There are a lot of questions about the proposed Coup D'etat (which is a French term meaning to overthrow a leader or government) and the return of ghost houseguests from the past. From what I see, one has nothing to do with the other. The houseguests from the past will play into tomorrow night's live show HOH comp while the Coup D'etat will be introduced, but not necessarily affecting tomorrow night's eviction. While the HG know something is up with past houseguests due to ghostly appearances of Bunky, Jase, Alison and Eric (Cappy, not the Other Eric), they know nothing of the Coup D'etat. They'll presumably find out when we do... tomorrow night. Celebrity Spider has a little press release write-up about things.
Here are the day's events so far in that Big Brother House of Misdirection and Possible Production Posings:
- BB tried to arouse the HG before 9 AM their time. I fainted.
- Will kept talking about his DR sessions, so we kept getting flame/clouds and way too loud show theme music. Okay! Okay! I'm awake! Knock it off! Apparently he was told he won't be asked any more questions on the live show due to his condescending "sweetheart" remark to Julie Chen. Or, he could be lying about it all. I don't know. He's calling her ChenBot, though. He must peek at all the sites!
- Marcellas and Danielle trashtalked Janelle to start their day. How sweet, huh?
- Danielle eavesdropped by the door as Mike and Kaysar discussed "what if" strategical moves and Will's brouhaha over the Diary Room sessions.
- Kaysar told Mike that James can be used by Danielle more than he (Kaysar) can. He also mentioned that James said the next target was Chill Town. Mike seemed very interested, though it could be a ploy.
- Janelle went and told Will (who's sure to tell Mike) that she can't play for Veto next week. [Editor's note: So, now her secret is known by Kaysar, Howie and Will. She may as well tell James and Marcellas next. Or, better yet, ask BB to put it up on their plasma screen.]
- Will told her that everyone already knew she couldn't. [Editor's note: They might have, but I don't recall hearing anyone outside of Janelle actually talking about it. I'm sure folks know now or will soon.]
- Will kept insulting CBS, producers and their minions, and more. We kept getting flames.
- James is the latest to see a face in a mirror - he thinks it was Eric. He thinks it's a real person, not a hologram and not just a face.
- Danielle told Marcellas that Will asked her how to vote and she told him it didn't matter - as long as one of those [bleepers!] leaves.
- Will reported his discussions back to Danielle. All of them. Janelle has no Veto playing for this week, Erika is running around telling people that Danielle wants James to stay. He also told Danielle that James needs to act more nervous. [Editor's note: James' acting sucks. The S6 crowd are onto him and Danielle.]
- Danielle decided that James has to go into high-campaign gear for cover. [Editor's note: @@ - a bit too late!]
- James tried to talk Howie into voting for him... again. Will it work? I doubt it. Howie isn't too bright, but knows he's in better straits with Kaysar than with James.
- Howie SO wants to see a ghost. Poor Big Boy!
- Marcellas said he thinks the ghosts mean nothing. I'm assuming he means as far as a HG returning. Obviously, there's some reason behind them, right? We know, but the HG don't! Nyah, nyah!
- They've been on an outdoor lockdown for hours now. They have the HOH digital camera to play with, but nothing else is really happening. Lockdowns where they're all basically in one place limit strategy talks.
Graphic by Zoetawny.
So Erika sees Allison (her Season Enemy)
James sees Eric (his season Enemy)
These may not be the houseguests returning but it may just signify ghosts from previous seasons or just simply the past will be reappearing.
Jackie, no matter how entertaining or not they are in the house, your blog always makes me laugh. You even spice up the boring moments. You really have a gift and I thank you for sharing it with us. The houseguests ought to give you a shout out for making them often more interesting than they really are.
Jackie when do the HG cast their votes to evict? And is this going to be live like last week?
hey jackie...i think i read james and danielle were discussing how janelle can't play in pov next week and they don't know why she's lying about it already. previous to will telling danielle. so yeah, basically everyone had already figured it out...she still shouldn't have told will and confirmed it though.
I forgot to mention something about Tuesday's show that I just remembered. Janelle picked Marci to play with her for Veto because she stated (on air) that neither Kay or How would commit to her. What is up with that, Jackie? They both would be for Jan no matter what, I would think, so did they think that move fooled James? I never did see how close Janelle won the Veto by..did anyone? I would think she needed to give up the next week Veto to be in the house next week. But, don't know. Thank you Jackie. I agree you make these folks sound fun and some days they need a lot of help to do that. I hope the hgs are taking notes on all the sightings, so they can remember it all when they need the info. Sue
I wonder if the mistake Season 6 HG made was going to Chilltown to make deals instead of the Floaters. I am thinking if they had linked with MOST of the floaters and joined their alliances a few weeks ago, they could have united to get rid of Chilltown.
Perhaps that is what James is trying to do now and be such a snake about..trying to be part of both alliances. But I also worry tht CT seems to really be quite loyal to Danielle..but then CT will do whatever CT wants. I do think those 2 even care about an alliance other than themselves.
I think it is a huge waste of time to deal with CT at all....if only the floaters and Sov would align to take out CT.....Kaysar might not be doing home...I am trying to think of some way Kaysar could stay..I am bummed. I fear he is evicted then this coup and other events before and after HOH competition. I think it is too late for Kaysar. Sadly!
Hey, guys! The Janelle 'pregnancy' thing is no big deal... it was just a case of late night munchies and a bag of chips and Janelle telling a (slop starved) Kaysar that "...I'm SO hungry! I can't stop eating, maybe I'm pregnant." That turned into a talk in the kitchen about it, but not at all seriously, and not as a ploy of any kind.
Jackie, your writing is so excellent... when life is unexciting, I come to the computer and throw the Live Feed on and sit back and relax and catch up with your blog... I love it! Hope your knee isn't giving you too much trouble this summer... thanks for being so dedicated to this silly thing! FUN!! Your Big Fan, Robin in Manchester
Bethany - It's live voting tomorrow. I believe Julie said it will be live the rest of the season.
Sue - I know Kaysar told her he couldn't commit to using it. I didn't physically see Howie say the same, but I think he did from various references. I don't believe they mentioned on the show how much she won it by and the HG don't have a clue. All they know is the winner needed 50 points and she had 55.
And, thanks all!
Veto comp is only played by the two nominees, plus the HOH and each get one more person to play with them, totaling 6. Only time all get to play is for HOH (except current HOH). I thought the rest of the hg used to get to go watch the POV competition, but it seems they haven't allowed that the last couple of times.
Jackie, didn't james win the power to reverse a nomination? If so, that means he can take himself off the block, right? Please clear that up for me.....No one seems to be talking about that.
Tamwrite - James can nullify one vote and I'm not sure whether it's before the votes are revealed or not. It will only work in his favor if the vote is very close and he knocks it into a tie, then if Danielle chooses him to stay with a HOH tiebreaker vote.
Maybe im the last to realize this...but the reason why the faces of houseguests are returning is because the remaining houseguests will be reunited with some familiar faces this week when several former houseguests lend their services to this week's HOH competition on Thursday, Aug. 10, the food competition on Sunday, Aug. 13 and the veto competition on Tuesday, Aug. 15. Should be interesting!
This wole thing with a do-over competition is a crock. BB loves the S6 guys and will do anything to keep them around. Like that last POV where they wouldn't show anyone the answers of who got what. There is no accountability.
How can one really prove that Jan won that last POV for example? With physical competitions, everyone knows who wins. With these electronic competitions, they can make anyone win that they want...especially when there are no witnesses. This upcoming Coup competition is the same way. No one will really know who wins. We won't even know on the live feeds because the entire competition will happen in the dark of the diary room. How long do you think that it will take for the Dr to figure that out and let word "slip" that he has already won it so that the others won't even try guessing?
The point is that BB is is moving increasingly into the direction where they can control who wins the different competitions. In a group of 14 original HGs, what are the odds that 21% of them (Jan, Kay, and James) would win 80% of the HoH and POV competitions if the playing field was level?
If BB wanted to do a fair do-over, they would re-start the competition at the first point of failure and only with those houseguests that had not answered a question incorrectly. But, but starting the thing from scratch, they gave people a second chance that didn't deserve one.
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