Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Tuesday Into Wednesday Dawn - Sept. 18-19

Win or lose, BB NEEDS to give Ian the hammock!

With the exception of Dan's jury plea practice in the wee hours of this morning, the live feeds have been on the mundane side. For the most part, Danielle has calmed down and seems to accept her third-place fate. Ian's still hammock rocking planning while Dan is always scheming. Here's what happened into the wee hours inside that Big Brother House of Three Hamsters Standing:
  • The Talk segment they taped yesterday (blocked to the feeds) is now being advertised to air today. It's on at 2pm here, but check your local listings.
  • Dan fussed about Diary Room interference and how they're stirring ^#% up. 
  • But we didn't get the full story on that because ...
  • "Houseguests, you are NOT allowed to talk about production!"
  • Then we get fish.
  • No, it's never FOTH anymore -- that's been gone for years. (Front of the house which sometimes sported a cute lawn boy watering the plants.)
  • I always liked chicken cam (BB1) or spider cam (BB7) best.
  • Lots of meaningless talk -- such as who physically has the bigger head, Danielle or Dan?
  • The answer is Danielle. #bighead to refer to Danielle.
  • They rehashed just about everything and I refuse to. I already hashed it.
  • They drank beer, but no one got drunk.
  • Danielle told Ian she has breast implants.
  • "Shh ... only you and Dan know."
  • As well as the rest of the Internet, Danielle.
  • Ian practiced his jury plea speech while rocking in the hammock.
  • He's thrilled with the Quack Pack.
  • He's happy to be a Renegade, too.
  • Dan will only be happy with the big win.
  • Danielle told them that she never saw Dr. Will's gameplay.
  • Perhaps that's why the Mist worked so well on her?
  • Today's feeds are scheduled to cut off at 3pm ET.
  • If anything of any consequence happens, I'll post. However, I'm a bit under the weather and I have a busy night ahead.
  • So, no promises!
  • I will definitely have blog party posts for both the Survivor: Philippines season premiere and the Big Brother 14 finale tonight.
  • Be there or be square.
  • And bring snacks.  

Danielle has adjusted her attitude a bit

Now, you know the feeds were boring if I played with screencaps to turn them black and white with a bit of color ...

His future's so bright, he had to put on shades

It's (not) in the cards, Danielle

BB warrior mode

Survivor: Philippines - The New Castaways, Part Three

Alright! We've gone through the familiar faces, the Matsing and Tandang tribes, so now it's the Kalabaw tribe. Kalabaw has familiar faces Jonathan Penner and Jeff Kent in it, everyone else is a newbie. Survivorfans ready?

Dana Lambert - Age 32, current residing in Winston-Salem, NC but she's originally an Arkansas gal. We have yet another superfan here, but this one's a bit different. She seems to be doing it as much as for her life resume as she is for a win. She's a cosmetologist who thinks she's most like Boston Rob in her game approach. Y'know, I kind of like her. At this glance stage I have to say I don't think she'll win, but I could be wrong. Again, she's another one who looks much younger than her actual age. I can just see her being a Southern belle now! :-)

Carter Williams is 24 years old, a track coach and a fairly recent college grad who's been concentrating on getting on the show. He currently resides in Shawnee, KS. Huh. He's a runner, but lists surfing as a hobby. I didn't realize surfing was a big thing in Kansas, did you? He seems to be at least a quasi-superfan and says he'll play challenges with the heart of Ozzy, but has more of a personality of Eric Reichenbach or Fabio. He seems very likable, but I'm getting a laid-back vibe from his video. I'm not sure how well that will do for a win. His tree-climbing skills may not a win make.

Katie Hanson is a 22 year old college senior from Newark, Delaware. She's studying criminal justice and plans to be a state trooper. (You go, girl!) She's also a pageant girl having been Miss Delaware 2011 and in the national Miss USA pageant. Oh my. She thinks she's most like Danni Boatwright. She's one I'm of two minds about. I think, with her passion for police work, she might very well be a strong competitor. But then, I see that one of her reasons for wanting to win (other than the money) is to meet a hot guy ... well, that's not so good in my book. We'll see.

Sara Dawson, called Dawson for some reason, is a 28-year-old insurance salesperson currently living in Silver Springs, MD but hailing from Georgia. She thinks her gameplay will be a mix of Sugar and Sandra. Hmm. Yet another huge fan of the show, she plans to concentrate on her social game. She does seem to have a likable personality, but also comes across as a bit fake to me. I can't really get a take on her. I think I'll have to say that how she'll do will remain a mystery until she does it.

Keep in mind that if you want to be in the blog pool, you need to reply before 3 PM ET (noon PT) to this post or email to

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds - Dan's Plea Practice - Sept 19

Dan goes over his speech to the jury

"When this game was reset, I knew I was in trouble. On the pirate ship, I saw two huge physical competitors in Frank and Shane that I couldn't beat. I saw two huge social competitors in Jenn and Joe ..." On and on.

He's using a stopwatch to time himself. He's basically going on the fact that everyone's game was so great that he had to play a ruthless game, not because he wanted to, but he had to. He couldn't depend on winning competitions. He had to get people to do something for him, then stab them in the back. He had to do the funeral to make it seem like he wasn't working with Danielle. When Joe figured it out, he had to go. The funeral was also a cover to make a deal with Frank -- if Britney knew, she would have stopped it.

He goes from mentioning that Ian said nasty things about Ashley to the fact that he doesn't have a photographic memory like Ian. I think he's settling on the latter one. I personally think that's a better choice. If he trashes Ian, it looks sleazier and childish.

But, he's obviously setting all of this up planning to be sitting next to Ian ... NOT Danielle. I think he will indeed throw the comp. After all, if he's practicing the speech and timing it, it would throw everything awry to be sitting next to Danielle.

For some reason, his speech is reminding me of a domestic abuser telling his victim, "You MADE me do it. I love you, baby." Oh, sure. It's a bit nicer. Jus' sayin' ...

I will put up another post with the highlights of yesterday and last night. But I felt this deserved immediate attention. Nothing else has been as newsworthy. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Survivor: Philippines - Blog Pool OPEN

Lifeguard Laurie will be running the blog pool once again this season. (Yay, Laurie ... you ROCK!) If you want in on the pool -- remember, the winner gets bragging rights until the next season -- please respond to this post. I apologize for the short notice, but we need your name in by 12 PM ET or 3 PM PT tomorrow (Wednesday). You can also email

Who wants to go swimming?

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Monday Night Into Tuesday - Sept. 17-18

Are they ALL still alive?
With the HoH room closed off since last week, I guess they occasionally show us the fish to show that most are still alive. It's weird, though. A single camera will be on the fish instead of two trained on the room from different angles. It shows that they indeed could have four cameras in four separate places instead of the normal two rooms, two angles each. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wasted Days and Wasted Nights:
  • Not feeds per se, but ... Julie Chen was on Craig Ferguson last night. (Not literally ON him, but on his show!) She just started talking about Dan's gameplay and he cut her off. Every time she started to talk BB, he interrupted. Grr.
  • It sounds like the final three will be on The Talk either today or tomorrow while the winner will be on The Talk Thursday.
  • Dan kept asking Ian questions about Survivor. Ian is as much a fan of that show as of BB. I too have watched every season, but can't just list the seasons in order and spout out the winners.
  • I'd say he should go on the show. Alas, I fear he'd weigh 20 pounds at the end of it, though.
  • Danielle is coming back to life and being better around Ian. She even played cards (Speed) with him last night.
  • And, she even smiled occasionally.
  • Hmm ... Ian heats up peanut butter to go over his ice cream. I never thought of that. I need to try it with chocolate ice cream.
  • Danielle admitted to Dan that he carried her through the game even though she claimed she carried him through it the night before.
  • Dan put on a big sad act for Danielle with his own pity party about how bad he is.
  • Hook, line and sinker if I believe him!
  • Danielle believes him.
  • She tells him she'll get the whole jury to vote for him.
  • @@
  • Remember, she gets about five minutes jury time before they vote (if she gets tossed by Ian or Dan).
  • Ian hammocked. 
  • Danielle, never learning, popped more pimples in the mirror.
  • I hope they clean that mirror soon.
  • Not much game talk (other than previous seasons and Survivor).
  • They're asleep as I post this. 

Fountain of Survivor knowledge

Will she ever learn not to do this? Ever?

Quoting the bible ...