Sunday, July 19, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Overnight Into Sunday 7/19

Aw, isn't this so darn special?

With the huge feeds block for the PoV, the big news yesterday was once we finally found out who won. (Jeff.) But what happened into the evening and onto the dawn in that Big Brother House of Misguided Misanthropes?
  • As I get this typed up, Jessie and Lydia are the only ones up still talking. This is SO a relationship which could only happen in the BB house and will surely not be a tale of love, marriage, and happily ever after.
  • Natalie won a slop pass in yesterday's POV comp. She feels it should be good for any of the Have Not components (cold showers, bed). BB disagrees. Natalie is ticked off.
  • As I mentioned before, the comp had something to do with money, especially coins. Lots of quarters were involved.
  • Chima now says that Russell is a misogynist and dirty player. Me? I just think he likes to be a bully. I have seen a smarter more pleasant side of him on the feeds at times. But overall, he plays the smart-butt bully card whenever he can.
  • Chima tried telling people Russell probably threw the comp because he deals with money every day.
  • Ronnie knows that if Laura stays this week, she will target him.
  • Lydia told Ronnie, Jeff, Laura, and Casey that she wants Russell gone. (Later, as she and Jessie talked, she said she didn't want him gone due to the power block if he stays.)
  • Kevin and Chima want to be the ones responsible for sending Jeff home. (I'd love for Jeff to win HOH and get drama mama Chima out.)
  • Jordan, whom I was liking, fell for Ronnie's influence and went to Jeff, telling him that if he takes himself off the block with the veto, Ronnie was going to put her up.
  • ARGH! Jordan! Quit that!
  • In the HOH room, both Lydia and Ronnie ended up telling Jeff that Jordan won't go on the block -- instead, Russell will be backdoored.
  • They don't want Jeff to tell anyone. (Only half the house knows already anyway!)
  • Jeff agreed not to nominate either Ronnie or Lydia if he gets HOH.
  • The one they say they don't want knowing the plan is Natalie. I'd suggest (if I were a fly on the wall) that they make Natalie think SHE is going on the block. I want to see her totally freak out.
  • There's a rat in the backyard. They saw him in the pool. They named him Gus. He looks a bit like Ronnie with his little pointed features.
  • Ronnie told Chima and Natalie about the plan to backdoor Russell.
  • Now, this is where Ronnie screws up. Loose lips sink ships, y'know. He did it with the Braden bit and now with Russell. I don't think he understands the concept that a secret plan isn't one that everyone knows about.
  • Jessie wants to keep his ally Russell in the house for obvious reasons. But I think he's secretly happy that it's not himself that's the target.
  • He thinks if it's Russell and Laura on the block, Laura would still be the one to go.
  • Jessie and others worked the case for Casey going on the block in lieu of Russell.
  • Jessie told Ronnie that if Laura stays, she's going after him (Ronnie). He wants a pawn up so Laura definitely goes. But I don't see HIM volunteering to go on the block to ensure Laura leaves!
  • Ronnie, Lydia, and Kevin had a meeting with Laura during which they felt out who she'd target if she stayed.
  • That doesn't sound like Ronnie plans to put popular Casey up, does it?
  • So, things are still up in the air as the hamsters snore.
  • It's pretty much a given that Jeff is NOT Marcellas -- he will save himself at the POV ceremony.
  • It's extremely likely that Russell will go up on the block in his place.
  • Oh ... and Michele is almost a non-entity in the house except when fighting with Chima. I expected more out of her.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Bulletin POV Winner 7/18

After over four hours, the feeds returned. The POV was done in rounds and had something to do with counting money. I'm still waiting for someone to blatantly mention the winner.

Natalie, Casey, and Russell were the chosen players, Lydia hosted.

It's sounding like Jeff won. I will return here to give you firm confirmation.


Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Saturday Dawn 7/18

Jessie and Lydia whisper sweet nothings at each other in the wee hours of the morn. Ew. I'm just not getting that showmance at all. With the exception of "favors" from her, I can't get why they're even friends at all. Talk about people just using people!

In other late night house news:
  • The producers won't let Ronnie get his hair done in a Mohawk due to continuity reasons. When has that ever stopped them before? When you watch the show, season after season, you can always catch them using old clips for filler.
  • If Ronnie did get a Mohawk, he'd look even more like PeeWee Herman. Or, at the very least, a bad SNL characterization of PeeWee Herman.
  • Jeff, although reassured he's safe this week, is intent on winning the PoV to save himself.
  • Laura knows she's the target and her only hope to stay is to win the PoV.
  • During late night hanging out, the guys all decided to speak with an Irish (?) accent. Bad Irish (?) accents, too.
  • As Have Nots, Laura and Jordan can't have any booze. They think Russell shouldn't have any booze.
  • Russell, perhaps fueled by booze when he raged at Lydia, seems to be the only one who's really acted up with the alcohol.
  • Ronnie told Jordan (who's very worried) that he won't put her on the block.
  • They all think Dan (BB10) looks different in person. Lydia said he was a weinie.
  • Jordan really has issues with thinking she's dumb. As I watch her on the feeds, she might be lacking some formal educational background, but she can be so spot on when reading people.
  • As it stands now, Laura is the main target of the entire house if the noms remain the same. Jeff should be way safe ... almost to the point of a unanimous vote.
  • If one gets saved, it's likely Russell will be put on the block.
  • Jessie says he won't vote Russell out. Well, duh. That would be like losing his evil clone brother.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Friday Evening 7/17

Well, the nominations are in. Did Ronnie put up one of the Power Tools? Nope. He put Laura and Jeff on the block. He claims Jeff isn't going home. Jordan's key was pulled first, Russell's last. Here's how things went down:
  • Interesting -- before the noms, Chima told Ronnie she wanted him to put Jeff and Laura on the block.
  • There was another blow-up between Drama Chima and Michele, this time over a bed. Chima had said that a bed was hers, later Michele came along and said that she didn't see her name on it. Meow.
  • In the Have/Have Not comp Natalie won a bathing suit, at least Natalie and Chima won a movie night.
  • Chima thinks that she's going to be portrayed as the troublemaker in the house.
  • Russell asked Jessie if Ronnie made any deal with him for the final two. Jessie told him no.
  • Jordan is concerned with her own safety because Laura is her closest friend in the house. She thinks she's next.
  • Laura claims she's going to remain calm. Yeah, right.
  • Jordan is really irked with the show's twist this season. She doesn't like the high school clique stuff and thinks it would be a different game had Jessie not come in the house with power.
  • She's right.
  • Natalie wants to backdoor Russell this week but Jessie isn't too keen on the idea.
  • Russell claims that Ronnie has played everyone.
  • Russell yelled at Lydia for talking game.
  • He is really scary when he screams.
  • Lydia is upset. She thinks that Russell is abusive. Natalie, Chima, Kevin, and Lydia have been talking about Russell. They're all a bit scared of him and he's too cocky.
  • They all know that Russell has been making deals with everyone for final two.
  • Ronnie said that Laura is dangerous to their alliance, emotions can't be trusted.
  • There are rumblings with Ronnie and others that Russell might be backdoored if Laura comes off the block with the PoV.
  • He thinks that Jeff might be upset with him, but Jeff will not be going home this week.
So, that's where we stand -- Jeff and Laura on the block. Laura is the target. If Laura comes off the block with the PoV, I think Russell might want to watch his back. His backdoor, that is.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Extended Julie Chen/Braden Interview

We're talking fifteen minutes of Braden ramblings ... enjoy!

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Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Friday into their Afternoon 7/17

A comp (or something like that) has been going on for hours as I get this typed up. We have BB trivia and a message that the houseguests are playing a "secret game." How special is that? We all know that once the feeds come back, someone will spill the beans. Maybe it's the Have/Have Not comp. Maybe it's nominations. I just don't know ... shh ... it's a secret.

BULLETIN: The feeds came back on at 7:07 PM ET. It was Have/Have Not. Laura is crying about getting railroaded. Dan was there for three hours. Jordan is crying, too. Jeff is trying to console them. Jeff is saying his answer was wrong. They had to make choices. He chose a cheerleader outfit. Laura and Jordan on slop, cold showers, and other Have Not stuff.

Jeff, "I already look like an idiot. I don't want to look like a superficial idiot."

Now the feeds are blocked again. Now up.

Lydia told Kevin that Jessie is still "hurt" over the way he was edited on the show last season. Poor baby. That set off a feeds block again.

Here's what went down in the house since the wee hours this morning:
  • Kevin was still trying to get everyone to believe that Casey was the one whose vote caused the tie last night.
  • He's also been planting seeds of suspicion regarding Jeff.
  • I think his game plan might be to get the house in so much of a tizzy that everyone hates each other while he sits and watches.
  • He thinks that show fans will forget about Dr. Will and put him up on the strategy pedestal instead.
  • Ronnie told Chima and Jessie that Braden told him that he knew that he (Ronnie) was the mastermind of the game.
  • Oh, give me a break.
  • I'm almost to the point of liking Jessie more than I like Ronnie.
  • I don't like Jessie.
  • Now, if so many people weren't onto Ronnie's lies, mastermind status.
  • But they all know.
This feeds block is much too long for a standard nominations ceremony even when they block for extra time hoping the hamsters won't mention it. I think this must have something to do with Dan's visit that Julie Chen mentioned last night.

When I find out, you'll know!

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Overnight Into Friday 7/17

For someone who's a bikini model and claimed she would be "living in a bikini" in the house, Laura tends to cover up a lot. That doesn't upset me in the least. Okay, my latest show review is up over on TV Squad and I'm here to report the doings of the hamsters in that Big Brother House of Hapless Hamsters:
  • Despite the fact that everyone knows Ronnie is lying about the Chima vote, all went to his HOH room reveal.
  • He got photos of his wife and mother, PlayDough, Double Stuff Oreos, a letter from home, etc.
  • Jeff left first claiming it was a good room but some people were "sucking the life out of it."
  • Eventually, it was just the Body Buddies and their twerp Ronnie up there.
  • Ronnie seems pleased with himself that he's caused all the dissension in the house. But unless he's playing everyone, I don't like it that he's chosen to ally with the muscle. This could be the week to get either Jessie or Russell out.
  • Lydia is still all over Jessie. And here I thought I was going to like her. She has no taste or pride in herself (if she thinks she's doing it for game reasons).
  • Russell trashtalked Laura.
  • Chima trashtalked Jeff.
  • Jeff is trying to be philosophical and keeps saying, "It's just a game. Ronnie is playing a game."
  • Ronnie is STILL not taking the blame/credit for the Chima vote which went against his now estranged ally group.
  • Jessie told Natalie and Russell that Laura is the mastermind behind things from the other side.
  • Jordan now feels bad that they tried to save Braden (seeing how it all turned out). Earlier tonight she said, "We shouldn't be called popular. We should be called the idiots."
  • All of that group -- Jeff, Casey, Michele, and Laura -- are still stinging from the Ronnie bite 'em in the butt by voting to keep Chima bit.
  • Although Ronnie won't admit it, no he won't.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds - Since the Live Eviction 7/16

Interesting ... every time a hamster mentions Chima's speech from the show, we get loud theme music and the image of the control room. Well, duh ... we know what she said. We saw the whole brouhaha on the feeds which was NOT bleeped like the show was. And, no. Beaner isn't an accountant. I got a kick out of that comment from the show post!

The feeds returned to yet another brouhaha after the live show. Here's the skinny from the BB House of Hyper Hamsters:
  • Ronnie is refusing to admit to the group of five (Michele, Jeff, Casey, Jordan, and Laura) that he was the flip vote causing the tie.
  • Ronnie also refuses to admit it to Natalie, Russell, Lydia, and Jessie.
  • Everyone on the non-jock side for sure sees through him.
  • Russell, Jessie and company have adopted Ronnie as their pet gerbil for the week or something.
  • Ronnie is trying to play both sides of the house.
  • He's trying to get people to believe that Casey betrayed the group.
  • Laura can read Ronnie like a child's primer.
  • For a "mastermind," Ronnie isn't all that persuasive.
  • Even Jordan sees through him.
  • Right now I'd call the most solid group in the house Casey, Laura, Jordan, Michele, and sometimes Jeff. There still seems to be some mistrust about Jeff.
  • While the Power Tools are tight, the rest of their alliance will probably go whichever way the wind blows.

Chima is smug as a bug in the rug ... with lips.

Ronnie is trying to deflect the Chima vote to Casey.

Big Brother 11 - First Live Eviction Show Blog Party

Jackie's TV Blog Big Brother, BB11

It's the first live eviction show of the season. As graphic arteest Zoetawny so gently put it ... the Jessie Show is CANCELED. Thankfully he can't play for HOH again this week. I don't think they've made it clear if it's just him sitting out or the whole jock clique. Hopefully, the Power Tools will lose their juice this week!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, this entry will be updated. But the real fun is in the comments ... everyone's welcome! The hamsters are fair game, but I do ask posters to treat each other with respect. Thank you!

Just recap and house tension so far. They showed the argument with Braden's "beaner" comment to Kevin, but bleeped the word. However, WE know what he said!

Whoa! Chima called Braden out on his words!

The vote:
Russell --> Braden
Natalie --> Braden
Jeff --> Chima
Jordan --> Chima
Kevin --> Braden
Laura --> Chima
Lydia --> Braden
Michele --> Chima
Casey --> Chima's melodramatic behind
Ronnie --> Braden -- I'm going to hell (according to himself)

It's a tie. Jessie gets deciding vote. He votes to evict Braden, we keep Drama Lips.

Ronnie won HOh! Blech, traitor!

Julie said something about Dan coming into the house? Hmm ... not as a season hamster, I don't think.

Mostly Off Topic - The (TV) Show Will Go On ...

A rusted, neglected, and probably defunct Wall Street Journal honor box sitting at the Plainfield (NJ) Train Station poses a bleak outlook on the American dream. I'm basically a bit all-around bleak today, I'll admit. So the photo is fitting.

I want to thank everyone for their condolences on the loss of my cat Scherzo. I'm still reeling with the shock as she was perfectly fine just a few days ago. We sat on the couch with the curtains open watching nearby neighbors' (illegal) fireworks, we played, we cuddled, she purred, she groomed my hand (she was a real licker). And, wham. She's gone.

Since Teaser died in 2007, Scherzo had really blossomed personality-wise and seemed to love being an only cat. Her presence got me through the rough times of my knee replacement surgery last summer. I now have an empty apartment that I'll be coming home to each day.

It's likely that I'll eventually have another cat in my home. Not as a replacement, mind you. Each cat is special in his own way and no two I've ever known are alike. I'll probably go the next knee replacement in November alone. Even if I happen to have a cat at the time, it won't be like the 17 year bond I had with Scherzo.

I took today off from my day job as I look like a total wreck and I'm so emotionally shaky. I'll go in tomorrow. Today I'm throwing out the litter pan, cleaning and storing the food dishes, throwing away cat toys, the old cat condo, the cat bed, etc. I'll eventually transport all the cat food and treats I have on hand to the feral cat population (including Roofus) over by the train station.


Onto a bit more TV-related:
If I feel energetic later, I'll be setting up my Comcast digital adapters on both of my TVs (one by the computer, one in the living room). Since Comcast is basically forcing folks like me with the basic cable service to go digital or lose everything except local stations, I have to get it done. I like my A&E, Animal Planet, TNT, and more. So, they sent me two adapters and I have to eventually get them set up. Today might be the day. No, I still won't have premium channels. They're just not in my budget.

Speaking of cable TV, with yesterday's unexpected events, I totally didn't post my sneak peek on Dark Blue, the new TNT series with Dylan McDermott. I hope you caught it. I have the screener for next week's episode and I highly recommend the show. And ... it doesn't interfere with Big Brother! 10 PM on Wednesdays, TNT.

Tonight I'll be resuming my Big Brother 11 coverage, starting with the live show post at 8:00 PM. The feeds will probably be quiet today leading into the live show and, to be honest, I only peeked at them a few random times yesterday. If you want to catch up on the latest since yesterday, I suggest hamsterwatch or jokersupdates. My own feeds reports will start up with a late night post tonight and an early morning one tomorrow.

Again, thank you for all your love.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rest in Peace, Scherzo

I apologize for the lack of Big Brother updates. My 17-year old cat Scherzo, who had been fine two days ago, was lethargic when I got home from work yesterday. As the night went on, she took a turn for the worse. She died while I was waiting for a ride to get her to the emergency vet. I don't know what happened. I'm a bit of an emotional wreck right now.

She was such a good cat.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Big Brother 11 7/14 Blog Party Post

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updates as it airs, but the real fun is in the comments section. Everyone is welcome, bring your own snacks and beverages!

Oh, Russell is way too cocky! The body buddies realize they've lost Jeff (not that they ever really had him) and have enlisted Laura ... who sees right through them.

Veto Players - Jessie/Russell, Chima/Natalie, Lydia/Jeff

Pop Goes the Veto ... popping pimples on a giant face, retrieving two-sided tiles with letters, ten minutes, biggest word speller wins. Russell won with "shotgun." He's even more cocky now.

Russell saved Lydia due to her working her mojo on the athletes. Jessie put Braden on the block, thanks to Lydia throwing Braden under the bus.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Through the Day Tuesday 7/14

They always look so darn excited in my screen caps.

Here's what's been going on inside that Big Brother House of Riff and Raff:
  • Braden campaigned to Jessie trying to stay. He thinks he's more centered and that Chima can be scary.
  • I think Russell can be scary, but he's staying!
  • Jessie immediately reported Braden's campaigning to Russell and Casey.
  • After he was the topic of conversation the good part of last night, I can't see Braden swaying the vote.
  • Russell is telling people it's a bad idea to nominate him (Russell) as he will win comps and it will only put a target on their backs.
  • Lydia is hanging out a lot with Jessie. Eek.
  • In bed. Double eek.
  • Jordan is hanging out with Ronnie ... not in bed.
  • Yawn.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Tuesday Dawn 7/14

It's going for 3 AM their time and the hamsters are still up. In the backyard, we have Jessie, Natalie, Kevin, Casey, and Lydia talking about Braden. Not good things, mind you. They're talking about him being a pathological liar. They say they're tired of his stories. Casey thinks he's been telling them so long that he believes them himself.

Here's what's been going on in the BB11 House of Restless Rodents:
  • They're calling Braden a "one-upper." Apparently whatever someone has done, he has a better story.
  • BB gave them alcohol, but this group doesn't seem to have the over-imbibers of past seasons.
  • They talked graphically about sex.
  • They're irked that Braden said "congratulations" instead of "thank you" when they offered him a place at the dinner earlier in the evening.
  • This season has no particular cook -- they all pitch in. Except for a selected few, that is.
  • Russell and Laura think that Captain LurksALot (Ronnie) talks game way too much.
  • The Brains could finally eat real food at midnight.
  • Ronnie claims he feels human once again.
  • No one is drunk. Most are awake and talking about whomever isn't in their little group. I don't mean clique ... except the Brains.
  • Neither Chima or Braden seem to really fit in with the majority of the house. But the overall feeling is that they want Braden out more.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Into Monday Evening 7/13

Lydia naps in the hammock.

Gee, since the brouhaha earlier today, nothing much is going on. As I post this, Braden and Jeff are playing pool, Lydia is in the hammock, and the rest of the hamsters are gathered in the kitchen all talking at once ... which makes conversation hard to follow! Here's the way skinny skinny on happenings in the house since my last update:
  • Chima likened the Have Not sleeping conditions to waterboarding. She said if she knew she'd be sleeping on metal, she wouldn't have come on the show.
  • I have no sympathy for her. I'd never go on the show because hamsters have to do such stupid things, eat slop, humiliate themselves in public, and be torn apart by snarky bloggers.
  • All of the girls except Natalie dressed up for dinner. She wore her standard sweats.
  • And, that's about it.
  • We need a bigger and better brouhaha!

Jeff seems to have a Jason Bateman thing going on in this screen cap.

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Monday Into the Afternoon 7/13

Can't you see the excitement on Jordan's face? It's another exciting and fun day in the Big Brother 11 house. Or not. They really should do something to liven the place up a bit. Every year it's off to a slow start, so I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt ... for now.

Here's what's happened since my last report:
  • First, remember that Russell won the PoV, used it to save Lydia. It's now Chima and Braden on the block.
  • Braden gave up his job and apartment to go on the show. He has $1000 in the bank. (Well, if he gets the boot this week, I believe he'll receive a few weeks stipend at $750 a week for his time in sequester and in the house.)
  • Jessie continues to talk trash about Jeff.
  • Jeff continues to talk trash about Jessie.
  • Lydia is getting chummy with Jessie. I have lost any respect I had for her.
  • She told him that she feels she can't talk to anyone.
  • Russell likes to look at himself in mirrors. Surprise, surprise! Who woulda thunk it?
  • They exercised ... well, most of them did.
  • It's the last day for the Brainy Bunch to be Have Nots.
  • Jordan asked Ronnie and Casey if her chest looked like "big fake boobs." They said no. She proceeded to tell them she was a 32A before her surgery. Why do people feel compelled to tell these kind of details?
  • They think the next comp will be mental, probably a true or false game.
  • Jordan wishes the season wasn't high school cliques and that there was more diversity in ages.
  • Now I like Jordan again. I'll forgive her boob talk.
  • Braden and Jeff think that Lydia's been telling lies to the HOH crew and that's why she was taken off the block.
  • Jeff is a true outsider in his clique.
  • Braden accused Lydia of lying and it was brouhaha time! Yay!
  • Kevin got involved, Braden called him a "beaner." Then Lydia screamed that Braden is a racist.
  • Then there were fisticuffs. A shot rang out. The maid screamed!
  • Jeff tried to calm things down and told Braden his "beaner" comment was out of line.
  • But then Lydia and Jordan started screaming at each other. Lydia and Jordan had been close. But when Jordan cried at Braden going on the block when she hadn't cried about her (Lydia) going up ... well, that got under her skin.
  • Jordan said she didn't cry because she knew that Lydia would be safe.
  • Lydia is also upset that Jeff didn't defend her. Jordan told her to take that up with Jeff.
  • In cursing about Jeff, she referred to him as a "gringo." Um.
  • Kevin got in the brouhaha yelling at Jeff that he never talks to him.
  • Jeff said he thought they were cool.
  • Jeff yelled at Lydia, though. He yelled that she sold them all out.
  • Lydia stomped off to the HOH room claiming that "Lydia was closed for the day."
  • Braden tried to apologize to Kevin for the "beaner" comment.
  • Kevin refused to accept the apology.
  • Kevin told Jordan if she hangs out with Braden, they (Kevin and Jordan) are no longer cool.
  • Yes, I tell you ... it's high school all over again!
  • Jordan cried.
  • Kevin apologized to Jeff.
  • Jordan told Russell that everyone is scared of his group and no one wants to stand up against them.
  • Now they're all in either the yard or house hanging out in cliques within and without cliques.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Monday Dawn 7/13

Yes, hamsters are still up in the Habitrail. This is a group of night owls, albeit not really drinking to excess as some in previous years. Before I get on with the report, I need to mention the horror that is Jessie's HOH Twitter page. Sigh. Some people shouldn't Twitter.

Here's the skinny from the Big Brother House of Special Snowflakes:
  • Chima thinks that if she goes home, Jeff gets to switch to the Brainy Bunch. I don't know for sure if it works that way, but it would even the playing field and Jeff would be happier.
  • They said Braden was "chill" during the POV ceremony.
  • Natalie defended Chima to Russell, saying she could see herself hanging out with her and she was no threat to their alliance.
  • Not sure why she felt the need to defend Chima, though. Russell was originally on the "get rid of Lydia" train.
  • Lydia and Kevin think Natalie is falling for Jessie, but that Jessie isn't falling for Natalie.
  • Jessie said that Jordan's butt isn't big enough for his liking. @@ As if!
  • Lots of small talk in the backyard and it's still going on as I get this posted.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into the Evening Sunday 7/12

The bosom body buddies discuss their well-muscled futures. However, the expression on Michele's face below better portrays how I feel about the feeds tonight.

Yep, that's how I feel! Here's what's happened since the POV ceremony in that Big Brother House of High School Nightmares:
  • Jessie wants his own action figure. I have no words to describe how I feel about that.
  • Braden doesn't think they'll stay in cliques very long. He has a point. I'm shocked. I didn't expect it from him.
  • The cliques are messing with the hamsters voting the way they would under normal circumstances.
  • They CAN vote out a member of their own clique, but many have promised not to do so.
  • Braden tried a rather mellow laidback campaign to save himself.
  • Kevin says he's going to vote out Braden because he thinks Braden hasn't approached him as a friend because he's gay.
  • I don't think that's Braden's issue with him.
  • These gals, for the most part, are wearing too much make-up.
  • Eh, they're cooking dinner.
  • They're being boring. They need to quit that.

Big Brother 11 Nominations Show Blog Party 7/12

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

The show is delayed here in the NYC viewing area. But that doesn't mean we can't start the party without the hamsters! Once the show starts and as it airs here, I'll update this post with the major happenings.

But the real fun is in the comments. You're all invited to join in!

8:12 PM ET and the show is starting ... recap time!

High school nightmares and Ronnie makes a deal with the devil. Makes a deal with Jessie, I mean. Oh, I don't think he likes him.

Uh-oh, the jocks want a pawn from the brains. Ronnie in no way will be a pawn. He knows the history of pawns on the show. Chima isn't thrilled, but asks for the promise that she'll be okay.

BB rave - the Have/Have Not comp is AWN. Off Beat is SAFE. Popular is safe. The Brains lost the cmp. Sheesh.

Chima is super upset, there's the sore loser! The room is mats on the floor, like an insane asylum according to Chima.

Chima and Lydia are on the block, Chima supposedly as a pawn. Lydia is in tears and vows to fight.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds - POV Ceremony Over 7/12

As expected, Russell saved Lydia with the PoV. In her place, Jessie put Braden on the block. Kevin already promised Chima he wouldn't vote her out.

Words of wisdom from Casey, "Lydia, don't put your business out on the streets."

Michele also says she can't vote Chima out "because she's on my team." Jordan is all teary and upset -- she likens the situation to back when all the hamsters were scared to cross the Four Horsemen, Jesse and buddies have too much power in the house.

Me? I'm just glad that there's no helium voice or shrieking hamsters on the feeds this year.

Hmm ... Braden has a court case coming up? Why did he go on the show?

Another Casey gem -- "You don't play cards with the face up."

Big Brother Word of the Day: Introducements (Natalie, meaning introductions)

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Quickie Sunday 7/12

The houseguests are awake. Alas, now ALL of the cameras are on Jessie and Natalie again. I hate that.

They were told to get "camera ready." But I don't think anything major is on the agenda today other than the POV ceremony.

Carry on.

Big Brother Blast From the Past

OMG! (As the kids would say.)

I found that QuirkyDude over on YouTube has entire past seasons of BB up -- including where it all started ... season one! Chicken George, Sloshy Josh, Eddie, etc. What memories! I remember Megaphone Lady (aka Kitty) and things being shouted, thrown over the fence. I'm including the first part of the first episode, but he's got them all up. When the feeds are boring and I'm not at work, I'll be reliving the first season.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Into Sunday Morning 7/12

The screen caps included here are ones I took late last night as the hamsters are all sleeping as I get this written up. Before I get into the report itself, I'm going to drone on about other things ... kind of like Jessie. No, I take that back. Jessie drones on mostly about himself. I want to talk hamsters. I'm having trouble warming up to this group. Not only that, but this is a very confusing bunch!

The relationships
1. Jessie and Russell are Body Buddies. They have clicked in their clique. Natalie is in with him, but I can't say for sure whether she's using them and might dump 'em at the drop of a hat. She seems to realize that with them, she's part of a formidable block of power.

2. Jeff and Lydia were initially tight. Not so much now.

3. Lydia and Jordan have hit if off.

4. The majority of the house is leery of Jessie (and, thus Russell). They're friendly to him, but not going out of the way to be buddy-buddy with the Body Buddies. Nor are the fans -- Hamsterwatch noticed something I find hilarious. On the CBS website, Jessie has NO fans!

5. Other than the athlete bunch, I'm really not seeing many close bonds at all. People will like someone one day, not be speaking the next. Casey, Kevin, Jordan, Michele, Braden, Laura, and even Jeff (although he was the center of a brouhaha over both dropping in the HOH comp and throwing the POV) are almost obscured with all the attention the feeds show of Jessie.

6. I really want to see something other than The Jessie Show on the feeds. I didn't like him before, I don't like him now. And, make him put a shirt on. It's either cool in CA or this bunch actually wears clothes. I prefer he wear clothes. He looks like a toy Hulk doll. All he needs is some green paint.

Kevin isn't quite as out there on the feeds as shown in the Diary Room segments on the one episode we've seen. He's actually more quiet, a bit more thoughtful (at least from the bits I see of him). The clothes are still interesting and loud, but when he's not putting on a show for the show, it seems he's a different person.

Heh. Surfer dude Braden and Michele get all gussied up for a night of pool-playing in the backyard. Not showing in this screen cap are her stiletto heels.

Here's what went down in that Little Hamster House of Horrors during the late night hours before they headed to bed:
  • Jeff wants to throw the HOH comp so that a member of the athlete clique can be put on the block.
  • Ronnie is upset that he told Lydia that he didn't trust Russell and she ran to tell Russell.
  • Jordan is also worried that Lydia has crossed to the Dark Side (trusting Jessie and Russell).
  • Jeff thinks that Lydia has become a sell-out buddying up with the Body Buddies.
  • Braden says he's not gay. Um. Okay. Whatever. I don't care. Now, if he claimed he was intelligent, I'd have to argue about that. Pretty is fleeting while dumb is forever.
  • Russell and Jessie still plan to backdoor Braden at this time.
  • Russell thinks that Chima wants all the guys out. He doesn't trust her.
  • Ronnie may or may not be playing Russell big time. He told Russell that he's a debate champ and can read people. He also told Russell that Braden thinks he's safe this week.
  • I forgot to mention this before and just thought of it. Ronnie says he's a ballet dancer. It doesn't fit in right here, but I wanted to mention it.
  • The Body Buddies now don't trust Laura. They think she's confiding in Casey since being a bit alienated from them.
  • Casey goes to bed earlier than the rest and really doesn't stand out as much as I thought he would.
  • Jessie told Chima she needn't worry about going home this week (although that WAS the original plan with the nominations!).
  • Lydia thinks that Chima told her rape story for sympathy.
  • Lydia told Jordan that Russell will use the veto to save Chima. Now, she knows that's not the plan. Russell should be saving her (Lydia) with the veto and Jessie will put Braden on the block for the backdoor.
  • Russell told Casey he's taking Lydia off the block.
  • Casey told Chima he needs a guarantee of four weeks safety to get his vote (or actually, non-vote).
  • Jessie says that Jeff hasn't spoken to him for more than five minutes in the house. Of course, like last season, that's DISRESPECTFUL!
  • Ronnie told Chima he trusts her more than anyone. I think Ronnie is playing everyone, but he hasn't quite perfected it.
  • Natalie says she doesn't really talk to anyone but Jessie. Yes, she does talk with others, but it is superficial. I saw her tell the others that she will vote with the house vote no matter what her particular clique says. She said she doesn't want to be a target for the way she votes.
  • Jessie and crew tried to turn Jordan against Jeff.
  • Chima told Ronnie and Natalie about the four-week safety deal from Casey.
  • Jeff confronted the bunch talking smack about him -- he says he didn't realize Lydia was going on the block, Lydia thinks that he told her not to talk to them, Jessie thinks he's not a part of the group ... and so on.
  • No violence, no particular resolution either.
  • Apparently Natalie and Lydia made peace, though. Natalie kept fearing that Lydia was going to come after and now she doesn't. Okay.
  • Michele apologized to Casey for talking about him. She said that she thought he was like the detective of the house and it was bugging her.
  • Jeff thinks his team can't be repaired. He's right. I blame Jessie. If it were just Russell, Jeff, and Natalie we'd be getting an entirely different vibe.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Big Brother 11: Live Feeds Report Into Saturday Evening 7/11

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

So, what's been happening in that Big Brother house of Misfit Hamsters? Here's the lowdown:
  • Natalie wants Jeff on the block if none of the Three Stooges win HOH this week. Now, I don't think she's a stooge, per se. But you're known by the company you keep. I realize the "Athletes" is her clique, but she's liking the Body Bodies a bit too much for my liking.
  • Natalie still thinks that Lydia might go after her if she stays in the house.
  • Jordan told Casey she's not sure whom she can trust. My advice is to trust no one. She should know that.
  • Jeff and Natalie had a blow-up about him not taking part in their "team." He said he wants off the team. (I knew I liked him.)
  • Russell thinks Jeff is jealous of him and how he flirts with Jordan.
  • Kevin told Russell he promised Lydia he won't vote out any member of the clique. In other words, if Lydia remains on the block, he won't vote her out.
  • Chima is playing along with the Go After Jeff campaign. She told Russell that Jeff took his problems with him (Russell) out on Natalie.
  • Casey gets along with both Russell and Jeff. He doesn't want to take sides.
  • Kevin thinks someone in the house is a doctor.
  • No one's really sure what to make of Ronnie. Kevin called him Captain LurksALot.
  • The latest plan is that Russell will use the PoV, Braden gets backdoored.
  • Braden caught wind of the plan.
  • Now it's a brouhaha (sans violence) over how Braden found out.
And that's all she wrote ... for now.

Big Brother Live Feeds - Into the Morn Saturday 7/11

Can you believe it? It's almost 6:00 AM their time and Russell, Jessie, and Natalie are still up talking.

The skinny as of late:
  • The MuscleBound and Gal are so against Jeff right now.
  • Russell doesn't want to change the noms.
  • Jessie and Russell want Lydia to stay while Natalie would like Chima to stay.
  • They say everyone is mad at Jeff because he played them -- "he threw the POV for a girl he'll never sleep with."
  • The three would also like to backdoor Braden because he causes drama.
All in all, we're off to a relatively quiet start in the house. Since there are rumblings, I expect excitement eventually. Body Boys and Natalie are way too cocky.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Late Friday Night 7/10

  • Well, the PoV is done and over with -- Russell won. So, I'm sure he'll do his Body Buddy's bidding.
  • Laura, Russell, Natalie, and Jessie all think Jeff threw the comp.
  • Earlier tonight, Jeff was saying he would like to win it but didn't want the responsibility. They could be right.
  • The comp had something to do with spelling.
  • The hamsters said Russell saw all of their um ... spelling, yet everyone else was so worried about doing well that they didn't look at the others.
  • Well, that's what they said!
  • Jordan claimed she used to play Scramble. Even Jessie knew it was Scrabble. @@
  • In the comp they had to gather letters and build a large word at the end.
  • Now it's mainly chit chat.
  • Chima just told the bunch that she was raped by a serial killer (who's now dead) in her sorority house when she was 22. She claims you can Google and find it. You know people will.
  • Okay, I did. The "Bathtub Killer" was indeed executed in Texas this past February for a series of murders and rapes dating back to 1996.
  • I can't believe they all still think Natalie is 18. She talked to Jessie about her real age but it's not common knowledge.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Report into Friday Evening 7/10

Jeff has a friend. Is it a showmance?

Well, as I watch the feeds, it's apparent that the "sore loser" Allison Grodner and Julie Chen alluded to in interviews must be Chima. While the nominations went down before the feeds came on, there's been a lot of talk about her reaction to being nominated.

What's been happening in that Big Brother House of Dim (energy-saving!) Bulbs?
  • Natalie admitted her age. She told Jessie she worked at Home Depot for five years, and recently started with Blockbuster. Her boss is "cool" and let her take the time to be on the show.
  • Jessie is friendly with Lydia and feels bad about nominating her. He told her she should have come to him before the nominations. (Is my memory correct in thinking that same sort of scenario happened during his season and it became drama?)
  • For some reason, Lydia and Casey were surprised Jessie didn't nominate Michele for eviction.
  • Chima seems to turn a lot of the folks off. She's a braggart. Um ... can we all say "Jessie" at the same time so it can be heard around the world?
  • They picked players for the veto comp. Lydia picked Jeff while Chima picked Natalie. Jessie is with the Neck ... love Russell, whatever.
  • They were given a dictionary to study.
  • I learned from Braden (who can't put a sentence together properly) that there are 300 species of turtles.
  • Ronnie threw Lydia under that proverbial reality TV bus with Chima -- telling Chima everything Lydia's ever said about her.
  • Chima mad.
  • Ronnie and Natalie told Chima that Lydia is a snake in the grass. (Not to be confused with a turtle on the turf.)
  • Ronnie thinks that if someone uses POV to save Chima, Jordan should be put up as that would mean Lydia would be voted out.
  • Jessie is upset that Chima chose Natalie for POV. He wants her (Chima) out this week and considers Natalie a strong competitor.
  • The Muscle Boys have become a single brick wall.
  • Nothing major going on as I get this posted. I expect the POV will be played later tonight.

Big Brother 11 Live Feeds Report - Into Friday Morn 7/10

It's nearly 6 AM here on the East Coast and Natalie and Jessie are talking about everyone. Somehow, Natalie talks like a guy. Jessie is still full of himself. They're talking the order for the keys in Jessie's nominations. Here's the skinny from the overnight:
  • Chima and Lydia are on the block.
  • Lydia and Jordan were given slinky nightgowns and had a girly-girly time of it. No, no sex. Or "boogering" as Jordan would say.
  • Before the feeds were live last night, they had already had the "have/have not" competition which takes the place of the food comp this year.
  • Brains were out quick in that one. They call it the neon competition.
  • Ronnie says they lost because they (the brains) over-think everything.
  • Jeff and Lydia talked about the upcoming veto comp. Jeff doesn't think it should be used if won. Lydia would save herself if she wins -- Jeff agrees with that thought.
  • Lydia seems to fit in better with the others than Chima if the noms remain the same.
  • Lydia thinks Jessie is attractive. Eww. My opinion of her sunk tremendously just now.
  • Jessie and Lydia pinky-sweared they wouldn't nominate each other. Of course, Jessie has ALREADY nominated Lydia.
  • They confirmed that the HOH will be on Twitter. So much for no outside contact, eh?
  • As Lydia gets close to Jessie, she also gets close to Jeff. She might be one to watch this season.
  • Lydia cried. Shades of Amber?
  • Natalie says that Braden is a loose cannon and that Jordan has him wrapped around her finger.
All in all, they're not an earth-shaking group so far. I'm sick of listening to Jessie. He just told Natalie that his parents make 40K a year combined. I'm sure they want that out there on the Internets, eh? He's bragging about his own income and how he doesn't want to be like them.

Also ... my show review post is up at TV Squad.

BB11: Feed Me, Feed Me!

At 12:03 AM ET, this is still what we see on the feeds (accompanied by the horrid theme music). They lie! How can they be right back when they haven't been here yet? I'll update this post when they come on.

Okay, they're on.

Lydia and Chima are nominated for eviction. This, of course, happened before tonight's show and the live feeds.

I'll be gathering fodder for the early morning feeds report. If you're watching the feeds, feel free to talk about them here ... until I get enough for a real report.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Bulletin: So You Think You Can Dance 7/09 Results Bulletin

Caitlyn is going home.
Phillip Chbeeb is out.

Nigel announced that both Phillip and Caitlyn will be on the tour.

Big Brother 11 Season Premiere Party ... er, Post

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo

It's here! The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be updated as events air. However, the big party will be in the comments and you're all invited!

They're a bed short so two of the girls are doubling up to give Jeff a bed with them in the pool room. They've introduced themselves to each other. The gals really are taken with Jeff.

A bit of cattiness in their Diary Room comments to us about others. I wonder how the 13th person will fit if they're already short a bed. Hmmm ...

Cliques assigned, it's HOH time. The entire clique is safe if one wins HOH.
HOH comp is The Wedgie -- giant granny pants, hanging onto toilet seats. If last member loses it, the whole clique is out. But the winner won't win HOH. There are four un-named previous HG apparently also assigned to cliques. Whichever clique wins, that person will be HOH. I fear Jessie.

The four ex possibles are Cowboy BB5, Jessica BB9, Brian BB10, and Jessie BB10.

Brains out first, no Brian. Off-Beat out second, no Cowboy. It's between Jessica and Jessie to return. Two of each clique still wedgie-ing.

Athletes win ... Jessie will be the new HOH. Sigh.

Tonight, Tonight ... it's a Big Brother Night

While the Plainfield (NJ) Police Department seems to be more interested in Sanford and Son ... we're going to be here for the Big Brother 11 premiere tonight!

I'd like to welcome back those folks returning to the blog, welcome the new folks, and give a thank you to those who hang around all year long.

If you're new here, here's how we do what we do --

On show nights, I open up a live-blogging post in which I post the major show happenings as they air East Coast time. During the show, everyone is invited to share their thoughts in comments and we have a grand old party there. So, tonight ... expect the first show post of the season to be up at 8:00 PM ET.

Later tonight, I'll write up my actual show review for TV Squad. I'll generally zap a post up with a link after it's live.

Then there are the live feeds
TV Squad decided not to have me cover the live feeds there, so all content will be here on this blog. Since I do also have to work for a living, my feed reports don't post on every breath taken by the hamsters. I have more of a Reader's Digest condensed approach in which I tell what I deem to be the most important or things which really caught my attention on the feeds for some reason or another.

I usually post feed reports three times a day (all based on East Coast time) -- late evening, early morning, and early evening. If it's not a workday for me or if a comp is being held or something just HAS to be reported, there may be more posts in a day.

I take screencaps and post them here (once the feeds are up). This season the feeds have a flashback feature which is way nifty keen. I can check out what I missed. I might occasionally post some video. However, any video of the feeds I post will probably be short and sweet, kept to the 30 second fair use limit as YouTube and Real Networks are said to be clamping way down on the live feeds video. We'll see how that goes.

So, everyone get on your party hats, bring your snacks and beverages ... the show post will be up at 8:00 PM ET! See you there!

If You Missed Julie Chen on Craig Ferguson Last Night ...

... don't worry about it. As I expected, very little talk about Big Brother and absolutely no insight to anything behind the scenes that we didn't already know. Her big announcement was that her baby will be a boy.

That's all good and well, but it's not Big Brother!

In other news, Allison Grodner Twittered that three days in and they have a real sore loser. I guess someone pouts or has a tantrum, eh?

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

More Big Brother 11 Bloggy Bits

Somebunny is getting anxious for his Big Brother! Off topic image: I'm beginning to think rabbits will be New Jersey's next Canada geese. They're all over my neighborhood while the feral cats have all but disappeared.

Okay ... let's talk BB11 stuff:
  • For those of you on dial-up, I plan to be linking all new entries on Twitter. By following links from Twitter, only one post at a time will come up. That may help downloading time. Yes, I'm talking to you AlbGlinka (and welcome back)! My Twitter page is right here.
  • Julie Chen will be on Craig Ferguson tonight. Um, that just sounds odd, doesn't it? Supposedly she's going to share some big BB11 surprise with us. I'll let you know. And, I'll believe it when I see it.
  • My latest scoop on BB11 is up over on TV Squad. It's mostly my take on the clique bit. There is a fun poll, though.
  • A fun poll is never to be confused with a fun pool. This is the latest from Jackie's TV Blog Pool Monitor Margo:
********POOL REMINDER*********

Swimming Suits are NOT optional
No running
No Roughhousing
No Horseplay
No Name Calling
No Swearing
No Glass containers

We are only here to have fun so everyone please PLAY NICE.

Which ever team wins the Pool gets bragging rites until the next season starts.

The teams as of 3 pm CT are:

Braden – KarenCA, Monty924, DonnaAL
Casey – PDX Granny, Jackie, Patti in kzoo
Chima – Brent McKee, Delee, DonnaFL
Jeff – sizzie, dla, Margo
Jordan – Becky, meb, Lynn1
Kevin – Tessa, NanaNW, Laurie
Laura – nomad, SueGee, Sasha
Lydia – Witt, RBennie, Gaylos
Michele – Sydney, ORKmommy, Susan FL
Natalie – Caroline, Jennasmom, Plaidchick
Ronnie – Sally, Catonine
Russell – TerryCA, Zoetawny
??? – Lars Eller, Feral Cat, Petals

I will fill in the ??? when it is available. If it is more than 1 person I'm gonna have to shuffle some peeps around. I'll keep you posted.

Margo aka Pool Monitor

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Big Brother 11: A Closer Look at Russell and Ronnie

Ah, finally ... I'm down to the last two hamsters! You can find all of my "closer look" posts as well as a cast cheat sheet by clicking on the "BB11 cast" tag on the bottom of the post.

Well, Russell ... what can I say? His last name is kind of fun. According to his CBS bio, his friends call him "Russell the love muscle." Um, I'm already getting the idea that Russell and I don't run in the same social circles. Oh, how I'd love to see him fall flat and be the first one out of the house after I read this on the bio -- "Loud and brash, Russell holds nothing back and is always ready for a fight. In fact, his brash personality is probably his biggest asset outside the house, where he is a mixed martial arts fighter. He claims nothing scares him and that includes the game of BIG BROTHER."

On second thought, he might be interesting to watch. Let me amend my previous thoughts. I'd like to see Natalie (the girl martial arts champ) whip his butt while Michele (the neuroscientist) humiliates his probably weak "brain muscle."

Diane Henry's non-embeddable video interview with Russell is at this link. The Reality Wanted interview is below. He apparently does have a strategy. I don't care. His neck is as big as some folks' waists. He scares me. Plus he's wearing a Dustin-esque v-neck.

It's onto Ronnie ... kind of a polar opposite of Russell. I think my biases are showing as I look at this cast. I'm definitely gravitating more towards the non-physical bunch although I think Natalie is going to be a strong contender in the game. But I LIKE the non-physical bunch better. I think Ronnie might have a strong game going.

According to his CBS bio, Ronnie is a gamer, debate champion, and a huge BB fan. All in all, the bio doesn't give us a ton of information about him. Diane Henry's interview tells us more.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Big Brother 11: A Closer Look at Natalie and Michele

BULLETIN: According to various sources, the HG entered the house last night and had their first HOH comp. The mystery hamster is supposed to be a male from Season 10 who will create drama in the house. Most of the guesses are Brian. I personally (with no insider information) fear it might be Jesse. He was the drama that season!

Continuing on with my slightly more in-depth looks at the new hamsters --

She's tiny; she's feisty. Not only is she a martial arts champion, according to her CBS bio, she's a poker player. Let's see ... tough, strategic game ... she better not be a Wahmber!

Diane Henry (season um ... five? - Drew's buddy) now covers reality television for the CBS affiliate in Los Angeles and interviewed Natalie. It's not embeddable or you know I'd embed it. I'm an embedder. It's better than being an enabler, right?

Poking about the web, we have a similar case to Jeff Schroeder Hamster isn't Jeff Schroeder Smashing Pumpkin. Natalie is NOT the actress who comes up immediately upon Googling her name.

Onto Michele! I know I have someone else in the blog pool, but I'm going to be cheering the local gal on. No, I don't live in CA and haven't since I was six years old. She's born and raised in Iselin (NJ), about a town and a half away from me. Okay, maybe six miles. And she's a neuroscientist. I so want her to do well.

According to her CBS bio, she's one of the three married hamsters. Casey and Ronnie are the other two. Her strategy is to be a bit under the radar, but consistent with winning comps without dominating them. Her interview with Diane Henry is interesting -- she answered a Craiglist ad looking for people with interesting jobs to audition for a reality show. She's a fan of the show. Alas, she thinks she's like a female Eric (BB9) and says she's doofy like him.