Tonight, Monte has all the power as Veto holder and sole vote. Taylor, as HOH, cannot vote. Turner and Brittany are on the block. One thing we do know about Monte is that he will do what he thinks is best for his own game. Will that be keeping Turner ... or Brittany? Who would bring him to the final two if he's third in the three-round final HOH comp? Production kept the veto meeting for tonight's show just to make us and them suffer!
Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool:
Monte - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp
I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!
I don't know ... Julie's dress has too many abrupt angles for me! We're into Previously On and we know all that!
But first ... is the honeymoon over for BB's latest power couple? Once again Monte reminds us that it's his decision who to take to the final three. Turner knows Monte is sleeping upstairs with Taylor. He thinks Monte will take him to the final three, but they would take each other (Monte/Taylor) to the final two.
Monte is a bit ticked about something Taylor said about him not seeing his goddaughter. Taylor wants Brittany to feel comfortable coming by the HOH room. They are buddy-buddy. Turner wants to know if he is still final two with Monte or not. Monte admits he was physically intimate with Taylor to him. Monte thinks that Taylor is on a power trip. That's good for Turner.
Monte talks to Taylor while she's in the bath. He tells her that she was condescending to him and then, by taking off the headphones he had on, was rude. She apologizes. He tells her that she was rude and cold. He says he has a low tolerance for disrespect.
So, they're over. Really? Hmm.
Jury house segment. Terrance arrives. He tells them it's a double and Michael arrives. They are shocked. Terrance gives Monte the credit for getting Michael out. Then Alyssa arrives. The jury seems most impressed with Monte. Alyssa told them Taylor was sleeping in Monte's HOH room. Joseph looked crushed at that news.
A taped segment has them gathering in the living room. They each get videos from loved ones. Taylor's mother and grandmother. Monte's father. Turner's mother and girlfriend Megan. Brittany's husband.
Brittany is trying her mojo on Monte. She tries to make him think that she would be better for his game than Turner. She thinks that she and Turner are about the same (good) at mental comps, but he is better physically than she is. Monte's DR bit makes it sound like he's seriously thinking of taking Brittany ... so he probably isn't!
To the living room for the veto meeting.
Brittany - Love to shout-outs. Opportunity to make game changing move by evicting Turner.
Turner - Shout-outs. I would be bamboozled if you think Brittany is better for your game.
Monte votes to evict ... Brittany.
She handles it well. She tells Julie she would have crushed it against Monte at the end. (Yeah, right.) Julie asks how she feels about Michael as she will be seeing him in jury. She says she would love to be friends but has a lot of questions for him.
Julie has the three gather together in the living room. Julie tells them the live season finale is Sunday, three days away.
The talk with the Cookout alliance from last year is next.
And, there they are. Julie mentions their loyalty to each other and ask them about the alliances they saw this year. They seem to want to see a Taylor/Turner final two.
The Favorite Houseguest will get $50,000 this year and there's more. Winner also receives a cruise for two (promo for The Real Love Boat series). Go to to vote.
Friday at 8PM ET/PT, special show. Finale two-hours on Sunday night.