Wednesday, September 02, 2020

BB22: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 2


So, here we are at the very important Power of Veto show. I think I can speak for just about everyone reading this that we would love to see a Kaysar win. I doubt anyone else winning it would save him. But, will it go down that way?

I'll be updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join us for all the fun!

Previously on and on ...

Ah, endurance is the veto comp this time instead of an HOH one.

We pick up after the noms. Enzo makes it clear that the target is Kaysar and Kevin is just a pawn. Of course, sometimes pawns go home. So, Kevin is really upset. He thought he was in good with Enzo. Enzo tells him he's good with everybody and no one is targeting him doesn't make Kevin feel much better at all.

Nicole tells us anything can happen. What I wish would happen is unlikely -- a backdoor of Nicole. Heehee!

Kaysar talks to Enzo, telling him he would work with him, not come after him, if he stays. Enzo is kind enough to him but tells him it wouldn't be happening. Meanwhile David is feeling all alone, he's lost trust with the others. Heck, he's just lost and shouldn't even be on the show if you ask me! Bayleigh tells us David is rubbing too many people wrong in the game, almost blowing up alliances and such. She says he needs to tone it down.

Ian tries to game talk with Enzo as that was supposedly the reason for the nominations. He tells him that if he (Ian) wins POV, he will do whatever Enzo wants. Alas, Enzo sees through the ploy as he tells us. He had brought up Ian's name as a replacement nom when talking to his alliance.

David explains how BB works with them not knowing the outside world. They get to play a game about outside news with Memphis doing a Mornings with Memphis Show. I daresay I prefer Dick at Night or his old morning talks with the live feeders.

Kevin thinks he might pick David as houseguest choice if he gets that chip. He wants David to save him and neither have anyone to work with.

Veto player pick time! Enzo randomly draws Tyler. Kaysar gets Bayleigh. Kevin draws HG choice ... yep, David.

Kaysar wants to make sure Bayleigh will save him if she wins the veto. After all, she was close to Janelle. But Bayleigh might have other thoughts as she needs to do what's best for her own game and saving him might blow an alliance. She tells us that she probably would not save him if she won.

Enzo, Cody and Tyler are worried David might save Kevin if he wins the veto. Tyler  tells us only Cody and himself have won anything so they should win this one. Hmm. It seems to me that both Kevin and Kaysar have each won something. Maybe I'm wrong on Kevin. But Kaysar won a Safety Suite.

Veto comp time -- BB Theater, puppetmaster. Hold onto the puppet strings for dear life as pulled in all directions. They're getting doused with goop as they're suspended on the moving "strings." Sigh. Kaysar is out first. Enzo out. Tyler out. Bayleigh down. David down on his own merit even though Kevin told him he has his back if he drops. KEVIN WINS THE POWER OF VETO!

Kaysar points out to us that, since Kevin was an obvious pawn, this might be good for him -- a ray of hope? Enzo is worried about who to put up since he really wants Kaysar gone. Would Ian be an issue? Would they vote him out instead of Kaysar? He actually wants another definite pawn.

Christmas says she will go up as a pawn. She's a bit worried it would make her look expendable but it would solidify Enzo's trust in working with her. Dani thinks the Slick Six need to discuss their options. She invites Tyler who is in a room with Nicole who's not in the Six. Tyler is ticked about it. She basically outed the alliance. He tells Enzo about Dani blowing it. Tyler suggest backdooring Dani, but that would mean Kaysar would stay.

Time for the veto meeting. Sure enough (and wisely), Kevin saves himself. Enzo goes the safe route and puts up Christmas in his place. He talks of securing against the "house target." That must make Kaysar feel so good. 

So, tomorrow night it will be Kaysar or Christmas being evicted. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - Sept. 1


Christmas stuffs her star babies in a trash bag

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loquacious Louts:

  • Strategy talks perked up a bit today, thanks to Ian.
  • Yesterday I think it was Cody and Enzo talking about how Ian conveniently leaves something in each room to give him an excuse to go in while people are talking.
  • Well, yeah. Probably.
  • Plus Ian is very observant.
  • He's got the major alliances, minor alliances and side alliances pretty much down pat with the exception of not knowing where Dani and Tyler stand.
  • He was also in the yard and heard the fence shouter shout about Cody and Nicole playing everyone.
  • Because he knows the alliances take up just about everyone except himself, Kevin and Kaysar ... and David to a lesser useless extent, he really can't confide in many.
  • He went to Kevin, hoping Kevin will work with him since he's at the most on the fringes with the alliances.
  • Now, I do worry about that because Kevin's gameplay is usually to float back and forth with the power of the week.
  • But Ian knows that he himself has little to lose as he's a previous winner of the game and not really in any alliance with anyone other than Nicole (as the other previous winner) and he really doesn't seem to trust her or want to test the strength of the alliance with any sort of strategy.
  • So, he confided in Kevin.
  • He later hinted at things with Kaysar and Kaysar convinced him to spill the alliance beans.
  • They're trying to figure a way to flip the vote using the intel, but it looks rather bleak.
  • In other news, Christmas officially turned in all of her star babies today. She kissed each one while wishing a quick "g'bye" and shoved them into a large trash bag.
  • Oh my.
  • You'd think that would be some kind of crime!

More muscles than many of the guys

Can he work with Ian without tattling?

Still doubtful he'll stay

A hammocking Ian is a happy Ian

Monday, August 31, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Monday Afternoon, PoV Meeting - August 31


So not under the radar now

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Petty Possums:

  • Last night as many of the hamsters were hanging out in the yard, there was a wall shouter.
  • Yep! It's been a while. There were chronic issues with wall shouters and even the Megaphone Lady (Miss Kitty?) back in the day.
  • This latest shouter was loud and clear and shouted it twice: "Nicole and Cody are playing everyone."
  • Heh.
  • No, it wasn't me.
  • But you know if we could make it out on the live feeds, so could the hamsters.
  • The feeds shut right down and they/us lost the yard for the rest of the night. The feeds block was much longer than needed, I say.
  • Remember the year someone was throwing candy over the back fence? Heehee!
  • Shouters are more likely to get through more so than banner planes. Usually planes are spotted long before they can be seen from the yard. The shouters can sneak up.
  • Although they were obviously told not to discuss the shouter, Cody said a few times during the rest of the evening his game is ruined now.
  • Poor Cody.
  • Enzo's talks with people continued as he is to make his decision on a renom.
  • Well, unless Kevin doesn't use the veto, that is!
  • Bwahahahaha ... i crack myself up.
  • Enzo's main scheming partner seems to be Tyler rather than Cody. Hmm.
  • Enough people have exposed Dani's seed planting that she's jumped smackdab into the radar.
  • Enzo doesn't want to make any big moves, though.
  • He really wants Kaysar out. If he puts up the easy move of David, it might just backfire and Kaysar might stay. If he does his original plan of Ian, same thing as Ian is perceived as a dangerous player.
  • Aha! Earlier, pre-veto comp, Christmas had volunteered to be a pawn. Maybe it was even before nominations? Doesn't matter. She did volunteer.
  • And, now ... there she is!
  • Yep, Kevin saved himself and put Christmas up against Kaysar.
  • The house is just about all against Kaysar, if not all.
  • I see another house vote looming.
  • Sigh.

Off the hook this week

No one really is with him in the house

Kaysar tries to mix and mingle

Yo, yo, yo

You get what you volunteered for ...

We've already lost three girls!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

BB22: HOH Reveal, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 30


Whoa! It seems like the show is so far behind the live feeds! I just remembered that people only watching the show don't even know the head of house yet unless they read spoilers! However, on the live feeds there is already a Power of Veto winner. So, that said ... this is NOT a spoiler post! Please keep your comments geared towards what we're watching on the show. Thank you!

I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun!

Previously on ... yada yada yada.
We pick up with the HoH comp started on the live show Thursday. Kayser tells us how much he needs to win while Tyler tells us how much he needs Kayser not to win because Kayser will target him. Kayser lands all three balls and makes it to the final round. Dani explains her hinky vote as both sympathy and to stir things up.

Enzo advances. David advances. Cody, Dani and Kevin make it to the final round.

ENZO wins the HoH!

Dani hopes that her hinky vote can be blamed on Da'Vonne. Stupidly, she had previously asked Cody to do a hinky vote. So, now he is not really trusting Dani because she asked him if it was him. If that makes sense. Da'vonne and Bayleigh are worried the votes will be blamed on them.

Nicole is trying to push her own agenda of Da'vonne. No one is confessing to the hinky votes. David is totally confused and think the others want to "make a story." Cody tells Enzo about Dani asking him to vote with her to flip so they could blame it on Day and Bay.

A small segment on religion with Kaysar and Da'Vonne. Unfortunately, the same people who haven't listened or cared all along will still not listen, nor care.

Have Not weekly exchange. Only three this week. Enzo gets Tyler as a volunteer, Cody picks Da'Vonne. Dani is the third Have Not. She's not a happy camper. 

A segment on house besties Nicole and Dani. Sickening, I say!

Cody and Enzo talk nominations. He wants Kaysar and a pawn. Cody suggests David but Enzo shoots him down, telling him that it's his HoH. Kaysar talks to Enzo, telling him he would have his back, respects him and so on and so forth. Enzo commits to nothing. 

Enzo thinks he can't trust Kaysar because they've played the game for four weeks and Kaysar has never talked game with him.

More star babies for Christmas. Numbers 10, 11 ... 12. BB tells her that her babies have grown and can be without her. So, she turns them in.

Enzo and Christmas talk. He wants to use her for information and promises her that she's safe. He has his eye on Ian. They talk about David and how Nicole F is close with both him and Dani.

Time for the nominations. Enzo nominates Kaysar, then Kevin. Nothing personal four weeks in the house without game talk. 
Kevin cries to us.
Kaysar was hoping, but ...!

BB22: Live Feeds into Sunday - August 30


What up, Kaysar!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of BB No Stars:

  • As you know from last night's brief update, Kevin won the Power of Veto.
  • Sigh.
  • So, what does he do?
  • He cries.
  • Then cries some more.
  • He's so grateful to Enzo that I can't help but wonder (or maybe even to the point of think) that Enzo may have thrown the comp to him.
  • Hmm
  • I guess we won't really know until the comp airs on Wednesday.
  • It sounds like David actually might have done fairly well in the comp.
  • Doesn't matter.
  • He still doesn't belong in the house with veterans of the show ... or if I daresay ... feeble stars.
  • Now, Enzo's original plan was to put Ian up as a replacement. But, of course, he was thinking that would be if Kaysar won. He (nor I) expected a Kevin win.
  • Naturally, I'd suggest a renom of David to put him out of his misery.
  • Or, Enzo could go with a Dani renom and the votes just might be there. 
  • Although Dani is playing a shrewd (yet evil) game, her seed planting is starting to draw attention and not all of it good.
  • Cody and Enzo know she's a dangerous player.
  • More dangerous to their game than Kaysar?
  • The problem is that Kaysar has walked around saying he wants to target Cody.
  • If Dani were to target Cody, she'd sneaky get him on the block and then plant seeds with the others telling them Cody betrayed them.
  • I honestly think she's more of a threat to anyone she decides to target than Kaysar is.
  • Kaysar is just a bit too honest.
  • Dani wants to solidify Kaysar's departure with a house meeting telling him that even though they all love and respect him, he's going home and should try to enjoy his last days in the house.
  • @@
  • And Cody and Enzo think that's a good idea!
  • !!!!!
  • Although Da'Vonne and Bayleigh were talking about voting Ian out instead of Kaysar, that wouldn't be enough to save him.
  • Mind you, Ian is not on the block as of yet. The veto meeting isn't until tomorrow.
  • As all of this is going on, seeds are being planted against Bayleigh rather than the previous seeds against Da'Vonne.
  • Gah.
  • And, I ask ... what about Nicole F? She needs to get gone! (However, I think she does deserve to be there more than David.)
  • Oh, well.
  • Tomorrow's another day.

Who is this? Why is he in the house?

Yo, Enzo. Stop being so Bayonne!

Working her way onto the radar. Uh-oh.

Cry baby, cry.