Thursday, July 19, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - The Absolute Latest!

Most of the houseguests are primping or cleaning house before their big live show tonight.

Today has been a bit uneventful for the most part with one big whammy of news.

Shortly after waking up the HG, BB locked them all in the HOH room. This was one of the most boring things ever on the feeds. Most slept, some primped... no one talked!

When they were finally let out, BB has the theme music piped into the house for them and we've been through a mix of trivia with audio, trivia with theme music, and actual audio and video.

Here's the big news:

Nick told Mike that Joe told him that he planned to put Kail and Mike on the block if he stayed in. It appears that Mike has now changed his vote and will be voting along with Nick and Zach to vote Joe out.

Kail and Mike were talking in the storage room...

K: "So, I should keep my word to vote out Dick even if it's a 9-1 vote?"
M: "Yes."

So there you have it.

'Big Brother 8' - The Latest TV Squad and Stuff!

Hi folks! I hope that we'll be seeing a Joe eviction tonight on the live show. I'll be here live-blogging the show at 8 PM ET as it airs here in the NYC area. Of course, those reports come through complete with typos and all, but...! I'll also be posting a live East Coast Update on the boot episode of So You Think You Can Dance when that follows tonight's Big Brother 8 show.

My latest feeds update is available over at TV Squad, in this post in particular. It includes a very telling YouTube clip.

After the hamsters get going for the day, I'll update you on the happenings. I don't expect today to be very eventful on the feeds, but you never know.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into the Evening - 7/18

<-- Zoetawny's take on the Jenitard. Whateva! (Thanks, Zoetawny!)

I must say the tail and ears are a nice touch.

I still don't have a clue why the voting is live on tomorrow's show. Since they'v been in this format, I can't recall live on show voting while the numbers are so high. It's usually something reserved for when the first jury member gets voted out.

Oh, well. It gives them an extra day to scheme and backstab, right?

Here are the events into Wednesday evening from that Big Brother house of Ubiquitous Über-Alliances:
  • They played dodgeball, a game they play every day or two. Yawn.
  • Jen complained about the pictures she received in her HOH gift basket... again.
  • Jen made her HOH Blog entry today for the official website. I'll be curious to see if she knows how to spell. ;-)
  • Joe thinks his votes to stay are Kail, Jameka, Mike, Nick, and Jessica.
  • Of those, Nick will most likely vote for Dick to stay; Jameka and Jessica are on the fence. Oh. Joe has Mike and Kail!
  • Kail put a guilt trip on Joe about digging herself into a hole if he doesn't stay this week.
  • Jameka told Kail she should play the game in a way which makes her proud and not lie because it will affect her integrity.
  • Jameka, once again, refused to tell her voting decision to anyone.
  • Kail went on about Dick "threatening" her in the kitchen. Jameka told her at least Dick was honest with her and that she should refocus her attention. Focusing solely on Dick would destroy her own game. She also told Kail that most of the other people in the house didn't feel the same way about Dick as she (Kail) does.
  • Joe tried to campaign to Jameka. She told him he doesn't have the votes to stay. Jameka told him she can't stand lies and can't live in the house with them.
  • Jen told Joe he must stay up all night working with the backyard crew for votes.
  • Jameka made up a question game and several in the yard (including Joe and Dick) played.
  • Eric burnt a pizza and Daniele slopped her slop all over the microwave. (Where's Gordon Ramsay when you need him?)
  • Kail and Jen headed to the HOH room where they figured out that Joe won't have the votes to stay.
  • As I get this out to you, Jen is trying to convince Zach to vote for Joe to stay. I don't think it will work.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Updates - Today So Far, July 18

<--- My eyes! My eyes! Jen is barely in her clothing first thing in the morning at breakfast! Call the authorities! Hide the children!


I personally think that Jessica has a more attractive body than Jen does. Jessica, despite her ditziness and voice, wears clothing. Her bathing suits are normal.

Here are the happenings so far today in that Big Brother house of Battling Bimbos and the Mimbos Who Love Them:
  • Kail and Mike were the first two up and had quite a pow-wow. Kail is beginning to realize that they probably don't really have Nick in their alliance.
  • She went on and on about how Joe had no one and they've struggled so hard for him and may not even have the five votes.
  • They don't know where Eric, Jameka, or Jessica loyalties are.
  • Kail told Mike he has to work on Zach and Nick to bring them around.
  • They talked of setting up a secret signal to use while awaiting the live vote on Thursday.
  • Kail thought that Daniele's crying last night may have been due to Dick. Mike didn't know, didn't volunteer his own thoughts.
  • Kail told Mike that Jen told her she can get Eric to vote Dick out. (Not if we say he has to vote Joe out!)
  • Nick told Kail he didn't know why Daniele was upset last night.
  • Kail and Mike don't trust Nick and they're sure he'll vote Joe out.
  • Kail and Mike want to work on Eric to secure his vote. (Ain't gonna happen!)
  • Kail thinks Nick has three women who have fallen for him -- Daniele, Amber, and Jen.
  • Half of the time Kail is rambling on to Mike, he's just nodding his head.
  • Dick told Nick that Daniele was upset last night due to her personal situation between the boyfriend at home and her interest in him. Dick asked him not to say anything to Daniele, but thought he should know and wanted to give him a heads-up.
  • Dick confronted Kail asking why she told him she was voting for him to stay, then campaigned for Joe. He was relentless, but didn't go all kinds of whacko on her. He called her a liar more than once. She just got antsy and defensive.
  • Kail tried to use the situation to make folks vote Dick out.
  • Joe tried to get Jameka to commit her vote, but she wouldn't. She's not saying she'll vote to keep Joe. She's just being noncommital - "If you do have it, remember me. If you don't have it, remember me." Um, okay.
  • Jen worked on Zach to vote Dick out, but he refused. He said he can't be in the house with Joe.
  • When Daniele told Nick he was acting crabby, he told her both sides were pushing him today.
  • Zach told Nick that he was threatened by Kail, Jen, and Mike. Zach and Nick think they need to get Mike out of Kail's clutches.
  • Jen told Zach that Amber campaigned to get him on the block. Nick told him that wasn't true.
  • Zach and Nick are still planning to vote Joe out.
  • Mike worked on Zach trying to get him to change his vote.
  • Zach said he thinks Kail is becoming a liability. (What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson, Joltin' Joe has left and gone away... oh...oh...oh...)
  • Jen got her HOH camera, so gameplay came to a still for the photo op.

All is still up in the air, but we know for sure the vote will be done live on tomorrow night's show... for some reason. Maybe they need a time filler?

'Big Brother 8' - Latest Screen Cap and TV Squad!

This is a screen cap of what's happening in the Big Brother house right this very moment! Exciting, huh? ;-)

If you want to see Jen in her Jenitard-kini, as well as read up on my latest, check out my new TV Squad live feeds post. I hope to see you there!

And, as another note, folks in the NYC area... we're working on that real life meeting for the weekend! Drop me a line! Commenter Sydney is on the plane heading this way. She's going to hit some thunderstorms. (Sigh.)

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into the Overnight 7/18

My favorite Evel Dick as he and Eric have a late night talk in the backyard.

My guess is that America will instruct Eric to vote for Joe to leave. I don't think he had planned to vote otherwise. Eric has more down-to-earth and real talks with Dick than he has with anyone in the house.

Here are the evening and late night happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Nervous Nellie and Evel Jenius:
  • Zach told Kail he wouldn't vote Dick out. He doesn't trust Joe.
  • Kail told Nick that if Dick stays he'll come after her and Mike. Nick told her, "It is what it is."
  • Joe thinks he has Jameka's and Jessica's votes. They hinted he did, but you never know.
  • Jessica told Eric she's in an alliance with Daniele, Nick, Jameka and Joe.
  • When Joe told Kail he thought he had the votes, she told him she doesn't see it -- Dick would have to blow something between now and voting for it to happen.
  • Kail advised Joe to make deals and make them believable.
  • Zach ascertained that Dustin is still voting for Joe to leave. Yup.
  • Dick told Joe that he heard he's saying a lot of things about him. Joe denied he's campaigning negatively against him. Dick advised Joe to be careful of what he's saying so it doesn't do him in if he (Joe) stays.
  • Jameka told Jessica not to tell Joe she's not voting to keep him yet.
  • Amber and Daniele talked about Kail wanting Dick out. Daniele said that Kail is worried, but she would be safe.
  • Kail thinks they can get Eric and Nick to vote Dick out.
  • Kail told Jameka they have five votes (for Dick to go). Jameka told her they would need more than five because things can change.
  • Jameka said she doesn't like Dick, but the votes just aren't there.
  • Kail went on a quest to see who can influence Eric. Little does she know, but he's our puppet.
  • Kail told Jessica if she gets Eric's vote, she will get Mike's. Then she told her "if you rat me out, I'll rat you out."
  • Jameka told Jess, "Leave it alone. Joe is going home."
  • Big Brother gave them alcohol. Eric advised Jen to not talk strategy with others since she was drunk.
  • Jen told Eric that she thinks Dick is going home. Eric told her a lot of the votes were non-commital at this time.
  • Daniele warned Dick that Kail is campaigning to get the entire house against him. She told him to stay cool.
  • Dick told Dustin that Kail was campaigning against him.
  • Jen told Eric that Nick is part of the Mrs. Robinson alliance. She said she tested it when suggesting to Kail she put Nick on the block -- her reaction was a dead giveaway. (Maybe Jen is smarter than she seems.)
  • When Kail and Jen told Eric that Joe doesn't have the numbers to stay (amazing ups and downs here), Eric pointed out that Joe could win a HOH easier than Dick.
  • Joe told Zach that if he stays, he'll change. He also said if he wins HOH, he'll go after the weakest players.
  • Kail worked and worked on Eric to get him to commit to vote out Dick. He didn't commit to anything.
  • Zach told Dick that he told Joe that he will vote to keep Dick.
  • Dick told Zach he knows that Kail is plotting against him. Zach told him he'd tell her to stop because Joe was more of a threat.
  • Dick pointed out that Joe was still smoking after promising to quit if he stays.
  • Daniele told Dick that Eric is on the fence. Dick was surprised. (He doesn't know we have his back!)
  • Daniele had a crying heart-to-heart talk with Dick about not wanting to be in the house, worried about the situation with her boyfriend at home and her feelings for Nick. Dick did her best to comfort her. He told her the outside was real, not the situation in the house. She just kept saying she wanted to talk to her boyfriend.
  • Dick told her she can always talk to him and depend on him. He'll always love her.
  • Nick asked Daniele what was wrong, she wouldn't tell him.
  • Joe, Dustin and Jessica were spinning in the teacup after drinking.
  • Joe told Jessica he thought Daniele was crying because her father was going home.
  • The code for a Joe vote (according to Joe) is "Do you have a meeting at 4?"
  • Eric, Dick, and Dustin mentioned that they never see Mike. (Neither do I -- he's a ghost!)
  • Jen and Kail think they have a Dick ouster in the bag.

They're almost all still up.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - East Coast Update - Live Blogging 7/17 Show

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show has started here on the East Coast. Return to this entry as I'll update it throughout the show. Do not copy and paste any part of this entry on other sites without linking and giving this blog credit. (This means YOU.)

We've gone through a recap and Amber crying because she loves the two nominees so much. Now Nick and Daniele is whispering. He told her about his alliance.

Zach thinks Nick is getting played by Daniele and is concerned for their alliance.

It's the America's Player segment. He wanted something fun, so there he goes. Yes, America chose Joe. He FAILED the task because he gave up. Now the shower talk... gee, I had better video.

Veto competition. Jen picked Houseguest's Choice from the bag and chose Mike. Daniele chose Joe. Dick chose Amber. Dustin is the host. Amber is crying AGAIN. Too much pressure!

Jen tells Joe, Mike and Amber that they're to take Danmiele and Amber out first. If one of them gets the veto and uses it to remove Daniele and Dick from the block, she will put up one of their closest allies. Amber cries even more.

Amber is telling Nick, Jameka and Daniele about what Jen said. Amber said she had wanted to win to save either Daniele or Dick. Daniele confronts Jen about the threat and how Amber is reacting. Now Dick is in the act. Jen is just standing there.

Joe told her that Jen after putting people pn the block for having negative energy, was picking on him and making Amber cry. Now Zach and Jameka are having minor words. Dick is trying to intervene in an Amber/Jen talk. He's defending Amber, but it's probably for his own purposes, as well.

Time for the veto comp... snow! The Christmas theme! "The Cutthroat Christmas." It's a curling game and the winner gets the veto. When out of the game, select a gift from other the tree. Ones who last longer can steal the gift already won by another. There are gifts and punishments.

Joe eliminated first. His gift is a Slop Pass. Jen is eliminated next -- her gift is her red unitard which she must wear for rest of the week. Mike is eliminated,,, lots of Dick commentary on the comp. Mike won a Big Brother date, romantic gourmet meal in the yard. Dick is now out. He won a plasma TV.

It's between Amber and Daniele. Amber choked and tells us she threw it (from the DR) so Daniele could win. Amber has to wear handcuffs chaining her to the houseguest of her choice for 24 hours. She chose Kail. Daniele wins the POV! (But we knew that!)

Time for the unitard exhibibtion. "The Thing 2," yells Joe. The chained duo, Kail and Amber, share their Diary Room session.

Eric is working on Jen to get Jessica up on the block as a replacement. He's failing.

Zach is questioning Nick about who will go up. Nick and Zach both want to save Dick. Zach pushes Jen to choose Joe to replace Daniele if she saves herself. In a HOH Room meeting, they discuss who should go on the block. Jen wasn't thrilled with everyone pushing her to put up Joe.

Nick is flirting with Daniele again. Jen is looking jealous. She goes back to the HOH Room and tell the group there she wants to put Nick on the block.

Daniele is worried that if she uses the POV it will affect her Dad -- he's the one she trusts the most in the house. Asks Dick why she should use the veto to save him -- he joked about their close relationship, then told her to make her own choice. Daniele gives a bit teary speech. She's saving herself. Jen, in red unitard, snottily compliments Daniele and chooses to put Joe on the block.

Who do you want Eric, America's Player, to vote to evict? The task will only count if our choice goes home.

Vote JOE, vote early, vote often.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds YouTube of the Day 7/17

Yep, I've posted yet another video up via YouTube. It's been a very quiet day, but I caught Joe trying to convince Kail that he has at least four votes, needs one more for a tie, then Jen will vote to keep him. Yeah, right. You can tell by Kail's reactions and facial expressions that she's not convinced, not at all. Joe doesn't seem to think she's doubting him at all.

Sneak Peek: 'Saving Grace' on TNT

Saving Grace is a new original drama scheduled to make its debut on TNT next Monday night, July 23, following The Closer.

I think that TNT is going to be building itself a pretty powerful 2-hour block running these two series back-to-back.

Holly Hunter stars as Grace, a rather wild-child fast-living Oklahoma City detective who has attracted a bizarre guardian angel named Earl (Leon Rippy from Deadwood).

I've never been keen on guardian angel shows. I mean, no offense to Della Reese, but I guess I just like my television on the more gritty side of life. But I liked my screener of the Saving Grace pilot. Oh, no! I must be going to heck in a handbasket, eh? I like an angel kind of show? Yipes!

Oh, but this one is different. It's definitely for a more adult audience and parents might not want their children to watch. But I find the concept, the acting, and the characters engaging. Grace's irrational behavior kind of stretches the acceptability level for cops, but angel Earl saves the day... in just as unconventional sort of way. One of Earl's other "clients" is a murderer on Death Row? I love the quirk!

Give it a shot next Monday night at 10 PM. After all, Holly Hunter has won both Emmys and an Academy Award (for The Piano). Do you think she would have taken just any ol' TV job? Nope! Then there's Earl, destined to be the most quirky angel ever on television.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Overnight Into 7/17

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Shhh... the houseguests are sleeping as I get this posted.

Yes, Dick just went to bed a bit ago, but he's nestled in there now. Hey, if he didn't go to bed so late, the East Coast wouldn't have the Evel Dick Show to watch while sipping their morning coffee!

Here are the late night events from that Big Brother house of Mrs. Robinson and Hopin' Joltin' Joe Will Go:

  • Kail tried for three seasons to get on the show while Dustin was recruited -- it was Joe who applied.
  • Nick told Amber that he wanted a good person win the money -- like her (Amber) or Jameka. He said that, to him, making good friends is more important than the money. (Now, if you want to make friends... go join a club or church, get involved in the community, even go to the local bar... why get locked in a house with madmen for three months?)
  • Although Joe begged him, Dustin told him that he would not be voting for him to stay.
  • That made Joe go on an anti-Dustin tantrum complete with namecalling and flame coming out of his ears. (Okay, I made the last part up. But he was mad.)
  • Joe asked Eric if he sleepwalks. Eric denied it.
  • Jen said she ranks number two in a Google search for the term "hot bikini model." Go ahead, try it and report back.
  • Jessica and Joe took a shower together without the divider up. Joe thanked her for the lesson in female anatomy. @@
  • Joe thinks he was a target since the first day because of the enemy twist. (I beg to differ -- it was his reaction to the twist, not the twist itself, which made him the target.)
  • Dick, Daniele, Jessica, and Joe tried to move the topiary bunnies and deer (which are fake), but Big Brother yelled at them to put them back. So they just decorated them and set a scene.
  • Dick told Daniele that Amber is too close to Dustin and he doesn't really trust Dustin. He thinks Dustin will have to go after Kail, Zach, and Jen.
  • Daniele told Dick that it's very hard to use the veto knowing someone else had to be put up for eviction.
  • Dick thinks he'll be safe from eviction for two or three weeks after this one. He doesn't know if he'll try for HOH. (He's telling us this in the Dick Show when he addresses the cameras and talks to the Internet.)
  • Last one in bed was Dick. He finished drying the laundry, he hit the sack at almost 6 AM (PT) after greeting the sun.

'Big Brother 8' -Live Feeds Stuff - Into the Evening 7/16

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Who will be evicted? Will it be Dick or Joe? Graphic artist Zoetawny wants to know!

Since the Power of Veto Ceremony, Joe's been even more annoying than usual. That, but of course, is good for Dick's cause. Although it often sounds like an ouster is a sure thing, until the votes are cast we really don't know how it'll all go down. But the more houseguests Joe can alienate in between now and the voting on Wednesday, the better chance Dick has of staying in the house.

Here's what's been happening in the Big Brother House of Frantic Campaigning:
  • Nick told Amber and Jameka that he doesn't think Joe has enough votes to stay.
  • Kail wants Mike to vote Dick out.
  • Kail thinks that Mike, Nick, herself, and possibly Eric will vote Dick out. (She doesn't know that Eric's vote is OURS.)
  • She thinks that she may be able to get Zach in on the Vote Out Dick Movement.
  • When Joe approached her, Amber told him that she must vote for Dick to stay.
  • Jen told Kail it's better if Joe goes -- if he stays, he'll be a target. Kail told her that Evel Dick owes her a favor.
  • Kail doesn't understand why both Jen and Mike are bothered by Zach. She doesn't see the behavior.
  • Jen said that no one wants Zach in sequester.
  • Jen thinks it may be a close vote week which means everyone has to be nice to her. @@
  • Joe, when begging Jessica for her vote, also asked her how to get Mike's vote... to stay, of course.
  • Joe told Jessica he caught Dustin lying to him. The lie? He didn't tell him that Jen was putting him on the block when he knew that was the case. (I wouldn't tell him either!)
  • Jen talked about Vanna White, the mother of the family for whom she's a nanny. Gag me with a spoon.
  • Joe moaned that this season is "so scripted." I believe he means due to the presence of Dustin he can't play the game as he had planned.
  • Daniele said Joe is putting too much pressure on her calling her his only hope to stay in the game.
  • Eric thinks that if Joe stays and wins HOH, he'll put him on the block.
  • Kail told Daniele that her father had asked her to spare her (Daniele) the week she was HOH so he could have another week with Daniele. She also told her that Dick said he owes her for doing so.
  • Kail told Danielle she's still scared Dick might come after her if he stays. Daniele told Amber that she'll tell Dick to target Jen, Mike, or Zach... but to keep his word to Kail.
  • Joe thinks he has Kail, Dustin, Mike, Zach, and Eric votes.
  • When Dick asked Jessica if he was overconfident, she insisted he was staying.
  • Dustin told Kail he wants Joe to go.
  • Dick brought up the Spool of Lies. Heh.
  • Dick told Kail that Daniele doesn't like Zach.
  • Dick also told Kail that he heard that she said he was her target. She claimed it's only because she thought he was going to go after her, but she feels safe with him now. (We'll see how safe on Thursday. Dick and Kail are the two serious BB gamers in the house. It could be the War of the Worlds when those two collide.)
  • Jen told Jessica that Amber offered to go up as a pawn to get Dick out of the house. (I vaguely recall that, but don't know how serious she was about it.)

So, there you go. It's a Spool of Lies on a wild Merry-Go-Round. I think that Dick is probably safe, but I know I'll vote for Eric to vote Joe out.

Monday, July 16, 2007

'Hell's Kitchen' - A Quick Take on Episode 7

Hell's Kitchen
It's down to six chefs, three men and three women, in this season's Hell's Kitchen. If you ask me, none of them are ready to take on the responsibilities of running a fine dining restaurant. None of them.

Julia is a personal favorite of mine. I think that in many areas, she may be the most competent chef all around. Alas, she's not all too familiar with the sort of restaurant which she would win. Plus, while she can take charge, I think her lack of fine dining experience hurts her own self-esteem.

Jen. I don't care for her. Technically, she may have the most experience on the womens' team, but I can't get past her planning to use pasta she retrieved from the trash can. I know I should get over it, but I just can't. Eww.

Then there's Bonnie. Chef Ramsay is slightly right when he implies (being kind here) that she's a bit dippy. She may be creative and have great ideas, but she can't follow through in the kitchen. From her own mouth tonight, "My creativity supercedes what I can do."

Onto the men, I found Brad especially annoying tonight. In the service, they had to make their own menus. He practically took over and wouldn't work with Josh or Rock at all. Then he screws up in the kitchen.

Josh has always been a bit of a non-entity to me throughout the season. He is in no way ready to run anything more involved than a chain restaurant. No, not fancy dining. Nuh-uh.

Now, I think Rock has the talent in the kitchen. But his personal skills are a bit lacking. He gets explosive and boils rather than attempting to actually work with a team.

Get rid of all of them and give us replacements, please.

Tonight the challenge was to serve one appetizer and two entrees out of leftovers provided to them. They had a half-hour to whip it all together. The guys won, partly because Julia made fish and chips which were good but won't fly in a fancy-schmancy restaurant. The men got to go play paintball with Ramsay while the women cleaned and took in the deliveries. They screwed up the checking in of the deliveries and caused themselves even more work.

In setting up the service in which each team chose its menu, the women substitured Julia's choice of NY strip steak at the last minute. Wise choice; it was the most popular dish.

The women got off to a great start while the men faltered. Before the service, Ramsay mentioned teamwork. Neither team knows the meaning of the word. The women refused to talk to each other and the lack of communication loused up their work. With the men, Josh was totally sinking when Ramsay told Rock and Brad to help him. Neither made a move to save their team.

At the end, Ramsay praised Julia and fired Brad. As it should be.

But, if it were me, I'd fire 'em all and give the kid from the fryer at the local roadside stand a chance at the big time.

Latest on TV Squad

Hey there! Head on over to my latest on TV Squad and make some noise! Er, polite yet engaging noise, please! :-)

I cover the quickie updates through the day here up through Joe's reaction to his nomination.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony Results

As expected, Joe is now on the block with Dick. It's confirmed when he had a talk with Daniele after the feeds returned.

Again, Daniele saved herself. Joe and Dick are up for eviction.

'Big Brother 8' - Still Awaiting POV Ceremony, But...

They're in an outdoor lockdown and it seems the POV Ceremony, now woefully overdue from its supposed starting time, should be held soon.

In the meantime, it seems like Allison Grodner's Joe Crush is scheduled to take a blow...

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Video - Joe Confronts Eric About the Bed Visit

Here's the video clip I uploaded to YouTube. Joe confronts Eric about the visit to his bed. Be warned... Eric is a pottymouth. I don't think they'll be able to use any or much of this on the show! A bit too much info at the end, too. ;-)

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - America's Player

Okay, it looks like we (America) wanted Eric to sleepwalk himself into Joe's bed. Joe and Jessica are actually in bed together (sleeping), but Eric has crawled in on Joe's side and is trying to use him as a pillow... or a maybe a teddy bear.

An added note: That Dingo from Hamsterwatch has posted a video of the task on YouTube. I was late on the record button, so I scrapped mine.

They just woke the houseguests up. Since we're getting blue liquid tunnel and the theme song, they must be playing the wake-up song.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feed Report - Late Night and Overnight into 7/16

<--- Joe atop Nick to "give him the attention a boy like him deserves." Nick didn't protest. Daniele just laughed.

After yesterday afternoon/early evening's Magnus Strong Man Olympics, there were some bits of gameplaying betwixt the houseguests. But not a lot. There was a period in which Jameka was talking about religion with Eric and others were playing word games in the kitchen... I thought, well, this just shouldn't be happening. These folks need to be scheming. They need to be wheelin' and dealin'! I was saved by Dick and Daniele. No, not the kind of saving Jameka was talking about with Eric. It was far from divine intervention.

But it was something. Unfortunately, when I tried to record the video I got an odd echo and missed the first part. But here's what I caught -- be ready to turn up the volume:

Here's the quick skinny on the Big Brother House Hamster Happenings:

  • Dick told Daniele to be careful about winning too much. She said she had to win the veto. He agreed that one of them did and he was glad she won.
  • Dick told her that Amber and Kail have been too close (not referring to the chains) and he doesn't trust them. Daniele told him she trusts Amber.
  • Daniele wants Dick to think of something she can say at the POV ceremony.
  • They actually came across as father and daughter for much of the talk.
  • Magnus and Cragnus (Mike and Nick) tied for the win in their games. This should be fun for the show on Tuesday. I was cracking up watching the feeds.
  • Jameka told Dick that if he stays and the next HOH is between them, she would give it to him.
  • Dick told Jameka that if Daniele was replaced with Nick, he might have trouble winning against him.
  • Amber told Nick that Jen would vote for him to leave instead of Dick. She said when she mentioned Nick votes to stay from others, Jen said something about "well, this won't work then."
  • The most commonly brought up choices by Jen for replacing Daniele on the block are Nick and Joe. She still seems to want to keep Dick. Daniele had always been her target.
  • Amber had a date with Mike. @@
  • Amber to Mike that she was hooked on speed for over a year, quitting it only nine months ago. It's too bad that through most of their date she talked fast and non-stop almost as if she was still on it.
  • Mike had to define the word "outskirts" (as in the outskirts of town) to Amber because "I hear it all the time and don't know what it means." Context baby, context.
  • Kail doesn't do too well on slop. She's moodier. Of course, some of it could be because her alliance is crumbling.
  • After the big date, Amber thinks Mike has a crush on her. @@
  • Still a ton of anti-Zach talk going on from about everyone. About the only one who hasn't been in on the movement is Mike.
  • Dick asked Daniele to get Jessica to support him. Daniele said she can influence anyone in the house except Kail, Mike, Zach, and Jen.
  • Despite all of the anti-Zach talk, Jen seems to be deciding between putting Joe or Nick on the block. At the final call (could change), it sounds like she wants to put Joe on the block with her intent that Dick stays in the house.
  • That would be fine by me. Go for it, Jenbootilicious.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Blog Announcement

If you're in the NYC vicinity, you're invited to join a few of us this coming weekend. For more details, drop me a note at the email listed on the right sidebar.

And, as a more serious note: I received an email directing me to a blog which has copied most of my most recent show East Coast Update. I won't post the blog's URL because I don't want it to have any more traffic. If you come across "that blog" - please report it. I work hard to create original content for this blog and think that plagiarists are low forms of humanity.

Feel free to link and quote from here, but do NOT post my work as your own, little jerk.

'Big Brother 8' - Strong Man Comp Video

This is just one event in the not officially sanctioned Big Brother Strong Man comp. It's probably one of the few videos which is nearly G-Rated! Fun, but it makes for no strategy or drama.

(Yes, this is my own YouTube video. Not necessarily a pro production!)