Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - Sept. 21


Sleeping with her true forever love ...
Lay's potato chips!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stop Shuffling Cards into Your Mics!:

  • Things have been super boring.
  • They are spending most of their time napping.
  • All of them.
  • But not all together, mind you.
  • If they are not napping, they are playing cards.
  • No noise is more annoying than card shuffling close to a mic.
  • Well, maybe Britney's non-stop talking.
  • About the biggest news is that Taylor and Monte, although broken up, were in bed together once again.
  • Sigh.
  • I guess I'm old-fashioned.
  • But it makes me lose respect for both of them.
  • It's not just them. I tend to lose respect for anyone on BB who crawls in bed together.
  • At least Brittany has been faithful to her husband and Turner faithful to his girlfriend.
  • I realize that both Taylor and Monte are single. But they know this is on the internet and scrutinized by an often rather rabid fan base (especially Twitter BB fans).
  • I certainly wouldn't do it and it surprises me that Taylor is.
  • Sigh.
  • In other "big" news, Brittany decided to tell Taylor the truth about the vote ... that she was the vote to cast her out rather than Turner. She thinks it will get her brownie points or something.
  • I expect them to sleep late and nap a lot today.
  • It's still predicted that Monte will vote Brittany out tomorrow.
  • Remember -- no show tonight as Survivor and The Amazing Race season premieres will take up the primetime television slot.

Cards are boring and shuffling them is annoying!

At least with Brittany chomping on chicken,
Turner doesn't have to listen to her talk.

Cards, napping, cooking and eating.
That's all.
Report done.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Monday Evening - Sept. 19


Breaking up is hard to do.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Drama Llamas:

  • Well, it's over.
  • You would think that it had just begun.
  • And, it had.
  • However, it's been consummated. 
  • Yep, you heard me.
  • Now that it has, it's done.
  • Monte broke up with Taylor.
  • She was taking a bath and he had a long talk with her advising her about his observations of her behavior.
  • You know ... how she has a cold and condescending side which shows when she's comfortable in a position of power.
  • Oh my.
  • She says it's only because she has been hurt in the past.
  • She would never hurt other people.
  • Um. Okay.
  • He had already moved all his bathroom stuff downstairs from the HOH room.
  • He told Turner it was over.
  • In other news, Brittany is nonstop coming up with plans, schemes and approaches to get Monte to keep her instead of Turner.
  • I don't think it will work.
  • Monte thinks he stands a better chance with Turner.
  • We'll see.
  • Apparently, the veto meeting won't be held until Thursday.
  • Until then Monte has to hear her pleas and we have to endure her long talks at the cameras.
  • Sigh.
  • Turner really loves the tie-dying of shirts and is at it again.
  • More tomorrow ...
  • Oh, wait! To sign up for the SURVIVOR 43 blog pool, head to this post. To sign up for the TAR 34 blog pool, it's this link.

Listening to Monte talk about her
cold and condescending side.

Turner talking about van life to Monte.

Brittany pleading her case to Monte.

Turner interviewing a honeybee on the pool table.

She won't stop talking! Except when napping, that is.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Nominations and Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 18


BB24 had an expected delay of 1/2 hour on the East Coast and football went over that. I scheduled this post to go up shortly before 8:30PM EDT, however the show probably isn't starting until around 9PM EDT here.

Good evening, hamster fans! Tonight's show will be the nominations, veto comp and MAYBE the veto meeting. At least I think all of that will air! The veto meeting may end up airing on Thursday's live eviction show. Please don't post any spoilers in the comments before they air on the show. Remember ... there is no BB this Wednesday. Instead, we have a two-hour Survivor 43 premiere followed by the season premiere of The Amazing Race at 10PM. If you wish to sign up for those blog pools -- here are the links -- Survivor pool - TAR34 pool.

I will be live-blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

9:01PM EDT, we start, jumping right in to the Previously On segment.

We pick up the action after Taylor wins the HOH. She, as she should be, is thrilled with her win. Turner thinks Brittany betrayed him with her vote which turned it into a tie. He thought both votes would be for Taylor to stay.

Monte and Turner talked. Monte told him Brittany wanted to pin the vote to oust Taylor on him. Turner had told both Monte and Taylor that Britanny was trying to get him to give Alyssa a "sympathy" vote. Now, when there are only two votes, you can't call either a sympathy vote! Sheesh.

Sure enough -- Brittany is trying to pin the vote on Turner. Taylor is just glad she's HOH and just has to beat both of them to get to the end.

Taylor reminds us all that the veto is the big thing this week -- the sole vote! Of course, Brittany is playing up to her. Taylor hints to Brittany that she has made a deal with Monte and might put her on the block. She tells Monte that she is thinking Brit/Turner up. He tells her that he doesn't feel safe with a Brittany veto win.

Turner confronts Brittany in the bathroom about the vote. She tells him she has nothing to say. She tells us that Turner has been slimy all through the game promising people he will keep them, then voting them out. She basically just walks away from him. He tells us he needs to get Brittany on Taylor's target list and he needs to win the veto.

He tells Monte and Taylor about the conversation. Then he actually cries. Taylor is a bit skeptical of him but does feel empathetic towards him. She tells us someone is lying, either Turner or Brittanny.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Taylor nominates Brittany, then Turner. She tells them someone is lying about the vote.

Taylor thinks both Brittany and Monte would take her to the final two. Monte doesn't want Brittany to win the veto. Brittany doesn't think either Monte or Turner would bring her to the final three.

Brittany keeps shmoozing Taylor and continues to lie about the vote. Taylor tells us she is sure she could beat her in the final two and wants to take her to the end.

Veto Comp - Giant Calculator, photos from the wall comp and others, match the day numbers and the correct total will win. Mathlete. They have to add their numbers up on a chalkboard or in their heads!

MONTE wins the Power of Veto!

Turner is pretty sure Monte will evict Brittany. Taylor isn't upset that Monte won. Brittany thinks she needs to convince him that she is the better choice to bring to final three.

Brittany tells Taylor she was off on one day. Brittany knows Monte wants her out and is upset. She thinks it would be best for his game. Taylor thinks that sitting next to Brittany in the final two is a guaranteed win. (She's right.)

Monte and Taylor kissy-face. She tells him that Turner would beat both of them. She tells us that she wants Brittany in the final two with her as she could definitely beat her. Turner is thinking Monte will probably keep him, but isn't that confident. Monte tells us he has to do what's best for his own game.

Remember -- No Wednesday show -- the primetime block is taken up with Survivor and TAR. The Thursday show will be the eviction and the finale next Sunday, the 25th. 

The Amazing Race 34: Blog Pool OPENS!


Come one, come all! The Amazing Race Blog Pool is now OPEN! The season premiere is Wednesday at 10PM EDT, following the season premiere of Survivor 43.

Okay, here's how the blog pool works:

*Names are matched up randomly with the teams.

*You get to cheer on your chosen team until they're Philiminated or win it all.

*If your chosen team is creepy, fights, fusses or cries a lot, we won't hold that against you personally.

*Not much, anyway.


*There is no wagering of monies.

*The winner(s) of the blog pool retain bragging rights until the premiere of the next season while we all bow to them and lament on what could have been.

How do I get involved? 

Sign up right here on this post! If you're posting anonymously, you need a sign off name on your comments. We don't care if you're a boy named Sue, we have to know something other than anonymous. The cut-off for entering is Friday, September 23, 3PM EDT, or noon PDT.


If you sign up on another post or Twitter or the Facebook page, your request might be missed.

The Stupendous SueGee (affectionately known as SqueeGee at times) will be the lifeguard here this season. Please don't test her patience by running with scissors around the pool!

Survivor 43: Blog Pool OPENS!


The Lovely Lifeguard Laurie is sitting this season out. Lifeguard SueGee has graciously offered to run the blog pool for the show. Both women rock!

I want in! What do I do?

If you want in on the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.

Is there money involved in this?

Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't need to buy a pool pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next season and the smugness that goes with it.

How does it work?

Lifeguard SueGee makes random picks for the castaways and the blog folks. You cheer on that castaway all season until they either win or get their torch snuffed along the way.

When is the cut-off for entering?

All pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by Friday, September 23, 3PM ET. No trying to climb over the pool fence after that time!