Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Big Brother 15: Season Finale Blog Party

Welp, this is it -- the season finale of what's probably going to go into the annals of BB history as the season with the most disliked cast ever. Heck, even the ones I kind of liked this season didn't win me over whole-heartedly in their gameplay or lack thereof.

The live feeds were shut down this morning as far as new stuff goes. If you're paying by the month, you need to cancel via If you've bought the season pass, you can access the flashbacks and such until October 20th. At that time, all will shut down. With the season pass, all will just end -- you needn't do anything to cancel.

After tonight's show there will be Jeff Schroeder backyard interviews with the cast hamsters. Since Letterman is in repeats and I don't have to cover live feeds or get up for work, I'll probably watch those. Those will only be available via the live feeds accounts, I believe.

I want to thank those who participated here this season. I look in on other places and the lack of civility and outright hate in those places makes me cringe. It's just a show. It's entertainment. Yeah, sometimes annoying entertainment, but nothing truly important to all of mankind. Hey, we already knew there are idiots out there ... ain't nuthin' new! I also want to thank those who took the extra step of donating to the blog via the Paypal link. All donations are dearly appreciated and tend to make up a bit for my lack of sleep for three months! Thank you again ... you guys rock!

As the show airs here tonight, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest! But, as always, the real party is in the comments! Come dance with us as we celebrate the finale of a nasty season as we're all so thrilled it will be done and over with! ;-)

Part 1 of the final HoH continues ... the disco skating while holding onto a bar. Spencer's out first. No surprises there! Andy's down. GM wins part one!

Part 2 is ocean-themed. They have to find all the crabby ex-hg in a puzzle in Crab Grab. It has them climbing up a rock wall doohickey, rappelling down. It's one at a time, timed. Andy is up first. Spencer starts off well, but then it looks like he's going to have a heart attack. He pushes through it.

The times: Andy 21.54 minutes, Spencer 36.11. Andy wins part two!

Will schools the jury! McCrae joins them. The jury hates each other except Candice and Aaryn. They're friends. The jury admires GM except Amanda. Ha.

Final HoH part three -- How well they know the jury. Gah. Andy wins the final HoH.

Andy votes to evict OMG ... he evicts SPENCER because he gave GM his word the first night!

It's GinaMarie and Andy in the final two! I can't believe it!

Jury is introduced. Jury gets three questions for each ahead of time.

Amanda - GM, prior to Exterminators, biggest game move other than getting me out. GM -- She says getting her out.

Elissa - Andy's biggest game move before Exterminators. He says the Amanda alliance. Playing both sides.

Helen - GM -Biggest obstacle to overcome. Having Nick leave, plays with heart, now a better person.

McCrae - Andy stabbed everybody in back, would be a bitter jury member? Andy doesn't think so.

Candace - GM - personally offended so many. Why give you the money? GM said was totally shocked, the money would help family, etc. Special each and every one of you.

Jessie - Andy - So many lies? He says he's a coward. Apologizes.

Spencer - Andy - You cost me money. Why should I give you a half-million? Andy says was loyal, promised GM day one.

Speech time. Why they deserve to win.
GM - Best looking crew. Kept deals, played loyal, amazing opportunity, I'm GM, made connections, apologizes for anything she said which might have offended.

Andy - Played game with heart and mind. I meant all personal connections. Tried not to be a target. Adapted.

Inserting the keys for the winner.
Candice - Someone I love and respect
Jessie - Played most consistent game
Helen - Both are winners, hard to do, best game
Aaryn - Love both of you, vote for the one who's been there for her
Amanda - Best person, best player
Elissa - Flawless social game
Judd - Let the best Exterminator win
McCrae - Whoever wins buys drinks tonight
Spencer - Best player

Hmm. I think it will probably go to Andy, but no results yet.

The tally:
Spencer - Andy
McCrae - Andy
Judd - GM
Elissa - Andy
Amanda - Andy
Aaryn - GM
Helen - Andy

Andy wins. Not really surprising. Jessie and Candace also voted Andy.

Judd, Elissa and Howard were the top three for fan favorite.

Elissa won that. What a shocker, eh?

It's OVER.

Survivor: Blood vs. Water Season Premiere Blog Party

Okay .... Survivor fans ready? Tonight is the big season premiere! If you're like me, you've already checked out Jeff's cast assessment and the clip of the first seven minutes of tonight's show on

Hmm. I'm not really keen on returning players on reality competition shows. At least this time, there's a bit more of a twist than your basic fans vs. favorites scenario. The show starts out with the cast spending a night alone on the island (?) with their loved one, alone. But then the returning players are put on one tribe, the loved ones on the other. That's my understanding, anyway.

It's definitely a set-up for drama. Will people shy away from beating their loved ones in challenges? In the end, will a loved one vote against his or her real-life relationship partner? Once the merge goes down, will the blood work together or with original tribemates? There can only be one winner.

Jeff seems quite impressed with Aras and his brother, as well as Big Brother winner Hayden. I'm just personally surprised that Hayden is in a relationship with Crazy Kat! Jeff also says we'll see a different Colton. I reserve judgment on that one although his partner seems pleasant and likable.

As the show airs tonight on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings -- so refresh to get the latest news! Immediately after the show, the blog party of the season finale of Big Brother 15 will be up. So, at that time, move onto that post those of you following that show!

The esteemed and lovable LifeGuard Laurie has compiled the random drawings for the pool and here they are (if you didn't make the cut-off of 3pm ET yesterday, feel free to pick your own castaway to cheer on!):

ARAS -- Donna in FL, MikesGirl
BRAD --Brent McKee, Kelly D. Sharon N.
CALEB -- Glenn, ORKMommy
CANDICE -- Dusty, Monty924
CIERA -- Andrea J, Karen in CA, Rochelle
COLTON -- Gaylos, Nickelpeed
GERVASE -- Jackie, Pam in NJ
HAYDEN -- Joanie, Quixotic Elf
JOHN -- Ed in Ohio, Nana in the NW
KAT -- Jig, Petals
KATIE -- David, Margo, Zoetawny
LAURA B -- Buzzmaan, Laurie, SueGee
LAURA M -- AlbGlinka, JOKATS, rbennie
MARISSA -- Jennas Mom, PDX Granny
MONICA -- Becky, KayBeeRN, Russ
RACHEL -- Donna in AL, Merrilee
RUPERT -- Brian, Kelsey NY, Sharon S.
TINA -- Cheryl in NC, Lynn1, Terry in TX
TYSON -- Delee, meb
VYTAS -- Donna NY, ML

All that said, the party is really in the comments area. Come join us!

They all gather together with Jeff after their night with the loved one bit. Jeff tells them they won't be playing WITH the loved one, but AGAINST said loved one. Most are looking forward to it. Jeff splits them up by new players and returning players.

Yikes! Each tribe has to vote someone out now! Uh-oh ... Laura, Rupert's wife, gets the can. Candice got the can(dice) on the returning players tribe. Oh my. Jeff says they're not out of the game -- Redemption Island is in play this season.

Jeff offered the loved ones to switch with those voted out. Rupert does so and Laura goes to the returning players tribe in his place. He will have to duel for redemption to get back in. John says that he thinks Candace can beat Rupert in the duels. He stays with the new player tribe.

Immunity Challenge time. Racing through water, puzzle pieces, put together a ship's wheel, raise the flag. They're also playing for flint. The old-timers already have a fire thanks to Tyson, but the new players need it! Gervase is dragging his team down. Eep. But during the puzzle, returning players take on the lead.

Galang wins Immunity. That would be the returning players.

The newbies have already got a male alliance of five men together with only four women on the tribe.

Tribal Council time.


Grr. Marissa got the boot mainly because she's female and Gervase gloated over winning.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Tuesday - Sept. 16-17

Doesn't mean they won't sleep most of the day, too.

As predicted, still a whole lot o' nuthin' happening in the house. For the most part, unless one is in the Diary Room, they're sticking together like glue. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Put Us Out Of Our Misery SOON:
  • When alone with GinaMarie, Spencer talks about how evenly matched they are and works his agenda for her to take him if she wins the final round.
  • When alone with Andy, Spencer talks about how well GM will do with the jury and how Andy should take him to the final two.
  • Andy has promised both of them.
  • GM has promised Spencer and nodded her head a lot and was agreeable when Andy told her that they (Andy and GM) couldn't beat Spencer.
  • Other than that, it's napping, playing cards, trash-talking, small talk, YAWN.
What I think is -- If Andy wins, he'll take Spencer. If GM wins, she'll take Spencer. Spencer is almost guaranteed the 50 grand second prize. As far as who will do better in the final round, I do think Andy might be better under pressure. It's usually a bit of a crap shoot with questions about what houseguest might say in a scenario which never happened in the house. So, it's hard to study for. GM has worked on her counting and times if it goes to a tiebreaker.

Remember folks, today at 3pm ET, it's the cut-off time to sign up for the blog pool for Survivor: Blood vs. Water!

Spencer works his mojo.

A thrill a minute!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds into Monday - Sept. 15-16


Oh my, I take a birthday rest from reporting that nothing is going on in the house to peek in and find an anonymous comment saying I've given up on the show. Mind you, I did post a show party post despite the fact it was a clips review show and it was on my birthday.

Other than the GM win of the first HoH round and the Andy win of the second round, there is NOTHING of any consequence going on in the house. I've never been one to report on every breath taken, nor do I go into hugely descriptive or graphic details on trash-talking done by the hamsters.

The three in there are getting along fine with each other and continue to trash-talk the departed, occasionally mixing in a pleasant recollection. Last night they walked around to "spots" for most of the departed and described what happened in that spot. Andy drank most of a bottle of wine (or was it champagne?) during that.

Nothing worth reporting is really happening. Usually when it gets down to the three, there's no scheming left to scheme and, unless they're warring, it's boring!

I read an article by one of the previous hamsters who got this far -- I can't recall, but I think it was either Ian or Will. He claimed that pretty much all they have to do is talk about the departed hamsters; they have no new worldly information and that's been their whole life for so long. So, it's just about all they do have to talk about. I can understand that. Of course, that doesn't mean they need to trash-talk about them, but that's always been a mainstay of not only this season, but others as well.

So, I am still peeking at the feeds. They're napping, GM's cooking and baking stuff, Andy and Spencer even did housekeeping, Spencer did more laundry than he's done in three months ... and they've reminisced and trash-talked the departed. If you seriously want blow by blow every breath they take reports, you can check out Jokers. But I never did those kind of reports anyway.

Oh ... and I forgot to mention it -- GM got four of her nine stitches in her knee taken out. Excitement abounds!



Sunday, September 15, 2013

Big Brother 15: Unseen Footage Show Blog Party - September 15

Tonight's show isn't scheduled until 8:30pm ET. However, I'm putting this up on time. It will be clips tonight, so I'm not sure how often I'll update this post. Yet the party will still be on in comments! Come join us!

Since it's going for 8:40pm here, the show is obviously late for being late! 60 Minutes is still on. I wasn't paying attention, so I don't know how late things will be.

While we're waiting, I want to mention that Britney Haynes (BB) has received bad news -- her little baby has been diagnosed with cancer. A fund has been set up to help the couple. You can find out more on Britney's Twitter page or #PrayForTilly on Twitter. Sigh.

8:51pm ET finally starting ...
  • McCrae being told of the Exterminators
  • Champagne brunch reminiscing time
  • Moving Company start
  • Winegate 
  • Oh noes! Elissa is Rachel's sister! 
  • Talking hook-ups in the house
  • Long focus on McCranda ... ew, I'm so over them!
  • Onto Judd the Stud 
  • The GinaMarie meltdown after Nick got voted out 
  • Candice keeping it real and going after Spencer 
  • Amanda torturing Elissa 
  • Crying in the Diary Room 
  • The Amanda/GM cat fight, then Amanda lighting into McCrae for not being a man and rescuing her
  • Andy falls in the pool
  • Exterminator glee 
Finally, Part 1 of the final HoH comp! Disco roller skating, suspended by a key rope. With the start of the comp, the show ends. Of course, if you read my live feeds reports, we know who won it, as well as Part 2. Part 3 is live on finale night.

Off Topic - That Was the Week It Was - September 15, 2013

Good Sunday morning, folks! It's time for my weekly off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. While there isn't any television talk on this off topic post, I must stray to it for a minute ...
  • If you're looking for the latest Big Brother live feeds or show news, you can find those posts right here.
  • If you want to sign up for the Survivor: Blood vs. Water blog pool, that post can be found here. The deadline for that is Tuesday. Please sign up only on that post or by contacting Lifeguard Laurie at the email address listed in that post. No other posts or places will be checked.
Okay, back to off topic!

I had a four-day work week this past week as I took yesterday off as a vacation day to kick off my latest staycation. I usually work Saturdays, so that was an added bonus. The weather, after hitting 96 degrees early in the week, was down to a high around 70 both on Friday and Saturday. Yay! That's MY kind of weather -- cool overnights, sunny, dry and not hot! Yay!

Yesterday I walked downtown to the big Central Americano festival. It wasn't as crowded as the last time I went. But, then again it could have been the time I went or the fact that the last time I went there were actually two festivals adjacent to each other. Nonetheless, people were parked as far up my block to attend the festivities and East Front Street was a huge traffic jam.

While nothing much went on last week, today is my birthday. I'm older than I ever thought I would be had you asked me decades ago. I plan a day of relaxation for the most part. Big Brother live feeds have died down and I can actually rest. I could go to the festival which is still running downtown today, but I doubt I will. 

Festival 6 photo IMG_9641a_zps894cdf63.jpg
Will it go 'round in circles?

Will it fly high up in the sky? I took this shot at the Latino festival in Plainfield yesterday.

Bird 2 photo IMG_9562b_zps82d9f303.jpg
Smile for the camera

This young mockingbird was with its siblings, but was the only one to pose for me up on the fence rail. The mockingbird parents have been very territorial, chasing other birds and even warily watching me for weeks now. There are five of the young 'uns. While they can fend for themselves, they still bother their mother for food by fluffing their feathers, shaking and crying out. Like toddlers, they are. Bridgewater Train Station.


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Bulletin - Final HoH Part 2 Winner

Andy won the physical part two of the final HoH comp. More details tomorrow as there won't be much to report on anyway!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday into Saturday - Sept. 13-14


Here's what we can expect the next five days in the Big Brother House:
  • Naps
  • Trash-talking previous hamsters
  • Naps
  • Rehashing all the comps
  • Naps
  • Bravado about the Exterminators
  • Naps
  • Occasional nice talk of previous hamsters
  • Longer naps
  • GinaMarie trying to do artsy crafty stuff with 2-liter soda bottles
  • Naps
  • GM messing with her make-up and hair
  • Spencer and Andy making deals with each other
  • Naps
  • Three hamsters actually getting along well together
  • Naps
  • Andy eating cereal out of the box
  • Naps
The biggest event yesterday was a live feeds block, probably for their trip down memory lane.

I really don't have anything else for you. Sometime later today Spencer and Andy will face off for Part Two of the HoH comp. I think I'm right on that timing. The winner of that round will face off with GinaMarie in the final round to be played on the live show.

Nap some more

Ready to nap

Friday, September 13, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds - HoH Part 1 -Into Friday - Sept. 12-13

Round and 'round they go ...

Spencer goes BOOM

Oh my. I decided to nap while the feeds were blocked after last night's show. I kept them on with the trivia theme music playing figuring it would wake me up when they started talking. That usually works. It didn't last night. Oops. So I had to catch up for this report. My apologies for not having a live post to cover it. In my defense, I had no clue when they'd start!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hamsters on Skates:
  • The endurance comp for Part One of the final HoH had them holding on to a lead from above as they skated in circles with cone obstacles strategically placed on the course.
  • As per the norm, Spencer was the first one out.
  • With only Andy and GinaMarie in it for the win, out came BB with the soap bubble guns.
  • Despite GM's broken toe and stitches in her knee, Andy went down first.
  • So, GinaMarie won the first round. Spencer and Andy will face off for the second round, but I don't know when that will be. The winner of the second round will vie with GM in the final round.
  • GM was in rough shape at the end of the comp.
  • That is, until a glitter gun swamped her with glitter. Then she was ecstatic.
  • These three remaining Exterminators are very proud -- they've made it to the end and Julie knows the alliance name and everything!
  • Weehaa!
  • As they always do, they talked of the recently departed -- how dirty McCrae was, how he never cooked a meal and how he really was so sure he'd make the final two.
  • Once again, we have mini-deals going on. Spencer wants to go to the final two with GinaMarie ... or so he tells her.
  • Andy and Spencer also want to go together to the final two.
  • GM is the lone wolf kind of in this one. It's pretty obvious that if she has her choice, she would take Spencer because she promised him long ago.
  • Spencer thinks McCrae's biggest mistake was hooking up with Amanda in the game.
  • Well, duh. He actually threw the game away on her. Had he not stayed in her shadow and in bed with her all the time, he would have had a strong chance of winning it all.
  • Andy will be really mad if he goes out third place. At least second wins 50 grand and he could use the money.
  • Heh. I'd like him to go out third.
  • At this point, not just because she's my assigned blog pool pick (she is), I'd like to see a GM win. Of the three, despite her out of line comments, she's really tried the hardest to win. I've never seen a hamster get so banged up and keep at the physical challenges to win. She's also kept her word when making promises, something most don't.

Spencer has a Judd head

GinaMarie loves the helmet

The Final Three

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Show - Veto, Noms, Eviction and Kit and Kaboodle Blog Party - Sept.12

Welp, the end is in sight. Tonight's live eviction show will show Andy's nominations, the taped PoV and subsequent ceremony, the live eviction and the start of the final HoH comp. Phew!

If you want to join the Survivor pool on the blog, the announcement post is located here. Please don't sign up on this BB15 post or it might not be caught by our not-so-eagle eyes!

As long as the passing severe thunderstorms don't knock me out of power, I'll post the major happenings right here on this entry as they air East Coast time. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

Football schedule change alert! I know that in this area, the NYC metro viewing area, WCBS 2 is airing football. Big Brother will be seen at its regular time on sister station WLNY 10/55. It will also air at 2:07am on WCBS 2.

As always, the real party is in the comments area ... come join us!

Nominations -- Only GinaMarie is safe. Spencer and McCrae on the block. This week is all about the veto.

Jury house segment -- Jessie, Helen and Candice were doing well. Then Aaryn showed up. She apologized for things she daid in the house. All take toast to it. Amanda shows up. Jessie is thrilled! Amanda and Aaryn mention the boos they got. Amanda tells the others about The Exterminators (from her goodbye message). They're all impressed that GM made such a big move. Elissa comes in. Amanda gives her back the ring.

Judd goes to jury. Oops, Amanda is turning the others off by saying McCrae isn't a floater. Meow.

Veto comp time -- Spiderwebs fill the yard, Do you want to be a fly on the wall? It's a puzzle matching HG to clues. Andy wins Power of Veto!

Julie tells the audience that the Exterminators came clean with McCrae today. McCrae -- Thanks, shout-outs. Spencer -- Use it on me would be great. Andy decides NOT to use the veto, thus leaving GM as the sole vote. McCrae shouts out to BB sites (not mine), Spencer - wants to keep rolling.

GinaMarie votes out McCrae.

Julie talked to McCrae, then talked to the final three. The show is closing without the HoH starting. That's a first.

On Sunday, along with "unseen footage," Dr. Will will confront the jury. Oh my!

I'll have to see what's happening with the HoH comp part one ... I think all of us have been blindsided with that not starting!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Thursday Morning - Sept. 11-12

Spencer seems very relaxed

So, what's happened since we last saw the hilarious hijinks of the hamsters in the habitrail? A lot. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Final Four:
  • Boring. Yep, extremely boring when the live feeds first returned.
  • Andy was in the Diary Room for an extended session and the other three were just sprawled around the living room.
  • GinaMarie was making bracelets for everybody with beads and string ... probably from the dollar store.
  • They started doing shout-outs, so we got more blocked feeds.
  • With the shout-outs, I guess production is worried about not having signed releases.
  • Looking at the Memory Wall, only Andy and GM's keys are there.
  • Aha, McCrae and Spencer are on the block!
  • The veto is hanging there, so someone won it.
  • Hmm.
  • Trying to snag the intel from the hamsters themselves proved to be hard. They must have been warned not to talk about either the noms or PoV as it will air on the live show.
  • The table is downsized. It's that time of the season!
  • Whoa ... ANDY won the veto!
  • So, if the nominations remain the same (which I think they will), GinaMarie will have the sole vote tomorrow night.
  • It looks like it might very well be a Three Exterminator final three heading into finale.
  • Little bits and pieces came out about the veto comp. It was a skating thing. GM has a plaque with Nick's face on a fly over her bed.
  • Oh my.
  • Perhaps it's like the movie and Nick is screaming, "Help me! Help me!" as he thinks of GinaMarie coming for him!
  • Heehee.
  • McCrae thinks he's going home.
  • So do I.
  • Spencer and GinaMarie think they need to take each other for a chance to win with the jury.
  • McCrae is really worried.
  • He should be.
  • But at least he's not AS bad as Judd was.
  • In my crystal ball for tonight, I predict McCrae will go home at GM's hands.
  • Then the rounds for final HoH begin.

McCrae has his favorite socks on

Andy is without a worry

GM has Nick Fly over her shoulder

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Big Brother 15: Not Live Eviction, PoV, etc. Show Blog Party - Sept. 11

Okay, I'm well rested for a change and, as of now, the house is down to the final four hamsters. However, since the feeds have been blocked, we've been in the dark. Those who follow the live feeds can predict who is gone, but only rumors exist about the HoH and PoV comps.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

P.S. -- If you want to join the Survivor pool on the blog, the announcement post is located here. Please don't sign up on this BB15 post or it might not be caught by our not-so-eagle eyes!

Ten minutes into it and we've really seen nothing new except how much Spencer and the Exterminators want McCrae out. Spencer said that if McCrae wins the veto, Judd will go up.

Veto time -- Superheroes! Ian Terry flies in as the host. They have to "fly" back and forth to get puzzle pieces and form a magnetized puzzle. The magnet lets loose with time.

Judd drops out. Sheesh! McCrae wins the PoV! Spencer tells both GM and Judd they're safe.

Veto meeting. McCrae saves himself. Judd goes on the block. Judd tells McCrae he's after him, won't be after Andy or Spencer.

The voting is opening for America's Favorite. Not sure why they're even holding it this season. It's pretty much a given that Elissa will get it. Oh, well. I'm not even going to bother. No one this season was really a favorite of mine in the long run.

Eviction -- GM says hi to family. Not perfect, tries her best, gonna be family forever, hopes they keep her here. Judd -- Hi to family, love all y'all, guarantee that Andy and Spencer final three, can't say how. Hmm.

Andy -- Judd
McCrae -- Judd

Judd is out! (Again.)

HoH comp starts. It's a question and answer -- Before or After. 3-way tie! Into tiebreaker. Andy wins HoH!

Survivor: Blood vs. Water - Blog Pool Sign Up!

Next Wednesday evening, September 18, at 8pm ET/PT, we have the Survivor: Blood vs. Water season 90-minute season premiere leading into the finale of Big Brother. Mark your couch potato calendars and start thinking of the snacks and beverages now! It's gonna be a heck of a night!

I'm thrilled to announce that the honorable and esteemed Lifeguard Laurie has once again offered her services to host the blog pool. She rocks like that, y'know. You can sign up for the pool by contacting her at: 
Entries must be in by 6pm ET Tuesday 9/17.

Remember, the pool is all in fun. You will be randomly assigned a castaway to cheer on until they either get ... well, um ... cast away or win. If your castaway wins it all and is the sole Survivor, you win bragging rights until the next season is underway.

On show nights, we'll have blog parties right here on East Coast time. I'll also keep an eye out for newsy items about the show and such to keep us entertained. 

I previously posted on the cast announcement here.

Survivor fans ready?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday Morning until Trivia - Sept. 10

J-U-Double D will go-go

Okay, this isn't going to be my typical live feeds update. We'll get a bit newsy with it!

All we really saw today other than the trivia blocking the feeds was the fake night filming for BBAD tonight. They were given dollar store arts and crafts and had to pretend it's night because the eviction is set for 5pm their time today, but won't air until tomorrow night. This happened about 9am to 11am this morning their time.

They messed around a lot mocking the fake night. One of the things they did were to make FAKE phone calls about FAKE happenings. Of course, the internet crowds (or many of them) think they're real happenings. Oy.

Spencer's HOH blog is up on the CBS website. I'm kind of surprised -- I think his writing skills might just be the best I've ever seen from a hamster blog. Oh my. I would advise that if you read, don't even bother with the gazillion hate-filled comments. I'm still not getting how people could hate strangers on a TV show that much. I realize that many of the things said and done reflect poorly on them, make a sad statement on society, etc., etc. I don't understand why people are reacting with such hate, though. It seems counterproductive or something. I dunno. I'm tired of all the hate.

Unfortunately, I've known some people like many of the hamsters this season. I avoid them. After this season ends, I can avoid these hamsters as well. I won't have to have them in my life and I can feel better about myself that I'm not like them, nor are any of the people I truly care about.

'Nuff said 'bout that.

I don't expect the live feeds to return until after tomorrow night's eviction show airs on the West Coast ... putting it at midnight here. When I know something, I'll post. But I probably won't know anything until tomorrow night's blog party post. The last I saw indicated that Judd will go home, but (of course) the HoH and veto are up in the air.

GinaMarie packing

Ohh! Dollar store crafts "night" for BBAD

Andy ... Lies R Us, er ... Exterminator

McCrae - could be tortured if we COMBED his hair!

Paint a pretty pink pig and name it Petunia

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Overnight into Tuesday - Sept. 9-10


Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of We're Almost There:
  • While they continue to tell Judd he's safe every time he asks them (which is often), he's not.
  • The plan is for a unanimous vote of two to vote him out, thus keeping GinaMarie.
  • GM has been told she's safe. But then again, so has Judd.
  • In watching her, I'm thinking she's not believing it until it happens.
  • At least she isn't asking all the time!
  • They're not not telling Judd just to be mean and blindside him -- they honestly don't want to have to deal with him being upset. They know how much he wants to be in the house.
  • If there's a positive about all those remaining in the house -- none of them were the recruits. All of them were fans of the show who applied.
  • The eviction will take place sometime today.
  • I expect feeds will be blocked, but I'll update later with whatever I have. 
  • This is the earliest all have been to bed all season!

All in bed early

No one wants to tell him he's going

Monday, September 09, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday into the Afternoon, PoV Meeting - Sept. 9

No pillow to hold?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of So Many Issues it's a Magazine:
  • McCrae and Judd talked about the racial comments made by Aaryn and GinaMarie.
  • McCrae thinks Aaryn's comments were due to her parents and friends (nurture, not nature) than due to where she was from.
  • Hmm ... almost like he knew she blames it on Texas! Maybe she used that as a defense with him when she was still in the house.
  • McCrae also thinks GM's comments are more childlike and not as serious, but that she'll be ripped apart for them once she's outside the house.
  • I think McCrae might be right on both counts.
  • The PoV ceremony, blocked to the live feeds, went down as expected. 
  • McCrae is no Marcellas.
  • He took himself off the block and Judd went up in his place, also as expected.
  • GM told Spencer that if she stays, she would definitely keep him over Andy.
  • Judd tried to plead his case with Spencer that if McCrae wins HoH, he'd go after him (Judd) rather than Spencer because they had a kerfuffle.
  • Judd didn't say kerfuffle.
  • I did.
  • If Judd said kerfuffle, it would come out "mumbleble."
  • That kerfuffle was the "doing something crazy" Judd warned McCrae about.
  • Apparently he threw a fit at the veto ceremony so it would look like he and McCrae are fighting, not working together.
  • Meanwhile ... GM is also working with McCrae, studying for questions on comp dates.
  • Judd thinks of Spencer as the big brother he never had.
  • And he really adores Andy.
  • Oh, gag me now.
  • Of course, he's looking for Spencer's tiebreaking promise.
  • Spencer promised nothing.
  • When the BB voice told them that their (GM, Judd) luggage was in the storage room, it dawned on them there will be an eviction tomorrow.
  • Remember, that will be aired on Wednesday.
  • Andy is hoping they'll make a gag reel of all of GinaMarie's accidents and injuries.
  • Well, yeah. That could be funny, especially when GM tries to make light of it herself.
  • When the HoH camera came out, they did their Exterminator spraying poses in front of Elissa's photo on the Memory Wall.
  • Judd will NOT give up asking if he's going or staying. He claims he doesn't want to be blindsided like last time.
  • Heck, I'd vote him out just because he's like a little kid asking "Are we there yet?" a gazillion times in the car.
  • Judd also worked on Andy for the stay.
  • Spencer and Andy really haven't had much alone time today.
  • Their alone time is the only time I can really tell how the votes might go.
  • Spencer was pretty solid that he'd rather keep GM.
  • Unless Judd's persistence is swaying them ...

Judd packs his bags

Ew! Food on the floor when they have ants?

GinaMarie and Nicky sitting in a tree ...

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Monday - Sept. 8-9

Oh my gosh ... clean white socks!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of People You Don't Want Over for Dinner:
  • Spencer still wants the vote to be unanimous for someone to go home.
  • He wants that someone to be Judd.
  • Oh, yeah. If you're not up with the news -- McCrae won Veto, so they'll be putting Judd up in his place.
  • Of course, that hasn't happened quite yet. The veto ceremony will be later on today.
  • McCrae said (reluctantly) that he would vote for Judd to go.
  • Andy said they'd all need to agree that NO ONE tells Judd that he's a target because of his off the wall behaviors.
  • Meanwhile, Judd (who tends to be nervous anyway when it comes to evictions) is jumpier than usual. It's like he knows he shouldn't have quit on the veto comp and then had a tantrum.
  • But it's too late to take that stuff back.
  • Judd told McCrae he has a plan and "might do something crazy." He doesn't want McCrae to get mad at him.
  • Hmm.
  • McCrae said he doesn't care as long as it doesn't affect his game.
  • McCrae actually does want to move in with Amanda.
  • Oh, silly boy. Life as he knows it would change immediately.
  • Andy hopes that he can get his server job back as the teaching won't be open until January.
  • I don't know. I heard that instead of the standard for years stipend of $750 a week, they're getting $13,000 for the season this year. If he doesn't win and has that nest egg upon getting out, he could just take the time off until teaching.
  • But then again, I'm older and thinking lazy. ;-)
  • GM got busted by the Diary Room for making a necklace cheat sheet for comps dates.
  • Andy and Spencer came up with a new idea -- get McCrae to save GM with the veto, convince him they'll vote Judd out. That way the Exterminators can stay intact when they blindside McCrae.
  • Oh geez ... they actually think McCrae will fall for that?
  • Spencer thinks they would need to convince McCrae that they'd throw HoH to him (including GM) if he goes along.
  • Meanwhile, Andy prepped GinaMarie with the plan and what to say.
  • McCrae, no BB dummy, thinks that if he uses it on GM, he will be blindsided.
  • He's no Marcellas!
  • Then he talked to GM.
  • Hmm.
  • She did talk a great deal and McCrae seemed to buy it.
  • But I honestly don't think he's dumb enough to fall for it.
  • I personally think that he will save himself, Judd will go up and Judd will go home.
  • Doesn't matter ... someone else will be soon to follow.

GinaMarie, wounded knee

At least he didn't give his cat shirt to Amanda

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday into the Evening - Sept. 8

GinaMarie naps heavily made-up

Another lazy Sunday in the habitrail. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Are We Almost There?:
  • Nope, I didn't post an update this morning. Much of the night was Elissa bashing with a few others thrown in for good measure. I'm growing weary of that and don't feel like adding fuel to the hate fire both within and outside of the house.
  • So, I'll talk about some of the other things that happened.
  • Apparently Ian told them that the about five years of annual Las Vegas partying after the season wrap has been canceled due to lack of funding.
  • I think that perhaps the possibility of mayhem might have aided the lack of funding.
  • There was a cake with Elissa on it in the refrigerator. Oh, just great. We needed that.
  • After a brief time of the yard being open last night, they had to head inside again because of some concert in the area.
  • They've been locked up inside the house itself for days now with little respite.
  • Spencer actually thinks he's a good representative of North Arkansas.
  • Um. 
  • For this crowd, they were all in bed early -- around 4am their time.
  • Of course, that didn't mean they need get up before 2pm their time.
  • @@
  • Judd is very worried about going up on the block in McCrae's place.
  • GM is less worried, but in more pain.
  • Judd's knee "scarred for life" injuries seem to be deep scratches and perhaps a bit of swelling.
  • GM needs to keep her knee with the nine stitches wrapped up.
  • The house is filthy.
  • The fish in the refrigerator expired many days ago and is stinking.
  • GM, even with her newest cut thumb, washed dishes.
  • The weekly photo booth went down.
  • GM was practically the only one excited about that.
  • Right now it looks like they're still leaning a bit to keep GM over Judd.
  • But nothing's written in stone.

McCrae smokes ... will he smoke the game?

One of Judd's big life-threatening knee scrapes


Big Brother 15: New HoH and Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 8

Although I'm getting this post up at the scheduled time for the show, that doesn't mean that the show will go on as scheduled. This time it's tennis. Grr. It appears the show will be airing almost an hour late. Grr.

Once the show finally starts, as it airs I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us there!

McCrae is on the spot with his impromptu HoH. He decides to put up GM and Elissa, thus sparing Andy even though he suspects Andy of voting out Amanda. Judd won PoV. But we know all of this already! Judd does NOT use the PoV and Elissa gets the unanimous boot.


Finally, HoH comp time. PacMan themes abound. They get pixelated images of comps, have to figure who won and complete puzzles. Andy eliminated in the first round. Judd out next.


Don't ya love it when I go all caps for emphasis?

Spencer gets to give each of the others a "gift." Two get the gift of friendship -- GM and McCrae have to be tethered together for 24 hours. Gift of wealth to Andy -- chance to win up to $5,000. Gift of health -- 24 hours of hearing the drill sergeant and do exercises.

Who wants to see Spencer's HoH room? Judd gets a command in the middle of Spencer reading his letter from his girlfriend.

Andy gets to choose three piggy banks from dozens available. He wins all of $94.83. Heh.

Nominations ceremony time -- Spencer has already warned them ahead of time who's going up. The drill sergeant interrupts. Key order -- Judd, Andy. McCrae violated his trust, GM put him on the block.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 8, 2013

Good morning! It's Sunday morning. You know what that means. No, it doesn't mean a camel is going to walk around the office on hump day. It means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

If you're looking for my latest news on Big Brother TV show/live feeds happenings, my posts for there are at this link ---> Horrid Hamster House. Heehee. I'm just finding this bunch of them on the whole as rather unlikable this season despite fairly solid strategical moves.

At least we had better weather this week with a few days of absolutely PERFECT thrown in for good measure. I'm loving the cool evenings and the fact that we've seen the sun for most of the week for a change. The children around here started school this week and, while I have none of my own, I rejoiced. This means that if I go out and about on my weekday off to a park in Westfield or something, I'm not inundated with teenagers. I don't have to hear kids running around and misbehaving daytime in stores. No kids screaming in the hallways or parking lot of my building, at least during the daytime hours. Yay.

I had a four-day work week this past week due to the holiday. But then I went and ended up working extra hours just due to circumstance. (Grr.) This week I also have a four-day work week coming up as I'm taking a vacation day for Saturday leading into my next staycation. My boss asked me if I wanted to work my normal weekday that I usually have off instead. Oh, silly man! NO. I said I wanted vacation time for one day. That means I want my regular days off PLUS one vacation day off. I really need the rest!

Not too much happening on the home front this week. Vincent the Cat is still super spoiled and I wish I had never introduced him to Temptations cat treats. He's become an addict. I can't open a bag of anything without him running thinking I'm going to give him cat treats.

And, last night it was midnight before the Plainfield Police succeeded in shutting down the huge party with the live Mexican polka band right in back of my building. This time the police weren't all that happy that they were starting the music up again as soon as the police drove away. But, hey ... their backyard is about thirty feet from the bedroom windows of my next door apartment neighbors and about 100 feet from mine. Live bands playing (badly) all day and into the night are not acceptable under city ordinances for a reason! Bring it inside, rent a hall, whatever. There's a reason I would never live over or next door to a bar.

Oh, well. I've fussed enough. Onto the photos I've taken this week ...

Morning Glory photo IMG_9452a_zps2a5d8431.jpg
Glorious morning!

Might as well start it off with a morning glory blossom! These are still growing along the back fence of my apartment building's parking lot. Blooming every morning, closing up at night. Kind of like ME!

Google this photo IMG_9484a_zps089b3f71.jpg
Google this!

Ohhh! Plainfield's Google Street View map is going to be updated. I was walking along East Front Street when it sneaked up in back of me. Yep, it had all the Google markings and the camera globe set high atop it! By the time I got my camera out and shot it, it was already a half-block away. Cool. Although now I suppose I'll be on the map. I hope they blur and slim me.