Monday, October 01, 2018

BB20: Looking Back on the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

I never understand how fans of a television show can get so vested in the cast that hate is spewed all over the Internet. I look at much of the Big Brother related posts on Twitter like viewing a car wreck -- you're nosy enough to see what's happening, but it's scary what you might see.

I've been involved with BB-related media since BB1 when I created AOL message boards for the new show, monitored both the boards and the chats. I've been blogging about the show since that platform arrived. (Just a note, my earlier season blogs were sunsetted by AOL years back.) I had paying freelance gigs with AOL Television and Weblogs Inc. for many years of the show.

There have always been some people in the cast I liked, some not so much. But ... hate? Nah. I don't know any of them personally to have such a strong opinion. I don't have to live with any of them. I don't have to hang out socially with any of them. They aren't my friends. The winner isn't going to send me any money. Someone will win every season. I am here to be entertained. That's it. This season entertained me. What more could I want?

On the cray-cray Twitterverse, I see all kinds of hate going on between FOUTTE/Hive fans and Level 6 fans. Sheesh. It's bad enough that we have politics separating people these days. It's ridiculous. I post links there to my blog posts, but don't need all that strife in my life. 

Today I'm going to give you my take on the FOUTTE/Hive hamsters -- the good and the bad, where things might have gone wrong --


Oh, Bayleigh ... where do I start? She's attractive and smart. But, she made critical mistakes which cost her (and would have even if not evicted with the Hacker brouhaha). Call me old-fashioned, but you can hook-up with Swaggy without physically hooking up with Swaggy in the early weeks! Unlike so many, I don't watch the show for soft porn or even showmances. It still rings in my mind what my own parents would think about it if it were me on national television and the Internet!

But, after Swaggy was gone and she snapped back without moping around, I was happy. She showed that she could be strong. I thought that she could be a contender! Yay! Then she won HoH. And it all went down the drain. Her severe HoHitis and power trip turned me off. I think that the way she treated others when she was HoH ruffled feathers and, had she not gone under the Haleigh Hacker Debacle, I believe she would have been targeted as soon as possible. Now, I'm most certainly not saying I would personally handle it better than her -- but I would never be on the show!

As for the "since the finale" news -- She had a miscarriage while in the jury house. Swaggy and Baleigh are still engaged. They say it's true love. Who am I to argue? I wish them the best.

Fessy (Faysal)

Fessy, Fessy ... talk about someone who's totally clueless about the show being recruited ...! I think he might have had visions of showmances galore for the taking and winning all of those physical comps he was sure the show had. Um. Well. He did bring me some entertainment on the live feeds, though. His whisper strategy meetings with both JC and Haleigh (at separate times) really showed how little he knew of how BB works. Even the physical comps weren't quite what he expected of physical comps and he didn't succeed at all he wanted.

He seemed to be a nice enough guy. But that haircut annoyed me so much that I wanted to go in there and cut off that strange long hunk o' hair! He played with it so much that it irked me every time I saw it -- similar to Haleigh's biting her nails or Tyler picking at himself. I still see him in my mind sitting on that HoH sink and it ripping from the wall, though. That and his reaction still give me a giggle! I feel he was a bit of a big dumb lunk when it came to the game. I'm not saying that he's dumb outside of the house. Apparently, he's pretty smart and unfortunately Internet trolls brought down his app he created with bad reviews. Shame on them. 

As for "since the finale news" -- He and Haleigh may or may not be together. Well, since they're apparently heading to separate homes in separate states, it's more likely "may not." I don't think he's a bad guy, not at all. But I also don't think there will be marriage down the road for them. If nothing else, she doesn't seem to be ready to settle down right now. She's only 21. We'll see ...


Haleigh ... what can I say? I think that she made many mistakes early in the game and never could overcome them. Sam created a stir when she "shamed" Haleigh and Kaitlyn for hanging all over guys. In a way, she was right. Haleigh would physically hang all over Fessy (who encouraged it), Tyler, Scottie, Brett and even JC. While she didn't seem to think it was anything serious, I kept thinking Christine and Cody. No, it didn't go to that level, but I don't think it did her any good in the game, either.

She seriously needs to seek help with that fingernail chewing. It drove me up the wall and I posted numerous screen caps of it just to skeeve  out everyone else as much as it did me! Now that I've fussed about her, let me mention some good things. I believe had she not hooked up with Fessy SO much, it would have helped her game. As it was, she was the last remaining member of her alliance in the house for a reason. No, it wasn't because she couldn't win comps because she did win some comps. It's because they liked her. She tried so hard after her alliance went that it was kind of sad -- we viewers and she herself could see the writing on the wall. She was just in the wrong alliance from the start and that did her in.

As for "since the finale news" -- See the Fessy one above, plus she's returning home to finish her degree.


I feel at a bit of a loss for words. She bugged me to no end on the live feeds with her neediness, her gurgly voice, her baby voice, her crying. I'm still stunned that she couldn't complete that six-part puzzle to get back into the house. She thought she was in love with Tyler. He thought not so much. She was out there in her own little world. It was obvious that she was never going to win this thing. That was about the only predictable thing about her.

All that said, she seems to have snapped back very well. Had she been in the house as she is on Internet, she would have been easier to watch. Yeah, the boyfriend at home left her. Yeah, she's still out there. But her Twitter is actually kind of entertaining and fun to read. There were so many people thinking she would need to be committed after leaving the house. They were wrong. She seems to have taken it all in stride. She probably still talks all gurgly, though.


Hmm ... I feel she came into the show to be a "character." From the weird eyeglasses to the wardrobe, it screamed attempting to be a character. I'm sorry. But props and wardrobe do not make you a character. It makes you annoying. I actually liked her best once she dumped the glasses and had one on one talks with Sam and others. She didn't do poorly on comps, coming close to winning many of the ones in which she participated. She took her Jesse Goddard punishment of the cooking and exercise in stride. That looked so grueling and you could tell she was sore and exhausted. I give her credit for that.

It did bother me that she seemed to have some sort of chip on her shoulder about financial classes of people. While she went on about Angela and Brett being born with money, she definitely didn't see her buddy Bayleigh's family home! To me there's no more sense in "hating people who have riches" than there is for any other reason. Heck, hate someone because they're mean, hate 'em because they're bigoted ... but it's just not a good thing to hate someone because you perceive they have a better lot in life or an easier one than you do. That will only keep stressing you out.


I was a bit disappointed in Scottie. I honestly thought he would be more savvy in the house as a big fan of the show. I liked his fanatical cleaning! He made Sam look mellow when it comes to deep cleaning. Where he went wrong, other than being a bit hyperactive, was not being loyal to either alliance. Unlike JC who never was considered a part of either alliance, Scottie was with FOUTTE, then went to Level 6 crying when they were in power, then back to FOUTTE. He made some classic moves like voting out Swaggy while wearing a Swaggy shirt (and betraying his alliance).

But all of his sketchy moves made neither side really trust him. It seemed to me like he was more interested in making BB history than actually winning the show. That said, BB shouldn't do jury battle backs -- the person is just about always the immediate target for the next ouster. I was touched by his tender apology moments with Haleigh, but never really got into whatever that relationship he had with Steve. I wish him well, but he had his chance on the show and blew it. Next!


Speaking of Steve ... um. Steve? Who was he? 

Okay, I know who he is. He's from Jersey and I live in Jersey. But I do NOT have that accent. I feel kind of bad for him because, at 40, he was the "old guy" in the house. I wish BB would stop putting in one person older than the rest in there. While Kevin made it far in BB19, not many do. It's not fair to the one older person. Even without the blindside, he wouldn't have made it far. 

Swaggy (Chris)

Oh my. You can't win one comp and think you're all that and a bag of chips! I think BB kind of wanted him to be the "star" this season and that all blew up in their faces. He had the potential. But I feel his youth and all of a sudden on television affected his game. Had he not "swaggered" around the house after winning a comp and thinking he was a big shot, the whole FOUTTE alliance might have done so much better in the game. He alienated others and they wanted him out. Meanwhile, he was smart enough about the game and good enough in comps that he could have carried his alliance further in the game. He could have led them. Instead, his behavior brought about the blindside of him and marked the beginning of the end for FOUTTE.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Off Topic: About the photos (or lack thereof)

People have been mentioning that they miss my off television topic weekly photo posts. To be honest, I miss doing them. Even the year or more leading into my back surgery, I was taking fewer and fewer photos because I just wasn't able to get around well. My photos got so they were solely my commute to work and, at least at the Plainfield end, I wasn't even walking to the train station any longer. I didn't enter the local library photo contest last year or this year mainly because they ask that the photos be no older than two years. I just haven't been taking many photos in town at all during the past few years.

Since mid-January when I last worked, I've only been going to doctor visits, a surgery, more doctor visits, physical therapy ... you get the idea. I haven't felt like lugging more weight than I have to back and forth. So, what few photos I've taken during the months have been with my cell phone. I only had my real camera with me a few times during this time.

So, how am I? Hmm. Well, I'm better than I was -- the horrible nerve pain is gone. However, with my latest neurosurgeon visit, when I asked about work, I was told (rather emphatically), "No way!" While the back surgery I had worked for what was corrected, I apparently waited far too long before seeking medical help. I have what might be permanent nerve damage in one leg, along with muscle damage. I'm a fall hazard! Oh noes! Right now I'm waiting for the arrival of a custom made leg brace to aid me in that issue. But, I'm still having problems walking a block or standing upright for more than ten minutes or so. I get a shaky leg and severe back pain higher up than where I had the surgery done. The MRI I had taken pre-surgery noted moderate to severe spinal stenosis throughout my lumbar spine, along with some other pretty major issues.

I'm awaiting approval for long-term disability through my workplace. My short-term disability ended in mid-July. The problems I have with my back are on the listing for Social Security Disability. But I would like to have my long-term approved so I have some money coming in. It's a good thing I don't feel up to going anywhere because I have to watch my money. I'll be going back to the neurosurgeon for another follow-up in the beginning of November. I will know more by then as far as insurance, disability, how the leg brace works, etc.

All that said, I don't miss the stress and drama of working all the time. The past few years, I basically came home exhausted and not feeling well every day. If I have to not feel well, I'd rather do it at home reading or binge-watching television shows! Although I sometimes have bad nights pain-wise and don't sleep well, I've rediscovered what it's actually like to have an eight hours of sleep kind of night! I feel fatigued easily but that would be so much worse trying to work,

Enough about all that ... onto the photos I'm presenting to you this week! No, these aren't recent ones. This week I'm focusing on shots I took around Plainfield. And, but of course, a Vincent photo at the end.

Early morning gray skies

Pre-dawn Hugo's bar

Lamp on the YWCA building

Springtime on Church Street

Autumn on Park Avenue

Plainfield Train Station

Then there's Vincent

Saturday, September 29, 2018

BB20: My Predictions and Afterthoughts - Final Four

Before the season started, I posted my first impressions of the new houseguests based on their pre-season online interviews and their CBS bios. Today I'm looking back on how I did --

Kaycee Clark - BB20 Winner

Back on June 18th, I gave my early take on Kaycee in this post. She claimed to be a "people person" and "fun." She also named Cody (especially if he upped his social game) as her favorite previous hamster. To quote me at the time -- "Maybe she's trying for second place? My jury is out on her. I think she could possibly be a competition beast. But I think she might be a bit more assertive than she thinks her fun people person persona displays."

Well. She was definitely trying for AT LEAST second place, having made a strong Final Two pact with Tyler before we even got the live feeds. And, she actually did play like Cody with an extremely better social game -- her loyalty to Tyler was much like Cody's to Jessica and she became a competition beast in her own right. And, yes ... she was more assertive than her friendly demeanor made her appear. 

She actually is a people person. She is fun. But she was playing the game from the start. I had hoped for a Tyler win. However, Kaycee is definitely worthy of her win. I like her heart, both in the way she treated others and how she played the game.  

Tyler Crispen - 2nd Place and AFP

I checked Tyler out in this post dated June 22nd. Hmm. I recall in the video interviews with him, he came across as much goofier than his actual self in the house. Plus, I found it a bit disconcerting that, in interviews, his eyes would bug out. I guess it was nerves or the lack of sleep. I should mention that I'm not a fan of man-buns, but I like his hair better like that. I think his hair often blocked his natural good looks!

I said this at the time "...  he mentioned three of them. Victor, Zach and Dan, all for different reasons. Hopefully he can combine their talents into his own game. His bio page doesn't really give me a lot to go on. The interview is a bit more telling. If he's smarter than the average hamster he could do extremely well. But, if he's as goofy as he comes across, he just might do well, too. I think I'd rather see him go further in the game than some of the others."

Yup, yup. As the summer went on, I definitely wanted him to win it. He was playing his game all summer. And, while he didn't seem "goofy" on the live feeds, he had everyone thinking he was clueless about BB for most of the summer. Unfortunately, I could see his game sinking a bit because everyone trusted him and he encouraged them to do so. Now, everyone trusted Kaycee, too. But she made a point of not really committing while Tyler seemed to do the opposite. 

All of those final two deals? The only one he personally made was with Kaycee -- everyone else made them with him. While I realize he couldn't say, "Oh, no. I can't do that -- I already have a final two deal with _____" -- it probably would have behooved him not to be so into the blindsides of those with whom he had such deals. But that's Monday morning quarterbacking. Had he won first place, he would have deserved it. He won second place, America's Favorite Player and what seems like a true love. He's a winner in my book!  

JC Monduix - Third Place

I looked at JC (now I know he's Joseph Charles, but doesn't like it) on this post dated June 18th. In it he claimed to be honest and eccentric. He's still claiming in the after show interviews about his honest game. Yes, he was honest with Tyler, in particular. But just the double-agent bit he did for so long makes me knock down the honesty factor.

Oh my. I got many things wrong with him! I said -- "If he's indeed a professional dancer, he should be athletic. Will he win it all? I did like his win and have them love me answer. But I don't know if he's mean enough to lie and backstab. At least he's different from the usual bimbo and mimbo." Well, we know how he did in all the physical comps! While JC might lift weights, he's no physical comp beast for sure! And, yes -- he's mean enough to lie and backstab. Dang, put him on slop and he's a grumpy surly mean horror. My last sentence in the quote is good. He was different from the usual!

I want to note that he was problematic in the house. My personal main issue with him is that he thought it was Big Brother the Musical. Every time he sang, they cut the live feeds. He wouldn't stop when told, either. Grr. However, as I said before, the stuff that TMZ latched onto because of zealous BB fans was way overblown. In the after interviews, the others are saying that those things really weren't big issues at all. If the people living with him don't have a problem, the fans should back off! 

Angela Rummons - 4th Place

Oh my. I think my take on Angela when I posted pre-show on June 20th was way off! But ... but ... she said things in her interviews and bio which really didn't come across as such in the house! Well, she said she'd lay low at the start. That she kind of did. She had an early HoH and then was referred to as "furniture" for weeks on end.

From the bio and interview, I got this: "at 26, she's lived "years and years" by herself." -- My thoughts at the time - "Hmm. I think she could be a strong player, but she's coming across as a bit too cocky for me to like her a lot." There was also this gem -- "She claims to be "very lovable and not afraid to use my sexuality to get ahead." 

I wrote then - "First, people who think they're all that lovable usually aren't. Second, I do not want a summer of sleaze. I'll see how she comes across on the feeds and show, but I'm sticking with full of herself right now." Watching her all summer on the live feeds, the "lovable" part not only didn't really surface (except late in there with Tyler). Instead, she admitted that she often built a wall around herself and didn't really get close to people. I can actually understand that, but I have no clue why she said "lovable."  A huge part of what did her in with others was her coldness to them. Or, what they perceived as coldness.

Then there's the fact that she got herself into what I think will be the most remaining showmance/romance of the summer with Tyler. It was not sleazy. It often came across as Jeff/Jordan-ish without the naivety of a Jordan. I like how she did kick in and win comps and I hope she and Tyler live happily ever after!

Your thoughts?    

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Survivor: David vs. Goliath - Will Pat Cusack be "back"?

I'll admit it. I had early pre-season hopes that Pat Cusack would win it all this season. I liked his story. After all, the stories of the folks cast on reality shows (at least ones I watch) are becoming more to the forefront each year. And, Pat's story was noted by Jeff Probst as the impetus to the whole theme for this season.

Heck, I even like where the guy grew up and currently lives as it's my own childhood stomping grounds where relatives still live. (And, I might add that Watervliet NY has Ted's Fish Fry, amazing stuff!)

His accident on last night's premiere was definitely a freak occurrence. All he was doing was riding in a boat back to the camp and off camera. I guess it's lucky that it happened to him rather than someone who isn't quite as solidly built.

I read this article online as I, having undergone severe back issues and surgery as of late, was curious about his prognosis. Thankfully, it seems like he's made a good physical recovery since the show filmed. However, with the word "compression" in the diagnosis, I'm thinking he might have suffered a compression fracture. While that is definitely an injury that will heal, the pain is incredible. It's no wonder most of what happened until he woke up in the hospital is a blank to him. 

Just looking at who Pat is, I think the psychological pain might be more enduring than his back injury. He says in the article that he would have been safe that night at Tribal Council as the consensus was that they would vote out Nick. Pat had redeemed his bossiness bit by the inevitable result of a sturdy shelter built. Nick, though he had his own sad story, irked his tribe mates by being lazy around camp. 

Now, I doubt that Jeff Probst will ever read this. But I think, if anyone deserves another shot to be on Survivor, it's Pat. I'd like to see him have a shot to really play the game, not be offed by a rogue wave. If he does come back, perhaps bubble wrap during boat transports in typhoons might be a viable idea.

Let's see Pat Cusack play the game! What do you think? 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Big Brother 20: Season Finale Blog Party

Well, this is it. It's down to JC, Kaycee and Tyler. While live feeders know the results of the first two parts of the three part final HoH, they haven't aired yet on the television show. So, I ask that, until they air, please don't post spoilers in the comments!

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

We're down to the Final Four and probably not ones we thought would be there had we been asked in the beginning of the season!

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J

Bayleigh Dayton
Angie Rockstar Lantry
Faysal Fessy Shafaat
Scottie Salton 
Haleigh Broucher
Brett Robinson
Sam Bledsoe
Angela Rummons 
Hamster watchers ready?

Previously on ... Tyler promised to throw Kaycee the first part of the HoH and then into all the other stuff that made this such a great season! 

Julie Chen-Moonves is with us, of course. 

But first ... it's to Part One of the final HoH comp. JC thinks he has a final two with Tyler. Tyler and Kaycee have a plan ... she will win this part, he will win the next. Goop is squirted at them in their flying jet-packs. They're tilted horizontally and vertically. Uh-oh. JC is down! Kaycee is telling Tyler to drop. He tells us he would prefer to have his fate in his own hands. Kaycee goes down. Tyler wins the first part of the HoH!

Kaycee takes the loss well and wants to concentrate on winning the second part against JC.

Part Two -- A monument of Mount Evicted. Get a clue, one at a time climb up and place the faces, laser, ring bell. They have to do three rounds. Kaycee is having trouble remembering that Sam was evicted by a unanimous vote.

Kaycee - 18.55
JC - 19.34

Kaycee wins Part Two! She will face off with Tyler in Part Three. 

The Jury Roundtable with Dr. Will is next after the commercials. 

They discuss the final three. Angela hasn't arrived yet. They think either JC or Angela. We know it's the latter. The jurors are thrilled about JC winning HoH. Angela tells them that Kaycee and Tyler had a final two deal from the first day. Sam piped up that she and Tyler had one on day three. Angela pushes for Tyler over Kaycee winning because she (Kaycee) rode on Tyler's coattails. Rockstar thinks JC was running things. Bayleigh doesn't think JC was the best player -- she thinks Tyler played the best game. Haleigh and Scottie also think that. 

Oh my. It looks like we might not have a bitter jury? Shocker! We'll just have to wait and see! 

Time for part three of the HoH comp!

"Jury Oddcasts" videos of previous hamsters, then quizzed, eight videos.

1. Both get a point
2. Both get a point
3. Both get a point
4. Both get a point
5. Both get a point
6. Both get a point
7. Both got it wrong
8. Both got it wrong

To a tie-breaker --
KAYCEE wins the Final HoH! 

She must choose to evict either Tyler or JC.

JC - Love you, not blindsliding me, appreciate it, you have a deal with Tyler, you have more risk taking Tyler.
Tyler - Love both of you, I know JC you feel heartbroken, Day One Coast to Coast alliance.

(They obviously told JC before the show.)

Kaycee evicts JC. 

Kaycee and Tyler hug so much that they miss JC's photo going gray.

JC tells Julie that he was loyal to Tyler all along.

And ... we're into the jury questions for the final two --
Three questions for each finalist.

Haleigh - Tyler - Aside from winning comps, strategic moves. He talks of creating a following with Level 6, Sam and JC. Won the second power app, didn't tell anyone. 

Brett - Kaycee - Aside from comp wins, what moves did you make. Kaycee -- my social game priority, create relationships.

Bayleigh - Tyler - Many of us sour taste from you on eviction. Tyler - apologizes to her. Nothing personal, needed people to think I had an enemy.

Angela - Kaycee - You won vetoes and didn't use them - What else? Relationships.

Sam - Tyler - Why should you win over Kaycee? Good relationships, knew what was going to happen every week, made plans, superfan.

Scottie - Kaycee - Why should you win over Tyler? Watched always, wanted to make relationships with everyone.

Final speeches --
Kaycee - Dream come true. Social game to advantage. Level 6 plus JC and Coast to Coast. Loyal game, never made promises, was herself. Little Peanut is totally nuts about this game.
Tyler - Knew big target, keeping superfandom secret, act confused, got power app, got Sam's friendship, made big moves, explained Brett biggest move. :ove you all.

They start the voting.
Rockstar - You're both winners
Scottie - Loyalty and respect
Haleigh - Decision after speeches
Brett - Proud Level 6
Sam - Proud of both and love both
Angela - Love you
JC - Quality over quantity

The pre-jury hamsters join the stage. Julie confirms that Angela and Tyler professed their love for each other. Tyler apologizes for not telling her about his final two with Kaycee. Both are looking forward to seeing each other. Fessy and Haleigh -- they say it's the real deal. Swaggy and Bayleigh -- both say they're still interested, Swaggy spent time with her family. Oh gosh, he gets on his knees and proposes. @@ She says yes. @@ 

The votes from the jury --
JC - Tyler
Angela - Tyler
Sam - Kaycee
Brett - Tyler
Haleigh - Tyler
Scottie - Kaycee
Fessy - Kaycee
Rockstar - Kaycee
Bayleigh - Kaycee

Kaycee wins BB20! Although I would have personally preferred a Tyler win, Kaycee played an excellent game, too. Congratulations to her! (And I note that outside of Haleigh, there did seem to be the voting block Scottie mentioned in his second shot at the house.)

Haleigh, Brett and Tyler top three.

Tyler wins America's Favorite Houseguest! He says he thought everyone would hate him.

Great season!

Ross and Marissa will be doing the backyard interviews on Facebook live. I'm going to leave commenting on this post open for anyone who wants to discuss the interviews. However, after three hours of constant watching and typing, I'm done in. I'll be watching but not reporting.

Thank you all for this summer of fun and a special thank you to those who donated to the blog this summer!