Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, PoV Winner - Feb. 12

You gotta know when to hold, know when to fold

Am I still ticked that last night was a filler clips show? I mean, we're talking the penultimate show here and it was clips! There are only 13 episodes to the whole season and they wasted the one before the finale on that stuff?


Well, the live feeds were blocked for hours once again as the chamsters played out the veto comp. Lolo won, so it's all a bit too predictable now. I'm sure Dina and Kandi will remain on the block. The only two voting will be Tamar and Lolo. Tamar should push for Kandi to stay, but she herself can be a bit unpredictable. Ricky would be the tiebreaker if there is one needed. If it comes to that, I think he'd probably keep Kandi because he has more connection with her than he has with Dina.

I think we all realize who the final three will be.

'nuff said.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Clips Show Blog Party - Feb. 11

This is what happens when they only have 13 episodes on television. Tonight they're jamming in the last HoH, Nominations, apparently a live Veto and Eviction. 

I'll be live blogging and updating this entry constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please stop in and join the fun!

Here are Lifeguard Glenn's latest blog pool standings --

Donna NY - Dina
Bizaro22 - Kandi
Cheryl in NC - Lolo
Jennifer - Ricky
Monty924 - Tamar
Joyce Johnson - Dina
Ayana - Kandi
CaelaXO - Lolo
Fred AKA Two Aces - Ricky
Janice - Tamar
Skyriver Blue - Lolo
Donna in FL - Kandi
Sharon N - Lolo
Alicia in Tx - Tamar
David - Dina
Renee Buck/Renee from NJ - Ricky

Buckle in … turbulence ahead!

Well, after the Previously On segment, that is.

Tamar is an excited gal. Who woulda thunk that? Lolo is lamenting the loss of Natalie, but says now she's playing for the both of them. Kandi is just thrilled to still be in the house. She kind of trusts Dina and Tamar, but will depend on herself.

They have a champagne breakfast when the doorbell rings. It's Mark McGrath from CBB1. Lots of small talk, talk of the Mooch and flashbacks. More small talk. (Have we got time for this?) More flashbacks.

More and more flashbacks. I might be wrong on all they SHOULD cover tonight. I guess it's a Whatever Show. I really prefer more organization in these things.

Kato trying to make Ricky laugh, Tamar and Lolo arguing over sea bass. Flashback after flashback.

Ack. My apologies … but I just can't live blog a clips show. I should have looked more into what was supposed to be on tonight. Now they'll really have to cram everything in two hours on the Wednesday night finale.

Finally to the start of the HoH comp which was days ago. Marissa is there and it's set up in a theater theme. It's her musical. Horn sounds hit button to operate music box, fly to get puzzle pieces, all timed. They're dressed as bats.

And, we just get the start of the comp.

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds Into Monday, Feb. 11

Kandi needs to stay!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Why Are They Celebrities?:
  • Still no Power of Veto Comp -- it should be today.
  • Kandi and Dina are now referring to themselves as Frick and Frack, a term previously used for Tom and Kato.
  • The biggest news was that they (and we) watched really brief videos from their loved ones.
  • Er, well … Lolo's was actually from her training partner.
  • She said her mother is camera shy. Now, if it's true, I can actually believe that. Apparently a smart woman, she's avoiding the BB publicity at any cost as Lolo's mom!
  • Tamar's little boy is indeed adorable and certainly wasn't camera shy.
  • He came across as a lot more mellow than his Mom!
  • They have no clue what the comps ahead will be so they're studying days, items in the house and more.
  • Although it's Kandi and Dina on the block and one could immediately leave, the others all realize they're down to two days left.
  • They're already talking like the house is a past memory!
  • They're all in a state of packing it up.
  • Not much game talk at all went on.
  • Everything game hinges on the veto. 
  • Unless she pulls off a miracle and wins veto, I'm thinking it will be Dina going home.
  • However, I also think the big threat to win would be Kandi.
  • I wouldn't mind seeing her win it at all!

Often mellow, always devious

Impressive attire? Um. No.

If they don't get her out ...

Watching the loved ones videos

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Let's Talk Survivor 38 ... Edge of Extinction

Celebrity Big Brother will have its season finale this Wednesday, February 13. The next Wednesday, the 20th, will be the latest incarnation of Survivor premiering! There will be four returning players and fourteen newbies. While the premise sounds a bit like Exile Island, apparently it's not. After CBB ends, I'll be delving into the new castaways. Lifeguard Laurie has volunteered to run the blog pool once again -- expect a sign-up post for that on Wednesday -- do NOT ask on this here post!

To give us a taste, I'm posting some of the Jeff Probst and premiere tease videos. Survivor fans ready?

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds, Nominations into Sunday Feb. 10

Boring much there?

Here's the latest from inside that Celebrity Big Brother House of Predictability:
  • The snoozefest yesterday and into last night was only shattered by the occasional blocked live feeds.
  • So … the alliance of Ricky, Lolo and (somewhat but they don't really know that) Tamar rule the roost with Dina and Kandi as the likely targets of Ricky, the HoH.
  • Yup.
  • He nominated Kandi and Dina for eviction.
  • Now, if I were in the house (and playing better than I actually would in real life), I'd want to sit next to Dina in the Final Two for a sure win.
  • The heck with taking a strong player to the end! If I did that, I would probably lose to the strong player!
  • Tamar told Ricky she'd vote the way he wishes.
  • Ricky and Tamar also discussed their precious ally Lolo. Tamar thinks they need to get her out or she will win the show. Ricky told her that if Dina or Kandi came off the block, he'd put Lolo up. Prior to their talk, Ricky mentioned that if one of the nominees wins the veto, he'd have no choice but to put one of them up. Well, duh. It's down to five!
  • Hmm.
  • Blocked to the live feeds, Mark McGrath made a visit. Hosting a comp? It doesn't really seem so. But he was there. That's the word on the street. Er, in the house.
  • Dina is sure that she will be the one going home unless a miracle occurs and she wins the veto. 
  • She thinks none of the others like her.
  • Oh my. I doubt it's dislike. As a person, she's certainly pleasant and likable. As a chamster, she's a fish out of water, though.
  • So, there's where we stand.
  • It's quite likely that, unless the nominees change with the veto, Dina will be the next chamster out.
  • I think Lolo and Tamar will both honor Ricky's decision which one will go.
  • I also believe Ricky has a bit of a soft spot for Kandi and he definitely spends more time with her than with Dina.
  • And that's that.

Boomf! He died of boredom

Count on Tamar to wake him up!