Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Wednesday - Sept. 5

Ready to climb the walls.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Gregarious Groundhogs:
  • No yard. No grill. Servin' the hard time in the BB House.
  • Brett complained to Angela, Tyler and JC about how annoying Sam is from her never-ending stories to her possible Hoarder practices.
  • No one can really use the table because Sam's stuff has taken it over.
  • YET ... they used her Saran Wrap/Tape ball for games. I didn't see them whining about the ball!
  • They wanted to get Haleigh to dump all the stuff off the table. But Haleigh decided it would just cause a fight and, since she's on the block, she doesn't need that.
  • Brett and Scottie did wall-climbing.
  • And then ... when most everyone else in the house turned in ... Brett and Scottie hung out with Sam.
  • Yep, for all the trash talk ... Brett hung out with her to the point that he hung in the Have Not room asking her to tell and listening to her stories.
  • Scottie, JC and Brett stayed up most of the night being entertained by Sam.
  • JC was trying to sleep but couldn't with the lights on. He refused Sam's offer of an eye mask because he's claustrophobic and it bothers him.
  • I still don't have a great read on Brett. I can never tall with him until I see him run to Tyler and talk.
  • If he did that, I missed it.
  • It's been pretty obvious where Sam's vote lies.
  • Tomorrow, tomorrow ... 

Find the table if you're able

JC wants them on the block

Sam can always amuse herself

Late night talking with Sam and Scottie

Sam enjoying time with her boys

Into the night they talked ...

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Tuesday - Sept. 4

Thankfully not a porn-ish showmance

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Controversial Comps:
  • The early evening was on the quiet side.
  • For a while, Tyler and Angela hung out in the HoH room.
  • Nope, they didn't do the deed and I doubt they will while on the show.
  • It does seem to be a true affection kind of relationship.
  • For a while, Sam exiled herself contemplating her navel. Or something to that effect. She kept whispering questions to herself. Why am I here? Where am I? How long will I be here? 
  • Angela came along also seeking a bit of quiet.
  • But they joined forces and went to the kitchen with everyone else.
  • The backyard had been closed down and they were told it would reopen.
  • Since they've been told there would be another extended lockout from the yard prior to Thursday, they want every minute of the yard they can get.
  • Meanwhile, JC talked to Tyler in the HoH room while the others gathered in the kitchen.
  • JC kept defending his own game play and how he reported to him (Tyler) everything Fessy said while not telling Fessy anything Tyler said.
  • He seems to be getting very nervous about his final two deal with Tyler.
  • He also seems to be blaming it all on Angela.
  • Or, to be more precise, the Angela/Tyler relationship.
  • He's like a jealous little kid.
  • JC told Tyler the next move they need to make after this week is to target Angela and Kaycee.
  • Bwahahaha!
  • Despite all of JC's pleas, Tyler just kept saying it was too soon.
  • Then Sam called a house meeting.
  • Oh noes! Whassup?
  • It turns out that BBAD/PopTV is putting on a big yard party for them -- complete with grill, foods and booze.
  • And, the Have Nots can partake until midnight. It was 9pm-ish when they started.
  • Brett and Scottie took over the grilling.
  • Scottie went a bit wild with the Mountain Dew -- he's not much of a drinker.
  • JC's goal was to drink as much as he could -- he even fussed when others drank wine. He wanted wine and beer. Some only like wine, yet he demanded both.
  • Sam mixed and mingled all evening -- eating, playing solo badminton and having a good time.
  • But, who's the one to watch?
  • Brett.
  • The guy is so hard to figure out when he's on his A Game.
  • Often this season, I thought he was defecting from Level 6/4 but then he'd report back.
  • Well, JC is in his ear with his agenda.
  • Brett seems to be considering it.
  • But you never can tell with him.
  • Brett also had an extremely long game talk with Scottie.
  • Scottie gave him all kinds of insight to FOUTTE and the talks at the jury house.
  • Scottie thinks that, if he can stay, they should team up with JC and Sam.
  • Brett told him that Sam is unpredictable.
  • Then Scottie told him that someone (Bayleigh?) told him that Sam had a crush on Brett.
  • Well, I think Sam has a crush on Tyler, too.
  • That's beside the point.
  • I don't think Brett will jump ship from Level 6/4, but he's so hard to read.
  • Tyler has Scottie convinced he's not the target, but needs to be careful.
  • Tyler has Haleigh convinced she's not the target.
  • I do think they're targeting Scottie more than Haleigh.
  • Either one left behind could possibly win HoH -- I mean, we're not talking JC here. 

Where am I? Why am I here?

BBAD is giving us a party!

They find the booze before seeing the grill

Badminton, croquet, hula hoops

Brett and JC talk game

Brett and Scottie talk game

Monday, September 03, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds, PoV Meeting Monday - Sept. 3

Plays well with others

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Voyeur's Voles:
  • Is it Thursday yet?
  • It can't come too soon.
  • Hmm ... let's see, let's see ...
  • Sam got creative again, making things that I'm not sure the purpose, other than to keep her busy.
  • JC is in his slop mode grump.
  • He's mad because others got a bit of alcohol last night.
  • He's mad because, although he's the best fit for the satellite dish beds, they're so uncomfortable.
  • He's mad because he can't eat whatever he wants.
  • He's mad because he thinks Tyler targeted him as a Have Not because he kept warning him about Angela -- remember, the Have Nots were the first three down in the HoH comp, decided this week by BB, not Tyler. Don't kill the messenger!
  • You'd think he was the only Have Not now or ever.
  • Scottie and Sam are also Have Nots. Scottie is taking it in stride. Sam says at least now she won't be wondering what to eat for dinner.
  • They got word that the yard will be shut down for an extended time frame once again this week.
  • So there was a lot of sunbathing and exercising. 
  • They complain how hot it is, yet remain out there baking their skin in the sun.
  • (Sorry, I'm a fair-skinned redhead and never had the urge to sunbathe. I just turn red, then pale again.)
  • Haleigh is now focusing on her friendship with Kaycee.
  • Lucky Kaycee.
  • They had the veto meeting with the live feeds blocked.
  • No surprises -- Kaycee didn't use the veto.
  • Apparently both nominees for eviction gave speeches.
  • Like a Brett speech, I guess both were very inventive.
  • Wasted because she was never going to use that veto, but ...!
  • The Angela/Tyler showmance continues.
  • They're still trying to hide it, but it's rather hard.
  • Mind you, they just cuddle, small talk and I know there was at least one kiss. It's not the soft porn we've seen with others when they've known each other two weeks.
  • It's kind of cute. But I don't want it to ruin their gameplay.
  • JC had the nerve to ask Tyler how he knows that Angela isn't working with Haleigh.
  • @@
  • But, the interesting note is that Angela is the only one not in a Final Two deal with Tyler other than Scottie and Haleigh.
  • Brett is continuing his pseudo-alliance with JC, telling JC if he wins HoH, he'll put up Angela and Kaycee with Angela being the target.
  • They seem to have decided that Scottie is more dangerous to leave in the game and it's likely they'll vote him out this week, target Haleigh next week.
  • That, of course, is subject to change. 

Solitary slop, greeting bugs and birds

Me? I'd rather stay pale than to bake

Haleigh's new bestie

Scottie bed dancing

Some dancing you cannot unsee

Nobody puts Sammy in the corner!

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds into Monday - Sept. 3

They all still love him.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother house of Kool Kats:
  • But first ... I hope you're all enjoying a fine Labor Day weekend ... despite any weather woes.
  • Yesterday and last night were pretty much without any real suspense.
  • Neither Scottie nor Haleigh expect that Kaycee will use her veto to save either of them at the veto ceremony (later today).
  • Haleigh continued her strategy from last week -- mix and mingle and be friendly to everyone.
  • Well, not Sam. She's not friendly with her still.
  • Scottie is also trying hard to fit in. Perhaps a bit too hard. 
  • I'm beginning to remember how annoying he can be, even when he doesn't mean to be.
  • They got the yard -- something they always enjoy.
  • They got the yard -- something which often makes the live feeds boring.
  • Why? Because they lay about in the sun, exercise and run.
  • Sam remains confused about how to actually play the game. She had a talk with Brett telling him she didn't quite understand how to "work together" with someone.
  • @@
  • She also had a talk with Scottie and Angela saying she wasn't trying to complain as much as she had been doing.
  • Hmm.
  • Weird.
  • But that's Sam for you.
  • Kaycee reaffirmed with Tyler that she's his final two deal. He told her it's the only one.
  • Hmm. Love ya, Tyler. But all these deals might bite you in the butt down the road.
  • Tyler decided the Have Nots will be the first three to drop in the HoH comp -- JC, Sam and Scottie.
  • JC is angry about being a Have Not again.
  • What else is new?
  • Haleigh got into a crying jag about her predicament.
  • Who cheered her up and got her to laugh?
  • Scottie.
  • He proposed all kinds of creative ways for her to campaign against him.
  • It's looking like Scottie will go this week now.
  • But it's a long time until Thursday. 

Sam's back to trusting only Tyler

Will win ... Most Obsessed Nailbiter

Pushing his Scottie Out agenda

Was she throwing comps until recently?

Will he ever win another comp?

Trying hard to fit back in ... too hard?

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Big Brother 20: HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 2

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Please remember the show posts, like this one, are spoiler-free zones. While many already know the PoV winner and more, it has not played out on the show. Feel free to post spoiler comments on any of the live feeds posts, but not here ... also please don't ask for spoilers information in this post. Thank you!

Previously on focuses on JC getting Scottie out, then Fessy and now focusing on Angela? Hmm. Into the Battle Back and we know how that turned out. 

Everyone is so happy to see Scottie back. Scottie is fine with them, but he knows they all voted them out. JC is not happy to see him. Haleigh is hoping she can work with Scottie, but isn't sure. Scottie, meanwhile, had been told in the comp by Fessy that it was JC who set him up. 

JC is pushing for them to target Scottie.

HoH comp time! Haleigh quickly tries to make nicey-nice with Scottie before the comp.

The backyard is a carnival set-up, rope swings, a huge cherry pie. BB County Fair. Treats and rides. They have to step on their disks suspended by the circling ropes. They cannot sit on the disks. The sideways pie slaps them as they go about. We get the typical Diary Room bits from many of them telling us they have to win.

JC fell first after a DR bit telling us that this was HIS competition! Mustard and catsup is squirted at them as well as cherry filling coming out of the pie on them each time they hit it. Here come feathers! 

Sam is out. She'll be happy if Tyler wins -- she feels he's the only one in her corner. 

Scottie started spinning out of control and is out. He wants Haleigh to win. 

Kaycee started vomiting, but remains up. Whoops! Brett is down! It's down to Tyler, Kaycee and Haleigh. Haleigh has been looking very solid. 

Now Kaycee's feet slip and it's between Haleigh and Tyler. Sam is cheering Tyler on which will add fuel to Haleigh's dislike of Sam. Nobody is cheering for Haleigh now. Whoa! The pie hit Haleigh hard and she went down.

Tyler is the new HoH! He tells us in a DR session that he will do what's best for his own game, not Level 6. His eyes are on the prize. Haleigh is super worried. Scottie wants to rekindle his friendship with Tyler. JC is smug thinking that Scottie will go out again.

JC pushes Haleigh's Anti-Sam buttons. She now thinks Sam wasn't cheering on Tyler -- she just didn't want Haleigh to win. 

The Tyler/Angela showmance secrecy continues. Tyler says he doesn't have final two deals with Scottie, Haleigh or Angela. Angela is good, he thinks. Therefore, it seems that Scottie and Haleigh nominations will get the least blood on his hands. He's really trying to resist distraction from Angela.

JC and Kaycee talked about when they each came out as gay and how their families handled it. Kaycee's Mom isn't really accepting and Kaycee cries in the DR although she will always love her mom. 

To Haleigh and Tyler in the HoH room. He tells her that he hasn't decided. Haleigh inquires about Sam as a target. He doesn't tell her that he plans on putting her (Haleigh) up. Then Scottie approaches him. Tyler fills him in on the Fessy/Haleigh final four faux-deal. Tyler tells Scottie that Haleigh is the only one who put him (Tyler) on the block. He tells Scottie that everyone wants him out because he came back. Scottie keeps saying, "Tell me how to vote." Um ... I would say that as IF he has a vote this week!

JC thinks if he can create chaos between others, he can keep himself under the radar. He tells Tyler that Brett is saying things about Angela and Kaycee.  Brett goes to Tyler and rats out JC to him. 

JC and Tyler talk. JC wants Scottie out now. Tyler tells him he knows what he's doing. JC tells Tyler that Brett doesn't trust him (Tyler) ... bwahahaha! Then JC starts bugging about Angela. Tyler is not falling for his tricks. 

Time for the nominations ceremony. Tyler first nominates Haleigh, then Scottie. He says that Haleigh the Hacker stuff, Scottie -- everybody voted you out all ready. Strictly a game thing, love you both.