Showing posts with label HoH endurance comp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HoH endurance comp. Show all posts

Thursday, August 05, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds HOH Endurance Comp Coverage - Aug. 5

 Once the live feeds return, this post will be updated as the HOH endurance comp plays out. Screencaps, who is out and more will be constantly updated until we have a new HOH. Refresh the page to get the latest news! And ... head to the comments area to discuss and possibly mention things I just might miss. Yeah, that can happen. Heh.

9:03PM EDT - I see kittens

9:06PM EDT - Feeds on No Fish but we can hear Derek F talking to Christian. He must be down already. Oh, wait. He's still up!

9:10PM EDT - NOW Derek F is down.

9:15PM EDT - The drinking "passengers" above them are vomiting green goop on them.

9:29PM EDT - Claire is down.
9:41PM EDT - Hannah and SarahBeth fall simultaneously.

9:57PM EDT - Kyland down.

10:04PM EDT - Britini down

10:15PM EDT - Azah down, said the goop weighed down her hair.

The goop did her in, Azah

10:16PM EDT - Tiffany out
10:20PM EDT - Alyssa down

10:23PM EDT - As the hamsters are putting it, it's the Battle of the X's - Derek X and Xavier. Xavier gets a safety promise and drops. I was thinking as I watched this that Derek X looked like he became one with the wall.


BB23: Live Eviction and HOH Comp Start Show Blog Party - Aug. 5

Good evening! Tonight is not only the live eviction, but will has promised the start of an HOH endurance competition which will play out on the live feeds. I have a post slated to appear when the show ends and will be covering the comp on the live feeds on that post complete with updates and screencaps. The post will go live at around 9PM EDT. So, if you want to follow the comp, refresh the blog and you should see that post at that time!

I'll be live blogging the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real blog party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there! (Bring snacks and tasty beverages, please!)

Before we get into the show, here's the latest blog pool update from that wonderful Lifeguard SueGee:

Azah Awasum: Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie 
Britini D'Angelo: CherryPie, Donna in Alabama, Jlaf, Sharon C 
Derek Frazier: Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl 

Whitney Williams: Caela, ChaCha, David, Mario Lee, Jennasmom 
Derek Xiao: Auntie Leigh, Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, SueGee,T town Chic 
Hannah Chaddha: BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC 

Christian Birkenberger: Jackie, Joanne Victoria, Shayne, Willie J 
Alyssa Lopez: CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan 
Xavier Prather: Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals 
Sarah Beth Steagall: Andi, Brenda, ~~~Tilde, TS14Fan 

Claire Rehfuss: KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924 
Kyland Young: chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy 
Tiffany Mitchell: April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc 

Travis Long
Brandon Frenchie French
Brent Champagne


Julie is wearing an orange flowy kind of dress that is really not slimming. She hints to us that the teams will be ending. Then we're into "previously on." Yep, the narrator confirms the teams are ending. Good.

Julie tells us the Kings are the only complete team left. She will tell them later tonight that the teams are history.

Christian is hoping for a unanimous vote to oust Whitney. Hannah is thinking that people might be noticing how analytical she is and think of her as a threat. So far it seems to be only SarahBeth and Whitney noticing it.

Tiffany tells us that she feels closest to Hannah, they think alike and even now have a final two deal. The Cookout is supporting Hannah but Tiffany points out that SarahBeth is coming after Hannah ... and thus needs to be targeted.

Meanwhile, SarahBeth is trying to convince Kyland that Hannah is dangerous in the game. He's the only person in the game she trusts. It's a friendship, not a showmance! Kyland thinks very highly of her but tells us he would have to choose the Cookout over her.

Tiffany works to get the Cookout members to partner a non-Cookout member to act as a bit of a shield to make it further in the game. Tiffany is a bit worried about SarahBeth, but goes ahead and includes her in the plan.

Now we get Whitney looking for votes. Christian is trying to walk like Derek F but doesn't have they rhythm. Tiffany seems to have a bug in her bonnet because no one answered her good morning greeting. It was Kyland, Xavier and SarahBeth. Now Tiffany is worried about Kyland and SarahBeth's relationship.

Azah goes to Tiffany saying that a King must go home. Azah doesn't trust Hannah and realizes that she cannot talk to Tiffany about it. Oh geez ... Whitney goes into her one on one meetings, starting with Alyssa. She tells Alyssa that Hannah has been moving in on Christian and can manipulate him and that she would likely target her (Alyssa). Alyssa buys what she's selling, it seems. She runs to Christian with the intel. Christian, not knowing about the Cookout votes, thinks he can persuade them to target Hannah if he wants. Or, so the show edit tells us!

To the living room ...

Hannah is wearing athletic gear, Whitney a dress.

Hannah - Shout outs but don't want to see soon, then briefly addresses hamsters.

Whitney - Shout outs, make up sessions, weird but love you to death. She tells them to vote for her. Mind you, the votes for her would be for eviction.

The votes to evict:

Derek F - Whitney
Britini - Whitney
Azah - Whitney
Kyland - Whitney
Alyssa - Whitney
SarahBeth - Whitney
Claire - Whitney
Derek X - Whitney
Tiffany - Whitney
Xavier - Whitney

It's unanimous, Whitney is gone. Hopefully the last house vote? Please? We hate that stuff! 

Whitney tells Julie that she is out because she was an advocate for women empowerment and making big moves. The men are scared of her. Yeah, sure. That's why. Julie tells her about the Royal Flush. All the goodbye messages shown are nice ones. To be honest, she really didn't raise much animosity in the house. Azah was the one with the most against her due to jealousy over Xavier, but she even said that and was nice.

Julie tells them that the teams are being eliminated. They are happy. I notice that the Kings are rather subdued. The Wild Card comp is also gonzo.

They head to the backyard and we head into a commercial.

The comp will barely start ... make sure you go to the next post for coverage after the show ends!

It's a wall comp. Whale of a Time. The wall is a huge whale watching ship. It's raining on them and tilting.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

BB22: HoH Finish and Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 13


It seems so long ago and far away. The gap between shows and the actual live in house happenings is never longer than it is when the live feeders already know who won HOH, who won POV, etc. when the show hasn't even finished the HoH comp! Please, no spoilers about things not shown on the show in the comments here! I will remove spoiler comments!

Also remember -- The show will air Tuesday at 8pm ET/PT this week instead of Wednesday. There is a music awards show scheduled for Wednesday.

I will be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Previously on is on. We pick up the action with the HoH comp in motion. Remember, the first three who fall will be this week's Have Nots.
We see Christmas apologize to Da'Vonne, who tells her that she will be safe if Da'Vonne wins HoH. Da'Vonne tells us the first opportunity, Christmas will be gone. We're seeing more Diary Room segments on how they want to win or not win. Dani says she doesn't want to win, just wants to outlast Tyler because she thinks he is coming after her.

Christmas is being annoying shouting out direction to the ones on the wall. Eep. Da'Vonne fell first.

Enzo is being typically Enzo, clowning around. David down. Ian down. So -- Da'Vonne, David and Ian are the Have Nots. Memphis dropped immediately once the Have Not slots were filled. 

Enzo is out. Kevin down. Tyler out in a flip dismount. Dani had been waiting him out. She tells us that she wanted to stay in a while longer so it wouldn't be obvious. Cody tells he doesn't want to win this one, let them get blood on their hands. Nicole, after making too many orgasm sounds, falls. Then Cody goes down.


While she's excited about the letters from home and such that go with the HOH win, she really doesn't look forward to nominations. After all, she's pretty much aligned (although planting seeds behind backs) with just about everybody in the house. Da'Vonne wants to push the Tyler target. She talks to a confused David. He reminds up he has the Disruptor Power which allows him to take a nominee off the block. He hasn't told anyone.

Kevin is worried because, while he really likes Dani, he has no idea where her head is at game-wise. Da'Vonne suggests her putting Christmas up. Of course, Da'Vonne will be okay with anyone who is not Da'Vonne. Cody points out that the only two Dani doesn't have an alliance with are David and Kevin. She tells him that she thinks Tyler is coming after her. He doesn't think it's time to go for him yet.

Cody seems to want Tyler to stick around as a shield and bigger threat than he himself is in the game. So, he pushes Dani for the Kevin/David nominations and hope no one gets saved.

A pranking and Dani scaring Cody segment with Day abetting. Back to Kevin worrying as he talks to Dani. He thinks he's a bad representation of the LBGTQ Community because he acts too feminine. 

Tyler talks to Dani. He wants to smooth over the rough patch but would understand if she wants to put him up. He thinks it will weaken the alliance and not be a good game move at this time. Is she convinced? Hmm.

Dani talks to Nicole about going after Tyler. Nicole tries to talk her out of it because of the alliance. She thinks it's too soon. Then Kevin comes to visit her again. She tells him she's scared of the power, trusts him and he would be a pawn. She asks him how he would feel if she promised he'd be safe. He tells her that others might think of him as expendable and is worried about being a pawn. Dani tells us that "everyone" wants Kevin and David on the block.

She makes an agreement with Tyler that they won't go after the Committee and he amends it to not going after her until the final four.

Time for nominations. Dani first nominates Kevin, then David. She says she doesn't want to crush anyone's dreams but they don't really talk game with.

David tells us it's time to disrupt the house.

We won't see him use the power or the aftermath until the TUESDAY show.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds HOH Endurance Comp Updates - Sept. 10

 Once the live feeds return, I will be updating this post to get you the latest news. Refresh the page for updates!

Or not as this is what I get when I go to the site: 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable

We’re currently experiencing site issues, but are working hard to fix them. Please check back shortly.

918pm ET - Site still down for me. I checked on Twitter. Massive down. Great timing.

I see on Twitter Da'Vonne fell.

9:21pm ET I finally have feeds

9:25pm ET - It looks like Da'Vonne is the only one out. They keep talking to Mike, one of the comp guys. No one seems to be telling them to stop.

As usual, the wall is doing the tilting forward, rain and goop is being sprayed at them.

9:30pm ET Quad Cam

9:42pm ET - Julie was right. This is an epic. The most epically boring wall comp they've ever had on the show. I wonder how Da'Vonne managed to fall before CBS fixed the site. No shaking them, nothing. Just the tilt, rain.

9:48pm ET - David is down. Something went wrong with his hand (slipped? Hurt?)

9:53pm ET - Ian and Memphis both down, Ian first. So, Ian, David and Da'Vonne will be Have Nots.

10:01pm ET - Enzo down.

10:07pm ET - Kevin down.

10:16pm ET - Tyler down. Only Cody, Nicole and Dani remain on the wall.

10:22pm ET - Nicole down followed almost immediately by Cody.


And I'm outta here!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thursday, September 12, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds HOH Comp Updates - Sept. 12

This post will be updated once the live feeds return, check comments too!

Um, okay.

Feeds came back a few minutes after the show to a Nicole win 

Sunday, September 01, 2019

BB21: HoH Completion/Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 1

Tonight we get to see the completion of the "epic" HoH endurance comp which had its start (and, technically but not on the show, end) on Thursday evening. Then the new HoH will name the nominees of the week. Then we'll probably see a whole bunch of Diary Room clips each telling us how they HAVE to win PoV.

Since this is a show post and in real life the PoV comp is already history, I ask no spoilers that haven't been shown on the aired show.

I'll be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments section -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Previously on ... like we just don't know, right?

Finally we open with the HoH comp going on. Nicole is tired of not winning. She wants to hold her weight in her group of four -- Cliff, Jackson and Holly. Ghosts are slamming into them, rain is coming down and they're getting slimed. Jackson would like to see either Nicole or Cliff win. He doesn't want Tommy to win. Christie is feeling confident and claims she doesn't need to win this HoH. Cliff doesn't think he can win, but would like Nicole to win. 

Now they're getting gassed with ice flashes. It sucks to be them, huh?

Jess is out first and makes an epic fall and yell as she goes down. It did look painful. But very funny! Cliff is the second one down. We could have predicted that. Christie just gives up.

The comp is down to Nicole, Jackson and Tommy. And we're into commercial.

Jackson tells us if Tommy goes down, he'll go down and let Nicole take it. Unfortunately, Nicole slips and goes down, leaving Tommy and Jackson to duke it out for the win. Nicole is in tears in the DR -- she really thought she could win this one and wants to see her family.

Jackson tells Tommy he's good (if he falls). Christie is still feeling all kinds of confident -- she'd rather Tommy win, but feels Jackson won't target her. Tommy ends up going down. Tommy points out to us that Jackson can't play HOH next week and the deal doesn't include Christie.


Jackson tells us he didn't want to win this HoH -- but didn't want Tommy to win it. He seems sincere about being in the alliance of four. Christie isn't so sure she's good with Jackson. Jackson is actually very consoling to Nicole. Nicole is upset that she contributes nothing to the group and feels she needs to "build her resume" in the game.

Jackson tells us he promised not to put Tommy up. He can't put up Holly, Nicole or Cliff. It only leaves Jess and Christie. Cliff thinks he himself would rather Tommy and Christie on the block.

Jess is feeling safe because Jackson is HoH. I say she's about as safe as she was in the wall comp just as she started to fall. 

Jackson tells Christie he's putting her on the block with Jess. Jess would be his target. He tries to convince her it's a good move -- their deal to use her as a pawn will be done, Jess is a mental threat to his game and blah-blah-blah. Christie cries to us.

Christie cries more to us. Nicole and Christie have a teary talk in the dark bedroom. Nicole and Christie cry and, of course, Tommy is the one to offer them comfort. Christie cries about crying. The BB voice announces, "Big Brother loves you." Gag me with a spoon please.

Holly tells us she thinks it's smarter to get Christie out rather than Jess. I agree with her. But Jackson didn't ask me. 

Cliff tells Holly and Jackson that if they need to put him up as a pawn if the veto is used. Jackson likes that idea.

Christie, the one who didn't think it important for her to win HoH and dropped just because, is upset that Tommy didn't win the comp. She's mad that he didn't include her in on the deal with Jackson for safety. After all, he's practically family! She thinks Jackson/Holly are working with Cliff./Nicole and tells Tommy that. He thinks it could be. (And it is.)

A segment on Cliff missing his wife and his love of dancing with her. And, the love he has for her. He would like to renew their wedding vows. Very sweet.

Jackson tells Jess he's terrified going up against her and Christie in upcoming memory comps. He loves her but there are two seats he has to fill. He starts talking numbers. He's skirting all around the core of his intent then blurts out that he probably will have to put up her and Christie. She's shocked. 

Christie goes up to the HOH room to suck up to Jackson. She asks if Jess wins the veto, who will go up? He tells her Cliff. She wants to make sure she (Christie) has the votes to stay. Jackson would have to break a tie if it happens. He tells her he wants to work with her. She tells us she knows he wouldn't keep her over Cliff. She tells him she trusts him. 

Time for the nominations ceremony. Jackson nominates Christie, then Jess. He tells them they have the greatest chance of beating, he loves them both and it's a game.

Tommy tells us he'll feel partially responsible if Christie leaves and he'll be along. Christie and Jess both say how they need to win veto. 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

BB21: Endurance HoH Comp Updates - August 29

Once the live feeds return, this post will be updated with the HoH endurance comp happenings!

10:01pm ET - Julie lied -- she said the second the show ends. Right now the feeds are still blocked with adoptable animals and the theme music.

10:04pm ET - Feeds are back, looks like all are still up.

10:06pm ET
10:14pm ET - all still up 

10:18pm ET - Jess drops (on purpose)

10:22pm ET - Jackson needs to stop playing with his crotch. Thank you.

10:27pm ET - They talk about their pizza party they had and get the feeds blocked.

10:37pm ET - Cliff drops, followed by Christie.

It's now Nicole, Tommy and Jackson up. Nicole looks surprisingly kind of like a rock.

10:32pm ET - Nicoley down

10:43pm ET - Tommy down


Thursday, August 15, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds HoH Comp Updates - August 15

When the live feeds return after the live show ends, I will be updating this post with coverage of the HoH comp. Refresh the page to get the latest update!

10:05pm ET - Feeds still showing adoptable dogs.

10:07pm - Feeds on, all in motion. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.

Hmm. Blogger isn't letting me upload photos (screen shots). Grr.

10:08pm ET Quad Cam 
10:16pm ET - Jackson and Nick seem to be in the lead. Jackson has a bit more than Nick in his stein.

1029pm ET - Cliff
10:33pm ET - As we could have guessed, Cliff and Jess are not good at this. Cliff moves like he's 100 years old, slow and steady. Jess moves slow and unsteady.

10:40pm ET - Jackson
10:47pm ET - Jackson's lead has really grown. He's way ahead of everyone, including Nick.

Cliff wants to complete the comp, told them they can shut the lights down and all, but he wants to finish. I predict they won't let him as it would take him more than an hour longer!

BB21: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - August 15

Well, instead of the Fan's Choice for eviction tonight, it will be either Cliff or Kat leaving the house to join Jack in the jury house. Just the thought of being along with Jack for a week is rather frightening, right?

Judging from the scroll on the CBS website, it looks like tonight's HoH comp will be endurance and carried out on the live feeds after the live show ends here on the East Coast. I have a post waiting in the wings to spring up after the show so we can update during the comp once the live feeds return. 

Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool and you can find where you currently stand at this link.

I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this post with the major events as the show airs here. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Once again this week, Julie says there has been chaos, vote flipping and alliances changing leading into tonight. Then we're to Previously On.

All starts off smoothly enough. Kat and Cliff say they won't throw each other under the bus. But then Nick wants to shake things up in the house -- breaking apart the six and going after Holly and Jackson. Christie would like to get Cliff on their side. Nick proposes a six with Cliff, himself, Christie, Tommy, Analyse.
Many scenarios about the voting are going around. Mick tells Nicole that she's the swing vote. Oh, not to put pressure on her. Nicole doesn't think she can really trust him.

Julie points out that Cliff made his secret deal to stay safe, but secrets don't always last in the house. Holly wants to keep Kat safe, but doesn't want to put her own game under the spotlight. Kat is campaigning, but doesn't know that Nick enlisted Cliff into a larger group.

Nicole is really in a quandary between the two nominees, both her closest friends in the house. Cliff talks to her and tries to get her into the larger alliance of six deal he has for safety. Nicole is wary. She thinks she should talk to Jess about it. She tells her the alliance wants Kat gone, leaves her (Jess) out of it and Jackson/Holly will be targeted.

Jess is upset because, once again, she's not included. She's tempted to blow up everybody's game. Nicole tells her they might be able to gather votes to keep Kat using Jackson and Holly. Of course, she tells her all this is to be kept in confidence. We know how that goes in the BB house.

Julie: "It's one thing to blindside your enemies, it's another to blindside your friends." I sense at least a kerfuffle, perhaps a brouhaha ahead. Kat, when told of the alliance Cliff made to get her out, is really crushed. She had trusted him. She confronts him. He claims he made the deal because he's on the block. She tells him she's disappointed in him. He tells her he will do what he needs to do and, at least it keeps Nicole and Jess in the game. He tells her he keeps the logic of the game separate from emotion. He tells us he feels bad, but needs to keep himself safe another week.

Jess tells Holly about the six. Holly tells Jackson. Christie and Cliff put more pressure on Nicole. Poor Nicole. 

To the living room …
Kat - Third time on block, great summer, sad it's Cliff and me on the block, mentions all Cliff has done and yet he's convinced them that she's the bigger threat. Conspire away, bitches.
Cliff - Shout outs to family, love BB, signed up for the comps and to prove age doesn't matter, wants to stay, apologizes to Kat. He tells her he's not her father -- she had referred to him as such.

The votes to evict --
Nick - Kat
Christie - Kat
Analyse - Kat
Nicole - Kat
Jess - Cliff
Holly - Kat
Jackson - Kat

So, it's official. Kat has to go to jury alone with Jack for a week. Ew. The Julie interview is prime Kat and, once again, an extended interview will be posted on the CBS site.

The HoH comp is starting. It's the Slip and Slide. it's Augtoberfest. They will be filling mugs with beer, then across the slip and slide, fill their steins with beer. First to get the ping pong ball out, wins.

Join me over on the live feeds HOH update post to see what's happening!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

BB21: HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - July 28

Tonight we'll see the continuation of the endurance HoH comp from Thursday night and then the nominations. As those who follow the live feeds or my other posts, that's all old news now! But, some people come to the show posts as strictly show only folks. So, I do ask for no spoilers in the comments.

As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live-blogging the major events and updating this entry. Please refresh the page to get the latest happenings! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- please feel free to join in on the fun!

Remember -- Jess, then Nicole already fell in the comp before the live show ended~

Sitting through the "previously on."

We see Jess go down again in the HoH and we're getting desperate DR sessions form those who feel they must win. Cliff would SO not be good in this comp! Jess draws a chip from the box -- two will get a poison ivy punishment. The other chips seem to be just safety from that punishment. Nicole is down and she too is safe from the punishment.

In clips we see Christie trash-talking Jackson and Nick running to tell Jackson.

Oh noes! Sam is all over the place on his vines and … boom, he's down! He is safe from punishment.

Wet calamine lotion is being sprayed on them. Christie is out and … BOOM, she gets a punishment chip! Heh.

Nick is out. His "groins" were on fire. He doesn't get the punishment, at least it's not mentioned. Now ivy leaves are coming down on the participants.  In clips, Jackson is haranguing Kat. More glop is splashed on them.

Jack is down! Too bad, so sad! He's safe from the poison ivy punishment. 

Analyse points out her athletic abilities in soccer, but says this is horrible. Tommy doesn't want to win the HoH. He feels safe. Whoops, he falls down! AND … he got the second poison ivy punishment chip!

Holly, Jackson, Analyse and Kat remain. Kat tells us she refuses to come down before Jackson does. 

JACKSON IS DOWN! Kat gives it a minute, then drops after getting a promise of safety from the girls. It's down to Holly and Analyse. They try to talk deals while Jackson keeps telling Holly not to drop. Even Christie who thinks it's all about Christie thinks Jackson thinks all should be about him. He keeps dictating that Holly stay up. The two girls -- Analyse and Holly -- know that they're safe no matter who wins. Analysie is down.

HOLLY WINS HOH! Or, Jackson wins HoH, so to speak. Analyse is ticked off that Jackson kept barking for Holly to stay up when they're all in the same alliance. But we know a win for Holly is an HoH for Jackson, too!

Jackson tells us he wanted Holly to win so he can tell her what to do … er open her eyes and take a look at things.

Cliff, trying to keep up good will, is handing out beer from his HoH basket. He doesn't want to go on the block. Nick is sure he's going up. Sam is worried and feels he needs to talk game for the first time with Holly. Christie is also feeling Analyse's pain over how Jackson acted in the comp towards Holly.

Heehee. Cricket noises when Holly wants to know who wants to see her HoH room. The oohs and aahhhs and a letter from her mother. Obviously written before she jumped into the sack with Jackson … or she's not allowed to reprimand her. Nicole was touched.

Christie goes on an anti-Michie trip. She annoys me but her comments about him are spot on. 

Jackson/Michie is advising Holly to put up Sam and Nick. She is worried about putting both of them up at the same time. Then he tells her to put up Nicole and Nick … because there would be less of a chance of them coming after him.

Whose HoH is this?

Kat pushes her moon landing conspiracy theories but Cliff is a firm believer. She also spouts off several other conspiracy theories. Y'know, I was just starting to like Kat. But this is a bit much.

Christie and Tommy get their poison ivy punishments. They have painted airbrushed red splotches all over them and leaf bathing suits. They're must stay inside for four days and cannot shower.

Sam talks to Holly/Jackson and points out that he could work with them. He's willing to be on the bottom even. He tells them that he wouldn't nominate them.

Holly tells us she doesn't know what she's going to do. (I guess she has to make sure what Jackson wants her to do.)

And, the moment of truth … time for nominations. Holly nominates Nick, then Sam. She thinks the key is trust and teamwork. Nick lost trust and Sam was caught in the crossfire.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

BB21: Live Feeds HoH Endurance Comp Updates - July 25

Once the live feeds return I will be updating this post with the action and some screencaps, too. Stay tuned. And, once I start updating, refresh the page to get the latest and please head to the comments area so you too can help report or react to the comp!

Jess, then Nicole, went down before the live show ended.
10:03pm ET - Julie promised live feeds the second the show ended. I have cute adoptable kitties.
10:04pm ET - Okay, feeds are live in audio, but we have fish.

10:05pm ET

10:09pm ET - Sam out, followed by Christie

10:15pm ET

10:20pm ET - Jack out.

10:28pm ET

10:33pm ET - Tommy down. Now it's just Kat, Holly, Jackson and Analyse remaining. I'm not sure when Nick went down.

10:40pm ET

10:38pm ET - We had a puppy for a while. Tommy and Christie have the poison ivy punishment.

10:50pm ET - Still Kat, Holly, Jackson and Analyse up.

11:02pm ET

11:23pm ET - All four still up. This is getting a bit much. It's to be a battle between Kat and Jackson. The other two can drop now as far as I'm concerned.

11:23pm ET - Jackson down
11:24pm ET - Kat down

It's up to Analyse and Beth, er Holly now.
I just wish one would drop. Neither are ones I had hoped to be battling it out now.

11:57pm ET - Still Analyse and Holly hanging in at the two-hour mark. One needs to drop. Really. Seriously. Like NOW.


12:14am ET - Analyse went down.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

BB21: Season Premiere Part Two Blog Party


It sounds like it's going to be a pretty jammed with action hour for us tonight. We'll have the Camp Director banished hamsters comp and, since this is a taped show followed by the two-hour season finale of The Amazing Race, it looks like we'll have an edited or really shortly endured endurance HoH comp. Either that or they'll leave things hanging to air on the next show. If that's the case, although rumor are out and about, we'll know the HoH for sure after the live feeds come on at midnight ET.

Just a TAR note -- the blog party post for that show is waiting in the wings and will appear as BB ends tonight. Come cheer on hamsters Victor and Nicole!

BB21 blog pool match-ups are on THIS HERE LINKED POST in case you missed it.

BB21 schedule is on THIS POST. And, last but not least, what to expect from this blog is on THIS POST.

I'll be live blogging and constantly updating this post as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest update! As always. the rea; party is in the comments area. Please stop in and visit us! Bring adult beverages and snacks.

Previously on and blah-blah-blah …

Julie has on a summery dress. We get clips of begging and pleading. Jessica is worried about being banished. Jackson, not happy that he has to make the decision to banish four and cost one his/her game, listens to each of them. Kemi doesn't think she herself needs to go talk to him. Bella falls into favor with Jack and Jackson because she voted for him. Jack mentions that David probably wouldn't hold it against Jackson and is sure to come back.

Jackson talks to David and lets him know he wants to put him as a pawn in the comp against people he's sure to beat. David tells him he'd rather not.

Julie has them gather in the living room. A camp mascot helps the banished be removed. Jackson goes away from the rest and makes his first selection. The mascot is a creepy squirrel. The squirrel puts a wrap over Cliff's head and leads him out. Second banished is Kemi. Then Jessica. Then David.

The four are in the dark in the wilderness. First three back to Camp BB stay in the game. Other camps are put there as decoys. The decoy camps are all booby-trapped. Gooey honey, balls chucked at them, etc. 

CLIFF makes it back first!

Kemi experiences scary clowns, but makes in back second to Camp BB 

Jessica and David are struggling but Jessica makes it back first.

DAVID is last and out of the game. Julie interrupts his search and tells him he's out of the Big Brother house … for now. Hmm.

Christie wants to make sure that Tommy is okay with her. They both want to keep things under the radar about knowing each other.

Jack says they're calling Jackson "Mickey" as it's his last name -- Michie I believe. They're trying to get a six person alliance together. Holly, Christie, Bella, Nick, Jack and Jackson … er, Mickey.

Julie tells us an epic battle of endurance BEGUNS next. Now, this show was taped and that comp is NOT live. So, I won't be covering it. I will confirm the winner once the live feeds verify it later tonight.

Jackson has one last duty to perform. He won't be competing. Played in pairs. Climb onto a log, last person on log is HoH. Jackson chooses who gets paired with whom. The logs are vertical and swaying a bit. 

Whoa! Jessica is out first! 

They get sprayed with various colors of paint (or paint-like substance). 

Jack down, Kathryn, Nick down. More stuff coming at them and the logs are spinning a bit. Ovi out -- he threw it. Sam down. Kemi down. Cliff down. Bella down. Maybe this will end with the show end. Nicole down. 

Christie wants to win for her new alliance. Analyse is down, then Holly. It's only Tommy and Christie still in it. She tells us he would be safe from a DR bit. Tommy down.


I was definitely right about Sam being Most Likely to Shout In the DR, 

A new power will be revealed next week. And, Julie tells us David might be back. The live eviction next week is on Wednesday night.