Thursday, January 31, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Thursday - Jan. 31

Playing everybody
 Here's the latest from inside that BB House of Celebrity Stew:
  • They were awakened and the feeds got cut, apparently to inform them that veto would be played.
  • Tamar, so far keeping her power under wraps, ranted to her new buddy Natalie that Tom just better not put her on the block!
  • I've said before that, while she can be all that drama and annoying, she knows the game. She wants to hold out as long as she can, saving the power as a last resort.
  • One thing on her side is that she's created so many problems in the house that no one would think America would give her the power.
  • They don't know the Twitterverse very well, do they?
  • Ricky proposed that he, Kandi, Joey and Tamar should work together as they aren't in any sort of alliance.
  • He is very aware that he might be a backdoor plan for Tom/Kato.
  • Of course, from what I've seen of Peripheral Rick, he will use the others for his own self and drop 'em when the time comes. He's pretty ruthless in the game and definitely playing only for himself … as it really should be.
  • Meanwhile, Team Fun is showing cracks in its structure.
  • Lolo and Natalie think that Tom and Kato are telling them what to do rather than working with them.
  • Now, that was the same issue Lolo had with Ryan and Jonathan, right?
  • Hmmm.
  • Lolo thinks Joey should go before Ricky. But the boys are thinking Ricky first.
  • I personally think Ricky is more dangerous to leave in the game, mainly because he plays everyone while Joey tends to be more honest in his own game.
  • Tom is very worried that Ricky will put them -- Tom and Kato -- on the block together if he (Ricky) wins HoH.
  • I think he's absolutely right. Ricky knows those would be the two to target.
  • Uh-oh! Natalie and Lolo tell Ricky of the backdoor plan to oust him!
  • There goes Team Fun!
  • Now, Ricky already guessed the plan, but now he has confirmation!
  • It's looking like Joey, Ricky, Natalie, Tamar and Lolo will work together to keep both Ricky and Joey safe.
  • The plot thickens!
  • But, wait … Natalie and Lolo go back with Kato and Tom and they're a Team Fun again?
  • Maybe.
  • Anyway, they all agree to wait until they see how veto plays out before making any decisions.
  • Hmm.
  • Then there was the veto comp, blocked to the live feeds.
  • They were all in football gear. Was this a slam dunk for NFL Ricky?
  • Nope.
  • Natalie won the Power of Veto.
  • What will she do with it?
  • She and Lolo are still on an anti-Tom kick. They think he's controlling. Lolo is also worried about backdooring people as she thinks she could be next.
  • Right now, I'm not sure what she will do at all. She knows if she uses it, Tom will backdoor Ricky.
  • I guess we'll see … the live eviction isn't until Saturday evening. Lots of time for changed minds in three days!

Team Fun? Maybe not so much.

Knows not to tell of her power

Tom likes to be nice

Kato is kool

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Blog Party - Wednesday, Jan. 30

I'll be constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

We should be in for a fun HoH comp viewing tonight. Gee, do you think there will be any drama from Tamar? Heh.

Sitting through Previously on …

Ohhh …. we're supposed to have the most terrifying HoH ever! Good. 

Okay, Ryan is leaving once again. Tamar was worried thinking she might go. Now we'll hear why each person has to win HoH. Joey is rightfully worried as he's a bit of a lone wolf without Ryan.

Lolo is crying, feeling guilty for voting out a fellow Olympian. She just feels she couldn't work with him in the game. 

Joey is trying everyone from Kato to Ricky pushing that Lolo and Natalie need to be worried about. As Ricky told us, he should work on his own game. For someone who didn't want to be in an alliance before, he's scrambling now.

Ricky goes to Lolo and Natalie, warning them that Joey is walking around saying they (the girls) are getting too confident. Of course, he's only doing that for his own game, but they're gullible and he's right -- they will be more willing to trust him if he gives them little tidbits now and then.

HoH comp time! A deranged family of lunatics is on the loose. They have to enter the house with them inside, go through each room to find their car keys and get out. They do this one by one in the dark.

Natalie up, then Kandi. Sigh. Then it's Tamar's turn. She says she doesn't do stuff that will scare her and goes into super dramatics. She gave up and leaves the house quickly without completing the challenge. Tom is up next. Then it's Dina's turn. Lolo next. Ricky runs in next. Then Joey.

The times:
Dina 14.24
Nat 9.07
Joey 4.19
Into commercial …
Tom 3.07
Kandi 8.43
Lolo 3.48
Tamar 30 minutes (disqualified)
Ricky 3.44

TOM wins HoH!

Both Tamar and Joey think they're going on the block.

Kandi asks Tom if he was in an alliance. Tom claims he hasn't made up his mind and wants to talk to everyone.

Tom and Kato decide they're Team Fun. They have Lolo and Natalie in with them. Ricky walks in and they ask if he wants in on an alliance. He says yes, but no way to the name and decides he doesn't want to be a part of it all anyway.

Ricky is with Tom and Kato. He asks who the target is. Kato suggests putting up Tamar and Kandi. If one wins veto, put up Joey. Tom tells us that Ricky is probably the biggest threat, "what about you, Ricky?"

We get a bit of the Tom Show that we see every night as he talks to the live feeders and explores around the house alone.

Kato thinks Lolo and Natalie will stay true to them. He thinks Ricky will honor the final five. Kato and Tom are loyal to each other. Tom is seriously thinking getting Ricky out because he's stronger rather than going for a weaker target.

An Entertainment Tonight twist comes on the video monitor -- America "publicist" will be giving one player a new power.

The Power of the Publicist. 

As I thought from the Twitter voting and her fan base there, TAMAR got the power. She's thrilled.

Tom is worried. He thinks the two most likely to have it should be put on the block to flush out the power.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony --

Tom nominates Joey, then Kandi. He likes them both very much, but he thinks one of them won the power.

Tom tells us that Ricky is still on his radar if the veto is used.

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds into Wednesday - Jan. 30

I like Tamar's comfy pajamas!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Bother House of Z List Celebrities:
  • I should note that, while I refer to them as Z List and I wasn't familiar with a lot of them, I'm liking the casting this year a lot more than last year.
  • At least they're not quitters although Tamar almost quit.
  • The live feeds were down a lot again yesterday, but not like the nine hours on Saturday!
  • They were down for nominations which, as we knew from the talks, Tom did indeed nominate Kandi and Joey.
  • If they can swing it, it might be time to backdoor Ricky.
  • Tom said, in front of Ricky, that if he (Tom) wins veto he won't use it and he will ask any veto user not to use it, let the chips fall where they may.
  • Heck I know if Joey or Kandi win, they are both smart enough to save themselves!
  • Heh.
  • I'm still thinking of Ricky as Peripheral Rick. He's pretty much staying true to not getting in drama and playing his own game.
  • But BB is a game that is hard to win unless you have an alliance or voting block.
  • The Lolo, Natalie, Tom and Kato alliance isn't showing any real cracks although they're not as "secret" as they should be. They do try, but it's also a bit obvious.
  • Even they do seem a solid voting block, Tom and Kato think that Lolo and Natalie might have a side alliance going on with Ricky.
  • Apparently the America's Twitter Vote Only came through and, during one of the feeds blocks, they called everyone individually into the Diary Room and gave one the good news.
  • Most seem to be thinking Kandi has the "power."
  • To be honest, I'm not thinking she would get it. I don't think she's a least likely like Ricky or Dina (who don't seem to have a lot of internet buzz). But, the winner? Nah.
  • Tamar, living up to the messy moniker issued by Kato, irked more people by brushing crumbs to the floor and not sweeping.
  • She must think there's a maid living in there with them!
  • Her drama whims aside, she doesn't seem to realize these little things will grate on all and lessen her chances of a win.
  • She also got into a feeds cutting kerfuffle with Tom saying he was threatening her when he wanted her to work on Kandi to see if she got the power.
  • He was not threatening her.
  • Joey keeps denying to everyone that he has the power. I think he's being honest -- I doubt he has it.
  • He says he was told he wasn't America's Vote. When he asked, he claims they told him the winner could admit it if they want but couldn't tell what the power is.
  • Lolo thinks that either Kato or Tom could be voted America's Favorite.
  • Yeah, I can see that myself.
  • Tom may be more favored by the live feeds crowd because he spends a lot of time talking to us.
  • Natalie is getting closer to Peripheral Rick. She told him Tom is freaking out about the power and really upset Kandi about it. Ricky told her that's better for "us."
  • But I really don't think there is an "us" in the long run for Ricky.
  • I think there's a "me" for him.
  • Ricky told her he thinks he's the anchor for the game, they now have the numbers and Tom won't affect them.
  • Hmm.
  • The dude is playing Natalie, methinks.
  • Tom told Kato that he thinks Tamar won the power.
  • He just might be right. She irks me but I've noticed she has quite an active following on Twitter, the platform for the voting. Many said the house would be boring if not for her drama. Maybe. I don't know.
  • The plan to try to backdoor Ricky is still a go.
  • Kandi and Tamar talked. Tamar thinks that they need to get Kato out or just go ahead and pack their bags.
  • Well, yeah. He's playing a great game and, while as a viewer I'd like to see him win … if I were a chamster he'd be my number one target to get out.
  • Tom held his late night talk with us.
  • He thinks he needs to find out who has the power before the veto goes down.
  • Don't look at me. I don't know.

Smiling although on the block

Tom is made for BB

Sitting pretty … for the moment

Peripheral Rick

The power couple in the house

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, HoH into Tuesday - Jan. 29

Not quite the NFL

Although not really a live feeds thing, I found this TV Guide interview with Anthony interesting. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Silly Celebs:
  • Due to the HoH comp, the feeds were blocked well into the night.
  • Well, at least we saw the last one play out on the feeds.
  • However, I think last season's show has now had more time on the live feeds than the actual shows aired!
  • The feeds didn't come back on live here until after 4am! I had to flashback.
  • When they did, Tom was wearing the HoH necklace and key.
  • Kid Kato will be safe this week! Yay! I've gotten to like the guy.
  • From the promos I saw on TV and what the chamsters said, it was the go around in the dark house and get scared by evil things comp.
  • They seemed to love it!
  • Joey is very upset about something, not sure what or whom.
  • It's not about Tom because he said he's happy someone deserving won the comp. He thinks someone (who? who?) shouldn't be rewarded for bad behavior.
  • Hmm. It was something Ricky did or said. Joey told Tom he was glad he didn't take Ricky's bait and said something about babies watching.
  • ...scratching my head...
  • Tamar is also angry at Ricky.
  • That in and of itself doesn't mean much when she's had drama with everyone.
  • Tom wants to do one-on-one talks with everybody to help him determine the nominations.
  • I think he will use his with Kato to talk strategy and what would be best for both their games. They're definitely one of the better two person alliances over the years except for the fact they're a bit too open about it. Both are strategic players, do acceptably in physical comps, know the game and think ahead.
  • They were all exhausted but had to stay awake for the HoH room reveal.
  • Yeah, it was the traditional "Who wants to see my HoH Room!"
  • I think they were excited because it meant they could go to bed soon.
  • Kato thinks Tom should nominate Tamar and Kandi with Joey as a backdoor possibility.
  • I personally wouldn't be surprised if Tom doesn't think Ricky as a backdoor possibility. He hasn't said that. But I think he's leery of Ricky.
  • In what has become his Thing, after everyone left Tom gave us a tour of his room, photos and goodies.
  • He did not tell us who he will nominate. I think he has some idea, but will take the talks into consideration.
  • But I bet Kato is safe!

Livin' the dream


Tweets are not instant for chamsters

Monday, January 28, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Veto, Live Eviction Show Blog Party

Gah! Sorry this post is such a mess! The more I try to fix it, the worse it gets!

I have no clue how they're going to fit it all in an hour, but tonight is a live show. I'm talking live veto comp, live eviction and HoH comp. At least that's my understanding.

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live blogging the major happenings -- refresh this page to see the latest! Of course, the actual party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun!

As we're heading into an eviction, here's Lifeguard Glenn's updated blog pool match-ups --

1. Jackie - Ryan
2. Glenn - Natalie Eva Marie
3. Sue Gee - Natalie Eva Marie
4. Donna NY - Dina
5. Kelsey NY - Kato
6. Sally - Joey
7. Jennasmom - Tom
8. Bizaro22 - Kandi
9. Cheryl in NC - LoLo
10.Jennifer - Ricky
11. Monty924 - Tamar
12. TBC - Ryan
13. Itchy - Ryan
14, Marthalight - Tom
15. Joyce Johnson - Dina
16. Dr Celine - Kato
17. Gaylos - Joey
18. Merrilee - Natalie Eva Marie
19. Brian - Tom
20. Ayana - Kandi
21. CaelaXO - LoLo
22. Fred AKA Two Black Aces - Ricky
23. Janice - Tamar
24. Skyriver Blue - Lolo
25. Skyriver Gold - Ryan
26. Cherry Pie - Kato
27. Karen in CA - Kato
28. Sharon C - Joey
29. Judi Sweeney - Tom
30. Donna in FL. - Kandi
31, Sharon N - LoLo
32, Alicia in Tx - Tamar
33. ChaCha - Joey
34. David - Dina
35. Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky

36. Jenna G. - Natalie Eva Marie 

Are we ready? Let's rumble!

Okay, Julie didn't mention HoH. I don't see how they could fit it in anyway. We're into Previously On. 

Kato is about to find out that flipping on a friend is the least of his problems. We're talking Tamar. His plan is to backdoor Ryan.

Now Tamar is making drama about Kato saying that she should go home and be with her son, as well as be a maid. She thinks it's sexist. So, she lights into him. Joey takes Kato aside and tells him not to take the bait. Meanwhile, Dina is crying. Kato has no plans for her to go, but can only tell her she will be safe.

Drama Mama Tamar is still crying about her son. On and on.

Tom sings a coffee song. Weird, but better than Tamar drama.

Tamar goes to talk to Kato. He tells her he never meant to be malicious. He thought she had been crying because she missed her son. (It was the Kandi and other drama.) He tells us that Tamar isn't his target, Ryan is. But he can't tell her that. 

Tom thinks he and Kato should team up with Lolo and Natalie. He tells Kato they could run the house. Lolo just wants an alliance that will work! Kato wants to try telling them about the backdoor plan for Ryan. They think he's most likely to win and like the idea of backdooring him. 

Whether he heard them talking or not, Ryan is sure Kato wants to backdoor him. He's been thinking that every since he didn't get nominated. Joey has replaced Jonathan as Ryan's wingman and they're trying to think who will work with them. They both go to Kato asking if they should pack. Kato admits there's a chance and it's up to the veto. 

Tom, Natalie and Joey were the three chosen to play for veto.

And it's time! Worldwide Rollout. Launch own movie, roll ball along a globe. The ball in the highest number slot wins. It's a crap shoot. Random draw for order. 

Tom first. 35 million. 

Dina - zero
Kato - 15 million 
Natalie - zero
Tamar- 35 million
Joey - eliminated, didn't get the #

Tiebreaker -- 

Tom - 70 million
Tamar - I didn't see, but TOM wins the Power of Veto!

POV Meeting time!

No speeches by nominees.
Tom is saving Dina.

Kato puts Ryan on the block. He praises him and apologizes.

Live vote and eviction time.

Tamar - Thanks CBS, production, etc. Amazing time, laughing all the time even when fighting, love y'all, team player, would like to stay.
Ryan - Awesome, walking out with new friends, thankful, team player, want to keep playing, no hard feelings.

The votes to evict:

Joey - Tamar
Tom - Ryan
Lolo - Ryan
Into commercial ...
Dina - Ryan
Kandi - Ryan
Ricky - Ryan
Natalie - Ryan

As I expected and as per Kato's plan, Ryan is voted out.

Joey is already working on Kato to split up others. Lolo is crying about voting Ryan out? 

Ryan is gracious in the interview with Julie. He had a lot of fun and has made new friends.

America's Vote - can give one HG the power of the publicist. It allows the winner to take him/herself off the block once. It sounds like it's only Twitter voting.