Friday, September 11, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Friday Evening, Nominations - Sept. 11


"It's time for someone with powers to flex them."

May we never forget the events of September 11, 2001.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Irreverent Idjits:

  • As you know or should know from my last post, Dani won the HoH.
  • Now, remember ... she always talks of making big moves. Will she do so?
  • She also holds the BB Basement power that allows the HoH to play for HoH the next week when they usually have to sit out.
  • She hasn't said anthing about that yet. I guess it gets invoked (if she uses it) on Thursday.
  • Dani spent part of last night and most of today talking to each and every fellow hamster.
  • She didn't tell them that she already knew what she wanted to do.
  • Well, she told a few in her inner circle that she wanted to put up two pawns, then backdoor "someone" after veto.
  • Kevin balked at the thought of once again being used as a pawn. He told Dani if he gets evicted she will lose his vote if she makes it to the end.
  • To be honest, I don't see her making it to the end. But I see more that Kevin does. With all the feeds blocks, I don't see as much as I should see!
  • So ... who is her secret backdoor target if a pawn comes down?
  • Tyler.
  • She feels she needs to backdoor him, striking before he can get her out.
  • It seems that certain hamsters must have been talked to about mocking Ian because of his mannerisms due to his autism. Of course, it took a TMZ article to bring it about, but ...!
  • While Nicole was definitely a part of the mocking and doesn't know she's losing sponsor contracts due to it, her alliances with both Ian and Dani will keep Ian out of even the pawn crosshairs this week.
  • Dani ended up putting two more POC on the block this week. Yeah, supposedly as pawns to get a white boy out, but not the best move to make these days.
  • Dani nominated Kevin and David.
  • Since the yard opened up for them today -- it's usually closed from the Thursday night HOH until Sunday after the POV is set up and dismantled -- there is speculation over what tomorrow's POV will be.
  • They think it might be the Hide and Go Seek comp in which they hide vetos inside the house then make a disaster of the house looking for them.
  • In a rare non-blocked production mention Nicole told Ian she doesn't know if they can do that because usually each competitor goes in, hides their veto and they're followed by a production member who takes eacj veto and re-hides each one after the other competitors have come through. That keeps them from finding the veto while hiding theirs or hiding them in the same place.
  • I did not know that.
  • In other news, they have an ant attack going on in the kitchen.
  • Oh, wait, that's not news.
  • So ... we're going into confusion with an open yard and two pawns -- David and Kevin -- on the block.
  • David has not invoked his power which could remove him from the block. As far as I understand it, he would have to do it at nominations ceremony. He didn't. I'm so confused.
  • Maybe he thinks he's safe. Maybe he thinks he wasn't going on the block and didn't think he would be.
  • Maybe he did use it and it won't be announced until before veto. 
  • I just don't know.
  • But what he doesn't know is that Dani has said if no one comes down, she would want David gone before Kevin went.


I've seen her not wear it a lot

Not in danger with Dani

I will talk with all, then do my plan

Dani doesn't know Enzo is onto her

I'm expendable again?!?!

We all know she's safe this week

At least Dani wants men out!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds HOH Endurance Comp Updates - Sept. 10

 Once the live feeds return, I will be updating this post to get you the latest news. Refresh the page for updates!

Or not as this is what I get when I go to the site: 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable

We’re currently experiencing site issues, but are working hard to fix them. Please check back shortly.

918pm ET - Site still down for me. I checked on Twitter. Massive down. Great timing.

I see on Twitter Da'Vonne fell.

9:21pm ET I finally have feeds

9:25pm ET - It looks like Da'Vonne is the only one out. They keep talking to Mike, one of the comp guys. No one seems to be telling them to stop.

As usual, the wall is doing the tilting forward, rain and goop is being sprayed at them.

9:30pm ET Quad Cam

9:42pm ET - Julie was right. This is an epic. The most epically boring wall comp they've ever had on the show. I wonder how Da'Vonne managed to fall before CBS fixed the site. No shaking them, nothing. Just the tilt, rain.

9:48pm ET - David is down. Something went wrong with his hand (slipped? Hurt?)

9:53pm ET - Ian and Memphis both down, Ian first. So, Ian, David and Da'Vonne will be Have Nots.

10:01pm ET - Enzo down.

10:07pm ET - Kevin down.

10:16pm ET - Tyler down. Only Cody, Nicole and Dani remain on the wall.

10:22pm ET - Nicole down followed almost immediately by Cody.


And I'm outta here!

BB22: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 10


Good evening! I hope everyone is safe and well. 

Tonight we will see either Bayleigh or Da'Vonne sent home. I believe tonight's HoH comp is either endurance like a wall comp or just plain lengthy like a slip and slide. I think we'll see the start of it on the show, but most will take place after the live show ends here on the East Coast. I'm not sure if it will be shown on the live feeds as they have blocked so much and so weirdly this year. If it's on the live feeds, I'll create a separate post to cover the action.

You can check in on Lifeguard SueGee's blog pool update at this here linked post.

I will be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please join in on the fun! 

Previously on segment ... we don't talk about this!

Ohh, we will get a brouhaha and they promise the beginning of an "epic" endurance comp. It's Day 37.

But first ... a tense veto meeting leaves everyone looking for answers. Well, that's what she said. Christmas tells us that she will not let Tyler leave. Da'Vonne is not happy.

Bayleigh thinks Tyler tricked them when he volunteered to go up and out. Christmas is stuck on the untouchable bit. Bayleigh went and told her that Da'Vonne is her untouchable and that's how this all started although I think Christmas would have put them on the block anyway.

Bayleigh feels she got Day in this spot. She did. Day talks to Christmas and tells her that she has no reason to put Tyler up and that Bayleigh is the one who's after him. Christmas tells her that she is her ally and wants her in the house. Da'Vonne nods but tells us she's done with Christmas.

Tyler tells Da'Vonne that Christmas wouldn't let him go up and he will vote to keep her. Enzo tells David that he would prefer Bayleigh stay while David tells us the same.

Cody gets called to the Diary Room where he's told the news that his grandfather died via a letter. He died on Labor Day. Cody is in tears and the show is really sucky to exploit his pain, IMO.

Christmas goes on about Bayleigh being upset in front of Da'Vonne. Day tries to convince her that Bay feels hurt because she thought Christmas was a friend or ally. Christmas isn't really listening to anything Day says. After all, Christmas is the victim in all of this. Their voices are getting raised but only to a low kerfuffle level.

Uh-oh. Bay is told. Da'Vonne walks away and Bay comes in. Ian is stuck in the shower without a towel while this is going on in the bathroom. Day goes out in the yard and cries about she didn't want people to sit there and say that's what they expected of her to go angry.

Meanwhile, Bay and Christmas are at high Kerfuffle Level. Oh! Brouhaha! In each other's face. Day doesn't want to be portrayed as an angry ghetto Black girl and thinks she's blown her game. 

Christmas is livid and, of course, none of this is her fault.

To the living room --
Day -- Thank you, loves kid, BLM, lot of BB in her. Love Bay.
Bay -- Second Day, you're doing a good job, won't take it personal, love Day.

The votes to evict:
Dani - Bay
Ian - Bay
Cody - Bay
Enzo - Bay
To commercial ... 
Tyler - Bay
David - Bay
Memphis - Bay
Nicole - Bay
Kevin - Bay

Another unanimous vote and Bayleigh can escape the madness. She did so much better this season. She was expecting the exit tonight and left with grace, dignity and hugs for all. She handles the interview with Julie very well.

HoH comp start. It's a wall. Julie tells them the five evicted have been sent home and they're all on the jury. The wall is PowerTrip and it's a billboard setting. First three to fall off will be Have Nots. Julie says it will play out on the live feeds so I will get a separate post up to cover it.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

BB22: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 9


Who will win the Power of Veto? Can/will any of those whacko powers from the BB Basement come into play and throw a wrench into things? I guess we'll see!

I will be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

Previously on and on and on ...

We pick up on the action after the veto meeting adjourns. We're promised an unseen series of events. Hmm.

Christmas tells us she has to break up Bay/Day as they are a powerful duo. Bayleigh tells Da'Vonne that she wants to go home and Day needs to stay. But she cries to us about her broken heart. Da'Vonne seems a bit disappointed that Bayleigh seems ready to give up. They need to fght! Tears. Tears.

David tells us he won't be using his power to save one of them. He wants to save it in case he needs it. Maybe he is learning the game!

Now Christmas is crying. You know she is distraught that she had to make the nominations. She tells us that although Bayleigh thinks it's personal, it's not. They are not part of her alliance.

Day goes to Dani to try to squash the issues they have because someone has been saying they're targeting each other. Dani denies it but is upset that Tyler opened his mouth. She tells Nicole that Tyler needs to be backdoored. Nicole isn't really aboard with that because he is in one of her many alliances. Dani really wants him out and goes to Christmas. Christmas does not want to target him but thinks it will be a problem.

Veto player random draw time! Christmas draws Nicole F (like the F is needed now). Day gets Dani while Bay draws Ian.

Ian tells us he didn't want to play veto because he's unwell. He's barely slept in two days and his heart seems to be racing. He will talk to BB about it. Dani thinks if she wins the veto and saves Day, Day will like her and Tyler might go up.

Veto comp. David hosts. There's a track set up in the yard. Brain has to move as fast as your feet. They have to start when numbers added on a screen equal 13.Medics say Ian cannot compete. It's the Madcathalon -- with each one eliminated claiming a prize. Others later eliminated can swap the prizes.

Da'Vonne false start first, eliminated. Power of veto won.
Second race -- Bayleigh out. Fitness prize/slop pass. Trades for the veto.
Third race -- Dani out. Slopiard unitard -- trades for the slop pass
Fourth race -- Nicole out -- $5,000 -- trades for the costume Slopitard
Christmas wins! -- triathelete prize, 500 laps -- trades for the veto

So, Christmas wins the Power of Veto.

Ian is feeling better. Nicole is called to the Diary Room for her costume. It's huge and reminiscent of a giant cereal box.

Tyler is not feeling well. He's losing weight and feels pressured. He doesn't want to be stuck in jury. He feels very down and talks to Bay and Day. He tells us he feels it's his fault the house is against Bay and Day. He apologizes to them, tells them he's been struggling, he feels bad and wants to win but do it the right way. He wants to stand for something bigger. He tells them he wants to ask Christmas to use the veto and put him on the block, vote him out. His voice is cracking as he talks but he is wearing sunglasses so you can't see his eyes. 

He goes off to talk to Christmas. What he tells her is pretty much what he told them. She balks at the thought. He doesn't feel comfortable with either Bay or Day going home. He tells her they deserve to stay there more than he does. She balks.

She tells us she doesn't know what she will do. She is shocked at the idea of backdooring Tyler. She says to him -- I'll do what I want to do. 

Bayleigh is skeptical that Tyler is just saying he wants to do that for television. She tells Da'Vonne her concerns. They try to figure out votes for either of them to stay. Da'Vonne thinks they need to make sure Christmas knows they won't come after her if they stay. 

Christmas tells us that she doesn't want to lose Tyler to Bayleigh. Christmas tells Tyler that Bayleigh is after him. She thinks Bayleigh is a dangerous player. Now he tells us he might be having second thoughts. Christmas says it's her choice as she is HOH and PoV holder.

Veto meeting time. Christmas does NOT use the veto. Bayleigh and Da'Vonne remain on the block. Bayleigh wants her to share her "untouchable" and she refuses. NO. Tyler says since Bayleigh said she would go after him, he's glad he stayed.

BB22: Live Feeds into Wednesday Afternoon - Sept. 9


Schemin' demons

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mean Meerkats:

  • Wait ... I guess that's unduly cruel to meerkats.
  • Things have calmed down in the Bay/Day/Christmas and sometimes Tyler drama.
  • Tyler did not get involved in any of the shouting matches.
  • His involvement stems from whether he's lying or not about not being able to volunteer to go on the block and go home to save both Bay and Day.
  • I'm not sure.
  • I actually think that Christmas has a more uncaring ability about her than does Tyler.
  • However, Tyler has certainly proved that he doesn't really know when he should shut up when he's trying to befriend/ally with some folks.
  • Bayleigh seems to be more accepting of the fact that it will be her leaving tomorrow night.
  • No brouhahas.
  • Cody got called into the Diary Room last night and was told that he grandfather died.
  • Of course, just like dating back to 9/11 with Monica's (BB2) cousin missing and Frankie's grandfather, no phone call was allowed to talk to the family. They do seem to be given the choice to quit and go home in these circumstances. However, a monitored phone call would probably help mentally in such a situation.
  • Once word got around about his grandfather, his fellow hamsters were consoling and willing to give him some time to grieve.
  • It's too bad BB didn't feel the same way. They kept following him around with the cameras forever. Dang. Leave him alone for a bit. 
  • In other news, both Memphis and Dani made disparaging remarks about Ian's autism and rocking.
  • Insensitive jerkfaces!
  • Adults shouldn't be mocking and laughing at people who are different. That's a third grade move.
  • Trust me, I'd rather be stuck in a house with Ian over either Memphis or Dani.
  • I've actually been surprised at how well Enzo is doing this season. His social game was decent in his original season, but it's nothing short of stunning this season. His comp win in his original season was just the OTEV veto. Now he seems to be on a streak. I doubt he'll win this season. But, compared to many others (Dani, Kevin, Memphis and more), I wouldn't feel let down.
  • I think Enzo is playing the social game Tyler WANTS to play.
  • That's all for now ...

Trying, but still out of his league

BB - Leave him be for a bit!

Can't erase that target

Insensitive jerkface 

Doesn't deserve to be mocked