Friday, February 04, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Live Feeds into Friday, Feb. 4


A thrill a minute!

We didn't have to wait until Friday for an update on the delay of the live feeds. And, we apparently missed a brouhaha of some sort. Or, at the very least, a severe kerfuffle. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dubious Celebrity Statuses:
  • The live feeds delay wasn't a technical issue. 
  • It seems that, for some sort of misbehavior, Chris Kirkpatrick was sent out of the house overnight to a hotel.
  • Were they thinking of removing him permanently?
  • And, does it all have something to do with various references about Mirai's claim that one man in the house was making her "uncomfortable"?
  • Was there TOUCHING? 
  • Oh my.
  • I do not really know as the feeds were not on.
  • But there was something. Something happened.
  • They were aware when the feeds went live. I really wish they'd just leave them in the dark about that.
  • We know from the shows that Miesha won HOH and nominated Carson (as a pawn) and Mirai (initially as a pawn but she went around spilling secrets) with a Backdoor Teddi plan in hand.
  • They have already held their Power of Veto Comp.
  • The greatest laid plans of Miesha and men have been knocked akilter but kinda sorta what she wanted.
  • CARSON won the Power of Veto.
  • So, now it's Mirai and Teddi on the block.
  • Teddi is steaming about being backdoored with no chance to save herself with the veto.
  • She was dwelling on it almost every time I saw her -- ranting about how cowardly an act it was on Miesha's part.
  • Although a group of them are a bit displeased with Mirai's actions and lack of loyalty, they do seem to be leaning to evicting Teddi.
  • In other news, we dealt last season with Derek F playing dumb and evoting people off. Well, Lamar has his own Lamarisms but his are due to lack of knowledge about the game. According to him tonight they will veto the eviction! Heehee.
  • Several are talking about Carson's huge target growing on his back. They were already worried about his most excellent social game but were unaware that he might be able to win comps.
  • In more other news, they're calling their Diary Room sessions "interviews." Hmm. BB kept them up until the wee hours "interviewing" them.
  • In even more other news, they seem to have a large supply of booze.
  • Remember -- we have a two-hour show tonight 8PM-10PM ET/PT which will include a live eviction and expose whatever curse that handbag-hat holds.

Ohh ... did they almost say "Bye-bye-bye" to him?

Lamar eats a lot. Chris sleeps a lot.

What side of the house do I side with?

To me, she looks a bit Kardashian-esque.
Maybe it's the Botox.

Not just a social butterfly!

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Feb. 3 Nominations Show Blog Party


I just don't know. While I wasn't overly impressed with last night's season premiere, mainly because I really don't know most of the celebs, I thought I'd have some insight from the live feeds going into tonight's episode. Nope. The live feeds are "delayed" and we should check back on Friday. 

So, going into tonight's episode, all I really know is some kind of power will be introduced, Miesha is HoH and promised Todrick safety because she likes him, she doesn't like Teddi so much and wouldn't promise her safety, Carson knows everybody, Chris Kattan is desperately trying to be funny, Todd Bridges and Mirai seem to be the most sane there, I'm not the only one who gets NKOTB and NSYNC confused, etc.

I guess we'll see what tonight has to offer. On a sidenote, I looked up the cast for the new Survivor type "celeb" show Beyond the Edge and don't know most of them either. I know Jodie Sweetin as a kid from Full House. And, get this ... I know World Metta Peace from Celebrity BB1. Wasn't he the whiner who wanted to go home and quit? Oh, yeah. Let's just cast him on more shows!

Well, let's get this show on the road (so to speak) ... I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously on is trying to make it all just so exciting! We pick up the action as they come in from playing for HOH. Of course, they all want to know what is in that Gala box.

Miesha wants Todrick to be in an athletic alliance -- her, Todrick, Lamar. Then Chris Kirkpatrick wants to be in with him, too. Now Mirai and Teddi want him? Cynthia is also "popular" with alliance seekers.

Mirai and Teddi have joined Gays and Girls. Now Carson wants to call it Formation. 

Chris Kattan can't sleep because Todd is snoring. Uh-oh, many are awake due to it. However, he remains popular as they all enjoy a whacked tattoo he has.

Now they're talking Kardashian/Lamar ex-marriage. Yawnsers.

Miesha wants to build relationships before she nominates anyone. although Todd and Chris Kattan have been brought up, she really wants Teddi to go home. She doesn't trust her.

They have to gather in the living room to open the Gala Gift. It looks like a costume; a dramatic voice says the person who has it will be untouchable. Designer Mon Won? -- it's a hat. They pass the hat around and the last one who has it will be safe. It's down to either Shanna or Cynthia will be safe. Cynthia doesn't want it, Shanna does.


Whoa, according to the card read even if you're not nominated, you could go home. Hmm. The Mon Won curse.

Teddi has figured out that Miesha is going to target her. Miesha recruits Mirai for the strong alliance. She tells her that she wants Teddi out. But then she asks Mirai if she would go up as a pawn.

Mirai tells Teddi that Miesha is targeting her and may backdoor her because she thinks she's a threat. Teddi tells Todrick. He wants to tell Miesha. He tells her.

Teddi tries to deal with Miesha saying if she doesn't put her up, she (Teddi) won't nominate her.

Now Miesha goes to Carson promising him safety but he would go on the block as a pawn.

Time for the nominations. First she nominates Mirai, then Carson. Marai fierce competitor. Carson amazing social game.

Two-hour eviction show tomorrow night. 8-10PM ET/PT.

Celebrity BB3: Live Feeds Non-Report

 The live feeds were supposed to start when the show ended last night. Well, that's not happening. Instead, we got this:

Friday?!?! That's missing almost the whole first week of a three-week show!

In more fun news, I saw BB23's Derek Xiao on Twitter say: "They better not target Mirai or I will have to break into the house and we'll start The Takeout!"

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

The Amazing Race 33: February 2 Episode Blog Party


So, we're heading into the third episode of the delayed post-pandemic (more like post severe death-laden pandemic) race. Four teams couldn't return. The two teams Philiminated prior to the filming break returned. One team, first out before, was first out again in the reset. The other team, second out before would have been second out again had it not been a non-Philimination leg. Arun and Natalia better get their navigational skills working if they want to stay!

With the new Covid protocols in action, there will no longer be long gaps between teams after a leg ends. Since they have their own private jet for the show, all the teams have to bunch up for the flight. When they head out on the new leg, they have 15-minute increments between them dependent on their Pit Stop arrival times. One kind of interesting thing about them not running through airports and purchasing tickets is that the teams have no idea where the flights will take them.

Since my blog pool team was eliminated first twice (Mike and Moe), I'm personally supporting Team Holderness -- Kim and Penn. What a breath of fresh air with those two! Although I think they're a strong team, they have stronger competition. They may not win but I will enjoy watching them as long as they are in the race.

Since last week was non-Philimination, Lifeguard SueGee had it easy with the pool --

Kim & Penn -- chrob61, Donna in AL, Jennifer
Akbar & Sheri -- Indiana Jane, Nickelpeed, Krysta
Raquel & Cayla -- Brenda, Skyriverblue, Marlo L
Lulu & Lala --Debbie, Judi Sweeney, SueGee
Dusty & Ryan -- Mike Barer, Willie J, PDX Granny
Arun & Natalia -- Glenn, Jennasmom

Mike & Moe

I will be live blogging the show, updating this entry with the major events, as it airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun and discussion!

Are you ready? Let's GO!

Teams are getting on their plane, destination unknown. We know they're going to the French island of Corsica. After arriving, they will have to head to its capital.

Depart in three groups every 15 minutes. Teams head to the Belvidere(?) and must get their next clue and a huge thing of goats' milk. 

Detour - Say Cheese -- making three baskets of cheese or Mules -- strapping cannisters on, make a trip without spilling the milk. Dusty and Ryan (one of them) know how to make cheese. Penn/Kim choose mule. Ohh ... Dusty and Ryan are not happy with the cheese making, one wants to stay, the other wants to switch to Mule.

Kim/Penn finished with Mule (Penn named him Duke) first and are in the lead heading for the next clue. Heh, several teams have passed the guys! Even Akbar/Sheri passed them. They decide to switch and their vehicle won't go. Oh my.

Roadblock - Who wants to make a splash? Penn does it for their team. They have to repel, swim guided by the rope, slide down rapids, etc. to find the clue. Other teams are going in it at the same time, but Penn was alone. They must have had quite the lead.

Pit Stop is next! They have to pump up a kayak and take it to the next Pit Stop. Ryan passes out Akbar. It looks like it might be the end of the line for local to me team Akbar/Sheri. They just aren't in shape to do this!

Pit Stop order ...

1. Penn/Kim - won $5,000 each
2. Raquel/Cayla
3. Dusty/Ryan
4. Arun/Natalia
5. Lulu/Lala
6. Akbar/Sheri -- Philiminated

Celebrity BB3: Season Premiere Blog Party


This is going to be a rather short but overly scheduled season. I posted the schedule over on this here linked post for your perusal. As with all BB seasons, I will be covering live feeds with regular reports. That said, I haven't seen any announcements about when the feeds will go live. They have a countdown link running on the live feeds window that seems to time up with the show itself.

As is typical with "celebrity" reality shows, these are not top-level celebrities and some (if not most) you will not know. I posted a cast list with photos on this page. One good thing, in my opinion anyway, is that the cast is skewing older than regular seasons. Older hamsters tend to have a totally different mindset than the kids they usually cast. It's just a shame they make them think they're celebrities.

Lifeguard SueGee is working double duty and put together the blog pool, randomly assigning each pool participant to a celebhamster:

Cynthia Bailey: Indiana Jane, Glenn Allen
Todd Bridges: Donna in Alabama, Jackie
Todrick Hall: Chrob61, Monty924
Chris Kattan: Skyriverblue, Rich in Buffalo
Chris Kirkpatrick: Judi Sweeney, CherryPie
Carson Kressley: Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Teddi Mellencamp: JonMD1267, Krysta
Shanna Moakley: SueGee, Caela
Mirai Nagasu: Clover, Dr_Celine
Lamar Odum: Jennasmom, Marthlight
Miesha Tate: David, Sharon N.

I will be live-blogging the show the best I can as it airs here on the East Coast. The best I can means that I might not get the names down right even though they are such HUGE celebrities. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

Hamster watchers ready?

94 cameras. 104 microphones. Ack. There is a chessboard. I hate watching them play chess. Julie is in a deep red dress with floofy shoulders, sleeves and a ruffle of floof around the hem. They will move in the house one at a time due to Covid.

Carson Kressley moves in first. He claims he thinks he's a liked celebrity and not a villain ... yet. Cynthia Bailey (whom I do not know) arrives next. They know each other. Chris Kirkpatrick arrives, Cynthia does not know him until he mentions NSYNC. Shanna Moakley next. So far Carson knows all of them.

Todd Bridges is next. Mirai comes in. If these celebhamsters are like regular hamsters, she's going to be eaten alive. Chris Kattan arrives. Most would probably know him as Mango from SNL. To commercial as we need four more to enter the house. Julie tells us there will be a Head of House comp.

Todrick arrives. I will say he's a bit of a cutie-patootie. But I wouldn't know who he is if not for Twitter and his allowing BB23 cast hamsters to stay at his house for weeks. Miesha Tate arrives. Chris Kirkpatrick is a fan of hers. I am not. I never heard of her before this. Teddi Mellencamp is next. Lamar Odum is the last one in. Shanna is worried because she may have called his fiancé a donkey on national television. He's 6'9" -- oh my!

It bugs me that there are two named Chris and they both have the same last initial.

Carson wants to start a Girls and Gays Alliance. 

Julie calls them to the living room. She explains the game to them. There will be two evictions a week. They have to change into their "formalwear" and head to the backyard as we head to commercial.

BB Winter Gala wearing designs from BB Desgner. Peacocks, unicorns and all sorts of bizarre. Needs a Master of Ceremonies to volunteer. That person cannot compete, will not be safe from eviction. Todd does it. 

They have to climb on swings and will be raised up into the air. Fall off and will be eliminated. Todd calls out paparazzi to the left, then right. They have to turn to look. Chris Kattan out first. Then Cynthia. Then it snows. Shanna out, Lamar out.

Ew. Golden caviar dumped on them. Chris Kirkpatrick out. Crackers dumped on them. Carson out.

Confetti now. Mirai out. Todrick tries to deal for safety with Miesha, she agrees, he drops. Teddi tries to deal and doesn't get the same deal. She did it for Todrick because she likes him. Teddi drops anyway.

MIESHA is the first HOH!

Into commercial after Julie tells us Miesha won't be the only one with power this week.

New power up for grabs this week. It's inside the gala gift. It will be a blessing for one, a curse for others.

Show tomorrow night at 9PM ET/PT. Nominees will be er ... nominated. New power exposed. Two hours on Friday -- eviction.

I'm thinking the live feeds will start tonight. Expect a morning report.