Sunday, September 25, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Season Finale Show Blog Party


The Final Three bid us adieu on the live feeds.

Well, this is it. I believe we have a final three no one would have predicted -- Turner, Taylor and Monte. At least no one floated to the finish this season! All three have won at least a couple of big comps.

Tonight's taped segments should include the finish of the hot dog clutching Part One of the HOH comp, the second part of the three-part HOH comp and the Round Table. Although the winners of Part One and Part Two are known by feeds watchers, I ask people not to mention them in the comments until they air on the show.

Live on the show will be Part Three of the HOH comp which will be the winners of Part One and Part Two competing. The winner of that part then will decide the last eviction and we will be at the final two. Then there are the jury questions, and some choose me speeches. And THEN, we will have a winner of the $750,000. After the winner is crowned, we will have the Favorite Houseguest announcement.

The Esteemed Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and here are our final three:

Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp


I will be live-blogging, updating this post constantly as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. Asa always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun! 

Hamster watchers ready? Got your snacks and adult beverages? Let's get this finale ON!

Julie is wearing a simple red dress tonight. Previously on and on. We know this stuff. Bring on the hot dogs! Weinerpalooza!

82 days ... a rather short season, but this past week lasted at least two weeks for me!

Ah, finally Day 79 and the hot dogs! Monte's arms actually fit around his hot dog to the slot on the far side. The other two have to use the hand grips. Turner tells us he gets dizzy easy. Taylor is down at 36 minutes. Monte out at 46.04 minutes. 

TURNER wins Part One of the final HOH comp! Julie promises us Dr. Will and the Roundtable.

Part Two - Zipline Veto Stage/HOH Stage. Fill in the comps in the proper order on both billboards. Festival Line Up. They can only take two "signs" across with the zipline each time. Taylor is up first. She got the order right the first time but this is a timed event, too.

Monte's turn. He gets them right the first try, too. Who was the fastest?

Taylor - 7.04, Monte - 6.41 

MONTE wins Part Two and will go up against Turner in Part Three.

Turner thinks it's a good thing. In week two, he and Monte made a final two pact. Turner tells him he will take him if he wins. Monte thinks the decision is tough and he would have a better shot at winning against Taylor.

The Round Table -- The jury thinks the smart move would be for Monte to join them, but it is indeed Brttany as they thought it would be. They talk about Turner playing a good game. Michael thinks that Monte is the one who got him out and Turner doesn't own up to things. He is quite anti-Turner. Alyssa and Terrance speak up for him. 

Joseph thinks Taylor plays with strategy as opposed to Turner. Jasmine says Taylor's big move was making through being on the block five times. Will wants to know what she did strategically. Kyle says relationships. Michael says she got others to put up her enemies.

Monte -- only on the block once as a pawn. Michael seems quite pro-Monte. Indy says he was one of her closest friends in the house. Brittany thinks he's getting sloppy socially. Terrance thinks he never really connected with him. 

Dr. Will is looking so grey. I feel so old.

Time for Part Three of the HOH Comp! Monte and Turner have a divider between them. Jury Fest. How well do you know the jurors. Jury fest video, three statements about the juror. Which statement is false. Eight videos.

1. Indy's Psychic Booth - Both right.
2. Jasmine's Muffin Truck - Both right.
3. Joseph is a security guard - Both right
4. Kyle's Dance Party - Both right.
5. Terrance's Tattoos - Both right.
6. Michael's Carnival Games - Monte right
7. Alyssa's Info Booth - Both wrong
8. Brittany's Meditation Station - Monte right

MONTE wins the Final HOH!
To the living room --

Turner - Final two, loyalty, love you, your decision

Taylor - World and moon if you take me to final two. Easy win for you to take me.

Monte chooses to evict ... TURNER. He goes out graciously. He tells Julie he is shocked, not mad. He would have taken Monte to the final two. He is very good with Julie.

Jury question time! Turner joins them. Michael and Terrance correctly guessed it would be him. Three total questions for each finalist.

Kyle - Monte - other than using Michael veto, what was your pivotal move to final two? He says evicting Turner.

Michael - Taylor - You were big target, did you adapt your game to get this far? Being who I am and played how I wanted to.

Joseph - Monte - Biggest blunder? Didn't stay true to himself in protecting Michael and Brittany.

Jasmine - Taylor - Move you orchestrated? Alliance with Michael/Brittany, joined Leftovers, protected girls the best she could.

Brittany - Monte - Where did you take a risk in the game? Make sure Nichole and Daniel didn't use veto and risked being evicted the next week.

Indy - Taylor - On the block weak game play? Resilient, blockbuster.

Turner - Monte - Biggest move was breaking our final two. Why should you get my vote? Heard you and Kyle had a final two after Dyre Fest.

The speeches --

Monte - Beautiful members of the jury. Played a strong competitive game, lists his wins and alliances. No false promises. Only touched the block twice, only one time on eviction night. Instrumental in getting two top competitors out -- Michael and Turner.

Taylor -  Likes Monte's speech. Won three comps, two of them HOHs. Sat on the block six times on eviction night. Continued to fight as a woman does. Called names, attempted all white alliance formed. I am not a shield, I am a thorn. Resiliency! Challenging you what kind of winner you want this year!

Time to vote:
Indy - One of my favorite people
Jasmine - Voting for person carrying on what I should have
Joseph - Love you both, voting for the sword of the season
Kyle - Both deserving, voting to rep the season.
Terrance - Love you both
Michael - Strongest player
Alyssa - Take our power back
Brittany - Love you both
Turner - Just made up my mind

Time for the early non-jury evictees to show up Joseph was asked about Dyre Fest, says he did everything he could to protect Taylor and Brittany. Onto profession lies. Michael is a criminal defense attorney. Joseph admits he's the second lawyer. Ameerah talks of the Monte/Taylor showmance. Taylor says he's a close friend. Monte agrees and pleads the fifth. Alyssa and Kyle ... he hopes it will work out. Pooch - you volunteered to go home, Pooch yourself new BB lingo. 

Who ate Jasmine's muffin? Turner 'fesses up and says he ate it in the Diary Room.

Time to reveal the votes:

Turner - Monte
Brittany - Taylor
Alyssa - Taylor
Michael - Taylor
Terrance - Taylor
Kyle - Taylor ...


Joseph, Jasmine and Indy all voted for Taylor.

Top Three Favorite HG - Michael, Taylor and Kyle.
TAYLOR also wins that!

Congratulations blog pool winners! CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie!


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Alecia164 said...

Thank you Jackie!!!

Anonymous said...

When Taylor refused to participate in the scarry competition that took place in the dark, I lost interest in her as a competitor.

Petals said...

Jon - you can always reach me...

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