Monday, June 23, 2014

Big Brother and Me (and you, too!)

Greetings, fellow hamster fans! Since we have some new folks coming aboard each season for the show, I thought I'd post a bit of the history of the blog, what we do, the blog community and more! If you're a returning blog community, a lot of this will be old news to you. Not to worry -- we'll have enough new news in just a few days!

Who am I?
I'm Jackie. I run the place here. I started watching Big Brother in its first season and hosted the AOL Message Boards for the show as well as some of the AOL chats. When blogs came to being more popular, I happened to be out of work with knee surgery the summer of BB6. Unlike Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window, I had no neighbors committing murders. So, I turned my interest to another form of voyeurism -- a Big Brother blog on the now defunct AOL Journals product.

I decided I wanted to cover the live feeds in addition to show reviews. (I've had the live feeds every season, even the first one with its chicken coop cam!) But, since I'm just one person, there's no way I could post every breath the hamsters take 24/7. So, I created a bulleted listing, sort of a Reader's Digest condensed version of what struck me, the major happenings and just stuff I wanted to report. Very few blogs were doing the live feeds at that time.

My blog did so well that I was soon writing show reviews and live feeds reports for Blogcritics, then AOL Television, eventually getting picked up as a freelance writer for TV Squad (AOL Television, now Huffington Post). Along the way, as I wrote the paid reviews of the show, I thought I was shortchanging my own blog community -- that's when I came up with the blog parties on show nights.

During each show as it airs on the East Coast, I put up a blog party post. In the post, while I don't write a review per se, I post the major happenings on the show. Oh, sometimes I interject my own opinions in it. But, hey ... it's my place, right? The parties are actually in the comments area where dedicated show fans in this community post their thoughts throughout the show. We share cyberdrinks and eat lots of fattening food without gaining a pound during these parties!

Alas, the AOL Journal product died and it's no longer available, even cached. The paid gig went away when Huffington Post took over and didn't want freelance writers. But, this blog remains! It's actually a year-round blog and includes Survivor and The Amazing Race, plus my own weekly off television topic photography post.

As I watch the hamster introductions and those who claim to be "superfans," I can only think that I would have to qualify as a super-über-fan or something of that ilk with my BB history! I'm not stupid enough to go on the show, though.

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But I couldn't have done it without you! Over the years, the blog community members have stepped up to the plate -- from Zoetawny creating cool gifs for the blog to ORKMommy (and Lifeguard Laurie and Margo) running the blog pools! The community we've built here on the blog is definitely opinionated, but generally respectful of others. Now, that's a rarity these days!

I do monitor the comments and ask that others talk about the houseguests, not their fellow commenters and that comments are kept to a PG level. I'm also not keen on people making nasty comments about the physical aspects (or religion, gender, any racial or sexual slurs, etc.) of various hamsters, nor coming up with nasty names to call them. Heck, sometimes I don't even know who people are talking about when they call a hamster other than his name! I don't like to remove comments, but will remove trolling comments or flame wars. The First Amendment does NOT apply to a blog, y'see!

That said, I go into each season hoping never to have to delete a comment. We'll see how this season does! We do have lots of fun here. We've found out that you can have fun without being hateful. That's a good thing! New commenters are always welcomed by the group, too. We're not exclusive -- the more the merrier!

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What you can expect posting-wise from the blog:
  • Once the live feeds start up -- Thursday night/Friday morning 1am -- I will regularly be doing two to three live feeds reports daily, along with screen caps.
  • On show nights, I'll post a blog party coinciding with the East Coast airing of the show. I turn off the word verification on comments, so comments during the party are very free-flowing. You're all welcome to attend!
  • When endurance comps go on after the show, I'll provide real-time coverage from the live feeds -- along with screen caps and the winner.
  • Even though most comps are blocked to the live feeds, we find out shortly after who won what. Since I'm the only one posting entries, I guarantee that any winners I post actually won. Unlike some sites where anyone can post false information (and sometimes they do here in comments, but I remove false info comments), if I post something, it's because I saw it for myself. And, you can bet your bippy on that!
  • This blog, with the exception of the blog party show nights, is all about spoilers. We generally know who won PoV and nominations more than a couple of days before it's shown on the air.
  • We also get to know the hamsters outside of any CBS edit, plus when they show situations out of order.
  • I also have a Big Brother on Jackie's TV Blog Facebook page where I link any posts I make on the blog. Occasionally I put other content on there, too. If you "like" that page, you'll know the moment I post here on the blog.
  • I also link updates to this blog on Twitter, but tend not to really twitter much otherwise.
  • I also have a personal Facebook page, but try not to post much on Big Brother on that page as it overwhelms the page. Believe it or not, many of my friends and family aren't into the show! Yikes! That's why I created a separate page mainly for BB. Most of my BB posts on that will be directing people to the show FB page.
SOOOO ... wanna come aboard the party boat for Big Brother 16?

You can get into the blog pool at THIS LINKED POST -- the cut-off for the blog pool is Sunday night, midnight EDT. Please only sign up on the linked post as we might miss your request on other posts.

The first blog party of the season will start on Wednesday night, 8pm EDT. Be there or be square.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Big Brother 16: Blog Pool OPENS!

Yep, yep ... the pool is opening and the water is just fine!

ORKMommy will be doing the random match-ups and running the pool again this season. She rocks, right?

What it's all about: Blog community folks in the pool will randomly be matched up with a hamster in the Big Brother house. Now, they might get a "good" one or they could end up with a "hated by the Internet" one. You never know. That's as random as it gets! They get to cheer on their hamster during its life in the house. If your hamster wins, you retain bragging rights until the next season! I'd say you win a gazillion dollars and, while the sentiment is indeed there, the money is not.

Entry to the pool closes Sunday evening, June 29, midnight EDT.

Yes, we'll be skipping the first eviction. Why? Because we never even get to see that person on the feeds or anything! They're gone before we get to know them. By skipping the first eviction, at least we get to quasi-know the second evictee by the time the eviction comes.


I'll be linking this post to all the posts between now and the cut-off date (next Sunday night). I cannot guarantee you'll make it into the pool if you ask in on other posts!

Hamster watchers ready?

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 22, 2014

Good morning! For those now cruising the blog for Big Brother television show news, I'll be posting the blog pool sign-up post later today (don't sign up for it on this post, please!). This here post is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

As for the week gone by itself, it wasn't a heck of a lot of much more than work, work, work. The big news is that Big Brother started revealing the new hamster house, new hamsters and new twists. I've covered those things in previous posts and will be posting more daily as we head into the season premiere on Wednesday night.

The weather here in my area of New Jersey hit the nineties for the first time this year. As it was only two days, it wasn't a legitimate heat wave. It still felt like it. I'm not a big fan of summer with ultra-hot and humid days. If summers could have an 80 degree cut-off with low humidity, I'd like it much more. I don't like sweating!

I had good luck with critter photos this week -- a pigeon with its wings expanded during landing and the Plainfield Train Station groundhog, along with a rabbit and a squirrel. Had I been more prepared, I would have had a nice deer shot last night. I climbed up the stairs at the Bridgewater Train Station only to practically walk into a large doe. I gasped. She gasped. She ran so quickly that I couldn't get the shot. She even scared a bunch of rabbits who also hopped away quickly. I was happy that she ran into a fenced area rather than towards the train tracks.

Onto the photos for the week ... clicking on the photo will show it in its Photobucket page. In that view, there's a magnifying glass on the bottom right. You can make the photo larger twice there. To get back to the blog, just close the Photobucket window.

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Can you see the hidden groundhog?

This groundhog at the Plainfield Train Station thought he found the perfect place to hide from me. Yeah, right. I've got you, groundhog!

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Religion and Politics Shouter

With a nod to Stephen King's "Monster Shouter" in The Stand, I came across this man with a megaphone at the corner of Park Avenue and East Front Street in Plainfield one afternoon this this week. He was shouting against gay marriage, abortion, Obama ... you name it. No one was paying any attention to him. Also, no one was at the chess tables in the sun!

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My flower slideshow teaser

If you're reading this post from the main page of the blog itself instead of the individual post, this week's flower slideshow is after the jump.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Big Brother 16: Cast Interviews

Now, I watched all the Jeff Schroeder interviews with the new hamsters at the CBS website. They're short, they're CBS-controlled. I've also made it clear that I'm very tired of Rachel Reilly. But, to give her credit, she does know the BB world inside and out. These cast interviews, which play after the initial intro ones, are longer and much more interesting. If you click to watch them on YouTube, you can pick and choose which cast members to watch in what order.

I'm getting more and more partial to Donny here. It's definitely not the beard. He's watched every season and is way into reality television. Good. Every video I watch of Zach annoys me.

These come from BiteSizeTV/Reality Relapse --

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Big Brother 16: Cast Revealed

The big cast reveal was today. Hmm. Again, we have little diversity in age or race amongst the hamsters and it looks like they shot for folks who look good in bathing suits and/or might go for some hanky-panky under the covers. (Hopefully UNDER the covers! I don't want to see THAT!)

That said, it does seem like they aimed for more than the mindless unemployed bartenders for the most part this season. I'll be going more into the cast over the days leading up to the season premiere, but here's a quick lowdown --

Coming from a family with a single mother and raised in low-income housing, Amber Borzatra says she'll do anything to win. Um. Okay.

Brittany Martinez in the mother of three children. (Who's watching the kids?) She's divorced after eight years of marriage and thinks she's sneaky because she once faked labor to get out of a traffic ticket.

Caleb Reynolds served in the military as a jail guard in Iraq. His family owns a hunting business. He wears a cowboy hat. Hmm.

Christine Brecht has been to Disneyland over 50 times and has lived to tell the tale. She also was in a hot air balloon accident in high school and lived to tell that tale as well. Will she make it though Big Brother?

Cody Calafiore gives teenage girls dating and fashion advice in Seventeen magazine. He likes chick flicks and was drafted to a professional soccer team in college, but an injury blew that for him.

Derrick Levasseur might be the brains of this operation. He had a full baseball scholarship to college, went on to get his Business Administration Masters, He started police work as an undercover agent at 20 and has been a sergeant for ten years. How come he looks 22? I'm feeling old now.

Devin Sheperd played pro baseball for the St. Louis Cardinals. Oh. And he's tall. He bio bit was really a bit!

Donny Thompson comes from a small town where he was the janitor in Kelly Pickler's high school. (Remember, American Idol country gal?) He's never been on a plane. Well, I bet he didn't WALK to California to be on the show! So, now he's been on a plane and is all kinds of worldly.

Frankie Grande is a former Broadway actor. (Never heard of him.) He's also a YouTube sensation. (Never heard of him.) His sister is pop star Ariana Grande. (Never heard of her. But I'll admit modern pop isn't my area of expertise.)

No, not OUR Hayden! Hayden Voss is a pedi-cab driver who recently moved to Los Angeles. (Probably looking for that big break. He's more the typical hamster we get.) He plans on using his "surfer dude" persona to win. Good luck with that.

Jocasta Odom is a minister who says she'll swear on the bible to win and plays pranks on her husband. Well, that's different, I guess.

Joey Van Pelt -- perhaps a relative of Linus and Lucy -- was the big girl on campus in her high school. She was the team mascot (a tiger), homecoming queen and class president. She's liberal, big on recycling and wants to save the world. Or something like that.

Nicole Franzel has wanted to be on Big Brother since she was EIGHT. Eep. What was she doing watching this show at that age? That should be the sign of a superfan. Then she goes and says she'd like a showmance with someone like Ian. @@

Now, Paola Shea just might be a contender. She's a Maxim magazine girl, a top-rated gamer and wants to be the best female DJ ever. The gamer part could definitely work in her favor.

Victoria Rafaeli isn't our standard hamster. She was raised by Israeli parents and is expected to live at home until marriage. Did she bother telling her parents about this? My gosh, I hope they don't get the live feeds! She started her own photography business at 19.

Zach Rance recently received his degree in economics. He thinks of himself as a con artist. Well, that goes well with his chosen academics, doesn't it? Lofty goals in mind, he wants to be a professional caddy.

So, there they are. I haven't really looked into their ages much, but it's doubtful that more than one or two are over 30 even and probably none over 40. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Big Brother 16: Twist(s) and House Photos Revealed

Hamster watchers ready? It's not long now!

On The Talk today, Julie Chen revealed the new twist(s) for the season. Here's the skinny:
  • There will be two HoH each week all summer long.
  • Each HoH will make two nominations, making for four nominees weekly.
  • The HoHs themselves aren't safe as there will be a new competition introduced -- Battle of the Block.
  • "Team America" will be able to influence the game.
Hmm. Well, this will be different. Alliances are going to have a harder time to grow, at least the larger half/house ones we've seen the last several seasons. I'm not sure what will happen when the numbers dwindle. I'm not all that keen on the viewers taking more than a very non-influential part. People often tend to want the most interesting people (often villain types) gone and, to me, they're what makes the live feeds and show more interesting!

Your thoughts?

Also, the Hollywood Reporter revealed the house photos today. You can find them at this link. Their article about the new house is right here.

There is also a video at the CBS press site with Julie touring the house. I can't seem to embed it here, but you should be able to watch it at this link.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day to everyone out there! My own father passed away young, decades ago. Yet I think of him almost every day.

Since it is Sunday, it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. By the end of this week, all the quietness on the blog will go kerflooey as my coverage of the Big Brother live feeds and shows commence. I'll still post this weekly off topic post, but there will be multiple daily content spoilers and such for the show. It's our summer guilty pleasure! Also, Under the Dome and Falling Skies return!

The weather here this past week was similar to the week before -- rain during the weekdays, nice weekends. You would think, with all the technology in the world, instead of spending money on wars, mankind could focus its attention on doing things like harnessing the weather -- redirecting rainfall to areas of drought and such. I'm sure the money spent by all nations for wars could handle that, as well as research into cures for diseases. But, nah. Mankind would rather just kill each other off, I guess.

I realized this past week that I've apparently become allergic to mosquito bites. To those who saw the photo of a bite I posted on Facebook, the bite is okay. Yeah, still obvious and all, but no longer inflamed. If a mosquito bites me on the nose, I'm going to have to hide from all society.

I don't have much more for you right now. Look for BB posts and announcements by the end of the week! If you click on any of the photos, you'll be brought to that image on my Photobucket page. You can make the image larger and really larger from there. Have a great week!

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My train arrives

Yes, it's MY train. I'm getting tired of all the strangers and tourists aboard. How dare TD Ball Park in Bridgewater have a Saturday daytime game coinciding with my work commute! Is there a reason that parents and children don't understand that the phrase "inside voice" applies to train travel? Sheesh. I'm seriously frightened that the large percentage of children these days who are never taught how to behave in public places are going to make it an even more ill-mannered society in the future. Sure, children will be children. However, if parents don't address unacceptable behavior at a young age, the kids aren't going to listen to them at all later on. On the other hand, I compliment both child and parent whenever I see good manners and well-behaved children. It makes both the child and parent feel good!                                                      

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Approaching storm

I thought Friday's storm was going to miss us as I straddled the line between storm and sun. It was hot and humid with the air so thick that breathing didn't really come easy. To the north and west, dark clouds made the skies look like night was coming. To the south and east, the sun was shining brightly. On the new electronic sign by Plainfield's Municipal Court, the temperature hit over 100 degrees. Of course, the temperature is still whacked on that -- it's still over ten degrees off. It wasn't THAT hot. It was only in the high eighties with severe humidity. The storm hit hard about ten minutes after I got in the door at home. Lightning, thunder, wind and hail. Oh my.

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Coming up next!

After the jump (if you're reading from the main blog page, not the individual post link), you'll find this week's flowers slideshow.


Sunday, June 08, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 8, 2014

Good morning! Soon we'll have all kinds of Big Brother stuff to gossip about! But, for now, this is my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

I realize I'm getting this up late this week. I'm having trouble getting my flower photo slideshow working on the blog. My apologies.

As for the week gone by itself? Blah! It was a rather horrible work week fraught with the usual come back from vacation mess, lots of bad weather while I was walking to or fro, training a new person at my workplace and computer failures there, too. Gah. There really has to be a better way. Who the heck came up with this idea of working for a living anyway?

Oh, well ... onto the photos and let's see if that slideshow finally works ...

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What's up, bunny?

Rabbits, the new squirrels in my New Jersey 'hood, are back once again. This one and an occasional friend or two can be found early mornings on the front lawn of the Richmond Towers housing complex on East Front Street in Plainfield.

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Rose is a rose

Is a rose ... and so on, according to Gertrude Stein. Roosevelt Avenue, Plainfield. (See the slideshow after the jump for a plethora of flowers!)

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Storm clouds move in

This is Watchung Avenue in Plainfield on Tuesday afternoon as I arrived home from work. Although you can't tell from the photo, the winds were horrific. Since it was hot and muggy, all that nasty street dirt kicked up by the winds stuck to me. It got in my eyes, too! Since the weatherman said the storms would start in the EVENING, I didn't bring my umbrella as I was due to come home mid-afternoon. I ended up ducking into one of the taxi places just as the skies let loose with torrents of rain, accompanied by lightening and thunder.


Sunday, June 01, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 1, 2014

Welcome to my off television topic weekly reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. I did post a bit about Big Brother and Fargo this past week and will be posting on Falling Skies in the upcoming days as I've seen the two first episodes of that show on pre-release screener copies. I was happy to watch the new season premieres of So You Think You Can Dance and America's Got Talent. Both of those shows are in their audition phases and I'll probably stop following one or another when I get bogged down with Big Brother. The CNN ten episode series The Sixties is going to be a must see for me even if it does go up against the Thursday night live BB eviction!

Hey, this post isn't about television!

Um. What did I do this past week? Well, I napped a lot. I watched television. I read. I hung out on the computer. I cooked. I baked. I did some housecleaning. I napped some more. I didn't take any day trips. I basically goofed off.

But, it was worth it! I feel very relaxed. Onto the photos, as few as there are, for the week --

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Scotch Plains Farmers Market

Plainfield has a farmers market each year, but that one's small, on a workday for me and I don't think they've started it yet. The Scotch Plains Farmers Market has several different vendors -- not just one farm with produce and flowers. Lots of produce limited only by the season, but there's also pastries, ethnic foods from different countries, a Picklelicious tent, even a local winemaker. Our growing season has been off this spring. I only bought some asparagus and a few beautiful green peppers.

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Deadly nightshade

I keep seeing this in new and different places each year. This time it's growing along a fence at East Front and Berckman streets in Plainfield.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What's to like about Fargo, the TV series?

Now, I've never seen the Coen Brothers movie of the same name (forgive me as I have sinned). As a matter of fact, I don't believe I've seen ANY Coen Brothers movies albeit most intrigue me and I really should catch up on them. I guess I've just been living in a cocoon. Or, in New Jersey. Take your pick.

But I'm finding this TV series (mini-series, whatever) adaptation on FX a breath of fresh air, perhaps with a bit of interference from the signs of the apocalypse and a touch of murder in the air. I can't compare it to the movie. Remember? I never saw the movie. But I surely can compare it with other TV fare. Oh, yeah ... there's more than a touch of murder in the air.

Without any spoilers about tonight's episode, especially since I haven't seen it yet, I've been trying to think of just why I'm liking this show so darn much. About the only thing I'm not so keen on is its odd episode timing. One week it's an hour ten minutes, another it's an hour fifteen. I personally would love to watch for 90 minutes each week. Think on that, FX.

So ... here's what to like about Fargo --
  • THE STORY - Well-written with great character development. The characters are as imperfect as anybody we know. I have to admit that no one I know has acted on murderous impulses and I know no one like Lorne Malvo. I should be clear on that. I'm talking the OTHER characters!
  • THE QUIRKY - Maliciously evil, yet delightfully quirky in its execution. Dark humor tends to catch my fancy and so does Fargo.
  • THE CASTING - Wow. Billy Bob Thornton is the epitome of intelligent evil as Lorne Malvo. The woman who plays Deputy Molly Solverson (Allison Tolman) is a stand-out new face and is probably the best "man" on the police force. Colin Hanks has perfected his Minnesota/North Dakota accent (he's not from there, don'tcha know) as the Duluth Animal Control cop tied up in the big time murders investigation and going agog over Molly. Keith Carradine is believable as Molly's father and is probably as smart as she is. Adam Goldberg, although I recall we had a to-do with him and weren't allowed to mention him back when I was writing for Blogcritics, seemed out of place in North Dakota, but that's as it should be. The interactions between him and his deaf thug partner were priceless. I could go on and on. I'm loving this casting. Kudos to the casting director!
  • THE MUSICAL SCORE - Creepy at times, quasi-classical ... it's perfect for the action and the series itself.
  • THE LOCATION - I really like the vast frozen tundra when I don't have to commute to work in it. Snow is beautiful and a bit magical -- especially when I'm watching a series during the spring and today it's very warm and muggy here.
  • IT'S EDUCATIONAL - Why, yes, it is! In the episode 'Shades of Green,' Malvo posed a riddle to Gus (Colin Hanks) about why humans can see more shades of green than any other color. Molly came up with the answer, stating that it dates back to when humans lived in the wilds as prey and predator. I looked it up. There's some factual evidence of that. Cool. 
  • IT'S BIBLICAL - Well, perhaps not in a way that really religious folks would enjoy, mind you. Malvo's ongoing taunting of annoying mega-businessman Stavros Milos (Oliver Platt) follows the signs of the apocalypse. Okay, the locusts were crickets. We ended last week with dead fish falling from the heavens.
  • I FEEL A BIT AKIN TO BILLY BOB - As with anything that intrigues me, I read up on Billy Bob Thornton as a result of getting hooked on Fargo. I read where he has an OCD obsession with silverware -- he doesn't like big clunky real silverware. Oh my gosh! A kindred spirit in the world! Sure, I have a real (cheap) silverware set, yet I have two remaining from previous sets THIN forks which, if I have my druthers, I use in lieu of the new and more acceptable forks I own.
If you aren't watching Fargo and you're a fan of quirk with a strong stomach for violence and gore ... it's on tonight at 10pm ET/PT on FX.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Big Brother 16 News and Stuff

Hey, BB fans ... ready for another summer of voyeurism as we watch silly house hamsters? The season premiere is set for Wednesday, June 25 at 8pm ET/PT. Based on previous seasons, I don't expect any cast announcements for a while yet. We should hear more on that about a week or ten days before the premiere. I do know that they kept casting open longer than initially planned. I can only hope that means all NEW hamsters, none of these repeat "15 Minutes of Fame" types.

The show, in its second year of an early start (remember it used to start around the July 4th weekend) will air Sundays 8pm ET/PT, Wednesdays 8pm ET/PT with the live eviction shows remaining on Thursdays 9pm ET/PT. will be hosting the live feeds once again. Huh. I wonder if RealPlayer is even still in business after losing that account? They've announced the Early Bird Special prices to sign up between now and June 26th ...

I don't have, but really should look into it, an affiliate status with CBS for getting your live feeds subscriptions through this blog. I suggest that you either pick them up via the CBS site offerings or via my longtime fellow BB site friend, That Dingo at One thing I'll say about CBS hosting the live feeds instead of is that it's a heck of a lot cheaper! It's at least a third less for the season pass. And, at about $24 for the whole season, if you're a fan of the show, it's really cheap entertainment at any time, day or night! (With some hamsters, cheaper than others!)

Of course, you don't need the live feeds to hang out here on the blog and get multiple reports daily. While I work a "real" full-time job and tend to lack for sleep over the summer, often other blog readers pick up on happenings and post them when I can't. Everyone is welcome to read and join in on the action here!

As I'm only one person, I simply cannot report on every breath the hamsters take. Sites like Jokers Updates have many folks posting every minute. Sometimes you need to take the reports there with a grain of salt as anyone can post updates and people sometimes make up events or results, exaggerate things and such. Eventually, their moderation staff takes those down as I do I when there are falsehoods in the comments area here. However, if you see content in a post I make here ... it's the truth. True, I might have a bit of bias at times, but all competition outcomes, etc., that I post are really what happened.

I will post two to three times a day with what my readers call the Reader's Digest condensed reports of the live feeds, along with screen caps. Every show night, I'll host a blog party right here on the blog and invite y'all to watch the show and post your comments. Unlike places like the CBS chat room, we try to act fairly respectable. I keep this place on a PG level at the most and ask you to respect that. I also ask that commenters respect each other and understand that people can have differences of opinion about houseguests without insulting each other. I remove that kind of interaction here. No, the 1st Amendment does NOT apply to blogs. Nope, not at all. I'm in no way part of the government!

It's just about a month away until the premiere. What kind of hamster houseguests do YOU want to see this season? I personally would rather a mix instead of buff dudes and swimsuit model gals. But, I doubt CBS sees it that way. They think sex and hook-ups sell. @@

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 25, 2014

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Remembering those who served

Now, of course I'm not old enough to know anyone who lost his life in the Spanish-American War, mind you! I took this photo about three years ago right around Memorial Day and it seemed fitting to lead off today's post with it.

Welcome to my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. I'm posting a bit later today because ... I'm in STAYCATION mode! Yep. This is the first time since last fall that I'm taking time off from work not due to health reasons. Naturally, I have my little aches and pains, but nothing debilitating such as the sciatica I had for months. I actually slept in this morning. Woot!

Since the slideshows were such a big hit with the readers last week, I made another flowers slideshow with the photos I took this week. Too many flowers, too many shots I liked to post each photo individually here. I hope you enjoy them!

Just an on television topic word of warning -- I'll be posting some Big Brother, Falling Skies and other TV topic news during the week ahead. Just because The Amazing Race and Survivor had their finales this past week doesn't mean I'm not watching television! Anybody watching Fargo?

Let's see ... what happened this past week? Well, we had quite a bit of rain. Nothing like last spring, but you'll see raindrops on many of the flower photos. Work was hectic trying to get all set for me to not be there for a week. Surely I'll come back to problems. But I refuse to think of it this week!

I had plans yesterday to go to the farmers market in Scotch Plains. But then I woke up really early (as per my work sleep schedule), decided to take a nap when the skies turned gloomy in the morning hours and woke up to sunlight at just about the time the market closes down. Just as well as the skies once again turned to rain. I'll go next Saturday.

The apartment hallway noise situation remains improved. Apparently the offenders are quite worried that we (the normal tenants in the hallway) will turn them in for too many people squashed into a small one-bedroom apartment. I plan to speak to the landlord anyway. I'm just waiting my latest rental renewal letter before I complain. I don't want them to think of me as a whiner or a problem before I know the latest increase. I'm hoping it's only the $5 once again (or less). I'm still above the market rate for the rehabbed units in the building while I have a thirty-year old stove and original kitchen cabinets and such.

Onto the photos for the week ...

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Urban bunny

This rather large wild rabbit was grazing on a lawn on Berckman Street in Plainfield. I haven't seen many rabbits in the 'hood yet this year and definitely no babies. I'm sure they'll be coming soon. After all, rabbits are the new squirrels around here.

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The magical iris

The stunning irises are growing across the street (on Berckman) from where the rabbit was grazing. There are blue irises growing on East Front Street, too. But I love the colors on these. All are included in the flowers slideshow after the page jump.

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Adolescent squirrel resting

You never see adult squirrels resting! This week I've only seen the late bloomer young squirrel hanging around the bridge at the Bridgewater Train Station. The two more adventurous siblings seem to have moved on.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'It's Do or Die' Season Finale Blog Party

Oh my ... it's down to the end. Four remaining castaways, three tribal councils ahead of us and the reunion show. And, all of this on a Wednesday evening instead of the usual Sunday evening finale.

I know he's controversial, but I'd like to see Tony win. My blog pool pick went last week, so I'm a free agent. I think he's tried hard for the win even though he has some blunders and downfalls. Plus, he's local. Did you know he saved his neighbor's life? An article in the paper explains how that went down.

If not a Tony win, I'd like a Spencer win. I don't think he played the game as proactive as Tony, more of a reactive player. But he did indeed play the game and won challenges, found an idol and more.

I'm not keen on either a Kass or Woo win. I find Kass annoying and don't see her as much else. She hasn't won challenges, hasn't found idols and her claim to fame seems to be being abrasive. Woo, on the other hand, is very likable. I just think he's a follower and a bit of a dim bulb about the game itself.

I guess we'll find out soon!

Here's the latest on the blog pool from the Lively Lifeguard Laurie:
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

Sarah Lacina
Morgan McLeod
LJ McKanas
Jeremiah Wood
Jefra Bland
Tasha Fox
Trisha Hegarty

Survivor fans ready for a big night ahead? Got snacks? Got beverages?

Recap, recap ...
Tony feels horrible about voting out Trish, but said that no one could win against her in the end because she was so well-liked.

A boat arrives with Kass's husband unloading a crate. Spencer's sister is there. Tony's best friend showed up instead of his wife. He's teary. She didn't come because of their month-old baby. Woo's cousin came.

The tree mail hints at heights and jumping right in for the upcoming immunity challenge.

Jeff said that this is the best bunch of castaways of any season for getting along as he visited them in the Green Room. He also promises an epic challenge ahead. We'll be the judge of that!

Immunity challenge time! The loved ones watch, but don't participate.

Perched atop of pole in water, bucket, raise a key, swim, unlock puzzle pieces, solve puzzle. Not epic to me! The poles are vey high up and they're freaked, though.

Tony takes the early lead. Then Spencer. Kass is sucking wind at this challenge. Kass is catching up on the puzzle. It's Kass and Spencer in the lead.

OMG! KASS wins immunity!

Kass wants Spencer to go. She says she feels "good" with Woo or Tony.

Spencer has realized it's a final two, not three. He goes to Tony about it.

Tribal council time. Uh-oh, Kass and her mouth did her in. She admitted she would rather be with Woo in the final two. Spencer is her goal now and she might have turned the game against Woo.

The tally: Tony reveals his idol is useless tonight. Spencer, Woo, Spencer, Spencer. Spencer is out!

Woo and Kass make a final two pact.

Final Immunity time! The set is HUGE. Race through a maze of turnstiles, collecting medallions, raising flags. Some turnstiles work, some don't. Kass is ahead. Woo is following Tony. Now Woo is actually in the lead.

All are working on their cog puzzle.

WOO wins final immunity, followed by Kass.

Tony is trying his hardest to convince Woo he has a better chance against him than with Kass, citing his integrity, etc.

Final tribal time ... Woo votes for KASS to go! I think he blew the million, but I'm happy that Tony is staying. He deserves to stay!

Tony found a clue in their final two food basket. It led to a mirror and scale. Both Woo and Tony seem to have good cases for the win. Woo is going to go the martial arts integrity angle.

Final final tribal council in front of the jury.

Opening statements -- Tony will tell the truth. All of his choices were strategic, thanks Woo. Woo cites his integrity as expected. Goes on about his mother's will power in recovering from a heart attack and its inspiration.

Parvati Shallow told Jeff she would vote for Tony although she loves Woo.

Jury questioning ...

Sarah - Tony, swore you wouldn't write my name on your badge. Don't know if I could vote for you. Woo, if we switched places ... he would vote for her.

Jefra - Tony, own your game. You backstabbed us all. She's angry. Admit you're the villain! Tony pleads strategy.

Morgan - You kept men in your back pocket without breasts. How? He offered food, water, but made strategic moves. She respects Woo's decision to take a player rather than a goat to finals.

Jeremiah - Tony, swore on wife and kids. Doesn't like. Do you have a wife and baby. Where I'm from, pathetic. Woo, prove ... do you want to be a millionaire?

Tasha - Tony kept loyal people, but was unloyal. He regrets his decision to vote out Trish. Woo, align with Tony and no others? He trusted me.

LJ - Tony, who are you? Fantasy world in the game or real you? Tony said he's terrified of LJ.

Kass - Woo, why on earth? Didn't make the right move in taking Tony. Woo claims honor.

Next season -- Blood vs. Water II, San Juan Del Sur. Hmm.

Trish - Woo admits it was his idea to blindside her. Tony -- best of buddies. They trusted me, not you. Spent the game putting out Tony flames. Would never swear on a family grave like you did! Was it worth it to you to sacrifice your own father? Yes, it was.

Spencer - Woo, comparison to a dog in gameplay. Followed Tony all through. Good dog. Kass is the goat again. Tony, no questions. Talks to the jury in favor of Tony and how hard he played the game and was the puppetmaster. WOW. He says Tony is the only one who played the game and honored it. Vote for Tony!

Time to vote ... Spencer votes Tony in big block letters. Tasha votes Woo. No other votes are shown.

And now we're in Hollywood! Jeff thinks more players came to play this season.

The tally:
Tony, Woo, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony!

As it should be, Tony Vlachos wins Survivor!

Huh. Tyler Perry is responsible for the idol with special powers.

The jury says it would have voted for Woo to win over Kass. No surprise there.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'Do You Believe in Magic?' Season Finale Blog Party

It never seems right that the season finale of TAR is just an hour long! We have the three teams racing for the finish line -- Brendon and Rachel, Dave and Connor, Jennifer and Caroline. Of the three, I'm a big Dave and Connor fan and I'd like to see them win it all. (So, they probably won't win.) The race will end up in Las Vegas with a big David Copperfield stunt challenge. I've got to say, that sounds like a winner to me!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in with us as we watch the show!

Here are the latest blog pool standings from the Magnificent Margo:

Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchel) - Terry in TX, Brian

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee
Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Let's GO!
The show is actually starting on time, a good thing indeed! Teams are flying to Las Vegas. Dave and Connor aren't too thrilled because Brenchel is familiar with Las Vegas. Uh-oh. All teams are on the same flight. Cars with drivers pick them up.

They stop in the desert where the drivers tell them to "get out and dig." It turns out that boxes labeled to return to David Copperfield are the buried treasure. The drivers take them away.

Inside are keys and they're at the MGM.

Roadblock - David Copperfield teaches teams a daring escape. Way cool to watch ... so watch! Connor gets done first!

After the big escape, it's on to the Neon Boneyard. They have to find and take a light bulb from a certain sign and bring it to the Mirage. Brendon tried to steal the girls' cab because they didn't like their own driver. Thankfully, he said no.

Caroline and Jennifer have taken over the lead. The next thing they need to do is light up the I on a Mirage sign correctly. Dave and Connor are on their tails. Brendon and Rachel have annoyed their cab driver who is certainly not doing them any favors.

Dave/Connor are marginally ahead of the girls. Brendon and Rachel are way behind.

Teams are off to Maverick Helicopters in Henderson.

Roadblock: Who wants to be a UFO? Skydiving! They have to find a sign -- Las Vegas Motor Speedway, then make the jump. The chutes turn into fireballs and it's either Dave or Caroline coming down ... into commercial.

It's DAVE!

DAVE AND CONNOR HAVE WON THE AMAZING RACE! Dave, at 58, is the oldest winner ever of the show and they're the only parent/child team to ever win. Caroline comes down next.

Heh. Rachel is in her Rachel-tears mode as Brendon finally arrives.

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 18, 2014

Good Sunday morning to you! As it is indeed Sunday morning, it's time for my off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you watch The Amazing Race, stop back later tonight for the season finale blog party. But, until then, it's off topic.

Since I have an abundance of photos this week -- baby squirrels, a day in the park -- I'm doing something a bit different. I'm posting three slideshows of related photos along with the links to look at the photos one by one. This probably isn't something I'll do every week. But I had just too many photos I wanted to post this week.

Not a heck of a lot is going on here. Thankfully, after this coming week, I'll be on a staycation. I wasted so much of my paid time off from work being in ill health this year that this is the first real ME time I've taken since last fall. Oy! I really need it.

My apartment hallway has been a bit quieter since my neighbors and I all said something about going to the landlord about too many people living in that one one-bedroom apartment. I'm sure the quiet won't last. But now we know that they know they could get the boot. I really can't imagine so many people in this place -- at least seven! Heck, I've got enough room for Vincent and me!

Oh, well ... onto the photos!

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Hanging in there

The now adolescent squirrels are exploring and playing all over the bridge at the Bridgewater Train Station. A metal mesh covering attached over part of the bridge near their nest provides the perfect place for them to hone their climbing skills. One of the slideshows after the page break has more coverage of their antics. I've discovered there are three babies, not just the one I initially saw with Mom Squirrel. They're exploring their world, but aren't to the point of leaving the bridge itself on their own yet.

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Tough love

Sink or swim, ducky boy! The mother duck at Mindowaskin Park in Westfield pushes her young into the pond. One of the slideshows included on the next page has many more ducking photos.

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Early morning Presbyterian

The early sun catches to top of the local Presbyterian Church in my 'hood. The dogwood is blooming and a bush of red azaleas brightens the hedge. Some years back I wouldn't be able to see that red door from this angle due to all the trees. Storms, not only but including Sandy, have blown down more trees than those remaining on the property.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Straw That Broke the Camel's Back' Blog Party - May 14

Well, this show is getting down to the wire, too. Will Tony not mess totally up and blow his chance of making it to the end? With his idols, he should be sitting pretty. But, with his cockiness ... who knows? They might just keelhaul him.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments -- come join us!

The latest blog pool standings from Lifeguard Laurie:
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

Sarah Lacina
Morgan McLeod
LJ McKanas
Jeremiah Wood
Jefra Bland
Tasha Fox

Survivor fans ready?

Reward Challenge -- Dive into mud, scrape off into bucket, most mud in ten minutes wins. Winner wins hot pizza delivery.

Tony's bucket is overflowing with mud -- no one else is close. He can choose one person to join him. He chose Trisha. He thinks she needs it the most. (He's probably right; she's SO skinny!)

Tony wants to convince the others that he has the special idol and its power is that it can be used by the final three. In reality, both idols he has have to be used when there are five left.

He tried to make Kass comfortable by telling her Woo told him that she plotted against him. She went to Woo. Now there's a kerfuffle going on.

Immunity Challenge -- Untangle braided rope, release key, build staircase, solve sliding puzzle.

Despite a huge lead, Tony blew it on the puzzle. Spencer wins Immunity once again!

Ah, Trish lights into Kass about her passive aggressive game. Spencer and Kass think they need to get Woo on their side. Woo went to Kass and told her and Spencer that he will vote out Trish. Meanwhile, Tony eavesdrops on that deal. Uh-oh.

At Tribal, it's actually funny as they trade barbs at each other. Tony brings out his special idol, but doesn't explain its powers. Spencer votes Trish. Trish votes Kass. Tony is mum on playing the idol, but then plays the regular idol.

Trish, Kass, Trish, Trish.

My blog pool pick is snuffed.

Dang. Even Tony voted out Trish. He knew she was the target and probably thinks he'd rather sit in the finals with unlikable Kass.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars: 'Hei Ho Heidi Ho' Blog Party - May 11

I hope everybody has had a nice Mother's Day! But, it's on with the show here. (And the blog party!) We're coming down the home stretch tonight. Unless it's a non-Philimination, tonight's episode will determine the final three teams running for the million dollars. I know many folks were upset with the ouster of Jet and Cord last week. However, they did mess up in addition to being U-Turned. That's the way the cookie crumbles and the race is lost.

The only team I personally don't like seeing in the final four is Jennifer and -- they've been helped way too often! I'm not all that thrilled with Brendon and Rachel, but I realize most of my "not thrilled" has to do with their many other times on shows I watch. Enough already! I'd be most happy with a Dave/Connor win, but I wouldn't mind it if Leo and Jamal won it all.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As it always is, the real party is in the comments area ... come join us as we watch the show!

The latest blog pool standings from the Magnificent Margo:

Jen & Caroline - Lynn1, Buzzmaam, DLA
Dave & Connor - Becky, Auntie Leigh, Rochelle
Brendon & Rachel (Brenchal) - Terry in TX, Brian
Leo & Jamal (Afghanimals) - Jackie, Jennamom, Merrilee

Philiminated --
Mark & Mallory - SueGee, jonMD1627, Margo
Joey & Meghan - Brenda, Zoetawny, Dusty
Margie & Luke - Donna in AL, Monty924, PDXGranny
Jessica & John - Sharon S, David, Rbennie
Flight Time & Big Easy - Laurie, Donna in FL, nicklepeed
Cord & Jet (Cowboys) - ML, Nana in NW, Delee

Teams ready?

The teams are headed to London, then Liverpool. They'll each have to score two soccer goals against a pro goalie to get their next clue. Leo and Jamal, soccer enthusiasts, get there first. They finish and it's on to an historic raised aqueduct for the next clue. Brenchel is through next. Dave/Connor arrive at the soccer stadium last.

Roadblock - Learn and perform a verse of traditional Welsh poetry. "Hei ho Heidi Ho." They learn it while on a boat on the aqueduct.  Brendon got the difficult poem first, then the girls got it. Uh-oh ... Dave and Connor are in last place right now.

Shoot it or Boot It -- Shooting a target in the sky or booting with Wellingtons.

Now Leo and Jamal are the ones trailing.

The girls get through the clay pigeon shooting first and are the first headed to the Pit Stop. Dave and Connor are right after them. They go different directions. Someone must be wrong. Brendon and Rachel are almost through the Wellington toss. Leo and Jamal finally arrived at the Detour clue.

OH NOES! Brenchel didn't read the clue right! They have to do it over! Rachel breaks down.

Pit Stop --
1. Dave and Connor!!! Also won a trip to Fiji.
2. Caroline and Jennifer -- actually did well on their own this leg.

Brenchel finished the re-do while the cousins are still shooting. Now both teams are heading to the Pit Stop.

3. Brendon and Rachel. (Sigh.)
4. Leo and Jamal -- Philinated.

There goes my blog pool pick. Now I can give Dave and Connor my FULL support!

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all!

Since it's also Sunday, it's time for my weekly off television topic look back on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. Later on tonight, I'll post The Amazing Race blog party -- that show's getting down to the wire with the finale next week. Stop on by if you watch the show!

This week? Hmm ... it rained, it had lots of fog, the temperatures were nice and springlike until mugginess (and more storms) hit yesterday. Thankfully, we didn't have any horrific storms like the Midwest did.

Huh. I really can't think of anything noteworthy to discuss this week. I worked. I ate. I slept. I gave a certain cat a lot of attention. My neighbors and I decided that we need to go to the landlord to complain about the overcrowding in one particular apartment in our hallway. It's a one-bedroom with four children and three adults. Those are "at least" figures. They've started sending the kids out to the hallway to scream, play, ride bikes, shoot rubber pellet guns, play ball and more. Sorry, Charlie. That's not going to fly here. The lease says no loitering in the common areas. One of the women always looks incredulous at us when we tell the kids not to play in the hallway. It's time the landlord dealt with the overcrowding in the apartment and the people there found something more suitable. The noise the children make is akin to having them stand outside your closed bedroom door and screaming.

Oh, well ... onto the photos from the week ...

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Azaleas in bloom

Although, for the most part, the red and white azaleas haven't blossomed yet, the pink and light purple ones came to life this past week in Bridgewater.

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Undivided attention

Er, okay ... divided non-attention. This bird couple has a nest under the bridge at the Bridgewater Train Station. Bringing materials for the nest, they tend to sit on the wire before swooping down to their home. It's quite an eclectic bunch down there -- grackles, starlings, pigeons and even a squirrel family.

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Spring is coloring the trees

Although, I'm very disappointed with spring this year. First, it didn't come anywhere near on schedule. Second, the trees are blooming late yet the time span of the blooms seems to be very short. It's like the season is trying to catch up on lost time. The trees aren't as full and the blossoms aren't lasting long at all. This shot is a scene in front of Richmond Towers on East Front Street in Plainfield.


Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Survivor: Cagayan - 'Havoc to Wreak' Blog Party - May 7

Welp, I guess with the title of the episode, it's going to be another Tony-heavy show. His detractors probably won't be too pleased with that. Well, unless he gets the boot, that is. I don't know ... I'm personally glad Tony is on the show this season. The rest of the castaways tend to be a bit lackluster. With the exception of Spencer and Tasha, no one really seems to be seriously playing the game. Woo has his moments, but he's got to bring more to the table. He's a follower.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real blog party will be in the comments. Come imbibe and discuss the show with us as it airs!

The latest on the blog pool from the Lovely Lifeguard Laurie --
Kass McQuillen -Delee, MikesGirl
Spencer Bledsoe - Becky and Monty924
Tasha Fox - DKNYNC, Rochelle
Tony Viachos - Lynn1, Zoetawny
Trisha Hegarty - Jackie
Woo Hwang - Laurie, SueGee

Sarah Lacina
Morgan McLeod
LJ McKanas
Jeremiah Wood
Jefra Bland

Survivor fans ready? Let the show begin!

Kass is going up against Tony ... for both real and imagined (misunderstood) reasons. This isn't going to be pretty.

Gah. Tony tells Kass he has a special idol. Thankfully, she doesn't believe him. He hasn't told her its powers, but ...! Sheesh, Tony. Loose lips sink ships.

It's Reward Challenge time -- two teams of three throwing sandbags to destroy the other team's wall, one member rebuilds the wall. Nourishment for the soul -- a trip to a local elementary school to bring supplies, hamburgers and such.

Spencer, Kass and Woo win reward!

Kass has a plan to flush the idol from Tony with Woo and Spencer. Woo is thinking it's time to cut off Tony. We'll see.

Spencer went to Tasha with the plan to split the votes between Tnoy and Trish. Woo told Tony that Kass wants to go for Tasha. Hmmm.

Immunity Challenge time. Will Tasha go for four? Race out, count items at six stations, unlock a lock, break a tile.

Spencer wins immunity!

Tribal Council time ...

Tony does not play an idol.

Tasha, Tony, Trish, Tasha, Tasha.

Argh. I'd prefer Kass going! Tasha was such a strong challenge player and even strategic with the odds against her in numbers.