Friday, October 09, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - Oct. 9


You're boring us, too.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boring Boars:
  • As you know from my brief update last night, Nicole is the new HoH.
  • So, we know that Cody is safe this week.
  • And, because Cody is safe this week, that means Enzo is safe this week.
  • Oh my.
  • That leaves two people -- Christmas and Memphis -- for the chopping block.
  • Sure enough, that's where the discussions go.
  • Enzo is worried that if Memphis saves himself with the veto, he will go up in his place.
  • Well, duh. Yeah.
  • Nicole assures him that if that happens, she will save him in a tiebreaker.
  • Okay, that would be what her buddy Cody wants!
  • So, the real problem is the target.
  • It's sounding like Memphis although they all want Christmas out, too.
  • Memphis is more of a threat in comps.
  • Memphis put Nicole on the block.
  • On the other hand, Christmas didn't use her veto to save her and she promised Dani she would target her.
  • It sounds like they'll go with the more strategic target -- Memphis.
  • Meanwhile, in addition to Nicole's recent studying, it looks like Enzo is the only other one memorizing the days and comps.
Surprise, surprise -- the feeds came back. Nicole nominated Memphis and Christmas.

It's so sad I have to nominate people.

Shooting for 3rd again? Win something!

Needs something stronger.

Studying for the Raisin Bran test.

TAR32: The Amazing Race Blog Pool OPENS!

Well, that just kind of sneaked up on us. Or, at least, on me! The season premier of The Amazing Race 32 is next Wednesday, October 14, at 9pm ET/PT -- following the Big Brother episode. The season was filmed long before the pandemic hit and has been waiting in the wings.

I'll be posting more on the cast over the next few days. However, I want to get this pool in motion! Lifeguard SueGee has graciously volunteered to run the blog pool. She's cool like that, y'know. 

What's it all about? 

Our esteemed and accomplished Lifeguard SueGee (AKA SqueeGee) will randomly match up pool entrants with the race teams. Once matched up with a team, you need to cheer them on until they're Philiminated or win it all. Yeah, even if they're obnoxious. Deal with it! 

What will I win? 

IF you win, you'll be pleased to know there is NO CASH PRIZE! Nuh-uh. No way. That would cheapen the whole thing, don't ya think? Instead of paltry prizes, you get BRAGGING RIGHTS. Yep! From now through all eternity YOU will be a blog pool winner here. Feel free (and I encourage it) to put your win in your sign-off signature so that everyone can oooh and ahhh. Can't you hear the crowd now?
How do I get in on this wild action?!?! 

You just need to sign up in the comments of THIS POST and THIS POST ONLY. If you put your name in on another post or Facebook or Twitter, it might be missed. If you come here as anonymous, you must come up with some sort of name in you comment. Otherwise, we can't tell the anonymous folks apart. Well, except for the unruly ones, maybe. 

When is the deadline for joining the pool? 

The deadline for signing up is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 at NOON Pacific Time (that's 3pm ET). Don't put it off! Sign up TODAY!

BB22; Live Feeds HoH Winner - Oct. 9


Yes, the live feeds remained blocked for the three hours after the show ended here on the East Coast. Between that practice and the gazillion other feeds blocks, it's been an incredibly annoying season. Don't even get me started on the cast!

While we didn't see the comp play out, it's impossible for them to keep it hushed. Nicole is the new HoH.
You heard me.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

BB22: "Live" Eviction Maybe HoH Show Blog Party - Oct. 8


Good evening. You might have noticed that I have the word "live" in quotation marks in the title. It might be really live. But I don't know. The narrator didn't say live in the promo for it last night and the live feeds have been cut off all day. I also don't have a clue whether the HoH comp will play out on the show or will be blocked to the live feeds after the show ends here on the East Coast. I guess we'll see. BB22 is as messed up as the rest of 2020.

If you want to check the pool standings, the updated pool from SueGee can be found at this here link.

I'll be updating this post with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!

Skipping through the Previously On segment ...

Well, at least we will get a jury house segment!

Day 65 and we get the reactions of last week's "thrilling" (Julie's word, not mine) triple eviction. Now it's a question of who has whose back. Heck, I think they can all just depend for sure on themselves. Tyler needs to scramble for votes. He thinks he has Enzo. But he doesn't know that Enzo knows he was lying to him about Enzo being a target for Cody.

Meanwhile, Christmas just being Christmasy is on the annoying side. Memphis is honest with Tyler to a point. When asked, he said he was leaning towards voting him out because he's a comp beast. He talks to Cody -- who only votes in a tie -- and tells him he would be loyal.

Memphis downplays his Christmas connection to Cody. But, since Enzo already clued in Cody about it, he knows Memphis is lying. 

It's all a spool of lies, I tell ya! -- credit Howie Gordon BB6, BB7

Enzo is being the most loyal to anyone in the game. Unfortunately, his loyalty is to Cody. While handsome and obviously a physical competitor, I can't really abide by someone who is clueless about demonyms and thinks a Texan is an animal. Well, some are, but I digress ...

Jury segment time. We have Ian amusing himself. Da'Vonne arrives. They think Dani is the best player in the house. Ian has shaved off his moustache. It didn't look right on him anyway. Kevin arrives. David arrives. And we're into commercial.

Dani arrives. She tells them she knows it all and that Nicole isn't a threat to anyone. They watch the video and Cody is HoH. David is getting lectured by Dani and Kevin about taking the money. Ian doesn't blame him. Memphis wins HoH. Christmas wins Veto, David is evicted. David and Kevin are dismayed Enzo didn't take a shot at Nicole. Tyler is the new HoH and wins Veto. Dani is evicted. Dani thinks Cody is playing the best game. 

To the living room ...
Christmas - Shout out to God and her family too long. HG, consider the type of player you know of me since day one. The best final six, vote for me to continue this journey.
Tyler - 164 days in the house, thanks Angela, thankful to be an All Star, it's crazy, it won't be good for your game. I'm not done yet.

The votes to evict:
Enzo - Tyler
Nicole - Tyler
Memphis - Tyler

Bye bye Man Bun Boy. If you didn't lie to Enzo about Cody, you may have had a shot. All the final twos were revealed to him in the goodbye messages.

The HoH comp starts. I expect the live feeds to be blocked for it. Stashing Pumpkins, transfer pumpkins one at a time on teeter-totter to basket and ring in.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

BB22: Veto Show Blog Party - Oct. 7


I mistakenly titled my last show post as "Veto" but then fixed it. I got myself all discombobulated between the triple eviction, the live feeds and the extended wait for the aired show. Tonight is the veto show. But you knew that.

I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Sitting through the Previously On while twiddling my thumbs. It's hard to type while thumb-twiddling, though. I hope the segment is short.

Cody would have to put up someone he has a final two with if he has to replace one of his nominees -- Tyler or Christmas. So, we go into the traditional and tired Diary Room segments of each one telling us why they must win veto.

Cody would prefer Christmas go. Nicole had promised Dani that she would go after Christmas. Will she? Hmm. Enzo talks to Nicole. He throws the two nominees under the bus to her and plays up to Nicole.

Enzo plays dumb to Tyler in case he wins the veto. Enzo is actually thinking a bit more this season than he did in his previous season.

Christmas cries while talking to Cody saying she isn't taking it personally or emotionally. Right. He's not impressed although he's apologetic to her. He tells us she did it to herself.

Filler material with Tyler and Memphis talking about their fathers passing and mothers remarrying. Memphis says you don't really get it until you have a son. Tyler tells us that his father was a fan of the show and that was what drove him to be on the show. Emotional bit.

Christmas talks to her buddy Memphis. She doesn't want him to go on the block if she comes off the block. Or, if Tyler comes off, he will go up. Memphis reminds us of his final two with Cody and is sure he would be safe. We know Cody has final twos with Enzo, Nicole and Memphis.

Tyler lies to Enzo telling him that Cody wanted him targeted in the triple. He tells Enzo about the Committee. Of course, Enzo knows about the Committee. He thinks Tyler is desperate. Enzo is sure that Cody is his final two because they are the Root. He feels he can't trust Tyler.

Veto comp time. All compete because they're down to six. It's baseball themed with food included. They have to arrange photos in chronological order, hit button to lock in time. The crowd will cheer or boo. They have a max-out time of 25 minutes. Ten pictures of evicted houseguests are the photos. It's the food in their hands, accessories and clothes to determine the order.

Nicole is up first and seems to be having problems with it. Then it's Memphis. He seems to have a plan. Enzo is up. He feels safe. But he wants to win anyway to keep the nominations the same for Cody. He seems more confused than Nicole was.

Tyler is up. He starts out fast and very wrong. Then it's Cody. He is hustling. I'm surprised he knows what chronological means since he thinks a Texan is an animal. Christmas is up.
Times in minutes and seconds:
Christmas 12.04
Enzo 25.0
Tyler 25.0
Cody 4.57
Nicole 7.11
Memphis 8.16

Cody wins the Power of Veto!

Tyler is feeling down. He doesn't expect Cody to change the nominations. He and Enzo both timed out. Christmas doesn't think Cody will change the nominations but she wants to campaign to stay.

Enzo rants to Cody over Tyler. Tyler wasn't Cody's target but may have worked himself into the role. Silly boy doesn't realize how close Enzo and Cody are.

Tyler goes once again to Cody. He tells him that he's sure if he stays on the block, he will go home. He tells Cody that Memphis is ready to turn on him (Cody). He's scrambling. He tells Cody that Memphis would take Christmas to the final two. The problem is that Cody knows Tyler lied to Enzo about targeting him.

And, here we are ... time for the veto meeting. Cody does NOT use the veto. Tyler and Christmas remain on the block.