Good evening! I hope everyone is safe and well.
Tonight we will see either Bayleigh or Da'Vonne sent home. I believe tonight's HoH comp is either endurance like a wall comp or just plain lengthy like a slip and slide. I think we'll see the start of it on the show, but most will take place after the live show ends here on the East Coast. I'm not sure if it will be shown on the live feeds as they have blocked so much and so weirdly this year. If it's on the live feeds, I'll create a separate post to cover the action.
You can check in on Lifeguard SueGee's blog pool update at this here linked post.
I will be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please join in on the fun!
Ohh, we will get a brouhaha and they promise the beginning of an "epic" endurance comp. It's Day 37.
But first ... a tense veto meeting leaves everyone looking for answers. Well, that's what she said. Christmas tells us that she will not let Tyler leave. Da'Vonne is not happy.
Bayleigh thinks Tyler tricked them when he volunteered to go up and out. Christmas is stuck on the untouchable bit. Bayleigh went and told her that Da'Vonne is her untouchable and that's how this all started although I think Christmas would have put them on the block anyway.
Bayleigh feels she got Day in this spot. She did. Day talks to Christmas and tells her that she has no reason to put Tyler up and that Bayleigh is the one who's after him. Christmas tells her that she is her ally and wants her in the house. Da'Vonne nods but tells us she's done with Christmas.
Tyler tells Da'Vonne that Christmas wouldn't let him go up and he will vote to keep her. Enzo tells David that he would prefer Bayleigh stay while David tells us the same.
Cody gets called to the Diary Room where he's told the news that his grandfather died via a letter. He died on Labor Day. Cody is in tears and the show is really sucky to exploit his pain, IMO.
Christmas goes on about Bayleigh being upset in front of Da'Vonne. Day tries to convince her that Bay feels hurt because she thought Christmas was a friend or ally. Christmas isn't really listening to anything Day says. After all, Christmas is the victim in all of this. Their voices are getting raised but only to a low kerfuffle level.
Uh-oh. Bay is told. Da'Vonne walks away and Bay comes in. Ian is stuck in the shower without a towel while this is going on in the bathroom. Day goes out in the yard and cries about she didn't want people to sit there and say that's what they expected of her to go angry.
Meanwhile, Bay and Christmas are at high Kerfuffle Level. Oh! Brouhaha! In each other's face. Day doesn't want to be portrayed as an angry ghetto Black girl and thinks she's blown her game.
Christmas is livid and, of course, none of this is her fault.
To the living room --
Day -- Thank you, loves kid, BLM, lot of BB in her. Love Bay.
Bay -- Second Day, you're doing a good job, won't take it personal, love Day.
The votes to evict:
Dani - Bay
Ian - Bay
Cody - Bay
Enzo - Bay
To commercial ...
Tyler - Bay
David - Bay
Memphis - Bay
Nicole - Bay
Kevin - Bay
Another unanimous vote and Bayleigh can escape the madness. She did so much better this season. She was expecting the exit tonight and left with grace, dignity and hugs for all. She handles the interview with Julie very well.
HoH comp start. It's a wall. Julie tells them the five evicted have been sent home and they're all on the jury. The wall is PowerTrip and it's a billboard setting. First three to fall off will be Have Nots. Julie says it will play out on the live feeds so I will get a separate post up to cover it.