Sunday, August 27, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Sunday Dawn - August 27

Matt imitation?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Froot Loop Dinguses:
  • The caption on the above screen cap of Alex is because a good third of the time, Matt has his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth.
  • While Alex is making a face, with Matt it's a habit. It annoys me. Make him stop.
  • Now, keep in mind that Jason told Raven he would take her off the block if he won veto.
  • He won veto.
  • Raven thinks that he can't break his word because he has a Southern accent and a good Southern man will keep his word on national television.
  • @@
  • This is Big Brother, a game usually built on lies, deceit and trickery.
  • Or, this season, built on a bunch of people not bright enough to boot Paul.
  • Anyway, when he made the nominations of Matt and Raven, Matt was the target.
  • They planned on making Kevin nervous by making it seem like it might be a backdoor plan for him to go. Or, at the very least, he would go on the block if either Raven or Matt came down.
  • But now it seems like the plan might have taken wings -- Alex and Paul are pushing a whole lotta shade Kevin's way.
  • With Kevin, he talks to us. So we know pretty much where he stands. He's a bit leery, but unaware to the most part about the latest.
  • Paul talks to us, too. But he hasn't had alone time with the camera since the things started to change. I think he's still setting Kevin up for soon, but willing to go Raven or Matt this week.
  • Alex and Jason don't talk to the cameras (us) hardly at all. It's pretty clear where Alex stands. But Jason is a bit trickier to read. Is he playing along with all of this just to not make waves at the moment? Or, has he a bond with Kevin that he will find hard to break when push comes to shove?
  • Hmm.
  • Kevin certainly has picked up on the change with Christmas. Up until a few weeks ago she was all over him to the point where feedsters were screaming as they watched -- "He's married! Stop that!" Now she's almost blatantly avoiding him.
  • Meanwhile, Paul is trying his best to convince Jason to put Kevin on the block, claiming he's a counterfeit. I think some of this is due to them now thinking that Kevin might be an undercover cop like Derrick. And, not only that, but one who knows Derrick! 
  • Kevin had said in his bio that he met Derrick at some BB meet and greet kind of event with his daughter. He told the others that he once met Derrick. Then Derrick made his show appearance recently. Now, all of a sudden, Kevin must work with Derrick!
  • Oh, geez.
  • I don't know if Jason will buckle, save Raven and put Kevin up.
  • I don't think he will. But he's definitely getting pressured.
  • Paul told Christmas that if Jason keeps Kevin safe (off the block) this week, their final four will change to include himself (Paul), Christmas, Josh and Kevin.
  • Hmm.

The boys need to team up

I wouldn't have predicted his survival

Nasty shirt needs to be burned

Saturday, August 26, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening, Veto Winner - August 26

All veto players got shirts
... maybe because that's the only way to get Matt to change his shirt.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Squalor Squirrels:
  • The veto players were actually picked last night -- Paul, Kevin and Josh in addition to Matt, Raven and Jason.
  • So, the hamsters thought the comp would be a night comp.
  • It wasn't.
  • Heh.
  • They worried for nothing!
  • The core group that aren't nominees keep going back and forth a bit over who they want out more.
  • But thankfully, it's still sticking with Matt or Raven.
  • Kevin is on the short list, though.
  • Jason wants to keep the nominations the same so one of them goes.
  • Raven has been asking people (Jason/Paul) to save her if one of them wins the veto.
  • She actually thinks that might happen.
  • The others are letting Kevin stew thinking he might be backdoored.
  • Well, the comp was the hide the veto placards, then go around the house ripping it up looking for hidden vetoes.
  • Jason won!
  • Raven is hoping Jason will keep his promise.
  • Heh.
  • Paul now has a new floatie toucan he's named Traybo. Or Trayvo. Something like that.
  • Jason also wore a floatie frog around for a bit. He said he'd wear it long enough to get it on television, then give it to his son Gatlyn when he goes home.
  • I don't think Jason will use the veto.
  • And, oh so sadly, either Matt or Raven should go home this week.
  • It's just breaking my heart to know that one of them will leave us.
  • They've both been such a big part of the house and of entertainment value this season.
  • Sniffle.
  • Ha. 

Cleaning up the mess

Paul now has a toucan named "Traybo"

Jason makes his frog kiss Alex

Friday, August 25, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - August 25

I must win. I'm such a sickly waif.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Targets and Tangents:
  • When I last left you, people were throwing all kinds of shade at Kevin.
  • Yet, that's not who they want out this week.
  • If he can't step his game up, he will be a target soon.
  • But the consensus of the main players is that Matt should go.
  • Kevin would actually prefer Raven out at this point. He tries not to be in the same room with her. Apparently just her voice has the chalk on a blackboard effect on his ears. He visibly cringes when she shrieks.
  • So do I.
  • Alex told Jason she honestly blacked out on her vote in the eviction and she was the second vote for Matt to go instead of Mark.
  • Hmm.
  • I kind of doubt it. But they do get all wound up for their private moment with Julie Chen. If memory serves, she stumbled over her words trying to get shout-outs out.
  • Then again, she might have just realized lying will get her nowhere and it's not such a big deal anyway.
  • Kevin had a long talk with the camera (us and his family). He thinks he's doing pretty good so far -- after all, he hasn't been on the block.
  • Yet.
  • I worry that his first time on the block will be his last time on the block.
  • Raven isn't only getting on Kevin's nerves, but Alex is on her case more and more daily.
  • I told you that Alex and Jason complained about Raven's cooking before. Well, now Alex is saying that Raven cooks way too much and they're spoiling food.
  • Hey, the cereal isn't getting stale with Matt around!
  • There is a controversy whether Kevin jumped or fell in the comp.
  • I was watching and it seemed accidental.
  • But I could be wrong.
  • Apparently Kevin said something to Jason about his wrist giving out due to weakness from a surgery.
  • Hmm.
  • Raven has been trying to get in Josh's favor and, gullible lad he is, he was believing she honestly likes him.
  • Um, no.
  • Christmas set him straight on that one. She told him that Raven is just using him and he shouldn't be listening to her.
  • She's probably right on that count.
  • The Tree of Temptation reappeared.
  • No one took the bait.
  • There are more bad things they could get than good things.
  • I believe the tree only has one more showing in the house before it's gone to seed.
  • In the end, Jason did the right thing -- that is, what I wanted him to do -- he nominated Matt and Raven for eviction.
  • I'd be fine with either leaving.
  • If one of them wins veto, the other will probably go.
  • I think both of them have worn out their welcome in the house.
  • We'll see who wins veto tomorrow ... 

True love is popping his pimples. EW!

Paul is not his target. Not yet, anyway.

Kevin talks to us. Or his family. Or both.

Ohh! Fisticuffs. All in jest, though.

I'm nominated! I get more DR sessions!

BB19: Live Feeds into Friday - August 25

Into East Coast dawn

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fierce Franks:
  • If you missed my HoH update post (previous to this one), it got down to Alex and Jason. Alex ended up jumping and Jason won.
  • After they went back into the house ... lo and behold ... it's (finally) the small table!
  • Matt and Raven aren't happy campers.
  • Sucks to be them, huh?
  • Maybe Matt should have tried harder to win.
  • I will admit Raven did seem to try.
  • Hmm. When Kevin asked Alex about the Matt (not Mark) eviction votes and she claimed she didn't remember who she voted for. Hmm.
  • Jason admitted to Kevin that the two votes to keep Mark were him and Alex. Kevin doesn't want people to think it was him (Kevin).
  • Yet Alex let Josh think it was Kevin.
  • Paul is "sure" the two votes to evict Matt were Kevin and Raven.
  • Now, that one doesn't even make sense.
  • Meanwhile, no matter who did it, Matt and Raven know two votes were for Matt to go. They, for the first time, seem actually worried.
  • Kevin told Paul the votes came from Alex and Jason. 
  • They denied it to Paul.
  • Meanwhile, Josh and Christmas know it was Alex and Jason, but will pretend to believe Kevin was one of the votes.
  • What a mess for poor Kevin!
  • Alex wants everybody but Paul to think it was Kevin and Raven.
  • A bit late for that, I'd say.
  • Josh, once again, should get a penalty for violating his Have Not rules. He was eating something under a blanket. 
  • The HoH reveal came late.
  • But was enjoyed by all.
  • Alex wants Matt out this week. So does Jason.
  • So does Paul
  • So, it will probably come to be.
  • But Alex next wants to set sights on Kevin. She thinks he's lying about everything and he's a cop like Derrick.
  • Interesting ... they've gone from thinking Kevin is a mobster to thinking he's a cop as the days have gone on.
  • Heck, I'm watching the feeds and I'm not quite sure what the man does. 
  • But he's not lying about the wife and seven kids. I do know that much.
  • I'm sad to see him targeted (after Matt), but he will have to step up his game to stay.
  • That's the buzz ... 

Please let them target Matt and Raven

Who wants to see my HoH room?

Scheming? Nah. Kevin story time.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

BB19: HoH Endurance Comp Updates - August 24

When the live feeds return, this post will be updated with screen caps and news! Stay tuned. And, once it gets going, refresh the page to get the latest!

10:01pm ET - Waiting for the feeds to come back on. 
10:07pm ET - Still waiting! There is a good looking adoptable dog on there, though!

10:10PM ET - We go from rabbits to the live feeds. All still up.
10:11pm ET - Kevin slips and goes down. 

Kevin is down
10:15pm ET - Matt down 

10:23pm ET - Josh down.

Auditioning for The Walking Dead?

10:29pm ET - We go to adoptable dogs/feed block again. I'm thinking they might be getting a warning to keep topics/language show friendly for broadcast. Back now. 

10:31pm ET - Paul is actually looking the most solid. It's Alex, Paul, Jason, Raven still up. I don't think Paul wants to win this, though.  

Christmas in her new church hat

10:45pm ET - Alex, Jason, Paul and Raven still hanging in their buns. Raven is (rather prematurely) asking what the others want. She says she wants a letter from home. I doubt any of the three want to deal with her. After she goes down, they'll deal with each other!

10:47pm ET - Paul slips and is out. (Apparently just after Raven went down -- I missed her fall from grace.)

Paul down
10:53pm ET - Alex and Jason are a hoot mock-fighting about wanting to be HoH. I guess Raven's still up -- she's all the way alone on the end. Wait, no. She's gone. I missed her going down.

10:54pm ET - Alex gives it to Jason. Jason is the new HoH!

Alex drops to let Jason win

Thanks for hanging in there!