I'll be constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
We should be in for a fun HoH comp viewing tonight. Gee, do you think there will be any drama from Tamar? Heh.
Sitting through Previously on …
Ohhh …. we're supposed to have the most terrifying HoH ever! Good.
Okay, Ryan is leaving once again. Tamar was worried thinking she might go. Now we'll hear why each person has to win HoH. Joey is rightfully worried as he's a bit of a lone wolf without Ryan.
Lolo is crying, feeling guilty for voting out a fellow Olympian. She just feels she couldn't work with him in the game.
Joey is trying everyone from Kato to Ricky pushing that Lolo and Natalie need to be worried about. As Ricky told us, he should work on his own game. For someone who didn't want to be in an alliance before, he's scrambling now.
Ricky goes to Lolo and Natalie, warning them that Joey is walking around saying they (the girls) are getting too confident. Of course, he's only doing that for his own game, but they're gullible and he's right -- they will be more willing to trust him if he gives them little tidbits now and then.
HoH comp time! A deranged family of lunatics is on the loose. They have to enter the house with them inside, go through each room to find their car keys and get out. They do this one by one in the dark.
Natalie up, then Kandi. Sigh. Then it's Tamar's turn. She says she doesn't do stuff that will scare her and goes into super dramatics. She gave up and leaves the house quickly without completing the challenge. Tom is up next. Then it's Dina's turn. Lolo next. Ricky runs in next. Then Joey.
The times:
Dina 14.24
Nat 9.07
Joey 4.19
Into commercial …
Tom 3.07
Kandi 8.43
Lolo 3.48
Tamar 30 minutes (disqualified)
Ricky 3.44
TOM wins HoH!
Both Tamar and Joey think they're going on the block.
Kandi asks Tom if he was in an alliance. Tom claims he hasn't made up his mind and wants to talk to everyone.
Tom and Kato decide they're Team Fun. They have Lolo and Natalie in with them. Ricky walks in and they ask if he wants in on an alliance. He says yes, but no way to the name and decides he doesn't want to be a part of it all anyway.
Ricky is with Tom and Kato. He asks who the target is. Kato suggests putting up Tamar and Kandi. If one wins veto, put up Joey. Tom tells us that Ricky is probably the biggest threat, "what about you, Ricky?"
We get a bit of the Tom Show that we see every night as he talks to the live feeders and explores around the house alone.
Kato thinks Lolo and Natalie will stay true to them. He thinks Ricky will honor the final five. Kato and Tom are loyal to each other. Tom is seriously thinking getting Ricky out because he's stronger rather than going for a weaker target.
An Entertainment Tonight twist comes on the video monitor -- America "publicist" will be giving one player a new power.
The Power of the Publicist.
As I thought from the Twitter voting and her fan base there, TAMAR got the power. She's thrilled.
Tom is worried. He thinks the two most likely to have it should be put on the block to flush out the power.
Time for the Nominations Ceremony --
Tom nominates Joey, then Kandi. He likes them both very much, but he thinks one of them won the power.
Tom tells us that Ricky is still on his radar if the veto is used.