So, here we are at the very important Power of Veto show. I think I can speak for just about everyone reading this that we would love to see a Kaysar win. I doubt anyone else winning it would save him. But, will it go down that way?
I'll be updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us for all the fun!
Previously on and on ...
Ah, endurance is the veto comp this time instead of an HOH one.
We pick up after the noms. Enzo makes it clear that the target is Kaysar and Kevin is just a pawn. Of course, sometimes pawns go home. So, Kevin is really upset. He thought he was in good with Enzo. Enzo tells him he's good with everybody and no one is targeting him doesn't make Kevin feel much better at all.
Nicole tells us anything can happen. What I wish would happen is unlikely -- a backdoor of Nicole. Heehee!
Kaysar talks to Enzo, telling him he would work with him, not come after him, if he stays. Enzo is kind enough to him but tells him it wouldn't be happening. Meanwhile David is feeling all alone, he's lost trust with the others. Heck, he's just lost and shouldn't even be on the show if you ask me! Bayleigh tells us David is rubbing too many people wrong in the game, almost blowing up alliances and such. She says he needs to tone it down.
Ian tries to game talk with Enzo as that was supposedly the reason for the nominations. He tells him that if he (Ian) wins POV, he will do whatever Enzo wants. Alas, Enzo sees through the ploy as he tells us. He had brought up Ian's name as a replacement nom when talking to his alliance.
David explains how BB works with them not knowing the outside world. They get to play a game about outside news with Memphis doing a Mornings with Memphis Show. I daresay I prefer Dick at Night or his old morning talks with the live feeders.
Kevin thinks he might pick David as houseguest choice if he gets that chip. He wants David to save him and neither have anyone to work with.
Veto player pick time! Enzo randomly draws Tyler. Kaysar gets Bayleigh. Kevin draws HG choice ... yep, David.
Kaysar wants to make sure Bayleigh will save him if she wins the veto. After all, she was close to Janelle. But Bayleigh might have other thoughts as she needs to do what's best for her own game and saving him might blow an alliance. She tells us that she probably would not save him if she won.
Enzo, Cody and Tyler are worried David might save Kevin if he wins the veto. Tyler tells us only Cody and himself have won anything so they should win this one. Hmm. It seems to me that both Kevin and Kaysar have each won something. Maybe I'm wrong on Kevin. But Kaysar won a Safety Suite.
Veto comp time -- BB Theater, puppetmaster. Hold onto the puppet strings for dear life as pulled in all directions. They're getting doused with goop as they're suspended on the moving "strings." Sigh. Kaysar is out first. Enzo out. Tyler out. Bayleigh down. David down on his own merit even though Kevin told him he has his back if he drops. KEVIN WINS THE POWER OF VETO!
Kaysar points out to us that, since Kevin was an obvious pawn, this might be good for him -- a ray of hope? Enzo is worried about who to put up since he really wants Kaysar gone. Would Ian be an issue? Would they vote him out instead of Kaysar? He actually wants another definite pawn.
Christmas says she will go up as a pawn. She's a bit worried it would make her look expendable but it would solidify Enzo's trust in working with her. Dani thinks the Slick Six need to discuss their options. She invites Tyler who is in a room with Nicole who's not in the Six. Tyler is ticked about it. She basically outed the alliance. He tells Enzo about Dani blowing it. Tyler suggest backdooring Dani, but that would mean Kaysar would stay.
Time for the veto meeting. Sure enough (and wisely), Kevin saves himself. Enzo goes the safe route and puts up Christmas in his place. He talks of securing against the "house target." That must make Kaysar feel so good.
So, tomorrow night it will be Kaysar or Christmas being evicted.