Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - July 24

In some kind of zone

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dipsy Doodles:
  • Ew. In the early morning hours, we had undercover porn starring Kaitlyn and Brett.
  • Wait. She's a life coach. Perhaps she was just coaching him?
  • Ew.
  • I find it interesting that Rockstar, the only mother on the show, does hardly anything in the kitchen. She is either thinking it's a vacation from her daily tasks or her children are starving.
  • Tyler told Kaitlyn he didn't think she has Fessy's vote to stay.
  • WHAT?!?! She's shocked! Where did he hear that?
  • Tyler didn't say.
  • It couldn't be those bridges she burnt, could it?
  • Heh.
  • Now Kaitlyn is telling Fessy she would have voted for Swaggy to stay had there been a tie.
  • Um. Well. Had she not put him on the block, he would have stayed, too.
  • Fessy might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he knows that much.
  • While there's much waffling now, Kaycee is still pushing Kaitlyn out and bring Bayleigh into Level 6.
  • Of course, Kaycee and Bayleigh have their own little alliance of two. 
  • If things keep going on course, there won't be an other side before long.
  • Who have they got left? Fessy, Haleigh, Bayleigh, Rockstar and Kaitlyn.
  • Of that group, Rockstar is the only gun-ho member. Kaitlyn has no boundaries, so she doesn't count. The first three are having regrets.
  • Of the others -- Scottie, Sam and JC -- the latter two work with Level 6 more often than not. Or, at least via Tyler. Scottie is close to both Fessy and Tyler. 
  • It's very hot there today and the children frolicked in the kiddie pool.
  • JC jumped in and hurt himself, not realizing it was that shallow.
  • I believe it's three feet deep. Better than no pool, but ...!
  • Waffle time! Now Angela and Rachel (who recently decided Kaitlyn should stay) are now saying "Change of plans!" -- they think Rockstar wants to target Brett and Tyler.
  • How many more times will the target change before Thursday evening?
  • Heehee -- Fessy told Rockstar she should say something about Kaitlyn's boyfriend at home in her speech Thursday.
  • Is Thursday ever going to get here?  

Will not be using her power this week

Cooking and cleaning and being Sam

Kiddie pool

Yeah, right

Ready to pirouette now?

Hey, turn that frown upside down!

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday - July 24

Waiting for Thursday

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of The Crying Game:
  • Once again I don't have a heck of a lot new and interesting for you.
  • There was crying.
  • When Kaitlyn wasn't crying she was entertaining the girls with fart stories.
  • Some are still talking of voting with the house, but it's still a house divided.
  • So, how will that work?
  • Some think if Rockstar stays, she will target them.
  • Some think if Kaitlyn stays, she will target them.
  • We might have the scenario that both stay.
  • Hmm.
  • Sam is still wanting Kaitlyn to be voted out. She's also thinking Kaitlyn would be likely to return.
  • Oh, and now Kaitlyn is cuddling Brett.
  • @@
  • Rockstar has decided she's a free agent.
  • That's probably good as her alliance really really sucked.
  • And, that was more Kaitlyn's doing than anything Rockstar did.
  • I don't like Rockstar. I cringe when I see her.
  • BUT ... she hasn't really played sneaky and she was loyal to her sucky alliance!
  • Fessy told Rockstar he will vote to evict Kaitlyn, but not to tell anyone.
  • Well, duh. After she went all berserk and with all of her now exposed sneaking around, what else would he do but vote to evict her?
  • He's a big lunk when it comes to the game. Fessy's gullible and soft-hearted. But he has had it with Kaitlyn's antics.
  • He thinks Kaitlyn is a liability. Y'think?
  • Rachel and Angela think there may be some pros in keeping Kaitlyn over Rockstar -- they can mold Kaitlyn while Rockstar has her own mindset.
  • It still looks like it will probably be Kaitlyn.
  • Today is bound to be another cryfess. And, tomorrow, too. 

How DARE he reject Kaitlyn!?!?!

That's Fessy's colorful sock.

I don't know what to do.

Sam still does most of the dishes.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday Evening - July 23

Poor Bayleigh

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother house of Hapless Hamsters:
  • Everything prior to the veto ceremony is moot at this point.
  • As expected (well, by me, feedsters and Fessy himself), Fessy kept his promise to Haleigh and saved her with the veto.
  • As I also expected from Sam's conversations although she never came out and directly said it ... she put Rockstar in Haleigh's place.
  • Oh my.
  • The tears came down!
  • Actually, Sam was right -- Fessy would be better NOT using the veto.
  • Now he has to deal with Kaitlyn crying at him, accusing him of all sorts of things and being a nightmare.
  • Sam explained to the nominees and all the other hamsters all she knows about her power -- the evicted will have a chance to return.
  • No one really knows what that means. 
  • Some keep bringing up a Battle Back but Tyler shot that down because if more than one has a chance to come back, it's no power at all.
  • They've decided it's either an America's Vote or perhaps a single comp pf some sort.
  • Rockstar is very upset. Why her? Sam mentioned she's a mother and has an example to set, plus she had to put up someone! And, it's her. It's a game. It's a TV show game.
  • Rockstar cried.
  • Both Rockstar and Kaitlyn cornered anyone they could and fussed.
  • Sam apologized to Brett for not saving Winston last week. She said that, if she could win (and did win) HoH this week, she'd have a say in the nominations.
  • Brett was fine with it.
  • Sam cried.
  • Right now it still looks like Kaitlyn will be the one voted out.
  • And she knows it.
  • She feels REJECTED!
  • Huh. Wait until she gets out of the house. She'll know rejection then!
  • Meanwhile, Kaycee and Bayleigh seem to bond more by the day -- and neither of them are really on the radar, especially as a duo.
  • I can't get all excited about this eviction. I don't like either of the ones on the block. But I feel it's very likely that if Kaitlyn (the planned eviction) goes, she will win her way back in. Rockstar? Who knows? If it's anything physical, she might fail. 

Poor JC, also stuck with Rockstar

Fessy escapes the drama ... for a moment

And Kaitlyn cried ... and cried

Sam cried, too.

Big Brother 20: Veto Ceremony Results - July 23

I'll be submitting a full feeds report later tonight. Unfortunately I have to catch up a bit as I had a hectic late afternoon.

As I expected, not necessarily what anyone in the house with the exception of Haleigh and Fessy expected ... Fessy saved Haleigh and Sam replaced her with Rockstar.

Lots and lots of crying.

More later!

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday - July 23

Not anyone's target

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of The Waiting Game:
  • Sunday, for the most part, was the calm after the storm.
  • Yet, of course, another storm will come today at the veto meeting.
  • This week's Have Nots are Kaycee, Bayleigh, Scottie and Rachel.
  • Never before and never again will Scottie sleep with three girls!
  • Heehee.
  • Sam is already thinking of slop recipes she can try to cook for them.
  • Kaitlyn once again professed her love to Tyler, trying to pry for information.
  • Tyler, still holding with the now accepted Brett vote lie, insists he has no idea what will go on.
  • Kaitlyn continued to pressure Fessy to save her with the veto.
  • That is, until she realized how well Haleigh is doing NOT pressuring him
  • So, she also told Fessy she'd understand if he didn't use it to save her.
  • "But I love you!"
  • Despite what she says, she's still trying to influence both Tyler and Fessy.
  • And both are uncomfortable about it.
  • JC, thinking he was doing a good thing, kept pestering Fessy about the veto. 
  • Since he's not privy to Level 5 doings, he thought that's what Tyler wanted.
  • Tyler finally had to pull him aside and tell him to knock it off -- with Sam's power it's likely no one will go this week. Tyler doesn't want JC to put a target on his back if one of them wins HoH.
  • They had the yard yesterday and it's a doldrums day, so they did a lot of lazing about.
  • Scottie told Kaycee he will vote "with the house."
  • He has no real clue who that would be for, nor even who "the house" is.
  • Fessy is still upset that his side has been blindsided three times with hinky votes.
  • I think both he and Bayleigh have been negatively affected by Swaggy in the house.
  • Bayleigh is bouncing back quite well. Fessy not so much.
  • Rockstar talked to Sam, telling her she's not ready to go home.
  • Rats.
  • Rockstar decided to say something nice about everyone, even Brett.
  • It was rather sickening.
  • She's obviously trying to get in good graces because she fears she will be the replacement nominee if Fessy uses the veto.
  • Rachel had a missing family cry.
  • Sam and Fessy talked. She told him if he uses the veto he protects one person. If he doesn't use it, he's trying to protect two.
  • Sam tried to get Fessy to tell her whether or not he will use the veto. But she refused to tell him her potential renom.
  • Haleigh now thinks that Fessy will use the veto to save her, but expects her to be loyal to him ... gamewise and showmance-wise.
  • Uh-oh.
  • I still think he'll probably use it to save her. 

Perfect for a modern day Far Side comic

I guess I'm old. I like Sam's values.

Swaggy was bad for her in the house.

Haleigh is trying to play it cool.