week like I thought he did. He got to take it off last night.
  • Libra told Dan that the only way that Ollie and April might make it to the end of the game is if they stage a fight -- the whole house knows they're a strong duo and need to be split up.
  • Libra's worried that the show will edit her in a way that it will affect her children. I don't really think so. I can see where I wouldn't want her as MY mother because she's a very controlling person, but even though I'd just as soon see her leave this week, I don't think she's a horrible person or anything -- just annoying and controlling.
  • As Libra talked a lot of small cordial talk with Dan, a bit of game talk now and then but nothing major, Renny and Keesha became suspicious because they were talking. Sheesh! Dan talks to everyone but Jerry!
  • The next thing you know, Renny and Keesha get Memphis in on the suspicion. Is Dan in league with Ollie? He used to be an ally of Jerry! Grr ... obviously they should see that alliance came to a screeching halt!
  • They still have America's Player suspicions with Dan, too. However, they'd have no idea it would just be a week. Renny said, "Perhaps America wanted Jessie out more than they wanted you out," to Memphis. Spot on, girl!
  • Keesha keeps pressing Dan about the vote this week. She thinks he might want her out instead of Libra.
  • When Michelle told Jerry she didn't want him brushing his teeth in the shower, he almost cried. Now, that's just weird ... both that he does it and that he teared up when asked not to do it.
  • Michelle told Renny that Jessie told her that Dan was looking in the mirror as he cried and they hugged -- something odd about that struck Jessie.
  • Renny is really thinking along the lines of Dan being AP.
  • Michelle thinks America hates Libra because all of the questions asked of her on the live show have been negative.
  • April told Ollie and Jerry that after Libra goes this week, it's Keesha next.
  • April thinks that Keesha doesn't like her because she's prettier than Keesha is. @@
  • Jerry called Memphis a "Judas goat" and said he leads the other goats to slaughter ... or something to that effect. Bizarre.
  • Michelle thinks there might be a Libra/Dan conspiracy. (No, there isn't.)
  • April thinks if Libra gets a vote to stay, it will be Dan.
  • Libra had a talk with Keesha in which she apologized. When they said that BB said they were the "fruitiest group of houseguests," the feeds got blocked. Yep, yep ... Froot Loops, they are!
  • Libra told Keesha she wants to ask BB if they can have her meet Barack Obama. Um, for some reason I think he probably has more important things to do than meeting Libra.
  • As I get this posted, Renny and Jerry are sort of up and about.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big Brother 10: 8/10 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB10

I have a live feeds post yet to appear over on TVS and I'll be writing the full review/recap of tonight's show there, too. But in the meantime, the show has started here - finally after a golf delay. This post will be updates as it airs here on the East Coast -- please forgive any typos! Everyone is welcome to join in with comments, that's the best part of the live blog!

Recap City ... we have to see Jessie voted out again, of course. Wake up calls. Eww ... in the promo bit for the return of previous HG, Boogie needs anti-perspirant BAD.

Now Jessie is evicted once again. Michelle is angry in the DR and cries once again. We're in B&W. Keesha is proud of herself for pulling off the Jessie eviction. April is in shock. Dan thinks he's in an awkward position. Finally, Day 31 in color.

Libra is laughing, she's glad Jessie is gone. Jerry is looking angry. Dan is just looking uncomfortable. Jerry tells us Dan has disrespected him and nothing he can do will regain the respect. April's body language says it all -- arms crossed and pacing.

Now Michelle won HOH and they even captioned Jerry's "Screw you people." Michelle is triumphant and so is April. Dan tells us he never swore on his cross and took the cross off before the eviction. First time he's ever taken the chain off.

Keesha and Libra know they need to win POV. Jerry is following Michelle. Dan thinks he might be able to buy a week by acting like he's in shame. Now Renny and Michelle are yelling at each other over something entirely stupid. Michelle yells at Libra and Keesha that they're hiding. April and Libra are screaming. Jerry just keeps piping up with stupidity and namecalling like he's 12 years old.

Now they bring up Dan who's hiding with a pillow over his head. They knock his religion and Michelle even doubts he's a teacher. Dan overhears it from the bedroom. Memphis pretty much tells us they've gone too far.

Focus on DOOM on the wall as Dan hides with Memphis approaching. Memphis wants Dan to be safe this week. Dan promises he won't blow up. Memphis thinks Dan has earned his trust by voting for him to stay last week. So Memphis talks to Michelle. Memphis wants to play his old alliance and save Dan, too.

Michelle is still wearing her unitard. She goes to Dan and asks him if he's a schoolteacher. Dan gives her weak excuses for his vote. Michelle told him that you have to lie, cheat, and steal in the game but not for people like that. He told her he was told he'd be on the block. I love his smiles to the camera after people leave.

Libra and Michelle are talking about how it's just a game. Libra says Michelle's family is probably proud of her. HOH room -- all come up. Memphis thinks April is being fake with praise. Letter from home -- her brother is proud of her. Everyone looks touched. Renny congratulates her, then leaves in tears. Libra and Keesha hug her, then leave. Renny cries and honks. She was thinking of her own family. Dan came in to console her.

Dan leaves and Keesha comes in. But back in the HOH room, Jerry says he'll never talk to Dan again. Jerry vows to make the sign of the cross at him. Ollie just looks dazed as Michelle, April, and Jerry trashtalk Dan, then Libra.

Time for the food comp! Game show setting. "In the News -- Big Brother Houseguests return" Brian is the host. They have to decide if outside news is right or not, then since his first alliances didn't work out a new one -- George, Bunky, Amy, Jun, Jase, Janelle (Ollie stood), Boogie, Jen, Mattie. PlaYING FOR FOOD, RETURNING hg PLAY FOR CASH.

mONDAY - Dan -- Chooses Boogie - Brett Farve story about being a Jet -- Dan doesn't think so. No food for Monday. HG shocked. Boogie got $1,000

Tuesday - Renny - Picks Jen - Economy - National average gas over $6.00, Jen says no. Renny trusts her. They get food for Tuesday.

Wednesday - Jerry picks Janelle - Health - Jessie offered the cover of Muscle and Fitness -- Hehe - Janelle says false no offer and he's not that cute. Jerry disagrees with her, no food. Janelle gets $1,000

Playing for a grill - Memphis picks Amy - World News - Chinese officals banned bald and smelly cab drivers, Amy makes up an obviously fake story It's in the news, no grill.

Thursday - Ollie picks up Matt - Science - Prevent rainfall. Matt tells of a laser made in China -- Ollie disagrees. It's in the news, no food.

Friday -- Libra chooses Bunky -- Cheech and Chong tour -- they are and she's wrong. No food.

Feast - Michelle picks Jase - Fake earthquake - It's not in the news, they get feast.

April goes for George -- Spears a country album -- Not in news. (Saturday)

Keesha chooses Jun - Paris urges people not to vote for Bush -- Keesha got it right for Sunday.

Slop five out of seven days.

Memphis talks to Michelle. He's concerned about the alliance she has with Ollie, April, and Jerry. He tells her that he has no alliance. He's not with Keesha, Libra, or Rennie. Memphis tells her he doesn't think Dan has an alliance. She's still mad at Dan. Memphis tells her he's sure she'll do the right thing.

Memphis talks to Keesha and Libra. He's anti-April and they think he should try to put it in Michelle's head that April put Jessie on the block. Meanwhile, Rennie goes to the HOH room. She tries to bring up April putting Jessie up on the block. Renny says that April shouldn't have put Jessie up, then didn't protect him.

Nominations today - Memphis is trying to be there for Michelle and isn't worried. Rennie wants April up. Dan is pretty sure he'll go on the block. Libra knows she's the biggest target. Michelle tells us the people she's nominating need to be out of the house, been there too long and showed their cards. She's going to blow up their game plan.

Ceremony - Key order - April, Memphis, Ollie, Jerry, Renny, Dan. So it's Keesha and Libra. Michelle says she nominated them and they're not surprised -- not personal, just strategy, they're threats.

Dan is thrilled. Jerry is mad at Dan -- he will always be known as Judas in his house. @@

Libra was expecting a much better speech.

BB10 - Delayed by Golf

Tonight's BB10 here will be delayed by golf. Right now, 60 Minutes is on. As soon as the show starts, I'll have a post for it started.

BB10: Live Feeds Last Night and Into Sunday

Libra is up early this morning cleaning up after the big feast.

I think I forgot to mention that I had a feeds report posted at TVS which updated until the POV comp yesterday. Oops. Not to fear -- there was plenty of action during the evening hours after the comp! Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Horrors:
  • As I mentioned before -- Jerry won the POV and Memphis has to wear a garland of onions. Now, if it was garlic that would keep the vampires away! Or is that werewolves?
  • The comp had something to do with cutting or slicing onions. It was called "Cry Me a Veto." In the comp it seems the girls won some sort of expensive shopping spree.
  • As Libra and Keesha were talking about Jerry not using the veto, Jerry was at Michelle's side telling her he's always been on her side. @@
  • Jerry doesn't want Michelle telling Keesha she's safe, but he wants to tell her and no one else can know. Um, duh, Jerry. Everyone knows that too many want Libra out. Whether the veto is used or not, Keesha is bound to be safe.
  • After swearing to keep the "Keesha safe" bit a huge secret, Jerry told April. @@ She asked if he was going to use the veto and he said no -- the vote will be for Libra to leave.
  • Jerry is still mad at Dan. He told Renny the only time he broke his word was with Brian and because everyone forced him. He thinks his wife will be proud of him. I hope she doesn't have the live feeds!
  • April and Ollie think Michelle likes Keesha and just don't understand.
  • They were all one big happy friendly cordial family as they awaited their feast from BB.
  • That wouldn't last.
  • As the crowd had such a good time, first Libra started crying and left, then Dan. All the niceness must have been too much.
  • As they each said something nice about each other, Jerry said he thinks Dan is America's Player and that's why he betrayed him. Jerry said if he wins HOH, he'll put Dan up for eviction.
  • Libra ended up crying to Ollie about the hurtful things he's said about her being a mother. He apologized to her.
  • She told him that voting out Jessie wasn't her idea -- she was approached with it.
  • BB gave them all too much alcohol, methinks. Jerry got drunk and Michelle was floored with all of the honesty in the house.
  • Libra continued to trash Keesha to Ollie while April and Keesha trashed Libra in another room.
  • Keesha in an almost parallel universe to Libra, cried to April.
  • Libra caught wind over some of what Keesha was saying to April -- she found it interesting that Keesha only talked to April because she's drunk.
  • The April/Keesha discussion turned into a catfight with them both shouting accusations at each other MEOW.
  • But then they hugged and April said it will be Libra going home. PURR.
  • But then, as Keesha and Michelle were in the HOH room, Libra barged in. Apparently changing her mind, she left after making a lame excuse.
  • But then ... as several sat around bashing Libra, they decided Libra should be in on it like some sort of intervention.
  • Catfight! MEOW
  • After the catfight cleared, Keesha told Michelle that most of what's been blamed on Libra is actually April's doing.
  • It's all too much for Michelle -- she ended up burying herself in pillows on the backyard couch and sobbing.
  • All of a sudden she tosses the pillows and starts screaming "[BLEEP] you! [BLEEP] you and you! All of you!"
  • Meltdown complete.
  • Soon everyone was screaming or crying again. Except for Dan and Memphis. I think they went in hiding. (Perhaps the Witless Protection Program?)
  • As Keesha cried how much she liked Angie and put her on the block for them, Jerry and Memphis assured her she's staying this week.
  • April and Keesha made up, then started screaming again.
  • Libra vowed no more alcohol for houseguests.
  • Michelle thinks all of the evictions so far go back to Libra.
  • Libra denies it -- says if she goes this week, she'll see there are a lot more serious players than she is left in the house.
  • Ollie finds it all funny that the girls are going at it.
  • Dan just hides.
  • April continued to fuss about the car Memphis won.
  • Michelle is more determined than ever that Keesha will stay and Libra will go this week.
  • An awful lot of brouhaha just to go full circle back to that, eh?
  • All finally headed to bed. Libra is up early cleaning the huge mess left behind.
  • But no one can clean the mess of hurt feelings and alcohol-driven stupidity.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

BB10: POV Completed

After blocked feeds for nearly three hours, we're back. Jerry won the Power of Veto and Memphis, for some reason, has to wear onions for a week.