Monday, July 20, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Monday Daytime 7/20

Well, the PoV meeting went down. Ronnie is rationalizing putting Jordan on the block when Jeff saved himself as they don't have the numbers to get Russell out against Laura. He thinks that if he put Casey or any of the athletes up, there would be lesser of a chance of getting Laura out. And, despite what he told us on the show, he must want Laura out not Russell. Um. Okay. I just wish he'd shut up with his lecturing other houseguests on why he did what he did and how great a move it is.
  • He claims he strategically gave his side (Jeff, Casey, Michele, Jordan) back the numbers in the long run.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Laura doesn't understand why "all those girls" love Jessie.
  • Neither do I.
  • After saying she enjoyed the movie last night, Chima groused about it this morning.
  • Chima, in an effort to keep up with her starring role of Drama Queen, also has been complaining about how the diary room treats her and that she isn't getting her iron pills on time. She says that if Julie Chen asks her how she is on the live show, she's going to mention that she's not getting enough iron.
  • After the POV ceremony, Laura asked that she not go out unanimously. One vote, please.
That's where we stand. I'm certain we'll be seeing a Laura exit on Thursday. Ronnie does have some logic about the votes not being enough to send Russell home. However, had he put Russell and Jessie (or Natalie) on the block originally, they might have been able to swing votes.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds - POV Meeting 7/20

This is a late but quick bulletin -- Jeff saved himself and Jordan is now up in his place on the block with Laura.

More soon.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn 7/20

Ronnie idolizing his false god in the wee hours.

Gee, I wish that PoV ceremony was done and over with. I'm tired of trying to figure out what Ronnie's going to do. He lies with each and every breath he breathes. Is he telling anyone the truth?
  • The HOH bunch -- Ronnie, Natalie, Jessie, Lydia, Russell, and Kevin decided to call themselves the Natural Born Killers (NBK) and use a majority rules approach to comps.
  • Ronnie mentioned that if they're in one of the majority rules questions comp, you can hear a click if a card is turned from A to B. They hear two clicks and they all turn to B.
  • Russell said he hasn't cried since he was a child. His father used to hit him whenever he cried.
  • Jordan told Laura that Ronnie said he wasn't going to put her on the block. Laura told her she should have said, "Check. That's ten lies."
  • Jessie is pushing for a Laura leave.
  • Jordan says the diary room told her she doesn't talk game enough.
  • I think she does.
  • Casey dubbed the body buddy bunch "The Dumb Five."
  • Well, I begrudgingly admit that they aren't that dumb if they keep up the gameplay.
  • Jessie taught his puppy dog Ronnie a new trick -- how to lift weights.
  • Kevin and Russell pointed out that Natalie only takes a shower every three days or so.
  • Kevin is starting to feel a bit outcast in his body buddy group. I think we might want to see if he turns. Remember, he has his secret alliance with Casey.
  • Ronnie told Casey he has to put Jordan on the block to make sure Laura goes home.
  • If up against Laura, it would be a toss-up whether Russell or Laura would go. Against Jordan, it would definitely be Laura leaving.
  • The newly dubbed NBK think they'll get rid of the four and keep Jordan for last as she has no chance to win anything.
  • You don't know how much I want Jordan to win it all as I listen to them.
So, as it stands now ... with Jessie and Ronnie still up and talking, but saying nothing new ... the backdoor Russell plan is off. It will probably be Jordan replacing Jeff on the block with Laura being the target.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds into Sunday Evening 7/19

Laura eavesdrops on Ronnie and Jordan.

So, what is Ronnie going to do when Jeff takes himself off the block? I really don't know. He seems to be lying to the one side (Jeff, Casey, Jordan, and Laura) and seems closer to the other side (Lydia, Jessie, Russell, Natalie, and Kevin). But is he telling the truth to anyone? I don't think so.
  • Jordan told Ronnie straight up that he's been playing them and she can't trust him.
  • Ronnie ran back to the body buddies and told them Jordan is dead to him in the game ... and all bets are off, he might even put her on the block.
  • But he told Michele he didn't want Jordan to go home. He asked Michele to vote the way he wants her to. She agreed.
  • Michele told Ronnie that she's committed to the brains and the athletes. Argh.
  • Chima and Casey enjoyed the movie.
  • Ronnie told Casey he's not putting him on the block.
  • Kevin approached Casey for a "secret alliance." Shh ... no one knows.
  • Ronnie told Casey he's likely to put Jordan on the block.
  • Is he lying?
More in a few hours. I'm as confused about what he's going to do as anyone.

Big Brother 11 July 19 Nominations Show Blog Party

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show is actually starting on time here in the NYC viewing area. As it airs, I will update this post with the major events. But the real fun is down in the comments area -- take the zipline right on down to the pool and the beverage cart should be shortly. Everyone is welcome, just play nice with each other is all I ask. Since they chose to go under our brutal scrutiny, the hamsters are fair game.

Meow. Cat fight between Chima and Michele over the vote. Laura is totally onto Ronnie's plan. Ronnie tries to blame Michele for the vote.

Luxury comp time -- two will see The Ugly Truth.

Casey won for the guys. Chima wins for the gals.

Chima and Casey get to decide what clique is have not. They argue, she fusses. She chooses Popular and that's that.

Nominations -- key order --
Jordan, Casey, Lydia, Natalie, Jessie, Kevin, Russell (brain clique already safe)

Laura and Jeff nominated

Ronnie tells us in a DR session his intent is to get Russell out of the house on Thursday. We'll see.