Showing posts with label HoH endurance comp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HoH endurance comp. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2: Live Feeds HOH Comp - Jan. 25

Once the live feeds return, I'll be updating this post with screen caps and more.
Stay tuned and refresh the page to get the latest news!

Right now they're still airing repeats of last season's Celeb BB and, since this isn't a typical endurance comp carried on after the live show, I'm clueless when it will start. But, when it does …!

9:07pm ET - The feeds went live, but it's not comp time.
9:12pm RT - Back to reruns, then back to regular live feeds. Nothing really going on. They don't look ready for any kind of comp, still dressed in what they wore on the live show.
9:35pm ET - I'm thinking the comp will likely start at midnight (or so) Eastern Time after the West Coast "live" show airs. I will watch Live PD with the feeds running softly in the background to bide the time.

Okay, 11:45ish PM ET -- Feeds on the comp. It's a wall thing. Tom down, then Kandi.

11:52pm ET, we're back to reruns.

11:58pm ET - Feeds back, don't think anyone else is down. They're getting doused.

It keeps cutting back and forth from the comp to reruns.

12:08am ET - Ricky down.

12:16am ET - White goop is flung at them. Tamar wants to come down but she needs a ladder because she's afraid of heights.

12:21am ET - Tamar had to get down without a ladder. She's out.

Dina and Kato seem like they could last a long, long time. They're all so covered with goop that it's hard to tell who is whom!

12:33am ET - Dina goes down. I think I jinxed her. Oops. She DID look solid!

12:38am ET - Joey is fussing that he just got over being sick and the comp was going too slow. Yet he hangs in. All of them hanging in still are why it's taking so long!

12:41am ET - I hear screams of THIS HOUSE (OR MAYBE IT WAS CROWD) IS ON FIRE!! And goons come out to put it out, spraying them. Silly me, at first I thought it was Tamar creating a ruckus.

12:52am ET - Joey is struggling despite saying it wasn't hard, only cold and slow. He tries to make a deal with EvaNatalieMarie. The already out crowd tells him if people drop, it will go faster. He says he's complaining about the lack of action in the comp. I guess he doesn't understand endurance.

12:56am ET - Lolo is out.

12:57am ET - Joey tries to make a deal with Kato for safety. He tells him he's safe. 

12:59am ET - Joey down, says his labrum tear surgery wasn't worth redoing.
12:59am ET - Eva down, throwing the win to Kato.

1:00am ET - KATO WINS HOH!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Part 1 Winner - Sept. 21

Can he make it to Final Two?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Three Hamsters:
  • When the live feeds returned after last night's live show, the final three were still in a celebratory mood.
  • While Kaycee and Tyler talked about how much they liked Angela, JC's obvious jealousy over her kept surfacing.
  • My gosh, I think his crush on Tyler is almost akin to the Tangela showmance/romance.
  • But it's certain to be unrequited.
  • Tyler is, without a doubt, head over heels with Angela.
  • He has no interest in JC other than a friend and someone to beat for the win.
  • Lots of chat about the season gone by so far and what the schedule might be for the remaining time.
  • JC told Tyler that it's because of him (JC) talking to Kaycee that Kaycee voted out Angela.
  • Yep, all his doing that Tyler remained in the house (and he should be grateful and possibly fall in love with JC).
  • Of course, we (and Tyler and Kaycee) know otherwise.
  • We know that the two are faithful to their final two deal made on either Day One or Day Two in the house.
  • Whether they'll stick to that when it comes down the line, we don't know.
  • I think Kaycee would win against either in the final two, but iffier with Tyler.
  • Beforehand, Tyler and Kaycee had come up with a nod code to win/lose the first part of the HoH.
  • Since some people get confused every season with this final HoH comp, I'll lay it out here -- Part One is always physical endurance and is done after the eviction of Hamster Four (in this case, Angela). It used to be on the live feeds and is no longer shown on the live feeds. They should be doing the second part on Saturday (also not on the live feeds). The final part will be done live on the finale show. The winner of Part One goes against the winner of Part Two in that live Part Three. The winner of Part Three chooses who will join him/her in the final two.
  • Other events we will have (not shown on the live feeds, mind you) is that this morning they will tape the breakfast memory segment and Saturday there will be the Jurors Round Table with Dr. Will Kirby officiating.
  • Oh ... you want to know who won Part One of the three-part final HoH comp?
  • Tyler.
  • After the live show, Kaycee had tried to get Tyler to throw Part One to her because she's better in physical comps.
  • He didn't say he would. And, most obviously, didn't.
  • In conversation away from JC, Tyler said he was going to let her win when she unexpectedly dropped.
  • Now, if he wins Part Three, he'll have control over who would be with him in the final two.
  • Kaycee will go against JC in Part Two tomorrow.
  • When the live feeds returned after Part One, they were all hurting hamsters and covered with blue goop.
  • Apparently it was some sort of hanging comp.
  • JC went down first, then Kaycee, leaving Tyler in it for the win.
  • Of the three, Kaycee seems to be hurting the most -- her hands and arms are sore and she's ice-packing.
  • Once again JC tried telling Tyler how they wouldn't be there if not for him.
  • He still thinks he should get all the credit for Tyler (and himself) being in the final three.
  • JC also tried to get Kaycee to commit to a final two deal with him.
  • She told him she was too tired and too sore to deal with thinking at the time.
  • Plus, she already has a very committed final two deal with Tyler.
  • But she didn't tell JC that!
  • On it goes ... 

Ice bagging her hands

Will sit out Part Two now

Sunday, September 02, 2018

Big Brother 20: HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 2

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Please remember the show posts, like this one, are spoiler-free zones. While many already know the PoV winner and more, it has not played out on the show. Feel free to post spoiler comments on any of the live feeds posts, but not here ... also please don't ask for spoilers information in this post. Thank you!

Previously on focuses on JC getting Scottie out, then Fessy and now focusing on Angela? Hmm. Into the Battle Back and we know how that turned out. 

Everyone is so happy to see Scottie back. Scottie is fine with them, but he knows they all voted them out. JC is not happy to see him. Haleigh is hoping she can work with Scottie, but isn't sure. Scottie, meanwhile, had been told in the comp by Fessy that it was JC who set him up. 

JC is pushing for them to target Scottie.

HoH comp time! Haleigh quickly tries to make nicey-nice with Scottie before the comp.

The backyard is a carnival set-up, rope swings, a huge cherry pie. BB County Fair. Treats and rides. They have to step on their disks suspended by the circling ropes. They cannot sit on the disks. The sideways pie slaps them as they go about. We get the typical Diary Room bits from many of them telling us they have to win.

JC fell first after a DR bit telling us that this was HIS competition! Mustard and catsup is squirted at them as well as cherry filling coming out of the pie on them each time they hit it. Here come feathers! 

Sam is out. She'll be happy if Tyler wins -- she feels he's the only one in her corner. 

Scottie started spinning out of control and is out. He wants Haleigh to win. 

Kaycee started vomiting, but remains up. Whoops! Brett is down! It's down to Tyler, Kaycee and Haleigh. Haleigh has been looking very solid. 

Now Kaycee's feet slip and it's between Haleigh and Tyler. Sam is cheering Tyler on which will add fuel to Haleigh's dislike of Sam. Nobody is cheering for Haleigh now. Whoa! The pie hit Haleigh hard and she went down.

Tyler is the new HoH! He tells us in a DR session that he will do what's best for his own game, not Level 6. His eyes are on the prize. Haleigh is super worried. Scottie wants to rekindle his friendship with Tyler. JC is smug thinking that Scottie will go out again.

JC pushes Haleigh's Anti-Sam buttons. She now thinks Sam wasn't cheering on Tyler -- she just didn't want Haleigh to win. 

The Tyler/Angela showmance secrecy continues. Tyler says he doesn't have final two deals with Scottie, Haleigh or Angela. Angela is good, he thinks. Therefore, it seems that Scottie and Haleigh nominations will get the least blood on his hands. He's really trying to resist distraction from Angela.

JC and Kaycee talked about when they each came out as gay and how their families handled it. Kaycee's Mom isn't really accepting and Kaycee cries in the DR although she will always love her mom. 

To Haleigh and Tyler in the HoH room. He tells her that he hasn't decided. Haleigh inquires about Sam as a target. He doesn't tell her that he plans on putting her (Haleigh) up. Then Scottie approaches him. Tyler fills him in on the Fessy/Haleigh final four faux-deal. Tyler tells Scottie that Haleigh is the only one who put him (Tyler) on the block. He tells Scottie that everyone wants him out because he came back. Scottie keeps saying, "Tell me how to vote." Um ... I would say that as IF he has a vote this week!

JC thinks if he can create chaos between others, he can keep himself under the radar. He tells Tyler that Brett is saying things about Angela and Kaycee.  Brett goes to Tyler and rats out JC to him. 

JC and Tyler talk. JC wants Scottie out now. Tyler tells him he knows what he's doing. JC tells Tyler that Brett doesn't trust him (Tyler) ... bwahahaha! Then JC starts bugging about Angela. Tyler is not falling for his tricks. 

Time for the nominations ceremony. Tyler first nominates Haleigh, then Scottie. He says that Haleigh the Hacker stuff, Scottie -- everybody voted you out all ready. Strictly a game thing, love you both.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Endurance Comp Updates - August 30

Once the live feeds return, I'll be regularly updating this post with screen caps and status. You will need to refresh the page to get the most current updates!

10:00pm ET -- The feeds return and they're still celebrating Scottie's return. No comp yet. 

10:12pm -- Still no comp yet.

Every time Scottie says too much about the jury house, like food they have, we get fish. Angela told Scottie the lies about her in Fessy's speech.

Apparently the comp won't start until after the live show airs on the West Coast.

12:35am ET - Still no comp, but I just had to say something. Haleigh was singing (bad!) 'You're So Vain' and Sam asked if that was a Carly Simon song. Then Sam went on to say Carly Simon passed away and was an original member of The Mamas and the Papas. I can't ... I just can't. No one corrected her.

Right now I plan to hang in and wait. Sleep might call, but ...! 

12:56am ET -- The feeds cut to previous season rerun to prep the hamsters for the comp expected to start in about a half-hour. 
1:24am ET -- Reruns stop, feeds to fish.

1:42am ET
1:42am ET -- Feeds on the comp. They're suspended by ropes spinning around. Mustard, catsup and water are being shot at them.

1:49am ET - JC down

1:54am ET

2:00am ET

2:03am ET -- All still hanging in except for JC. Kaycee is not feeling well. They're starting to go around faster.

2:05am ET - Catsup Boy Brett
2:07am ET - Sam down. She's dizzy and doesn't feel well.
And Scottie needs to stop singing!

Sam is down

2:11am ET - Scottie accidentally started spinning around and is down.

They are bombarded with feathers, too

2:20am ET - Only JC, Sam and Scottie out of the competition. Haleigh looks remarkably strong

2:22am ET - Brett slips and falls.

Buh-bye Brett

2:25am ET - Only Haleigh, Kaycee and Tyler remain in it.
2:32am ET - Kaycee down. Just Tyler and Haleigh remain. Both look strong.
2:40am ET - The waffle pie stopped slapping them for a few times around. Haleigh keeps changing her position while Tyler remains standing. Both look pretty solid. A few times Tyler asked Haleigh how she's doing and she said fine. I think he might be tiring.

BB needs to spice this up for these two! 

2:47am ET - Haleigh got walloped by the waffle pie and goes down.

Haleigh makes a hard landing

TYLER is the new HoH!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Big Brother 20: HoH Comp Finish, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 19

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Please remember the show posts, like this one, are spoiler-free zones. While many already know the PoV winner and more, it has not played out on the show. Feel free to post spoiler comments on any of the live feeds posts, but not here ... also please don't ask for spoilers information in this post. Thank you!

Previously on .... blah-blah. 

Finally ... to the actual start of the show. Heh. Fessy in the DR complaining it's the fifth time he's been on the wrong side of the vote. Now we're getting everyone telling us how much they need to win the HoH -- the slip and slide. Fessy is gliding along. JC decides to go for the easier money option. Sam is about the only one not falling. They're making this look longer and funnier than it did in the little we saw on the live feeds.

FESSY wins the HoH! 

Scottie is confident that Fessy will keep him safe. Tyler is thinking this just might be the week that Level 6's luck runs out. 

Fessy goes on about always being left in the dark. Tyler, while worried for his alliance, feels safe because of his cloud power app.  JC feels safe, Brett is a bit worried because Fessy is jealous about him with Haleigh. Haleigh seems to think she can make Fessy's decisions for him. She thinks they need to keep Scottie because he's the one who voted Kaycee out. 

Meanwhile, JC and friends came up with the plan to frame Scottie and claim Brett was to vote to oust Kaycee.

Fessy doesn't want to put Tyler on the block. Haleigh doesn't want him to put Scottie on the block. Haleigh also thought that Tyler will work with them, but Scottie is loyal to them. Hmm. 

JC works on Fessy with the Scottie voted out Rockstar falsehood. Now JC is telling Kaycee and Angela the plan.

HoH Room Reveal. Same overdone thrills and chills. He tears up at the letter from his parents. Aw, so touching. He asks who voted to evict Kaycee, Scottie raises his hand. Then Brett claims it was himself. The plot thickens. Kaycee even playing along, claiming she's always been closer to Scottie than with Brett.

JC is setting things up about making Scottie the target even more -- going to make Fessy jealous. Haleigh tells us she and Scottie are only friends. JC is making it to be a lot more than that! Fessy already has been jealous of Scottie with Haleigh, this adds fuel to it.

Haleigh tries to convince Fessy that she can't afford to lose Scottie, one of the only people who is on her side. That's really not the way to get him to not put Scottie on the block! 

Funny Sam teaching JC southern expressions.

Haleigh advises Scottie to go talk to Fessy although he thinks it will be futile. He ends up going to plead his case about the vote. He's saying that Brett and Kaycee are working together. Fessy has never seen them together. Fessy doesn't believe him.

Haleigh tries talking to Fessy, telling him she hopes he's not just buying what JC says and that she and Scottie are only friends. Fessy thinks that Scottie talks game with her, but not him. He does his little walks like a duck bit that he just did earlier in the DR. Haleigh is getting irked that Fessy is even thinking of putting an alliance member up on the block.

Time for the nominations ceremony --
Fessy nominates Brett, then Scottie. He says it's because both said they voted to keep Rockstar and somebody's lying.

Fessy thinks he made a big move. Brett laughs at us from the DR room because as long as he's not against a Level 6, he has the votes. Scottie is incredulous that Fessy would put an ally on the block. JC is snickering because it all went down as he planned.  

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Big Brother 20: HoH Endurance Comp Updates - August 16

Once the live feeds return, this post will be regularly updated with screen caps and standings. Oh, and, of course, the eventual winner. 

10:04pm ET - Feeds still not up 
10:08pm ET - Audio, but fish cam 

10:09pm ET
 Haleigh is actually doing well cheering everyone on ... including Angela. Possibly Angela a bit less, but ...!

Fessy in the lead at 10:14pm ET


If someone won the money, they did it before the feeds came back. I don't think anyone was going for it. When Fessy won HOH, JC asked if they keep going or is it over. Then the feeds cut out.

At 10:46pm ET, feeds returned. JC WAS trying for the money. No one got that, it seems.

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction, HoH Start Show Blog Party - August 16

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Either Rockstar or Kaycee will be evicted live tonight. The HoH comp will start tonight at the end of the live show and carry out on the live feeds. I'll be setting up a separate post to cover that which will be updated and have screen caps of the action. Please feel free to keep the night going on that post! 

But, until then ...

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum

Steve Arienta
Chris Swaggy C Williams
Winston Hines
Kaitlyn Herman
Rachel Swindler
Bayleigh Dayton

Hamster watchers ready?

Previously on ... yada, yada, yada ... 

Ohhh, Julie's shoulders are showing -- white top, black slacks and SHOULDERS!

Kaycee is confident her Hacker vote take and her Level 6 alliance will keep her in the game. She will act sad, though. Rockstar is sad. 

Rockstar isn't only sad, she's mad. She thinks she has the votes. Tyler tries to apologize a bit to her, telling her it's Bayleigh. She kicks Tyler out of the room so she can talk to Kaycee alone. She tells Kaycee that Angela is so entitled and it wasn't meant for Kaycee to go home.

Kaycee talks alone to Angela and thinks it will be five to one with her staying. 

Tyler tries to bond once again with Sam. She asks if he's choosing Angela over her. Jealousy. Ouch. Tyler tells us he wants to keep his deals until he HAS to decide. He tells Sam he is still loyal to her. Sam tells us she just has to trust he's doing the best for the both of them.

The sink! WOOT! I'm glad they showed Fessy sit on the HoH vanity and thus yank it off the wall. And it shows Fessy get his smooch and possible under the cover make-out session with Haleigh. Gah.

Rockstar works on Brett. Brett is so good talking about secret alliances. Too bad Rockstar isn't in his. Although she thinks he is! Brett tells us he's going to build up all of her hopes and dreams, then take them away from her. He reports back to Level 6. 

Haleigh and Rockstar reach out to Brett for Rockstar's eviction speech. Heh.

Rockstar thinks her group is interesting, the other side isn't evil, but they're boring. Fessy tells her she's unevictable.

Tyler's family segment is next. His family is quite "normal" from Ohio. He was a bowling prodigy kind of kid. As we know, he lost his father when he was 17. His town is cheering him on. 

To the living room for the eviction -- All are dressed in outfits for the HoH comp.

Kaycee -- thanks the two failed girls alliances, wouldn't be in this position without you gals, appreciate if you keep this little peanut in the house
Rockstar -- Extended shout-outs, Sam never excluded, calls out Angela, Tyler and Kaycee. You keep Kaycee, you empower Angela and Tyler. Going on about the trio. 

The BB Hacker hacks Fessy's vote.

The live votes to evict are:
Angela - Rockstar
JC - Rockstar
Sam - Rockstar
Scottie - Kaycee (calls Julie "Mrs. Chen)
Brett - Rockstar
Tyler - Rockstar

Kaycee got the numbers right -- five votes to evict Rockstar, only one for her.
Into commercial. 

Rockstar seemed shocked at the news, but hugs and manners shined through. She just called out for the rest to "kill it!" Julie can't say much because of the jury. Rockstar thinks Sam was her one vote. When Julie asked her who betrayed her. She said whoever came up with the Hacker. Her interview is pretty good!

Angela and Brett left bad messages. Angela had nothing to lose because she knows how Rockstar feels about her. But, Brett? He announced their divorce and how he played her. As Julie said, "Doesn't he realize you're a jury member?" Rockstar, called on her lack of reading people when she always felt she could, shed a few tears at that point. 

HoH comp -- Glow and Flow slip and slide. Retrieving "glow" and filling glowstick. $5000 to the first to fill their small bowl, first to fill large bowl wins HoH. 

Whoa! Fessy looks like he's doing the best! Poor JC. We'll see if Fessy can keep up the momentum. 

Julie warns us -- Zingbot returns!

You can follow the HoH comp on the live feeds with me over on this post.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Big Brother 20: HoH Winner, Nominations and Slur Show Blog Party - July 22

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

Please remember that the show blog posts are spoiler-free! While the PoV has already happened in the house, that won't air until Wednesday. Also, while I watched the "slur" conversation unfold between JC and Bayleigh, I didn't post on it mainly because I wish to keep this blog slur-free. I don't even like "masked" slurs. Please keep that in mind while commenting.

Oh my. We got the warning that the hamsters don't reflect the views of CBS and on and on. Have I just missed that before or is it for tonight?

We start off with the recap.

Okay, we're to the HoH endurance comp left off on Thursday night. We keep reliving the Rockstar rant over Brett. Instead of the comp, we see more of the chaos from the Brett/Rockstar feud. Back to the comp.

Goop is falling on them, as well as rain. Tyler is still hiding that his vote was for Winston to go. Sam tells us she wants to win to have some kind of control over her power app. 

Rockstar is out of the comp first. She cries on Scottie. Fessy is out next. He doesn't cry on Scottie. Then Brett is out to Rockstar's delight. Byaleigh, Rachel, Angela and Haleigh all gone. JC gone. 

Sam, Tyler, Kaitlyn and Kaycee still in the comp. Kaycee wants Kaitlyn to fall before she will. Kaitlyn down, then Kaycee jumps. Sam is urging Tyler to jump and promises she won't put him up. Tyler jumps down.

SAM is the new HoH!

Rockstar is still upset. Sam tells us that she's already made her mind up what she will do. Rockstar cries some more and insists to Bayleigh that Brett lied. Now she just wants to go home. Wah. Wah. Bayleigh is good with her, but tells us Rockstar needs to pull herself together.

Oh, we get a segment with JC and Tyler planning on setting up Kaitlyn as the Winston vote. He convinces Fessy of Brett's lie. Fessy is SO gullible!

Then Kaitlyn kidnaps Fessie. She tells him that she only trusts him and Tyler. She cries. She cries some more when he tells her the numbers don't add up. 

And we're into the HoH room reveal. Her dog Hogan is amazing-looking. Sam tells them they don't need to freak out, no one-on-ones, she knows what she wants to do, rules say she doesn't tell anyone, no one allowed in her room this week unless she lets them in.

Now Kaitlyn is thinking Sam's power changed the votes. Tyler just acts confused and like she might be right when she told him! 

Into Rockstar harassing Brett again. She wants to show the house how ridiculous it is by herself being ridiculous. Girl needs mental help. She bangs on pots and pans and makes a fool of herself. Meanwhile Brett (whom I really don't like all that much) takes it all in stride. In a DR bit, he tells us she wasn't just bothering him ... she was annoying the whole house and the person who does that is more likely to go home.  

Onto the slur talk. Bayleigh asks if JC is a dwarf. He says that's a genetic condition. She asks him about "midget" after he says he's just short. He says that term is as bad as the racial slur for black folks. She gets upset that he said the full word. They smooth it out after much circular talk on both sides. 

Nominations time -- Sam nominates Haleigh, then Kaitlyn. Because they take the most from the house and contribute the least, don't care how they treat the men in the house -- opposite of female empowerment -- and they don't respect themselves. In the DR she tells us she doesn't like them hanging all over the guys to use them.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Big Brother 20: Live Feeds HoH Competition - July 19

Once the live feeds return, this post will keep you updated on the HoH Endurance Competition. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

10:02pm ET - All still up, Scottie sitting alone. 

10:10pm ET

10:18pm ET - Rockstar down.

10:25pm ET - Fessy, Brett and one of the girls down in short order. 
It was Bayleigh down.

10:27pm ET

10:35pm ET -- A girl fell; I think it was Rachel, another one falls? Then to fish cam.  

10:38pm ET - Rachel and Angela (?) out

10:41pm ET - Haleigh down.

JC down 

10:53pm ET -- Sam, Kaitlyn, Tyler and Kaycee still up.

10:54pm ET -- Kaitlyn down.

Then Kaycee and Tyler jump down.

SAM is the new HoH!

Big Brother 20: Live Eviction, HoH Start Show Blog Party - July 19

Which bro will go? Will Sam save one with her power?

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging it -- refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the discussion!

At approximately 10pm ET, a separate post will be set up to follow the HoH Endurance Comp on the live feeds.

What's a party without a pool? Here's where we stand going into tonight's show:

Sam Bledsoe - Shayne McCaslin, HowSad, tbc, Sharon C
Haleigh Broucher - Brian, Sharon S, Monty924, Buzzmaam
Kaycee Clark - Sharon N, Skyriverblue, Indiana Jane, Jenna G
Tyler Crispen - SueGee, Glenn Allen, Jessica Underwood-James, JennasMom
Bayleigh Dayton - Ayana, Margo, Krysta Gibson, KelseyNY
Kaitlyn Herman - Chantel, Michelle Carpintero, Donna in Alabama, Auntie Leigh
Winston Hines - Petals, David, Nickelpeed, Bizaro22
Angie Rockstar Lantry - Merilee, Babs, Jean in Tampa, Chauncey
JC Monduix - Brenda, Delee, T-Town Chick, Willie J
Brett Robinson - Judi Sweeney, Lovelakexo, Ed in Ohio, JonMD1267
Angela Rummans - Janice, Chacha, QuixoticElf, Tilda
Scottie Salton - Lili, Chrob61, JO C, DonnaNY
Faysal Fessy Shafaat - Caela, Marthalight, Cheryl in NC, Marina Tatum
Rachel Swindler - PDX Granny, Jackie, CherryPie, Dr_Celine

Steve Arienta
Chris Swaggy C Williams

Hamster watchers ready?

Ah, Julie is wearing a simple red dress with matching shoes ... much better than last week's outfit! She hints (again) at Sam using her power to save a bro and now we're into the "previously on ..."

But first ... it's a house divided. One vote could make the difference. Which bro will go? Again, pushing the idea of a power app. We get Winston and Brett's ideas on who would/should stay. Kaitlyn is still all upset about Brett's speech mocking her. I doubt she represents her "field." If she does, they're in deep doodoo.

Level 6 is weighing out the pros and cons of the bros. They seem to think Brett is more likely to win comps. The other side gals think Brett is more threatening of the two bros. So, they prefer he goes. The Level 6 gals think work on Sam.

Heh. Rockstar is stuck on the climbing rock wall in the house.  Kaitlyn is still "obsessed" with Tyler. He now realizes he's created a monster. Tyler is in a predicament with both sides thinking they have his vote. Winston wants to tug on Sam's heartstrings for her vote to stay. Again, another Diary Room bit with Sam contemplating using her power app. I really think production prompts those.

We're going to go visit Sam's family in Virginia before they finally get to the live eviction. Aw, Sam's parents are nice. She's very creative and her local people love her.

Finally to the living room!
Brett -- Nervous in front of pretty girls. Shell of a man, broken heart. All of you have repaired that heart. Apologizes to Kaitlyn, says Rockstar was going to flip the vote and blame it on Kaitlyn.
Winston -- Had a poem. Goes on about great duos and leads to the bros. Hard to campaign against Brett, would appreciate staying.

The votes to evict:
Kaitlyn -- Brett
Rachel -- Winston
Kaycee -- Winston
Rockstar -- Brett
Fessy -- Brett
Bayleigh -- Brett
... into commercial ...
Angela -- Winston
Haleigh -- Brett
JC -- Winston
Tyler -- Winston
Sam -- Winston

Six to five, Winston is out. Sam does NOT use her power. Rockstar is lighting into Brett. I thought we might have a brouhaha but she stomped away.

He's not happy. He threw Sam's homemade friendship bracelet to the ground. He's upset that his whole alliance voted against him. Julie let him know that Sam and JC did, too. 

HoH Comp -- Out on a Limb -- standing on a tree in the BB Forest. It's a wall comp indeed. Here comes the rain!

All still up doing shout-outs as the show ends. My live feeds post will be up shortly.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: HoH, Nominations Show Blog Party - Feb. 18

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating and live-blogging away the best I can. Refresh the post to get the latest news! For more information on how I'll be handling this season on the blog as well as the show schedule, check this post out. As always, the real party is in the comments area -- join on in!

Recap, recap. 

To the start of the HoH comp. I hope the editing makes it look more exciting than it actually was! 

Ari tells us that Brandi whispered to her that she was the hinky vote for Mark. Now Ari is taking her trust of Brandi into question. 

Metta is out first. His size did really work against him in this. Then Ross comes off. Mark is out. So, those three will be on slop.

Marissa out. 

Sweat, t-shirts, mini basketballs are being occasionally winged at them.

Brandi is down. It's Omarosa and James remaining. Omarosa suggests a deal. She'll keep him safe, no backdoor. James drops and Omarosa is the new HoH. 

The ones who are Slopped will be on it for 48 hours.

Omarosa thinks the pairs in the game are the most dangerous. Marissa tells James that they understood why he took the deal. Brandi has suspicion cast upon her for the hinky vote. Lots of shock and distrust going on. Ross, Ari and Marissa now all have issues with Brandi. They pretty much tell her so. And, now she's upset. They decide they need to keep her as a number.

So, they go try to console her. Oh, they love her.

Omarosa wants to make Ross her primary target. Brandi goes and tells her about the vote for Mark. Now, Omarosa has to figure how to use that to her advantage.

Everybody has to gather in the living room. 

The game is about to be shaken up. America will be voting on how to "twist up" the next Power of Veto competition. -- announcement read by Omarosa 

Omarosa tells Mark she needs to new allies. She tells him that Ross has been her target since the start and he plays them all. She asks for a week's safety if she doesn't put him on the block. Deal done.

She talks to Metta, tells him if he supports her, she'll never put him up and that he can go all the way. He agrees.

Then she talks to James.  She tells him that herself, Metta, Mark and he would be her ideal final four. He seems willing to go along ... at least for now. 

Obligatory Omarosa politics talk. Interesting ... she was working for Hillary and ended up in the Trump White House. 

Omarosa acts like she's trying to get the four women back together, but she's just searching for the best one to put on the block with Ross. She'd prefer not to get much more "blood on her hands." Ari and Marissa are obviously on the outs with Brandi at the moment. Ah ... an opening! 

Nominations Ceremony. She nominates Ross, then Brandi.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Celebrity Big Brother: HoH Updates - Feb. 16

Once the live feeds return, I'll be updating this post with the happenings of the HoH comp. Refresh this post to get the latest.

10:01pm ET - Kitty Cam on. 
10:05pm ET - Puppy Cam on. They're adorable, but give us the comp please!

10:10pm ET - Feeds back, looks like all are still up. They got sprayed with something that's supposed to be sweat.
Brief Puppy Cam 

By the way, the BB time they use is about three minutes behind real time.

 10:25pm ET - All still in. This might be the most boring endurance comp ever on the show. They should be standing. They might be able to sit longer than I can with my back issues.

10:30pm ET - Metta is out -- his size was a disadvantage.

10:38pm ET - Ross out.


11:02pm ET - Mark down
11:04pm ET - Marissa down

So, it's Metta, Ross and Mark on slop.

 11:14pm ET - They threw balls at them. It should be rocks thrown just to get this MOST BORING COMP EVER over with!

11:24pm ET - Brandi out

So we have Omarosa, James still up. Some deal talking. Omarosa promised James safety and ... he drops after a bit.


And, I am SO out of here for the night!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

BB19: Season Finale Blog Party - September 20

As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! 

It's a relief to finally be at the end of this season. While it's apparently been great ratings for the show, not so much fun for at the online fan community. 

The remaining blog pool peeps --

Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L

Cody Nickson
Elena Davies
Mark Jansen
Matthew Clines
Jason Dent
Raven Walton
Alex Ow 
Kevin Schlehuber

Hamster watchers ready? Let's have a longer recap than usual ... 

Magical unicorn wonderland? I dunno. It looks to me like the unicorns have serious digestive issues. The final three are hanging onto the tails for dear life. 

And, now Josh is having second thoughts about a final two with Christmas.

Of course, they all have their reasons for wanting to win this final HoH, part one. 

Josh is down first at 40 minutes in. Christmas was up around 54 minutes. Paul wins. He's loud. Of course. 

HoH Part Two has all the previous hamster faces dressed in medieval garb, they have to attack and knock down those with whom they're not aligned as per a scroll. Josh and Christmas go for the win to compete against Paul in the live part three. They have three different weapons to knock down the targets.

I think we saw too much of this comp.  1 hour 39 minutes for Christmas, 1 hour 32 minutes for Josh. It feels like we spent that amount of time watching them. Josh will go up against Paul in Part Three.

Paul thinks he has the best chance of winning at the end with Josh. Christmas is crestfallen, going on about playing with the broken foot in the Diary Room.

Eek. Dr. Will has grey in his hair! He's leading the round table for the jury. Matt and Raven still think they're puppetmasters in the game. Mark argues with them. Kevin finally gets to speak.

Most of the jury think that Josh was poorly behaved, no respect, Cody and Mark admit that Josh took action and Paul didn't. When asked why Christmas deserved to win, they all seem to think it's all because of her broken foot. Then Will asks about Paul -- manipulation, outsmarting, everybody else did his dirty work. Elena is a self-admitted bitter jury member. It looks like they all think Paul played the best game but no one likes the way he did it. 

Finally, we're getting to the final part of the HoH comp -- Josh versus Paul. It's the typical Scales of Just Us comps with how well they know the jury. 

1. Paul scores, not Josh
2. Josh scores, not Paul
3. Both right
4. Josh scores, not Paul
5. Both wrong
6. Both wrong
7. Josh right, Paul wrong.

JOSH wins the final HoH Part Three! He both cries and screams.

It's time for Josh to decide who goes with him to the final two.
Paul - Worked with you, had your back, etc.
Christmas - My meatball, love both of you, amazing summer. (Obviously conceding to Paul.)

As we know from the live feeds, he chooses to take Paul to the final two. Silly boy. 

Christmas's Julie interview is all teary. She thinks Josh stands a better chance to win against Paul than against her.

I personally disagree. 

The jury comes out. They think Christmas will join them. And, yes, she does. 

Three questions for each.

Elena - Paul, orchestrated and participated in bully tactics. He denies it. 
Matt - Josh, no strategy? Biggest game move. Says he's a superfan since age of six, social game, aligned himself with so many. Got rid of Alex.
Alex - Paul, last season friendship, this year destroyed it. Paul denies, got people as far as he could, but had to play for himself.
Cody - Josh, played Paul's game, not his own. Josh says he played his own game.
Jason - Paul -- moves made to avoid jury issues. Paul denies that reasoning, again blames house.
Mark - Josh -- Altercations, crying and apologetic, then happens again. Josh expose people's games. 
Christmas - A joke question.

Josh was a lot more articulate than I expected. And Paul seemed to try to shift the blame for everything on others. Hmm.

Speech time:
Paul - His rehearsed all week speech. Set house targets, put himself in with others, pretty much voicing his strategy for the season (sans bullying). Wins he made. Never on the block. Played the hell out of BB.

Josh - Expose people's shady games, aligned myself strategically, put my targets on the block, played fearlessly ... loses his train of thought ... gave it everything he got, no friendship bracelet, made sure I was underestimated. 

Cody - stay true to my word
Elena - no jury management
Mark - Congrats both
Matt - More in all aspects of game
Jason - Both aligned with me
Raven - Best game
Alex - Just a game, person who stabbed in front, not back
Kevin - Congrats
Christmas - Love you both, game move. 

A bit of time for the evicted prior to jury hamsters. Jess tells them Paul played them all and they all let him. Into Diary Room Paul clips. Jess says she would have voted Paul to win if she was in jury.  Heh -- they show Josh blowing up Paul's game in his goodbye messages.

The votes are revealed:
Christmas - Paul
Kevin - Paul
Alex - Josh
Raven - Paul
Jason - Josh
Matt - Paul
Mark - Josh
Elena - Josh
Cody - Josh

JOSH WINS THE SEASON! Paul loses by one vote again.

AFP -- Top three were Kevin, Cody and Jason.

Cody wins. When asked if he had anything to say, he said, "It doesn't make sense." It does. America can be a bitter jury as well as the BB jury can.