Friday, June 28, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds into Thurs. Evening - June 27

What? Me worry?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wanton Whackadoodles:

  • As I mentioned in the earlier veto bulletin, the feeds were blocked for over seven hours. Yeah, that's a big chunk of the day for sure!
  • If you didn't catch it -- Sam won the veto.
  • It's sounding like he wants to save Cliff with it. 
  • I wish he would. It really isn't right to put one much older than the rest person in there each year only to have them be instant targets.
  • Plus, I think Cliff has game in him. I want to see him play!
  • To be honest, I'd have no problem with Kathryn going home. She's already cried too much.
  • Although Tommy was chosen to host the comp, it sounds like Kaycee from BB20 hosted it or had something to do with it. 
  • The comp sounds like it will be fun to watch. Now I know there were 18 onions.
  • In their talks, they were saying it was set up kind of like a school lunchroom and they were diving over/under tables. It apparently was done individually and as they completed, they were sequestered away in different rooms.
  • There were strawberries and meatballs involved as well.
  • Hmm.
  • Oh, speaking of comps -- apparently that first Whacktivity comp Julie mentioned has already played out.
  • They're not really mentioning it, though. From what little I can grasp, it's one of those that the winner doesn't reveal unless he or she wants to tell.
  • I guess we'll find out Sunday on the show.
  • It's obvious that Kathryn isn't too familiar with the terminology of the show -- she told Holly (while crying) that she thinks she's being blindsided. 
  • Um, no. She was an original nomination. She had the chance to win the veto and save herself. If she gets voted out, it's not a blindside. Heck, even if she was told she's a pawn (which I don't think anyone said), it still wouldn't be a blindside. A blindside is when the plan is to evict someone who has no opportunity to play for veto or save himself, always a renom.
  • Oh, wait. She didn't say backdoor. She said blindside. Nah, she still isn't being blindsided either -- she'll go if she keeps freaking out about going. Otherwise they just might blindside someone else!
  • Plus, if she's expecting a blindside, she won't be blindsided about it. Heehee.
  • Sam and Nick want to form an alliance with Jack, Analyse and Christie.
  • Of course, Sam and Nick have no idea of any other alliances.
  • Ovi is still not really a part of anything going on in the house other than Holly's complaints about him.
  • He tries to mix and mingle but nothing seems to be really clicking for him.
  • Nicole is another odd one out a bit.
  • Hmm. Those two both really know the game. They should team up together.
  • Kemi is coming around and mingling more. I don't know if Jackson told her the reason he chose her for banishment was because everyone else talked to him but her. Whether or not he told her, it seems she is understanding she can't play the game as a lone wolfette.
  • Bella has been teaching people Chinese. She's also a bit onto Cliff -- she told Kathryn that she thinks he's a lot smarter than he's letting on.
  • I think we're going to see a pretty shrewd player in Bella.
  • Either that or she'll crash and burn.
  • One or the other.
  • Cliff is definitely more in with at least some of the guys than Ovi is in with anybody, guys or gals.
  • He and Nick talked. Cliff told Nick he's trying to distance himself from Ovi because it seems like Ovi is alienating himself and he doesn't want to be caught in that.
  • Nick said if he wins HOH next week, he thinks he'd put Ovi up because something just isn't right with the way he's acting.
  • Hmm.
  • Even though Kathryn doesn't know if the veto will be used or not, in between crying and then saying she's okay, she says she wants to go home. 
  • So, send her. No skin off my nose.
  • Okay, I'll stop being mean.
  • Right now it's not sure who the replacement nom will be if/when Sam takes Cliff off the block.
  • We also don't know when the veto meeting will be held.
  • On the "don't know" note, I bid you adieu for the night ... 

I'll be chill when I'm not crying

Is Sam shouting? Of course he is.

We'll call our alliance the Fugazi Five

Checkers, no chess!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds Bulletin - Veto Winner - Thur. June 27

Critter Cam is back!

Thankfully after last season's never ending loops of shows, we have the return of adoptable doggies, kitties and bunnies.

That said, the veto comp had the live feeds blocked for over seven hours today.

The veto winner is SAM.

The veto comp itself was a messy and physical one with strawberries, running, onions, maybe meatballs … I dunno. More later!

BB21: Live Feeds into Thursday - June 27

And so it begins ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Newbie Nuts:
  • When the live feeds went on at midnight ET they'd already been in the house for a week without them.
  • They knew when they went on.
  • I'm still getting used to who is whom and all, so bear with me.
  • We always miss so much in the beginning of the season before they start the live feeds. Grr!
  • Nominations have already been made.
  • Cliff and Kat (Kathryn) are on the block. 
  • As it stands now, the plan is to take Kat down with the veto and backdoor Kemi.
  • They keep assuring Kat that she will be safe although not letting her know of the backdoor plan.
  • Yet, she persists in working herself all up.
  • She thinks she needs to win the veto or get HG choice and choose Jackson to play for her, win it and take her off the block.
  • From all I saw, even though they're getting tired of her freaking out, she is going to be safe.
  • Although, if it remains Cliff and her … maybe if she bugs them all enough !
  • Jessica, Kathryn and Tommy think they are out of the loop and alliances are going on.
  • You don't say!
  • They all played some human knot thing to entertain us.
  • It didn't entertain me. Make them stop and not do that again.
  • It's like group Twister holding hands instead of staying on the color dots.
  • Kathryn trusts Jackson, but not Bella.
  • Meanwhile, Bella is actually okay with Kat but is annoyed by Kemi.
  • And on it goes.
  • Even though Analyse said on the show last night her nickname is Sis, they're calling her Anna.
  • I think they're doing that just to confuse me.
  • Sam actually talks to us via the cameras. I like that. But Tommy said that they were told by BB not to talk to us. Grr.
  • Hmmm … there's already some friction between Holly and Ovi. We'll have to see if that continues.
  • She thinks he spied on her in the shower, then used the bathroom,. didn't was his hands and then touched food.
  • Holly might have broken up the Jack/Jackson bromance by telling him that Jack is getting way too close with Christie.
  • I'm not sure if Jackson is as leery of Jack as he seemed to be when talking to Holly.
  • Kemi is oblivious to the fact that she's any kind of target. She says she doesn't want to play for the veto and if she has to, she will throw it.
  • Oh my, Oblivious Girl.
  • The feeds were blocked as the veto players were picked. 
  • Kemi only has to worry about being backdoored now.
  • Tommy will host the comp. Christie, Cliff and Kathryn will play for veto with Nicole, Jack and Sam.
  • And Kathryn cried …
  • And … when are they going to learn about lying about their jobs? Nick already told Tommy about his real job saying he wish he could help Kathryn cope. Once you tell one, they'll all eventually know. In my opinion, it was a rather silly lie … especially since he works with children. I'm juat not seeing the threat.
  • The veto comp will be sometime today. I think so, anyway.
  • Someone in that house snores loudly.
  • More later!

Mixing and mingling

Convoluted human knot "fun"

Jersey Boy

Are we all on the same page?

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Amazing Race 31: Season Finale Blog Party

Well, here we are -- it's the season finale. Remember, this will be a two-hour show, so settle in. Not surprisingly, three of the four remaining teams in the race are previous TAR teams. I am a bit surprised that the one non-TAR team is from Big Brother rather than Survivor. Victor and Nicole deserve kudos! (Plus they're my blog pool pick!)

Speaking of the blog pool -- here's the latest updated list from Lifeguard SueGee:

From Big Brother
Nicole & Victor -- Jackie, Jennifer, Jenna G

From Survivor
No One Has Survived!

From TAR
Colin & Christie -- Donna NY, Petals
Leo & Jamal -- Merrilee, Judi Sweeney, Glenn Allen
Tyler & Korey -- Sharon N, Ed in Ohio

Art & JJ
Rupert & Laura
Corinne & Eliza
Janelle & Britney
Rachel & Elissa
Chris & Bret
Becca & Floyd

I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, you know the party is in the comments area! Have fun!

Race watchers ready? Let's GO!

Teams are off to London for the next leg. The TAR alumni want to be the final three although the Afghanimals aren't all that popular with the other two teams The two teams will work together when possible. The Afhanimals have been eliminated in the 11th leg both times before and the last time in England. 

All teams on the same flight. But it's a scramble for taxis to get to the Aviation Museum. They find out they have to book the taxis, not hail one. 

Helicopter ride over the White Cliffs of Dover to the Dover Castle. Leo;Jamal running in first place. Stunning views!

Roadblock -- Who can't keep a secret … cracking a code and typing it up.

Leo/Jamal through it. Korey and Christie working together. Victor suspects it. 

After the Roadblock teams fly back to London and search for clues along the River Thames. 

Gah. Victor solved the puzzle and helped the other teams. Then Korey finished leaving Christie last.

Leo/Jamal head to Piccadilly Circus. Victor and Nicole on their tails, then Tyler/Korey.  The next clue is a Detour. Memorize a cab route one detail at a time or learn how to row two person skiff and complete a course in one minute. All three teams are there and now Christie finally finished the Roadblock.

Leo/Jamal start with the rowing, but switch when it seems precarious. That memorization seems impossible to me! Nic/Vic are trying to row. Christie and Colin finally there, go for the row. Tyler/Korey are also there. All having trouble. Whoops! Tyler/Korey capsize and are questioning their choice of detour. Sure enough, they switch.

Nic/Vic switch, too. Jamal/Leo get through the cab memorization after many tries and are the first on the way to the Pit Stop. Tyler/Korey through the cab.

Pit Stop --
Phil hands the Afghanimals a clue and they have to pick up some items at a market before they can be checked in. They have to find eight items. Then it's Ty;er/Korey shopping, too. 

Christie/Colin got through the rowing! Vic/Nic finish the taxi.  Colin/Christie get to Phil and go shopping, then Nic/Vic.

Pit Stop Order
1. Leo and Jamal
2. Tyler and Korey (who told Colin/Christie where some things are)
3. Colin and Christie
4. Nicole and Victor … Philiminated - They handle it well.

The final three are off to Detroit, Michigan. Tyler/Korey are from Michigan and are quite familiar with Detroit. 

All on the same flight. They're heading to the Spirit of Detroit. Leo/Jamal get to the clue first -- Roadblock. Who's good with numbers? 500 foot face forward rappel looking for the numbers that are the combination for a vault. It turns out doing the combination itself is tricky with the numbers having to be dialed in certain directions and number of times.

Colin and Christie through first. They have to play a bizarre game that combines football and bowling. Colin/Christie can't find their cab (that they left waiting). Tyler/Korey pass them by and get in their cab.

Both ColinChrisie and Tyler/Korey are at the Fowling. 

Teams must press five split color vinyl records according to the next clue. Tyler/Korey out first heading that way. Leo/Jamal still at the vault. He finally got it and they're heading for the records.

Chratie/Colin finish the records first and have to find the next clue among a bunch of musicians. Tyler/Korey on their tails.

That clue directs them to assemble a drum kit. While they're assembling them, extremely loud music is distracting them and interfering with their ability to communicate.

Colin/Christie finish their drum first. Soon after, Tyler/Korey finish. Both teams heading towards the finish line. Afghanimals have no chance. 


Second place goes to Tyler and Korey. Leo and Jamal are fowling. They finally arrive at the finish line.

BB21: Season Premiere Part Two Blog Party


It sounds like it's going to be a pretty jammed with action hour for us tonight. We'll have the Camp Director banished hamsters comp and, since this is a taped show followed by the two-hour season finale of The Amazing Race, it looks like we'll have an edited or really shortly endured endurance HoH comp. Either that or they'll leave things hanging to air on the next show. If that's the case, although rumor are out and about, we'll know the HoH for sure after the live feeds come on at midnight ET.

Just a TAR note -- the blog party post for that show is waiting in the wings and will appear as BB ends tonight. Come cheer on hamsters Victor and Nicole!

BB21 blog pool match-ups are on THIS HERE LINKED POST in case you missed it.

BB21 schedule is on THIS POST. And, last but not least, what to expect from this blog is on THIS POST.

I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest update! As always. the rea; party is in the comments area. Please stop in and visit us! Bring adult beverages and snacks.

Previously on and blah-blah-blah …

Julie has on a summery dress. We get clips of begging and pleading. Jessica is worried about being banished. Jackson, not happy that he has to make the decision to banish four and cost one his/her game, listens to each of them. Kemi doesn't think she herself needs to go talk to him. Bella falls into favor with Jack and Jackson because she voted for him. Jack mentions that David probably wouldn't hold it against Jackson and is sure to come back.

Jackson talks to David and lets him know he wants to put him as a pawn in the comp against people he's sure to beat. David tells him he'd rather not.

Julie has them gather in the living room. A camp mascot helps the banished be removed. Jackson goes away from the rest and makes his first selection. The mascot is a creepy squirrel. The squirrel puts a wrap over Cliff's head and leads him out. Second banished is Kemi. Then Jessica. Then David.

The four are in the dark in the wilderness. First three back to Camp BB stay in the game. Other camps are put there as decoys. The decoy camps are all booby-trapped. Gooey honey, balls chucked at them, etc. 

CLIFF makes it back first!

Kemi experiences scary clowns, but makes in back second to Camp BB 

Jessica and David are struggling but Jessica makes it back first.

DAVID is last and out of the game. Julie interrupts his search and tells him he's out of the Big Brother house … for now. Hmm.

Christie wants to make sure that Tommy is okay with her. They both want to keep things under the radar about knowing each other.

Jack says they're calling Jackson "Mickey" as it's his last name -- Michie I believe. They're trying to get a six person alliance together. Holly, Christie, Bella, Nick, Jack and Jackson … er, Mickey.

Julie tells us an epic battle of endurance BEGUNS next. Now, this show was taped and that comp is NOT live. So, I won't be covering it. I will confirm the winner once the live feeds verify it later tonight.

Jackson has one last duty to perform. He won't be competing. Played in pairs. Climb onto a log, last person on log is HoH. Jackson chooses who gets paired with whom. The logs are vertical and swaying a bit. 

Whoa! Jessica is out first! 

They get sprayed with various colors of paint (or paint-like substance). 

Jack down, Kathryn, Nick down. More stuff coming at them and the logs are spinning a bit. Ovi out -- he threw it. Sam down. Kemi down. Cliff down. Bella down. Maybe this will end with the show end. Nicole down. 

Christie wants to win for her new alliance. Analyse is down, then Holly. It's only Tommy and Christie still in it. She tells us he would be safe from a DR bit. Tommy down.


I was definitely right about Sam being Most Likely to Shout In the DR, 

A new power will be revealed next week. And, Julie tells us David might be back. The live eviction next week is on Wednesday night.