Thursday, September 22, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction Final Four to Final Three - Sept. 22


Tonight, Monte has all the power as Veto holder and sole vote. Taylor, as HOH, cannot vote. Turner and Brittany are on the block. One thing we do know about Monte is that he will do what he thinks is best for his own game. Will that be keeping Turner ... or Brittany? Who would bring him to the final two if he's third in the three-round final HOH comp? Production kept the veto meeting for tonight's show just to make us and them suffer!

Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool: 

Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Also in blog pool stuff -- Since we are skipping the first boots, the Survivor and The Amazing Race blog pools are both still open for sign-up until Friday -- TOMORROW. But don't wait! The Survivor blog pool sign-up is this here linkThe Amazing Race blog pool sign-up is this link.

I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

I don't know ... Julie's dress has too many abrupt angles for me! We're into Previously On and we know all that!

But first ... is the honeymoon over for BB's latest power couple? Once again Monte reminds us that it's his decision who to take to the final three. Turner knows Monte is sleeping upstairs with Taylor. He thinks Monte will take him to the final three, but they would take each other (Monte/Taylor) to the final two.

Monte is a bit ticked about something Taylor said about him not seeing his goddaughter. Taylor wants Brittany to feel comfortable coming by the HOH room. They are buddy-buddy. Turner wants to know if he is still final two with Monte or not. Monte admits he was physically intimate with Taylor to him. Monte thinks that Taylor is on a power trip. That's good for Turner.

Monte talks to Taylor while she's in the bath. He tells her that she was condescending to him and then, by taking off the headphones he had on, was rude. She apologizes. He tells her that she was rude and cold. He says he has a low tolerance for disrespect.

So, they're over. Really? Hmm.

Jury house segment. Terrance arrives. He tells them it's a double and Michael arrives. They are shocked. Terrance gives Monte the credit for getting Michael out. Then Alyssa arrives. The jury seems most impressed with Monte. Alyssa told them Taylor was sleeping in Monte's HOH room. Joseph looked crushed at that news.

A taped segment has them gathering in the living room. They each get videos from loved ones. Taylor's mother and grandmother. Monte's father. Turner's mother and girlfriend Megan. Brittany's husband.

Brittany is trying her mojo on Monte. She tries to make him think that she would be better for his game than Turner. She thinks that she and Turner are about the same (good) at mental comps, but he is better physically than she is. Monte's DR bit makes it sound like he's seriously thinking of taking Brittany ... so he probably isn't!

To the living room for the veto meeting. 

Brittany - Love to shout-outs. Opportunity to make game changing move by evicting Turner. 

Turner - Shout-outs. I would be bamboozled if you think Brittany is better for your game.

Monte votes to evict ... Brittany.

She handles it well. She tells Julie she would have crushed it against Monte at the end. (Yeah, right.) Julie asks how she feels about Michael as she will be seeing him in jury. She says she would love to be friends but has a lot of questions for him.

Julie has the three gather together in the living room. Julie tells them the live season finale is Sunday, three days away.

The talk with the Cookout alliance from last year is next.

And, there they are. Julie mentions their loyalty to each other and ask them about the alliances they saw this year. They seem to want to see a Taylor/Turner final two.

The Favorite Houseguest will get $50,000 this year and there's more. Winner also receives a cruise for two (promo for The Real Love Boat series). Go to to vote.

Friday at 8PM ET/PT, special show. Finale two-hours on Sunday night.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Amazing Race: TAR34 Season Premiere Blog Party


Good evening! Welcome to the blog party for the season premiere of The Amazing Race 34! In promos, they're showing the racers starting off in Munich, Germany. That's first -- starting out somewhere outside the United States. They still have Covid protocols and the private jet (or airplane, whatever). So, that means every leg will be a bit of a bunching point. The promos also have it that there will be NO non-philimination legs this season. I think I saw something about U-Turns being gone, as well.

Since we are skipping the first boots, the Survivor and The Amazing Race blog pools are both still open for sign-up until Friday. But don't wait! The Survivor blog pool sign-up is this here linkThe Amazing Race blog pool sign-up is this link.

I will be live-blogging tonight's show the best I can. I can't promise perfection, mind you. I am not all that familiar with the cast and won't really know them for a few weeks. But I should get all the major happenings down. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Race watchers ready? Let's GO!

Yep, in Munich. We get brief team intros as they are aboard a huge raft ride. I admit I already have a bias towards favoring Derek and Claire because I liked them both on BB. More intros after they are on solid ground. Phil tells them they can complete the challenges in any order -- it's a Scramble and that there will be no non-elimination legs.

On their luggages, three addresses, they can choose the order, when all three challenges complete, they will know where to meet Phil at the Pit Stop. Roll, Saw and Smash are the challenges. All Oktoberfest related.

Scramble has them scrambling! Derek and Claire take off in their car first. 

It's going to take me some time to get used to these teams. The Military Brother team chose Roll and they have to roll a keg through an obstacle course. The Motivational Speaker couple have Saw, they have to saw a log with musical accompaniment. Aubrey and her partner are dancers. Derek/Claire go through Roll quickly.

The Military Bros are headed to Smash while Derek and Claire head to Saw. Several couples are at Smash. They have to smash a huge ice block to get at a clue inside it. Not only do I not know these teams, they're at all three different tasks! I cannot keep up with this!

Emily and Molly (Twins) are at a clue box selecting Route Info. Hmm.

Phil showed several teams have completed two tasks, others only one. Apparently no one has done all three. Until NOW, that is! Derek and Claire! They have figured out the clue is an angel! They are on the way to the Pit Stop!

Pit Stop order:

1. Derek and Claire! Won $2,500 each!
2. Glenda and Lumumba (tall and short couple)
3. Quinton and Mattie (NFL cheer) 
4. Linton and Shark
5. Marcus and Michael
6. Rex and partner
7. Luis and Michelle???
11. Aubrey and David
12. Aastha and Nina - Eliminated

I have to study these teams. I swear I'm losing my mind!

Survivor 43: Season Premiere Blog Party


Good evening! Here we are, after more than twenty years (yikes) to Season 43. I'm glad that they're using season numbers now. I guess it's due to the more or less forever home in Fiji. But still ... the numbers are easier on me!

Jeff Probst has already let us know that it's once again a shortened season for the castaways themselves. I believe they are still making them quarantine ahead of the filming for Covid reasons. Thankfully, the rather failed twist of hourglass smashing will be gone. Only those castaways who used it liked it -- not the show fans, nor the other castaways.

Tonight's show will be two hours followed by the season premiere of The Amazing Race 34. I will be live-blogging both shows. So, once Survivor ends, head to the next post which should magically appear a few minutes before TAR starts. No BB24 tonight!

Since we are skipping the first boots, the Survivor and The Amazing Race blog pools are both still open for sign-up until Friday. But don't wait! The Survivor blog pool sign-up is this here link. The Amazing Race blog pool sign-up is this link.

I will be live-blogging tonight's show the best I can. I can't promise perfection, mind you. I am not all that familiar with the cast and won't really know them for a few weeks. But I should get all the major happenings down. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

We get briefs on the castaways as they boat into the Fijian Islands. One woman is indeed there to make friends ... and win. Oh my gosh, it IS the COCO tribe, not KOKA (or however I was spelling it). At least one castaway hadn't even been born before the first season -- Borneo -- aired.

Jeff greets the three tribe groups - Coco, Baka, Vesi. We get more introduction to some of them as Jeff asks his Probsting questions. What exactly is Survivor? A game. An adventure. Red - Vesi, Blue - Coco, Yellow - Baka.

It's a Reward challenge to get the pot, machete and flint. The two losing teams do not get flint. Have to race to get two heavy wooden crates, bring them back. then retrieve one from the water, pull the boat with it back to the shore. Then bring those crates in. Puzzle with the crates to build cube to stand on and retrieve the flint from above.

VESI wins Reward!

The tribes are off to their respective campsites. No one on the Reward winning tribe knows how to build a shelter, nor even how to use a machete. They will learn!

On Baka, the oldest person -- Mike is a bit worried. Message from Jeff - Savvy or Sweat. To earn supplies. Four hours to complete either task. Flip over the timer, the challenge has started. Two members have to do the task. They choose Savvy. Move two bones to form the largest whole number. You can only move two bones at one time. Hmm. 

The Coco tribe chooses Sweat which has them digging for their supplies. Ryan ends up digging it up within a half-hour. We get his cerebral palsy background. On Baka, Sami solves the puzzle. He is telling people he is 22, not 19. 

On Vesi they are already trying to get alliances going. To me, just in observation, Cody is coming across as a snake oil salesman type. He might sell elevators in real life, but snake oil on the island. Jesse seems popular with two different groups.

On Baka they are trying to build a shelter. Owen thinks no one seems to be scheming, all are working hard and guarded. We get Elie's sad sister passing away background. Jeanine and Morriah hug her and the three form a bond.

On Coco, it appears the genders are also bonding into groups. Lindsay and Carla want to work with James.

Over on Baka, Sami might be making a mistake and putting a target on his back for the merge -- he solved the puzzle and now has made fire. Mike, at 51, feels he is not doing well. Okay, Elie and Mike have a heavy metal music love.

On Coco LGBTQ folks Geo and Karla have a rather built-in bond. They already trust each other. They also have Ryan with them. Karla is also in another group and is surprised that she seems to be so in with the others.

On Vesi, we get the gang background on Jesse. He's telling the others about tattoos he has had removed. He tells us that he went to juvie, passed the GED with the highest score they had ever seen and is now a PHD student. Justine thinks she can build a fire, but nope.

A boat shows up on Vesi. A commercial shows up for us!

A boat arrives for each tribe, separate boats of course. They each get a note. One person must get on the boat, return in the afternoon.

Karla goes for Coco. Mike (Gabler) goes for Baka and Dwight for Vesi. A hike to a giant rock, get to know each other. We get Karla's educational background of firsts. Risk or not Risk, like in previous season. Choose secretly to risk or not risk vote. One has an advantage, the rest lose their vote. Karla did not risk, the other two did. Dwight and Gabler have to draw for the win. They can't open until back at their camps.

Vesi still hasn't made fire even with the flint they earned. Justine finally did it! Woot! Dwight tells them about the island trip. He told them he doesn't know what he got and won't know until later. Cody (snake oil!) tells Jesse he doesn't trust him.

Gabler tells his Baka people roughly the same thing. He opens his risk and WON. He lets his tribe know. He technically has an idol. Dwight opens his and now they know Gabler has an idol.

Time for the Immunity Challenge! Race squirming through mud, over obstacles collecting three balls, one person from each dig under log, climb up almost vertical wall to balance beam to finish. First tribe picks what table game, the others then choose. First two tribes safe. Last tribe loses flint and goes to Tribal.

Coco chooses the table maze first. Vesi chooses the straight shot game. Baka has the obstacle game.

COCO wins Immunity! VESI wins Immunity! Baka will lose their flint and someone will go home.

Gabler thinks because he (and Sami) did the game, he will be a target. He plans on taking his shot in the dark instead of playing his idol because he feels the loss was at least in part his fault. His tribemates tell him they have no thought of voting him out -- he gets along with everyone and he's a workhorse. The target attention turns to Morriah. Sami tells Morriah that she's safe with him. Morriah thinks that Dwight is a possible target. Elie wants to vote out the weakest. Jeanine doesn't want the women to then be picked off. Sheesh, they're all over the place. It only seems that neither Sami nor Gabler will go home.

Tribal Council time. Jeff asks his questions. Sami says it was all Kumbaya and they are the final six. They feel good about their efforts to win. Will they vote for strength or effort to get to know each other? Now Jeff feels the tension in the tribe.

Time to vote. Gabler does not play his idol.

The vote: Morriah, Owen, Morriah, Morriah, Morriah ... four is enough. The first person voted out is Morriah.

For The Amazing Race, move on to the next blog post!

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - Sept. 21


Sleeping with her true forever love ...
Lay's potato chips!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stop Shuffling Cards into Your Mics!:

  • Things have been super boring.
  • They are spending most of their time napping.
  • All of them.
  • But not all together, mind you.
  • If they are not napping, they are playing cards.
  • No noise is more annoying than card shuffling close to a mic.
  • Well, maybe Britney's non-stop talking.
  • About the biggest news is that Taylor and Monte, although broken up, were in bed together once again.
  • Sigh.
  • I guess I'm old-fashioned.
  • But it makes me lose respect for both of them.
  • It's not just them. I tend to lose respect for anyone on BB who crawls in bed together.
  • At least Brittany has been faithful to her husband and Turner faithful to his girlfriend.
  • I realize that both Taylor and Monte are single. But they know this is on the internet and scrutinized by an often rather rabid fan base (especially Twitter BB fans).
  • I certainly wouldn't do it and it surprises me that Taylor is.
  • Sigh.
  • In other "big" news, Brittany decided to tell Taylor the truth about the vote ... that she was the vote to cast her out rather than Turner. She thinks it will get her brownie points or something.
  • I expect them to sleep late and nap a lot today.
  • It's still predicted that Monte will vote Brittany out tomorrow.
  • Remember -- no show tonight as Survivor and The Amazing Race season premieres will take up the primetime television slot.

Cards are boring and shuffling them is annoying!

At least with Brittany chomping on chicken,
Turner doesn't have to listen to her talk.

Cards, napping, cooking and eating.
That's all.
Report done.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Monday Evening - Sept. 19


Breaking up is hard to do.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Drama Llamas:

  • Well, it's over.
  • You would think that it had just begun.
  • And, it had.
  • However, it's been consummated. 
  • Yep, you heard me.
  • Now that it has, it's done.
  • Monte broke up with Taylor.
  • She was taking a bath and he had a long talk with her advising her about his observations of her behavior.
  • You know ... how she has a cold and condescending side which shows when she's comfortable in a position of power.
  • Oh my.
  • She says it's only because she has been hurt in the past.
  • She would never hurt other people.
  • Um. Okay.
  • He had already moved all his bathroom stuff downstairs from the HOH room.
  • He told Turner it was over.
  • In other news, Brittany is nonstop coming up with plans, schemes and approaches to get Monte to keep her instead of Turner.
  • I don't think it will work.
  • Monte thinks he stands a better chance with Turner.
  • We'll see.
  • Apparently, the veto meeting won't be held until Thursday.
  • Until then Monte has to hear her pleas and we have to endure her long talks at the cameras.
  • Sigh.
  • Turner really loves the tie-dying of shirts and is at it again.
  • More tomorrow ...
  • Oh, wait! To sign up for the SURVIVOR 43 blog pool, head to this post. To sign up for the TAR 34 blog pool, it's this link.

Listening to Monte talk about her
cold and condescending side.

Turner talking about van life to Monte.

Brittany pleading her case to Monte.

Turner interviewing a honeybee on the pool table.

She won't stop talking! Except when napping, that is.