Right now Chris Kattan and Mirai are on the block. That may change with the veto comp. We won't know until we know!
Here are the latest blog pool standings from Lifeguard SueGee:
I will be live-blogging the show as it airs here on the East Coast, regularly updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun!
Grey sleeveless, we have Julie. Then it's immediately to Previously On. We pick up the action after the Nominations Ceremony. We're 13 days in ... only about four with live feeds.
Chris Kattan is shocked he's up for eviction. Mirai isn't as surprised. Miesha still wants Carson out. Cynthia is relieved she's not on the block. She's worried that she might be if there is a replacement.
Chris Kirk is still secretly working with Shanna. Although Miesha and he are supposedly working together, a big part of wanting Mirai out is because she's a "minion for Miesha."
I was wrong. Lots of filler. Chris Kattan stumbling in the dark. Chris Kirk and Shanna doing facial masks but at least they're talking game.
Julie warns us of cracks in the athlete alliance and new targets emerging. Then, incongruously, it went right into Lamar losing his six-month old baby to SIDS. Makes no sense.
Then to Miesha defending Mirai while Chris Kirk says he doesn't trust her. He does not play well with alliances.
The veto comp has the backyard done all in a snowy day theme, the players in booths. It looks like Lamar is sitting off to the side. They have not shown the veto player picks yet.
New movie Marry Me is the inspiration for the comp. We get a clip.
Todrick, Shanna and Cynthia were chosen by random draw.
They are shown seven different images, have to say Section A, B or C has the Marry Me sign. Tons of signs in the image.
Shanna keeps the nominations the same.
Back to the living room for the live vote and eviction.
Chris Kattan: Don't know much about the game. Time for me to move on. Thinks Mirai should stay.
Marai: Chris is a dear friend. All so much older. I'm emotional. Didn't grow up watching people like me. Watched the Cookout.
The votes to evict: