Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Big Brother 10: Live Feeds Into the Dawn - Tuesday 8/12

Renny doing her midget dance.

Heck, even Michelle called her a "keeper" for it (see video at bottom). I can only hope it's true. With the exception of her friendship with Keesha, Renny is one of the few I like in the house. I'd love to see Dan and Renny at the end. Here's the happenings from that Big Brother House of Silly Renny and Unstable Jerry:
  • Jerry's speech at the veto meeting continued to be a topic of conversation. Michelle and Keesha said Jerry had his facts screwed up. Ollie is still in shock that Jerry went as far as he did. No one in the house agrees with anything Jerry said, yet Jerry is still oh-so-proud that he "got it off his chest."
  • Memphis and Dan talked -- if Jerry ends up on the block, he's sure to go home (or, actually, sequester at this point).
  • Memphis, Renny, and Keesha mentioned that April and Ollie latch onto the HOH no matter who's there.
  • Ollie said that Jerry told him that he wanted to make people think he was taking Libra off the block with his speech. (Note: he did not use the veto.)
  • Michelle doesn't want to encourage Jerry's bad behavior and plans to say nothing if he asks what others think of his speech.
  • Ollie is afraid of crows, has been since he was a child. Some came into the backyard and he ran inside freaking out. (I wonder if he knows a flock of crows is called a "murder.")
  • Even April said that Jerry's speech was a personal attack on Dan and inappropriate.
  • Michelle, April, and Ollie think Jerry has lost it and is overly paranoid.
  • Memphis talked about squirrel hunting and Dan was reminded of Deliverance. Ah, so nice that some classic movies are still popular with the younger generation.
  • Renny heard the conversation and said she won't eat rodents.
  • Ollie thinks the winner of BB goes on Letterman. I think that hasn't happened in a few years, but maybe with the Ferguson bit the winner will probably go on there.
  • Memphis thinks Renny can be so entertaining that she might be offered her own show.
  • Ollie thinks that the audience will change their view of Jerry after seeing his POV speech. I think we changed it a week or two back.
  • When Renny did her midget dance, Jerry told her she would be boycotted.
  • Memphis likened being in the house as "taking acid and watching Groundhog Day over and over again." Keesha said it was like being locked in a mental institution and fighting to stay locked in there.
  • When Michelle again brought up America's Player to Dan, he said Libra started that rumor.
  • They counted the minutes until midnight when they could eat.
  • Holly, Michelle's stuffed dog, had a rough time last night ... visited the hot tub.
  • All are asleep as I post this.

Monday, August 11, 2008

BB10 - Latest Live Feeds

My latest live feeds report is up over on TV Squad.

I'm watching Intervention. Very weird.

BB10 Live Feeds Video Snippets

There was a rare Diary Room leak today and here are some snippets of it:

BB10: Live Feeds Bulletin - Veto Ceremony

As expected, Jerry didn't use the veto.

Are you surprised?

BB10: Live Feeds Into Monday Morning

Renny and Dan on the patio last night.

My apologies for being a bit late with this report. I was up most of the night, then conked out around dawn without getting it written up. I think someone's feeding me rat poison or something. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of a Leeching Lecherous Old Guy:
  • Ollie told April she's mean. She thought he was joking. I think she definitely has a mean streak.
  • Memphis didn't have to wear the onion garland for a week like I thought he did. He got to take it off last night.
  • Libra told Dan that the only way that Ollie and April might make it to the end of the game is if they stage a fight -- the whole house knows they're a strong duo and need to be split up.
  • Libra's worried that the show will edit her in a way that it will affect her children. I don't really think so. I can see where I wouldn't want her as MY mother because she's a very controlling person, but even though I'd just as soon see her leave this week, I don't think she's a horrible person or anything -- just annoying and controlling.
  • As Libra talked a lot of small cordial talk with Dan, a bit of game talk now and then but nothing major, Renny and Keesha became suspicious because they were talking. Sheesh! Dan talks to everyone but Jerry!
  • The next thing you know, Renny and Keesha get Memphis in on the suspicion. Is Dan in league with Ollie? He used to be an ally of Jerry! Grr ... obviously they should see that alliance came to a screeching halt!
  • They still have America's Player suspicions with Dan, too. However, they'd have no idea it would just be a week. Renny said, "Perhaps America wanted Jessie out more than they wanted you out," to Memphis. Spot on, girl!
  • Keesha keeps pressing Dan about the vote this week. She thinks he might want her out instead of Libra.
  • When Michelle told Jerry she didn't want him brushing his teeth in the shower, he almost cried. Now, that's just weird ... both that he does it and that he teared up when asked not to do it.
  • Michelle told Renny that Jessie told her that Dan was looking in the mirror as he cried and they hugged -- something odd about that struck Jessie.
  • Renny is really thinking along the lines of Dan being AP.
  • Michelle thinks America hates Libra because all of the questions asked of her on the live show have been negative.
  • April told Ollie and Jerry that after Libra goes this week, it's Keesha next.
  • April thinks that Keesha doesn't like her because she's prettier than Keesha is. @@
  • Jerry called Memphis a "Judas goat" and said he leads the other goats to slaughter ... or something to that effect. Bizarre.
  • Michelle thinks there might be a Libra/Dan conspiracy. (No, there isn't.)
  • April thinks if Libra gets a vote to stay, it will be Dan.
  • Libra had a talk with Keesha in which she apologized. When they said that BB said they were the "fruitiest group of houseguests," the feeds got blocked. Yep, yep ... Froot Loops, they are!
  • Libra told Keesha she wants to ask BB if they can have her meet Barack Obama. Um, for some reason I think he probably has more important things to do than meeting Libra.
  • As I get this posted, Renny and Jerry are sort of up and about.