The cat hat is looking a bit ratsy |
Oh, wait. That's ANDY. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Unlikeable Rodents:
- McCrae thinks that GM putting them (himself and Amanda) on the block was a good move, but that it would associate GinaMarie with Elissa when it comes to jury. He thinks it would have been better for her to work with them.
- Well, of course he thinks that way.
- Amanda claims she doesn't want to be blindsided, she wants to know if she's going.
- Oh, I think she knows. Whether she really believes it's going to go down is another matter.
- Amanda thinks McCrae let her down because he wasn't on GM every minute the day leading into nominations like she wanted.
- @@
- Her plan now is that they keep at GM to get her to re-nom Elissa when McCrae takes himself down Monday.
- Due to some event which could be heard from the yard, the hamsters were on indoor lockdown for much of the evening.
- Oh, I pine for the days of the early seasons when Miss Kitty, the megaphone lady, would cruise by the house, banner planes flew by, people threw stuff over the fence.
- Ah, BB memories.
- During the course of the evening, I heard Amanda TWICE reference to McCrae's stench (one time it was specifically feet, the other time overall stink).
- Did he go shower?
- Nope.
- Ew.
- Andy, still in his rat mode, told Amanda he threw the PoV to her.
- Hmm.
- What a little suck-up for jury votes.
- You can't throw a comp to someone who doesn't win.
- Oh, wait. Aaryn and McCrae BOTH tried to throw a comp to Amanda before and she screwed it up. Maybe the same kind of thing happened this time.
- Andy told Amanda he wants Elissa out, but Judd doesn't want her (Elissa) out.
- McCrae and Amanda worked on GinaMarie. She acts like she's considering their case.
- But she isn't.
- The plan is for McCrae to stick like glue to GM for the rest of the evening.
- If he doesn't shower, she might have to go out on a medical emergency from the fumes.
- They got booze.
- Amanda started drinking the wine straight from the bottle, then gave Judd a little.
- She refused to give Elissa any.
- @@
- Finally she gave her a glass with maybe a shot's worth of wine (pre-spitted and all) in it.
- @@
- The others watched. No one spoke up for Elissa. But they're sure noting this poor behavior.
- Then things became lighter -- they ALL got together for a card game in the kitchen.
- Elissa and Amanda wore almost matching Fedoras.
- Andy wore GinaMarie's pink cat hat and pink tutu (apparently from the veto comp yesterday). He wanted to wear one of the chicken suits, but BB told him no.
- I think I'd rather see Andy in a pink tutu than Amanda in a yellow tutu.
- Amanda apologized about the wine.
- Like that will make it all better ...
- During the card game, they decided that Andy had to dance every time they heard the BB voice.
- So, they kept breaking rules so BB would speak to them.
- On his last twirl, Andy said, "I'm a little princess." Then he changed back to his normal clothes.
- It was so weird seeing all of them actually getting along and having fun.
- Elissa, not always in game mode, went to bed as the others went out to the yard after it re-opened.
- As they chatted about TV shows, past hamsters this season and previous ones, Amanda did keep chiming in for Elissa to go on the block.
- When they talked of most memorable and recognizable hamsters from this season, GM said people probably won't recognize Helen as "all Chinese people look alike."
- Everyone called out GM at once for that one.
- Plus, I might add, Helen is Korean, not Chinese.
- Amanda and McCrae couldn't last the evening without being all over, McCrae funk or not. They left the Exterminators all by themselves to talk in the backyard.
- Judd, Andy, Spencer and GinaMarie re-confirmed the plan -- Spencer will go on the block, Amanda will go home.
- They feel that they'll probably be safe for the next week (they do think this week MIGHT be a double eviction) as McCrae and Elissa will target each other.
- The Exterminators are still up in the backyard talking. Amanda and McCrae are canoodling in bed. Elissa is sleeping.
- And I need coffee.
Fun was had by ALL |
Elissa and Amanda in Fedoras |
And then Amanda cried |