Hi! I want to thank everyone for all the great comments! It's fantastic to see the discussions, questions, ideas, varying takes on both the show and the houseguests, and the positive response to this blog. You guys all rock! (Even the James fans!) You're what keeps me at this and I appreciate all the kind words.
So... what happened after the big lockdown? Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Things That Go Bump In The Afternoon:
- What did we get when BB let them in the house? Lotsa flame/clouds with blaring theme music! I bet you could've guessed that, huh? But we pick up what happened by the conversations afterwards so it's just like being there. Kind of. Sort of.
- Will said, "Remember, if there's a spontaneous eviction, I predicted it." [Editor's note: Okay, I entered it here for prosterity.]
- Mike Boogie said Bunky's acting was good.
- Chicken George said Alison looked mean. [Editor's note: I've always thought that, even when she's not a ghostly presence! Okay... I jest. She doesn't look mean. I just don't like her.]
- Aha! The missing devil duck I mentioned yesterday - Holly was holding it. Poor duck. She's probably ducknapped it and will lead it into a life of has-been duckdom.
- Josh Souza from Season 1 - George's season and Erika's ex-boyfriend - was one of the spirits.
- The scheming resumed rather quickly. I myself would have tried to memorize the house happenings. They had a time limit to be in the house before they were kicked out to the backyard once again.
- James campaigned, Danielle snapped at BB that they're adults not children when BB told them to put on their mics. The mics were on, but...!
- Someone (Will?) told Janelle that Danielle wants James out. Now she feels sorry for him. [Editor's note: Do NOT tell me she's that gullible! She can't be! Argh!]
- Will and Danielle, with occasional input from Marcellas, talked about Internet message board and Housecalls common questions asked. That was a HOOT! And they were so spot on that I laughed out loud listening to them! "How come there aren't more over 50 people on the show?" "How come they all want to be actors and have agents?" "How come only two black people?" "How come someone is always gay?"
- Alas, now it's all back to card-playing. Oh... that was one of their fake questions they posed. "How come Big Brother gave them playing cards and all they do is sit around playing cards?"
Graphic by Zoetawny.
Hi Jackie.
So Danielle is thinking about voting James out now?
Wow, I hope thats true! I would love that.
Thanks for the update!
Anon - I didn't say she was thinking of voting James out. I don't think that's her intention. I think she's definitely working to get Kaysar gone as she can use James down the line and probably couldn't use Kaysar. Luckily, she's HOH and can't vote. But she can steer others.
Hi Again.
Well, I really hope they don't get rid of Kaysar.
Kaysar deserves to stay more IMO, more than James.
James is much more of a lier than Kaysar is.
Cc - I don'tknow exactly what happened in the house except for what they talked about later. BB blocks the feeds for things they don't want us to see.
And, the images used here on the blog (except for screen captures I take of the feeds) are created by my online buddy Zoetawny. She's great!
hi jackieeeeeeeeeeeee
you are very welcome about the love. thank you for all you do. i hope there is a way that kaysar will stay. i hope the snake leaves.thanks Zoetawny for the graphics, i look forward to that too. thanks jackieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and i think they will allow the past bb players vote people out, the first will be james.:>
Hey Jacks!
No need to thank us - we thank you for all that you do!!
Am I missing something? Do the HG have access to the net? And if they do what sites are available to them?
Anon - The HG cannot access the Internet while in the house. Before they went in, they sure did, though!
It will really depend on how willboogie vote. Janelle doesn't feel sorry for James-- after all she is talking to Danielle.
Is it me or is there more blocking of the feeds this year??
I like the analogy of each ghost being one of the HG enemy in the house-- which would be true so far. If Cappy and Ivette come back I am going to scream!!
Love the graphics!!!
Thanks Jackie and Zoetawny!!
Carrie in TX
I truly wonder if the former houseguest "spirits" will be somehow back in the game. Alison's website has been down for the past few days .....makes me wonder if she is not back in L.A. and they made her take it down temporarily so that she didn't somehow give it away that she may be back ???? Just a tought .....I really hope that Kaysar stays in this week because I love looking at his hot self !!! Janell has bleached her hair too many times I don't like her never did last year either! I so would love to see her leave next week !!! Boogie and Will crack my ass up .....if it wasn't for them and their diary room sessions this would be a really boring season. Just my 2 cents...Jackie you rock ....
Dani and Erika are planning for next week as though Kaysar leaving is absolutely for certain. Ok, I admit, I think he is gone but still those 2 ladies are planning way ahead and Danielle is directing every move. Wow I had not realized how bossy, demanding, and in charge she is ..she feels confident others will do as she says OR ELSE. Perhaps Season 6 should have gotten rid of her 2 weeks against instead of Nakomis. It appears Dani and Diane were tight and one is as bad as the other. Danielle may be smart and I used to like her but these feeds ..have me disgusted with her. Was she this bad on her season as I did not watch BB then? Dani is acting as though she controls the house and whatever she wants, Chilltown and the others will do. She is assuming Erika will be HOH and all they talk about is how to backdoor Janelle. Day and Night, all Danielle does is bash Janie and talk strategy, spy, and follow HG around. I do not like her as much as I once did. The others all joke around and have fun moments except Dani and Erika....it is all strategy and trashing Season 6 day and night. Danielle sure feels she runs the whole house and that she will win. She has this all planned out and either she is delusional or she has an alliance with Chilltown, Floaters and James for sure....as she sure is running the show.
Anon 12:55 - Your suprise at how bossy Danielle is became clear when you said you didn't watch the year she was on. I was so turned off by her nasty attitude that year that I haven't been able to scrape together one second of sympathy for her this year. Her voice grates on me as badly as James' because she is nasty, scheming, and conniving at all times. And if I had been able to muster a kind thought, it would have been squashed by her whining about her solitary confinement when she was the one who asked for it. I can't wait to see the last of her.
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