Showing posts with label BB23. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BB23. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Friday Morning - Sept. 17


No more speeches. Please.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brothers House of Brothers Only:
  • Well, it's not Brothers Only yet but soon will be.
  • Y'see while the feeds were blocked for nearly two days for the not live evictions, they were still blocked for the most recent HOH comp.
  • Xavier.
  • Yep, you heard me. Xavier is the new HOH.
  • Who's on the block?
  • Kyland and Azah.
  • If the nominations remain the same, Derek is the only vote.
  • Although he and Azah have lazed about together all season, his misogynic ways probably will have him voting her out to keep things all boys.
  • Veto has not been played yet. Maybe today ... I'm not really sure of their schedule right now.
  • Their TV show schedule has a show tonight, though. Don't forget that!
  • Derek was saying he didn't know what he would do if he won the veto.
  • Huh? 
  • Isn't it obvious that he cannot use it as he is the only renom option in the house?
  • D'oh, Derek.
  • Now would be the time for Azah to actually win something.
  • If she were to win the veto and save herself, it would be Derek and Kyland on the block with her as the only vote.
  • Um.
  • She would probably keep Deadweight Derek who never should have been in the house in the first place no matter how much work BB is doing in editing his behavior to make him look like a good fun person.
  • I guess we'll know more later.
  • I just wish that the two Victorias weren't there in the final four and we had two different people who actually played the game. 

Azah, Azah, Azah ...

If cooking and cleaning the kitchen
 makes for a winner ...

You know you're next out now.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

BB23: "Live" Double Eviction Two-Hour Show Blog Party - Sept. 16


I say live in quotes because I think either all of or most of the show we will see tonight is taped. Anyway ... it's to be a double eviction. Maybe more? I just don't know.

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live-blogging, constantly updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments section -- I hope to see you there!

But first -- Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool (she rocks like that, y'know). Here's where we stand going into the show tonight:

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Hannah Chaddha - BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Kyland Young - chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchell - April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc

Jury: Britini D'Angelo, Derek Xiao, Sarah Beth Steagall, Claire Rehfuss,  Alyssa Lopez

Don't forget to sign up for the Survivor 41 blog pool at THIS LINKED POST if you watch the show! 


Julie is acting like it's live. I'm currently sitting through the "previously on" as we all know anyway! Will both evictions take place in one hour? Will the second hour show ... what?

Julie is wearing a black slacks outfit with a long tapered vest. She talks about the Cookout achieving its goal and we pick up on the action after the Veto Ceremony in which Kyland did not use the veto. On the block we have Tiffany and Hannah. Tiffany thinks she might wiggle her way out of this with Kyland and Xavier.

Both Tiffany and Hannah talk, both seem to be proud of the accomplishment of the Cookout but a bit bittersweet over those who had to leave to make it possible. Hannah credits Tiffany and her master plan for where the Cookout is right now. She is right.

Tiffany talks to Azah. She tells her she knows Derek wants her gone. She throws Hannah under the bus when it comes to where Derek is concerned and tells Azah she has no desire to come after her as a target.

Once again the show edits a Derek segment to make him seem like such a good guy. @@ Then we get a segment of Kyland's non-sensical speech making to Azah. Kyland and Xavier talk. Kyland mentions he has over 100K in student loans and wants to help his family monetarily. Xavier talks about the recent loss of his brother and wanting to set money aside for his nephew. I remember Frenchie lied about donating the money to some school. At least Kyland and Xavier are being truthful.

Derek joins Tiffany in the HOH bed. She tries to tell him that Hannah will be coming after him. Then she tries talking to Xavier saying that she would be a target (shield) for him if she stayed. Xavier doesn't really know if he can trust her. We know he can't! Derek and Xavier talk. Derek, of course, really wants Tiffany out. They both compare notes. Tiffany did make some anti-Hannah points, though.

Julie talks to the Cookout. She congratulates them on achieving their mission. She says they have guaranteed that the first African-American BB winner will indeed happen. Tiffany talks about how they all stuck together in the goal. She talks to Hannah about side alliances and Derek X. Sniffle.

Jury house segment now. Sarah Beth arrives. She shows them the video with Tiffany as HOH. The High Roller nominates the same. She tells them about the alliance mentioned in the goodbye messages. She points out there has never been a Black winner in BB (Celeb BB is a totally different show). Kyland seems to be their least favorite.

Time for Claire and Alyssa to arrive at the jury house. Claire first. She tells them it was a double. She thinks it will be Alyssa and there Alyssa is, still clueless. They are shocked that Tiffany took out Claire on her HOH. Claire explains to them what Tiffany told her and she still supports Tiffany for the win. Interesting ... they show goodbye messages for Alyssa which we were not shown in the interview. Alyssa finally has a clue ... even though they all had to tell her.

To the living room ...

Tiffany - Shout outs, HG our display will forever signify our legacy. Nice words to all. 
Hannah - Shout outs, Cookout honor to play with you, just positive about Tiffany, good reasons to keep me.

The votes to evict:
Derek - to evict Tiffany
Xavier - Tiffany
Azah - Tiffany

Huh. Not even the one vote of the past. Tiffany is gone, expected it. Hugs all, goes out smiling. She is good with Julie.

Julie tells them it's another double eviction. Heh.

HOH Comp. BB Ballers. Two Rounds. 12 balls at end of ramp, retrieve roll up a ramp to knock them off. First two advance to round two. Winner of round two HOH. Xavier and Azah move to round two. 

Round two has them rolling ten balls up the ramp and only onto the grass.


Azah tells Hannah must go up as a pawn. She promised Kyland she wouldn't put him up. Her plan is to backdoor him putting Xavier and Hannah up hoping one will win veto. That's what she said before commercial break, at least.

To the living room ... nominations. Azah puts Xavier and Hannah on the block, saying she had to keep promises she made.

Power of Veto comp time. It's the standard "What the Bleep" comp.

1. Derek and Azah wrong
2. Hannah wrong
3. All right
4. (Kyland and X tied for lead) - All right
5. Hannah only one right, tied with X and Ky
6. Hannah and Derek wrong
7. All right
Kyland and Xavier to a tiebreaker question
In seconds Cluckster HOH comp from start until Kyland won.

Kyland chooses to remove Xavier from the block due to previous promises. Derek is the only option to go up with Hannah.

To the living room again. 
Derek - Shout outs, HG did a lot in game, supported all, stay loyal to their word.
Hannah - Here to compete, at a point when it's best for your personal game. Please, please.

Votes to evict:
Kyland - Hannah
Xavier - Hannah

Of course. She is holding back tears, hugs all, says no hard feelings. She is reasonable in the Julie interview, perhaps showing a bit of bitterness towards Kyland. She is a good spokesperson for the Cookout.

BB23: Live Feeds Update into Thursday Morning - Sept. 16


From yesterday until after
West Coast show tonight

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Cookout Calamity:

  • Actually not the latest latest as we don't know that.
  • The feeds have been blocked since yesterday morning.
  • It seems the big "live" double eviction show isn't really live at all.
  • At least one eviction went down yesterday while the feeds were down.
  • It seems to have been Tiffany out the door.
  • There was an audio leak of someone running through Julie's intro to the veto comp. It sounds like it should be "What the Bleep."
  • And the feeds won't return until after tonight's West Coast airing ... we're talking after 1AM my time.
  • That's all.

Could he lose against Azah or Derek? Maybe.

Probably the last screen cap I will have of Tiffany

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

BB23: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 15


Good evening! Are you ready for superheroes? According to the promos, it will be the BB Comics veto comp, always a classic. I wonder how Derek will make it through this one. Will he give up? Will he fuss because none of these comps are made for him? Or ... will they make some sort of adjustment just for him? If they do and he wins, would that be fair for all? Ah, the questions.

Of course, many live feed watchers already know what happens. But, since this is a show post, it's a NO SPOILERS ZONE. If it hasn't aired on the show, please don't comment about it!

I'll be live blogging, updating this entry with the major happenings as they air on the show here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun! Just an added note, the Survivor 41 blog pool sign up post is up -- please go to that post to sign up!

Sitting out the Previously On segment as the Cookout celebrates making it to the final six and dealing and scheming ensue.

We pick up the action after the nomination ceremony putting Tiffany and Hannah on the block. Tiffany is the target and is now feeling betrayed ... as she should! Derek is celebrating. That disgusts me when he's done absolutely nothing in the game and is only in the house due to a famous father. At least Tiffany has PLAYED the game.

Kyland tells Hannah she's not the target. Kyland agrees that she was up there because she would have saved Tiffany if she could. He lets it slip that he is working with Xavier. She is sure he would lose to him at the end ... and he would/will.

Derek feels this part of the game is tough. @@ Xavier feels his chances with the guys are better than with the girls. I usually don't get this irked at the hamsters. But Derek's sense of entitlement is wearing on my last nerve and both Xavier and Kyland are enabling him.

Hannah and Tiffany want Azah to win the veto to keep the women safe. Now, she has done just about as much as Derek this season albeit much nicer about things. I don't think I'd want to hitch my wagon on that star!

Hannah talks to Azah and tries to paint the woeful picture of the men taking over the game. Azah says for her own game, she needs to win. Um. Okaaay. Azah tells us she is torn between working with the women or sticking with Derek and Xavier.


Ah, thankfully that was short. I hope it stays away until after the show ends!

BB Comics veto time! Derek is up first. Good, he is on a zipline. For those who don't know, they have to line up the comics and determine the differences between the comics themselves. Kyland is up next. He seems to do well. Azah up. She has more trouble with the differences. Xavier now. He's not doing so well with it. We don't see him finish. Did he time out? Tiffany up now. She seemed to do okay, but no end for her either. Hannah up. She gets it right the first time she hits the bell.

Derek 14.5
Hannah 14.6
Xavier 20.56
Tiffany 40.0 timed out
Azah 20.22
Kyland 11.44

Kyland wins the Power of Veto! 

They pose for photos. Kyland talks to Xavier about who might win next week. Kyland thinks Derek could always be used as a pawn. Xavier lists the women as going. He wants the noms to remain the same.

Tiffany tries to talk to Kyland and regain his trust. She tries to guilt trip him. She tells us that if she gets to final two with him, she thinks she can beat him. He says he believes her. He tells us the offer is enticing. He doesn't think he can really trust her to be loyal, though.

Then Hannah talks to him. She tells us she will offer him whatever she can hoping he'll pull her off the block and maybe they could even keep Tiffany. She promises him she will back him. He tells us he isn't sure he can trust her to vote Tiffany out.

Time for the veto meeting. Kyland does NOT use the veto. The nominations remain Tiffany and Hannah.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - Sept. 14


Why is he still there? Cookout needs deadwood?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Angry Ants:

  • Once again I don't have a heck of a lot for you.
  • Both Hannah and Tiffany have been making the rounds each campaigning for their own safety.
  • Hannah has been told that she's not the target.
  • And she went ahead and threw Tiffany under the bus to each of them.
  • Tiffany threw Kyland under the bus to Xavier.
  • And so on and so forth.
  • If you can't tell, I've really been irked at both Kyland and Xavier.
  • Both keep saying how they want to play at the end with true good competitors.
  • Yet they both continue to let the floaters, non-comp winning duo remain.
  • Now, I do like Azah. As a person, she's entertaining and a good soul.
  • As a BB player? Um. No.
  • Then there's Derek F, someone who would never have been able to get on the show if not for his famous father. He can get outright nasty, more so than anyone else in the house. He whines and fusses about the comps not being ones he could win. He has actually said an eating contest and a strength contest would suit him.
  • He needs to go, followed by Azah.
  • Let four real game players play out the final four.
  • But I don't believe we will see that happen.
  • For sure we won't as it's Hannah and Tiffany on the block.
  • I don't think Tiffany convinced Xavier that Kyland plans on betraying him.
  • So, instead of ridding itself of deadwood, it looks like Tiffany, someone who really played hard this season, will walk out the door.
  • Sigh.

Threw Tiffany under the bus to all.

Tiffany tries to talk Xavier into keeping her.

More deadwood but at least
more pleasant deadwood.

He claims he wants to play with competitors

Monday, September 13, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Power of Veto Meeting Update - Sept. 13


Um, no. Just no.

Kyland held way too long and way too "talky" one on one meetings. I just couldn't sit through them all. I sat through enough to see that Hannah was more than willing to throw her buddy Tiffany under the bus -- she ain't no Claire! Not only that, she promised the world. Now if she gets taken off the block, those things are good. But if she remains there but is not the target, she sold her soul for absolutely nothing.

Tifffany did her best, having her own one on one apology rounds.

She hung out with Kyland.

Yet, when the veto meeting came 'round ...

Kyland did not use the veto. The nominations remain Tiffany and Hannah. The target remains Tiffany.

It really annoys me that Kyland is saying he wants to go to the end with good competitors yet Derek and Azah remain in the house. Especially Derek. He is sitting there laughing that Tiffany won't make it to the final five, a place where the bonus money kicks in and he will make it.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

BB23: HOH Comp/Nominations? Show Blog Party - Sept. 12


Good evening! When we last left our heroes, er, um ... hamsters, it was the live double eviction night which resulted in Claire, then Alyssa going home resulting in all six Cookout members being the only ones left in the house. Hannah was the second HOH of the night.

And there we stand now ... what will the comp be and who will be HOH after Hannah? Since this is indeed a show post it is a NO SPOILERS ZONE. I understand many of us already know who won HOH and even won POV, but until they show it on the aired show, please don't spoil it for those who only watch the show. Thank you! 

I will be live blogging, updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Starting a few minutes behind its scheduled 8:30PM EDT start time tonight, but it's now on. Let's do something different and sit through the "previously on" segment. Oh? We do that for every show? well, let's not break the routine then!

Okay, they need to celebrate the Cookout win and its show history making moment which will make a Black winner for the first time.

They are still in previous mode but really expanding on Kyland freaking out over being the replacement nominee.

Tiffany is telling Kyland that she didn't know that Hannah was putting him on the block and she had told Hannah not to do it. (She really did tell her not to put him up.) She then talks to Xavier. She talks about hard it was putting Claire up. They decide everybody is a threat. She tells us that Xavier is a huge threat and needs to go. Xavier tells us he loves her but he just might "take that shot first."

Hannah tries to make good with Kyland. He tells us he's okay with it but not willing to work with her long term. Derek and Xavier talk -- Derek wants Tiffany out and tells him to throw the comp to him. He says if she comes down, he will put up Kyland.

Kyland talks to Xavier and makes good with him. Kyland tells us he only wants to go to the end with the best and that would be Xavier. Xavier tells us he will work with Kyland because having a strong competitor working with you is good. They establish a final two called The Gentlemen.

Time for the HOH comp. They are trapped by the evil supervillain the Cluckster. They are behind large mesh chicken wire, must retrieve eggs, put them through a maze and roll them down a ramp to knock down a lever to escape. 

Derek is the first one to get one egg down -- they need three. Kyland next. Kyland gets a second one and is in the lead. Xavier gets one. Derek gets his next one and ties with Kyland. Kyland tells us he was willing to let Derek win as he doesn't think he would target him. Azah gets her first one. Kyland tells us he doesn't want to wait any longer for Derek to win and goes for it. 

KYLAND wins HOH. Derek is "bummed" once again.

Kyland feels a bit overwhelmed with the win. Tiffany feels good because she has an agreement to work with Kyland in the game. Hannah also feels good. Derek whines. He wants to be a threat in the game. BWAHAHHA! Kyland consoles him and promises him he has nothing to worry about. Xavier feels secure as he just made the deal with Kyland.

Tiffany talks to Kyland, she wants him to realize that Xavier will win if he moves forward with him. She wants him to stick with the deal she, he and Hannah has. She thinks Derek should go first. She wants to compete against Kyland at the end but feels she would lose. Her position is that Xavier will win no matter what. Kyland tells us he thinks she is strong competitor and would be hard to beat.

Hannah pleads her case. She will vote his way if not on the block. "What if you go up and I can promise you won't go home?" She feels he's testing her trust in Tiffany. Like Tiffany, she talks about Xavier being such a big threat.

Kyland tells us he has to draw lines in the sand. It will break hearts, his included.

Time for the nominations ceremony. He first nominates Tiffany, then Hannah. He says it's due to a loss of trust and Hannah is up there due to the fact she would save Tiffany if she won the veto. He feels Tiffany has betrayed him.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Power of Veto Bulletin - September 11


Derek cooks breakfast.

Since it was announced that this week is the comics theme, the veto comp expected is the traditional BB Comics one with the zipline. Um. No, Derek, I don't think that would be a comp built for you, either.

The feeds were blocked for several hours. Hours upon hours. But when the dust adoptable animals cleared ...

KYLAND is wearing the veto necklace.

Kyland won the BB Comics Veto Comp

Tiffany talking to us

Leaning about again, still, whatever

Can anyone stop him now? I think not.

Sweet dreams of Xavier, it seems.

Friday, September 10, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - September 10

What have I done?
I accidentally won HOH.

Well, Kyland had his Ky talks with each of them. Last night, in talking to us, he said that before he entered the house his goal was to be in the final two with a real strong competitor. So, I guess he won't be taking Derek F to the final two if he gets that far! Or Azah.

But the problem with Kyland is that he is playing emotionally. He has soft spots for Derek, Azah and Tiffany. He really seems to want to be with Xavier at the end. Hannah has shown herself to be a better competitor as of late, but is it enough? Tiffany has been proving herself to be a strong competitor. Is it enough? He outright told Azah she wouldn't be on the block last night. Hmm. 

At one point he told us that he should just throw Xavier and Tiffany up there and let them battle it out. That just might be one of the safest moves he could make seeing as he is playing loyal to both and promised safety to others. My guess right now is that he will remain loyal to Xavier and the two to whom he promised safety (Azah and Derek) and we will see Tiffany and Hannah on the block.

It wasn't until around 7PM EDT that the feeds got blocked for the nominations ceremony. So, now it's a matter of waiting it out.

And waiting.

And waiting.

After a bit more than two hours ... we have Tiffany and ... Hannah on the block. I really haven't heard exact confirmation on Hannah. She's off camera talking with Kyland while the others are in the kitchen. If it isn't her, I'll let you know. But I'm pretty sure it is.

Xavier's bucket hats make the rounds.

I can't win ANYTHING! 
Good work, Derek. Keep it up through September.

BB23: Claire's Extended Julie Interview Video - Sept. 10

 What a great exit interview! 

BB23: Live Feeds HOH Bulletin - Sept. 9/10


We have a new HOH in the house. Of course, the HOH comp was blocked to the live feeds. However, the feeds have returned and ...


Derek is fussing that he should have won. It sounds like it might have been the working eggs up through chicken wire comp or something very similar, maybe putting eggs in chutes? It had to do with eggs!

Uh-oh. He's talking to us. He didn't want to win this comp and feels he's pressured to go after the girls. He doesn't know how much he can trust Xavier. He does want to win veto. He seems to be leaning towards Hannah as a target. 

Thursday, September 09, 2021

BB23: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 9


Well, it's the big double eviction show tonight. Hmm ... I guess the real big double eviction is next Thursday as that's scheduled for two hours. Tonight's show is only an hour. We know that either Claire or Xavier will go home in the first eviction. Heck, we could probably even predict which one of those two will go! But the second eviction will depend on HOH. It should be interesting!

I will be live blogging and constantly updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

But first -- Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool (she rocks like that, y'know). Here's where we stand going into the show tonight:

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Hannah Chaddha - BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Alyssa Lopez - CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Claire Rehfuss - KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924
Kyland Young - chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchell - April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc

Jury: Britini D'Angelo, Derek Xiao, Sarah Beth Steagall 


Hmm ... I'm not sure I like Julie's poofy short summery dress. It's shapeless, has wide pleats and looks boxy. Pardon me while I sit through the "previously on" segment.

Julie tells us nobody seems to be safe. Alyssa thinks that Tiffany was so bold in putting Claire on the block, so sure that Xavier would go out. She is SO wrong. SO clueless. 

Azah tells Xavier that if Alyssa wins HOH she wants Kyland out and Derek told him Tiffany. Alyssa has an epiphany ... "If Claire goes home, all seven last ones are minorities." Again, clueless. It's not dawning on her that everyone else would be Black.

Hannah tells Azah that she should vote to keep Claire and they could blame it on Kyland. Alyssa thinks it might be a double.

To the living room --
She tells them it is a double eviction. They don't act shocked.

Xavier - Shout outs, HG keeping me benefits your game. 
Claire - Shout outs, HG loss for words, sitting next to loyal and trustworthy X, he will win.

The votes to evict are:
Alyssa - Claire
Hannah - Xavier
Derek F - Says it right for once! Claire
Azah - Claire
Kyland - Claire

Many wished Christian a happy birthday. I believe that's Tiffany's son, not the Christian who was on the show.

Claire said she will give all hugs on the finale night and practically runs out. Polite enough, but ...! She tells Julie she is not mad at Tiffany. 

First HOH comp of the night ... Julie reminds us it's everyone versus Alyssa. BB Comics Week -- all week comics comps. Crash Boom Pow, shown images based on the words, seven questions about about them.

1. Derek obviously threw this one, all the rest right.
2. All right except Azah
3. Azah and Alyssa wrong
4. Derek and Hannah right
5. Azah and Kyland right (Hannah and Kyland are tied for lead)
6. Hannah and Alyssa right (Hannah leading now)

She "meets" with all but only really talks to Alyssa telling her that her target is Xavier but she needs to put her (Alyssa) up with him to keep her from voting to keep him. She says Claire was right that he was the biggest competition in the game. Pawn, eh? Alyssa asks if she will go home. Why, of course not.

Hannah nominates Xavier and Alyssa, strong duo and Claire was right, Xavier ... you're a big threat.

POV Comp -- Kyland sits out by random draw. Logo, Let's Go. Race to complete BB logo puzzle. Reminds me of what's-her-name's six piece puzzle she couldn't get.


Veto meeting time. Xavier saves himself as he plays along with being the "target." Hannah puts Kyland on the block in his place.

Live vote and eviction --
Kyland - Respect decision of all for your game
Alyssa - Talks about how she doesn't have jury votes and Kyland is more of a threat.

The votes to evict:
Azah - Alyssa
Tiffany - Alyssa
Xavier - Kyland
Derek - Alyssa

All as planned and the Cookout makes it to final six. She does do hugs. Xavier cries for the camera and the Cookout holds off celebrating until they know the feed is off. Alyssa remains clueless about the Cookout in her talk with Julie. She still thinks it's all about the original teams.

BB23: Live Feeds into Thursday Morning - Sept. 9


I'm sorry. Mouse ears hair styles shouldn't
be worn by anyone over 10, IMO.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pained Penguins:

  • Once again I have little to report on today.
  • Kyland let Claire know he wouldn't be voting for her to stay.
  • At least he was honest with her.
  • However, that was the final nail in the casket as far as she is concerned.
  • She now knows she will be voted out.
  • She and Tiffany want her to blow up Xavier's game in her speech.
  • If nothing else, Claire wants them to realize how Xavier has just been sliding on by and directing things and will win the jury vote.
  • While Claire understands the goal of having the first Black winner, she is oblivious to the fact that it's an actual named alliance. She thinks (because she's been told) that it's just more along the lines of an agreement between the Black hamsters.
  • Well, actually it did start out that way.
  • And now it's to the point that none of the six can play their own game for themselves.
  • Hmm.
  • I really don't have much more for you.
  • Tonight is the double eviction.
  • Be there or be square.

At least she had some fun moments.

Cook, clean, laze about and act
like you're running things. Got it.

If not next, you're next to next. You're soon.
Be worried.

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

BB23: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Sept. 8


Good evening! Welcome to the party! Tonight's show is promised to feature the return of ZingBot. Oh, joy. I personally don't care for ZingBot as I often have a hard time hearing exactly what he's trying to say as the voice used is so whack. So, if I can't gather all the zings for tonight's post, I apologize.

I will be live-blogging and updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As this is a show post, it's a NO SPOILERS ZONE until aired on the show, please! The real party is in the comments area. You're all invited to join in on the fun!

Sitting through the "Previously on" segment.

We pick up the action as the Nominations Ceremony adjourns. Tiffany says to us that Alyssa will head out the door. Alyssa thinks she and Xavier were nominated because they are so strong. She has no idea that she is the actual target. Xavier is mad, whining about being on the block for a third time ... again.

Xavier is acting like he is the target to Alyssa. He once again fusses that Tiffany and Claire should be on the block, not him and Alyssa. Tiffany tells us that she does not want Alyssa to come off the block because then she would have to choose between Claire and the Cookout. Derek lies to Alyssa telling her he would use the veto to save her if he wins it. (Like he wins so many comps!)

Xavier complains to Derek that he's been throwing comps and making sacrifices, being such a team player. He tells him that he would save Alyssa instead of himself if he wins veto. Derek is worried that he himself would be put on the block as a renom.

A segment on Azah's singing -- her own songs, nothing copyrighted. The singing has been fun on the live feeds this season and I'm glad they're showing a bit of it.

Time to pick players for the veto comp. Tiffany draws Houseguest's Choice and goes for Hannah. Xavier draws Derek. Alyssa draws Azah. Derek tells us if he wins he will keep noms the same.

ZingBot arrives and tells them to go to the backyard. He's up on the ledge. He calls them a bunch of losers. Alyssa -- From FL, the sunshine state but you're so dim. Xavier -- reveal your secret you have a crush ... on yourself. Cracks on Tiffany for being old. Bigfoot comment for Claire. Hannah -- Knock knock who's there? Hannah who. Exactly. Big D - Big mark on the house ... in the toilet. Predicts Xavier will never go on a date with Azah. Kyland -- listening to you talk is like sitting by an endless babbling brook.

ZingBot is now a Zingfluencer and has an online platform. They have to help him go viral. Zingstagram challenge stacking micro-cocktails in a pyramid using tweezers. They have to do it from outside a dollhouse-like structure. We've seen similar comps in the past. Kyland and Claire are watching on the living room monitor.

ALYSSA WINS THE POWER OF VETO! She gets a tiny veto bracelet instead of the usual necklace. Tiffany is upset. Xavier is gleeful and smug.

Derek is once again bummed he didn't win. Xavier remains smug. Derek is worried that a Cookout person will go up, especially the "boys" in danger -- him, Kyland. Xavier is going on about how she has lost jury votes.

Tiffany feels she has to tell Claire and tells Hannah. She tells us her personal game choice would be to keep Claire. She has to tell her that she will be using her as a replacement without completely misleading her or endangering anyone else (Cookout). Xavier doesn't like the idea of how Tiffany would be all but exposing the Cookout. He fears Alyssa will catch on and target him.

Yes, it's all about Xavier, y'know. Did you know he's been on the block three weeks in a row? (Once by a roulette wheel spin by his precious Alyssa who was originally with Christian and once his OWN CHOICE because he wanted to win a veto he didn't need to win!)

Tiffany tells us she respects Claire and wants to be as honest with Claire as she can without exposing the Cookout. She lists the Cookout members by each saying she doesn't want to send them out and Claire guesses that she will be put on the block. Tiffany cries. She is hinting that it's not sending a Black person home. Claire cries. They both cry. I'm ready to cry. Claire says in the DR to us that she understands that Tiffany doesn't want to be part of the long BB tradition of sending people of color out the door.

Time for the veto meeting. Alyssa saves herself. Tiffany replaces her with Claire. Sigh.

BB23: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - Sept. 7


Lays about almost as much as Derek does!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Annoying Aardvarks:

  • Yes, I did not post an update this morning.
  • No, not really because of me.
  • It was because of them. If they don't entertain me, I have nothing to post!
  • They just didn't give me much fodder.
  • Before the veto meeting there was a bit of talk about convincing Alyssa to use the veto to save Xavier instead of herself.
  • After they stopped laughing, they dumped that idea.
  • The feeds were blocked for a big Labor Day Cookout (not to be confused with the Cookout and I bet it was nowhere near as good as a real Black cookout).
  • Tiffany and Kyland seemed to be messing around under covers.
  • Oh my.
  • Claire has recovered from the shock of Tiffany putting her up thanks to Tiffany's talk with her beforehand.
  • It does appear that Claire might have two votes -- probably Hannah and Azah. 
  • If they could swing Kyland in, they could save her.
  • But that won't happen.
  • Xavier is still ticked about Tiffany and, if he has his way, she will be the first Cookout member out.
  • Derek has been riding Xavier's coattails and seems to have taken on the role of Xavier's consigliere.
  • He's acting like he has done so much and he's in actuality done very little.
  • In front of Derek, Alyssa pointed out that after Claire goes, all that will remain is POC (she's Latina). Derek had to stifle a laugh. He didn't tell her to look around and see WHAT color they were.
  • They have all been expecting a double eviction soon and have been planning. But they don't know how soon it will actually be!
  • That's about all I have for you.
  • Blame them.

Obviously, I am destined to be the winner.

The girls like me better!

"Once Claire goes, it will all be people
 of color here!" Um. Look around.

Still has them guessing his real job.

I'd like to return to BB and play with Claire!

Promised to vote for Tiffany if
she makes the final two.