Showing posts with label HoH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HoH. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds, We have a final HOH Part Two Winner - Sept. 23


The feeds have returned!

The problem is ... they are not talking about it. Taylor and Turner went off to nap in their respective beds, not saying anything to each other. Monte went off to cook some eggs. When the three were together, they just talked about being tired, whether there was champagne left, something about getting blankets and Monte asked if anyone wanted eggs.

I believe Monty won against Taylor in Part Two. The only indication is that when he walked in a room alone he gave prayer hands, then a victory fist. Taylor, on the other hand, seems quite subdued. They just called her to the Diary Room.

I will update this post when I get confirmation that Monte won or something that refutes it.

UPDATE: Confirmed Monte win. Taylor finally talked to a camera, telling us she lost by about 20 seconds. I don't know what the comp was.

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Report, Final HOH Part 1 Winner - Sept. 23


Uses others to do his dirty work

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Down to the Wire:

  • This won't be a long report.
  • After all, it hasn't been a long time since last night's eviction of Brittany.
  • I do not miss her talking.
  • They had the first part of the final HOH comp -- the feeds were blocked, of course.
  • Turner won it.
  • You heard me. Turner is the winner of Part One, something about spinning and hot dogs from what I gather.
  • That would mean that Part Two has Monte going against Taylor.
  • The winner of Part Two goes up against Turner in Sunday's live finale show.
  • The winner of the third part of the HOH comp then chooses who will go with him or her to the final two and who is out in third place.
  • They expect the second part to happen today.
  • It could very well be going on right now as I write this up since we have had adoptable animals for quite a while.
  • I will let you know when I know.
  • Also expected, I'm thinking tonight, is the Roundtable.
  • We will not see that.

Taylor was not expected to last this long!

Who woulda thunk it? Final Three?

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 11

Tonight's show is airing a half-hour later at 8:30PM Eastern. The show should cover the HOH comp and nominations. I know the live feeds are beyond that point. But I ask that no live feeds spoilers be posted on the show posts. Thank you very much!

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously on ... and we already know all this stuff! We pick up the action and it's why Michael leaving, apparently unaired due to fillers. Right now we just have Brittany telling us how hurt she was after the eviction. Monte mentions they all knew he had to go. Turner had really been targeting Britanny and he told Alyssa that. Michael was okay with the Brittany out plan.

Then Monte wins the veto. He thinks this may be the only time they can get Michael out. Turner is not pleased with the idea. Monte tells Michael. Uh-oh! Turner tells Brittany. She's okay with it as it means she will stay. Michael goes to Taylor and Alyssa begging them to keep him. Michael trashes Brittany to Alyssa. Then he begs to Taylor. 

Into Michael's rant speech and a hurt Brittany, then Michael's exit.

Back into moving on ... Turner is trying to cover his bases as he cannot play for HOH as the outgoing HOH. That is even though he didn't get the room. Taylor thinks that Turner should be worried. She thinks she has to step up and take him out. He talks to Brittany and she too tells us she will target him if she wins HOH.

HOH Comp -- there's a killer on the loose. Play one at a time. Brittany is up first, with goggles and getting a phone call about the killer, she must search house, secure all six doors with boards, hit alarm switch. The power cuts out and she is in the dark trying to do this. Monte was next. He seems to be faster than Brittany. Taylor next. She bails on it and gives up. Alyssa next. She lost count of the ones she barricaded. She can't find the alarm switch.

Taylor - Timed out
Alyssa - 22.24
Monte - 15.15
Brittany -- into a commercial - 15.24

Monte wins HOH. He tells us that he will not put up either Taylor or Turner. So, that leaves it a bit obvious. Alyssa understands that she will go up. She knows that she's the least threat to anyone's game. Monte is a bit concerned because Alyssa has many friends in the jury house.

Brittany thinks she might stand a chance to convince Monte that she is not the biggest threat. He is a bit skeptical. He tells Taylor that he thinks it will probably Brittany and Alyssa up. He tells us that he has a final two with Turner ... he does not tell Taylor that. Taylor thinks that she and Monte will go to the end together. She asks about Turner. He tells her if she wins veto and takes down Brittany, Turner would go up and it would be just her and Brittanny voting.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Monte nominates Brittany, then Alyssa. Wishes them luck with the veto.

Friday, September 09, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday, New HOH - Sept. 9

She never saw it coming

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hurt Hamsters:
  • Brittany is a wreck.
  • She's so hurt by what Michael said in his speech.
  • The others are surprised but they all try to convince her that he loved the game so much and was so shocked that he was saying anything and everything.
  • All (except Brittany) talk about what a fantastic BB player Michael was.
  • All were pretty shocked about the way he left.
  • But they think he will accept the game move of taking him out -- which he did by the time he talked to Julie.
  • Alyssa told Brittany she's sure she (B) and Michael will be best friends outside the house.
  • Brittany cried.
  • Brittany got called to the Diary Room.
  • She cried some more.
  • Everyone is being super nice to her.
  • They blocked the feeds for the HOH comp.
  • But we heard what happened once the feeds came back.
  • Monte won the HOH comp.
  • I'm not sure what the comp was.
  • I'm not sure whether he will go after the girls as was the plan or whether he might realize his biggest competition is Turner.
  • Turner got his HOH basket.
  • They got alcohol.
  • I got sleep.

Yes, Monte can win when Michael is gone

Turner got his HOH basket

I think she's the least female target

She's the only one who hasn't won a comp

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Double Eviction Show Blog Pary - September 8

Tonight's show certainly has promise. Double evictions can get exciting! Terrance and Alyssa are on the block going into the first eviction. 

Before we get into the show, Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool --

Alyssa         - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

I will be live blogging the show, updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there!

Julie is in red tonight as we head into "Previously On." 

Okay, the veto meeting is over and we're in action. Why is Julie reading off a card? You would think she would know her stuff by now? She's not looking at it as she gave the Michael wins stats.

Monte tells us that he thinks Terrance needs to go. Brittany and Michael talk to Alyssa giving her support. Alyssa talks to Taylor, looking to stay. Brittany is trying to better her bonds with others. Alyssa gets more support from Taylor. Taylor tells us she wants Terrance out. I believe it -- Terrance has not been her friend!

They have a Turner's sayings segment. BB must not realize that "fire" is extremely common online for something good. His other words, bussin and megabussin and such are not prevalent.

Terrance is talking to Taylor. He tells us he would like to see a POC win the game and would vote for either Taylor or Monte. Taylor sees right through that. Then he pulls the same talk with Monte. Monte says that he thinks Alyssa will float through to Final Two. Monte tells us that what Terrance is saying is something he has to think about. He talks to Taylor and says that either of them would have a better chance sitting next to Terrance in the final two. Taylor tells him that she doesn't trust Terrance at all.

Julie tells us there will be a jury house segment. Yay!

We start off with Indy at the pool, then Jasmine arrives. Oh my, her accent is mostly gone. Oops. She's back into it. Joseph arrives. Indy is thrilled. She had such a crush on him. Jasmine likes him, too. Joseph tells them what a rat Kyle was and both women don't trust Kyle anyway.

Kyle arrives. Heh. Kyle tells them about the After Party. Joseph is disappointed in Turner. Then Kyle tells of the racial stuff. The other three are very surprised and hurt. Indy walks off. Ah, Joseph brings up the timing and Jasmine agrees with him. Kyle takes the blame. Indy is back. All three say hatred is wrong. Indy says he needs to learn his lesson and move on. She hugs him.

Julie tells us Michael is the biggest threat in the game but may not be the biggest target. Turner thinks she cryptically told him the girls have a final three. Turner suggests to Monte that the guys flip the HOH each week until the final three. They propose the idea to Michael. Michael seems receptive to the idea.

More filler material. This time with the HOH camera and questions about people lying about their jobs. Then the guys solidify the plan to work together.

Finally to the living room.

Terrance - Entertain with faith. Onion peeling, herd game.
Alyssa - Shout outs, love you all, please keep me.

The votes to evict:
Monte - Terrance
Brittany - Terrance
Turner - Terrance
Taylor - Terrance

They played a herd game, Terrance. Unanimously out. He says he will do a Daniel and walks out with no hugs and no goodbyes. From what the hamsters are saying after he leaves, it's obvious they are not expecting a double eviction. They think the HOH comp will be later tonight and airing on Sunday.

Julie talks to Terrance. He admits being upset with the houseguests.He honestly thinks he can manipulate people. Bwahaha! He is certain he's a huge threat. No, Terrance. You're annoying. He says he was most loyal to Daniel and Nicole. He tells Julie he would like to see Taylor follow him to jury.

Julie calls them to the living room. She tells them about the double and has them head to the yard. Apparently, a few expletives had to bleeped. We saw fish for a moment when there are no fish this year!

 Michael cannot compete as HOH. It's called Laser Focus. Videos of six colors of laser shows, then questions about the colors.

1. Which color appeared the most? All right.
2. Which color appeared second? Alyssa the only one not getting a point.
3. Which color appeared only once? Monte and Turner get points only.
4. Which color appeared between the red laser lights? Monte and Turner each get a point.
5. Which color appeared exactly twice? All right.
6. Which color never appeared? Alyssa, Brittany and Taylor each get a point.
7. Which color appeared fourth? Brittany and Turner right.

TURNER IS THE NEW HOH! He takes Alyssa aside and tells her he wants Brittany to go and she is the only one he can put up next to her. He apologizes.

Live nomination ceremony. Loves all in the game, but it will have to be Brittany and Alyssa. Julie tells them to all head to the backyard for the live veto comp. All will compete.

Amp It Up. Navigate themselves and their cable to get their cable plugged into their amp. First one who does it, wins. The cable is twisted around a metal apparatus. Guess what? Michael is in the lead and almost wins. Taylor then does the same. But ... MONTE wins the Power of Veto!

He tells Alyssa he will be saving her and to keep it to herself. He tells Turner he has to make the move. Michael goes to talk to him and we cut away to commercials.

To the living room. Monte saves Alyssa. Turner replaces her with Michael. So, it's Michael and Brittany on the block. Michael will have a legacy like his favorite BB player -- Janelle. So many comp wins but can't win the game. I'm sure he will be more gracious than Terrance! I cannot see them NOT voting him out. I would if I were there.

Live vote. Ohh, heated talk as Turner is saying he had sworn he would never take out an LGBT person.

Brittany - I could be an asset to your game.

Michael - This move is Turner and Monte. Stick my neck out, I'm better for your game. (Brittany cries at him.)

The votes to evict:
Monte - Michael
Alyssa - Michael
Taylor - Michael

He practically ran out the door. He said he had one thing to say and left without saying a word. He admits that the others made the right decision for their games. He doesn't blame them. He loves and respects all those in the house.

Brittany is crying because Michael threw her under the bus. (But he definitely didn't lie.) Monte pointed out that Michael knows the game and what he said was game, not personal.

Sunday's show will air a half-hour later than usual on the East Coast.

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Comp and Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 4


The show should cover the HOH comp and nominations. I know the live feeds are beyond that point. But I ask that no live feeds spoilers be posted on the show posts. Thank you very much!

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

We will sit through the Previously On segment. I hope you don't mind. Oh, yes. ZingBot is on tonight. Sigh.

We start off with the puzzle HOH comp which started on Thursday night at the end of the show. In the Diary Room segments during the comp, it seems all want to target Michael. He is the biggest threat in the game. Brittany is the only one not targeting Michael.

Michael EASILY wins HOH!

Michael promised Turner that he wouldn't nominate him this week. He plans on keeping his promise. He plans it that the Brocella group -- Brittany, Monte and Taylor -- will be safe. Oops. That leaves Terrance and Alyssa, huh?

Taylor gives Alyssa a bit of a pep talk about Alyssa voting off her showmance. Alyssa had made up with him and plans to see what happens after the season.

ZingBot has arrived. He's on the balcony over the yard. Turner -- van lifer everywhere but the shower. Masks are now optional unless your face looks like Michael, cover that up. Monte - I'm good at impressions, I'm Monte and I'm so boring. I could use something icy and cold -- could I borrow Taylor? DJ Showtime, popular in the underground because that's where they find fossils. Alyssa -- you're a winter jacket in the desert --dead weight and useless. Brittany - I have a song for you ... Jeepers Creepers where did you get those peepers? Crazy eyes! Tells them that they're hard to look at and calls them losers before leaving.

Is it a wonder I can't get by the mean-spiritness of ZingBot? I understand it's a BB institution. But I don't have to like it.

Monte is telling Turner that if they can take out Brittany, they should. That way, if Michael goes to the final two with either of them, there is a shot they could win over Michael. They could target the timing of the Kyle news as leverage.

Brittany and Taylor are talking. Even they understand that Michael will have to go. Brittany tells us that she is totally loyal to Michael. She does not tell Taylor that.

A segment on Alyssa's sore back. She has a meditation session with Alyssa. Keep in mind that Brittany is a hypnotherapist.

Terrance talks to Michael. He wants to know what the options are. Michael tells him he promised Turner safety. Terrance says he wants to fit in the space that's now here. Okay ...! Terrance tells him a bit of the truth about Dyre Fest. Michael is pushing to see if he was the backdoor plan last week. Terrance won't give him that info.

Then Alyssa goes to talk to Michael. She tells him she is now a free agent. Tears come. Would love to work with him. Tells him Kyle told her about inside the Leftovers another alliance called the Pound -- Kyle, Turner, Terrance and Monte -- had a final four deal. Michael already knew it, so it's not a big deal that she told him. 

Turner talks to him next. He says the obvious choice is Terrance and Alyssa. Michael says that Terrance throws Taylor's and Monte's names around. Turner tells him that if he wins HOH next week, he will work with him. Michael tells us he doesn't trust him.

Brittany talks to him next, but not the same kind of talk. Michael tells her he would prefer Terrance go but is worried that Alyssa might go instead. She advises him to get Turner out.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony -- Michael nominates Terrance, then Alyssa. He says no easy decisions left in the game. Terrance, I heard some things that led me to believe I wasn't in your favor (paraphrasing) and Alyssa, you held out info until I was in power.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds HOH Bulletin - September 1


The live feeds returned after the HOH comp was over. They did not play it out on the feeds. But they do talk.

MICHAEL won the HOH comp. That makes the week a bit predictable.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Comp and Nominations Show Blog Party - August 28


Tonight's show is scheduled a half-hour late here on the East Coast due to sports. Grr. I'm preparing this post ahead of time. Football ran over, but I'm not sure how much over. So, the show will probably be starting later than 8:30PM EDT. This post will go up at 8:25PM EDT anyway and we'll wait!

The show should cover the HOH comp and nominations. I know the live feeds are beyond that point. But I ask that no live feeds spoilers be posted on the show posts. Thank you very much!

I will be live-blogging and updating this post constantly with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Finally ... at 8:40PM EDT, the show starts. Previously On. You know the drill.

Okay, the final eight were reunited. Will there be war? Who will be HOH? Who will be nominated? Inside they were expecting Alyssa to be gone and she's still there. Turner is happy Jasmine is gone. Kyle is wondering what will happen because he betrayed the Leftovers. Taylor is in tears because Joseph is gone. She really cared about him.

Dyre Fest tells the others the horrors they went through outside. Yes, it was like a punishment. Alyssa tells us that the After Party (yard alliance) decided to blame Joseph for his own demise in the game. Turner likes everybody and feels aligned with all, but will go with the blame Joseph game.

Terrance is planning on not revealing that he knows anything about the Kyle lies to Michael and Brittany. Michael is skeptical. 

Time for the HOH comp! Smallest music fest in the world. Stacking micro-energy drinks into a pyramid of color rows with tweezers. We've seen this comp before. It seems to be taking forever as everybody's stacks are falling. Kyle is coming real close and POOF. Monte and Turner are doing well.


Monte is still concerned about what might have happened at Dyre Fest and what Turner will do.

Turner doesn't know what he'll do. But Terrance is thrilled. Kyle is glad the winner was someone from the After Party.

Michael is thinking Terrance and Alyssa have to go on the block as they are the only non-Leftovers. Turner tells us he will lie to Michael and Brittany and tell them they were safe. And, he does. Taylor tells Turner that Joseph was the first one to come to her when she was so alone in the beginning of the game.

Alyssa feels safe. Kyle feels safe. Terrance feels safe. Turner tells us he needs to prioritize what's best for his own game. He thinks he needs a final two deal with Kyle. Turner suggests to Kyle that he could take out Alyssa so he won't have to. Nonono! Kyle does not want that! Turner has little faith in either Terrance or Alyssa going up against the biggest competitors (Michael, Monte?) in the house.

Taylor is getting red flags over the Dyre Fest people. She knows Joseph wouldn't do what they're saying and their stories seem too pat. The inside Leftovers are all worried about what happened in the yard. Turner tells Monte that Joseph told him that Brittany, Michael and Taylor had an alliance within their alliance. Now Turner realizes that Monte is someone he can work with and that he and Kyle are at the bottom of the Leftovers anyway.

Neither Kyle nor Alyssa know anything about European countries. That doesn't surprise me. Kyle thinks it's geometry, not geography. @@

Because of what Turner told him, Monte is now aboard the Kyle train. Argh. I don't like that. He suggests voting Michael out in a backdoor with Brittany and Taylor on the block. He thinks chances are that neither woman will win the veto.

Now Turner is against the Leftovers once again.

Time for the nominations ceremony. Turner first nominates Taylor, then Brittany. Love as people but Joseph said they were in a final three and he wasn't included.

He's drawn the line in the sand. Taylor cries. She couldn't believe Joseph would hurt her. Michael is sure it's a backdoor plan for him. The narrator tells us the POV comp will be slip and slide.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Thursday Evening, New HOH - August 25/26


Learning to mime?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Reunited and It Feels So ...:

  • The feeds returned before the West Coast airing of the show.
  • Everybody was getting along without a hint of the changes decided by the prior backyard crew.
  • They showered, ate and played Chinese checkers while telling of various events in their respective places during the week.
  • The feeds were blocked for the HOH comp.
  • It was the tiny stacking or furniture type comp.
  • With this one, Turner was a shoe-in due to his intricate work with rugs.
  • And, he was.
  • Turner is the new HOH.
  • Beware, Monte, Michael and Brittany.

Turner showered

Monte mingles

Alyssa settled in with no shower

And, Turner wears the HOH key

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 2-Hour Eviction, HOH Show Blog Party - August 18


Good evening! Tonight is the big two-hour, divide the house into two teams of five playing the game independently from each other twist and, lest I forget -- last night's show didn't show the veto meeting. So, after the previously on, they should be starting off with that.

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events the best I can as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there.

Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we currently stand going into tonight's show --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Hamster watchers ready?

First live audience since COVID! Julie is dressed in a cute pants and short-sleeve sweater, light and summery. Then we have the narrator with the overly intensive Previously On ...

Ah, the action picks up. Michael tells Kyle that Taylor wants Alyssa up. He thinks keeping her is best for his own game as a showmance will be a bigger target than a big comp winner. Kyle is upset that he wasn't told by Taylor. Joseph seemed to be good with the idea of Alyssa up when he talked to Kyle. Same with Monte. Kyle thinks that Joseph, Monte and Taylor are conspiring (well, he said raising red flags) against him.

Joseph tells Taylor about Kyle's reaction. Then Michael enters. He wants to rile both of them up about Kyle so he will be sitting pretty out of the drama.

We get to see Indy's punkitard punishment she has for a week. She has to do performances when told to do so. Turner drums for her. Jasmine takes a turn drumming. The "songs" are loud and horrible.

Kyle doesn't want to use the veto and thinks he can convince the Leftovers. Turner wouldn't mind Alyssa staying as he has a better relationship with her than he has with Indy. But he's not saying anything because Kyle is making such a big deal over it for the both of them. Of course, the others are sure Kyle is just protecting his showmance.

Veto meeting time! Indy has to do a performance before ... Kyle does NOT use the veto, nominations remain Indy and Terrance. Taylor play yells at him to make the others think she's surprised because she had told Indy she would take her off the block.

Now Terrance is talking to Taylor. Hmm. Isn't this a whole lot of veto stuff when we have a whole bunch of actual action ahead? Kyle tries to turn Michael and Brittany against the others in the Leftovers. Michael seems to buy that he and Brittany are at the bottom of the alliance and he feels he must get the others to turn on each other.

Ah, they are getting to Kyle thinking the Black/POC are going to turn on whites this season. About time. That was discussed on the live feeds a few weeks ago. Michael and Brittany do not want a white alliance.

Now onto Terrance's tattoo INK 182 punishment -- 182 stick on tattoos. He gets a BUT FIRST tattoo on his lower back kind of like a tramp stamp. Onto more filler, chess now. Joseph is playing dumb. Okay. More filler -- Kyle/Alyssa showmance or split up for the game. I'm tired of both of them. He wants to slow things down so they can concentrate on the game. Too late for that, I say. He goes to Turner and Joseph and tells them that he told her less time together, but didn't tell them that now they're closer.

Taylor chooses Joseph to be tethered to her for 48 hours as Skid and Fancy. A take-off on Sid Vicious and Nancy, the girlfriend he murdered and then he died of an overdose before his trial. They were both addicts. She has to do a bad NY accent, him a bad UK accent. 

Finally ... to the living room. Julie talks to them. She congratulates them for making past the halfway point. She asks what they miss the most. She also talks to the costumes. Still no eviction at 9:57PM EDT ... ARGH!

10:01PM EDT - more filler, Terrance's tattoos. Jasmine's 30th birthday party. She asks Turner and the others the top two things he loves about her. What is up with that? I'm glad they are showing this as Turner cam was a hoot on the feeds. Skid/Fancy filler now. Michael tells the Leftovers that he doesn't want Indy to go out on a unanimous vote. (Of course, for jury it is better for him.) Taylor doesn't want to have to break a tie. Taylor wants a unanimous vote.

Really finally at 10:14PM EDT -- 

Indy - Loves family, Latina in this country, would like to have your vote, loving and happy days.

Terrance - Family shout-outs. 182 reasons to be here, consistency, vote for your boy.

The votes to evict:

Monty - Indy
Michael - Terrance
Joseph - Indy
To commercial ...
Jasmine - Indy
Alyssa - Indy
Brittany - Indy
Turner - Indy
Kyle - Indy

Indy looked like she knew it the second Julie said 7 to 1. She takes off the punkitard wig and hugs everybody. She tells them that she had their backs and they will regret it when they look back on it. But she loves them all and wishes them the best. To another commercial the moment she settles in on stage with Julie.

Well. in her Julie talk she did indeed believe Monte was the target. She thinks Kyle didn't use the veto to save Monte. In the goodbye messages, Michael tells all the members of the Leftovers, said he didn't want this to happen and will send home those responsible.

Julie calls them into the living room. Tells them the game will completely change. Split House Twist. Two games of BB played simultaneously and separately.  Five will live in Big Broachella, House. The second group will be living in the backyard, Dyre Fest. No contact between the two groups.

HOH comp begins ... two HOH crowned. To the backyard. Do You See the VIP? is the comp. Some attend their own festival. Image of three different festival crowds. Former HG holding VIP signs. Quickly identify former houseguest section. Done in rounds, win the comp wins the HOH in house, second place HOH in yard. Face offs with the questions.

Random draw for Brittany and Terrance. Brittany eliminated. Terrance chooses Joseph and Jasmine to face off next. Joseph eliminated. Jasmine chooses Monte and Turner to face off next. Monte eliminated. Turner picks Terrance and Alyssa. Alyssa eliminated. Terrance chooses Michael and Kyle to face off. Kyle eliminated. Michael chooses Terrance and Jasmine to face off. Jasmine eliminated. Just Turner and Michael left to face off. Turner eliminated. Down to Michael and Terrance. 

MICHAEL is HOH in the house. Terrance is HOH in the yard.

How the split up works -- schoolyard pick.

Michael will pick first. They are not showing the picks on the show. I will find out once the live feeds are unblocked and report on it.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HoH Comp, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 14


Good evening! I've been enjoying some more reasonable temperatures here in the NJ/NYC area. We could use some rain although our drought is nowhere near what it has been in some of the Western states.

Tonight's show will be the HOH and nominations. They began the Wall HH comp as the show ended on Thursday. Jasmine was down before the show signed off.  Although many of us already know the results of the veto comp, shhhh. This is a show post -- no spoilers!

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously On ... and on.

Don't forget the Wall comp is Conspiracy Fest. We'll see Jasmine fall first once again. We have lots of Diary Room sessions before we get the real action. There -- Jasmine is down. A weird voice shouts out conspiracies as they get gooped on. Sigh ... back to pre-comp Alyssa/Kyle stuff due to Daniel trying to turn Alyssa against Kyle. 

Fake NEWSpapers fall on them. Brittany down. Sheesh -- another pre-comp bit about the girls trying to get Joseph in an alliance. Back at the comp, Terrance is now down. The Loch Ness monster gets them with blue goop. Monte down. Alyssa down.

Bigfoot conspiracy -- hair drops on them. Now pink goop hits them hard from "aliens." Indy down. Now all that remain are Leftovers. Taylor tells us she will not let go. Turner gives up. It's Taylor, Joseph and Kyle remaining. Joseph down -- he did not want to be in the position to have to deal with the girls who think he's in their alliance ... along with Kyle. Kyle is down.

TAYLOR is the new HOH!

Many are thrilled. Jasmine is not. Brittany and Taylor happy dance in the storage room. Michael tells Brittany that Joseph and Kyle are in another alliance and are dependent on the players from the Leftovers who do win. Taylor tells us Jasmine is not on her radar and she came into the game planning to not target another Black woman. Brittany thinks Jasmine should be the target. Monte suggests Indy.

Terrance talks to Taylor. Taylor acts like she's listening but tells us she doesn't trust him at all.

Taylor talks to Joseph. She tells us he was the first person to be kind to her. He hints showmance to us from the Diary Room. She tells us her goal is to get Terrance to the jury house this week. She is looking for a pawn. Turner is upset as he stuck his neck out for her and doesn't want to be a pawn. She's thinking Turner/Monte up, backdooring Terrance. EEK says the two guys.

A segment on Joseph and Indy. She's the crankiest roommate ever.

Taylor decides she will put Indy/Terrance on the block and tell them it's to backdoor Monte. She had told Indy she wouldn't put her up so she needs to tell her. Indy talks to her. Indy tells us she never really trusted Taylor. Indy says okay but is clearly upset.

The rest of the Leftovers would like Jasmine out.

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Taylor nominates Indy, then Terrance. Indy most distant relationship. Terrance play the veto. There is always a larger target.

Heh. Indy thinks she's a pond.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH Endurance Comp Updates - August 11

 When the live feeds return, I will be updating this entry with screen caps of the action and the order in which they go out. Refresh the page to get the latest update!

At 10:04PM ET we switch from adoptable bunnies to the live feeds, alll except Jasmine still up.

At 10:06PM ET, they got green gooped.

10:09PM ET, Brittany down.
10:11PM ET Terrance down.

!0:13PM, all of a sudden, feeds cut and the theme music BLARED.

12:21PM ET - Monte falls, then Alyssa about ten seconds after him.

10:27PM ET - Taylor, Kyle, Joseph, Indy and Turner remain up.

10:33PM ET - Indy down

10:37PM ET - Turner down

10:38PM ET - Joseph down
10:39PM ET - Kyle down


Big Brother: BB24 Live Eviction, HOH Comp Start Show Blog Party - August 11


Good evening! Tonight should hold no real surprises, but you know you never really know. I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section. I hope to see you there.

Rumors have it and it is about time for a wall endurance HOH comp. If they do have an endurance comp and it plays out on the live feeds, I will have a separate post with updates on it. If not on the feeds, I just can't help out! 

Lifeguard SueGee updated the blog pool and here's where we currently stand going into tonight's show --

Alyssa          - JonMD1267, Auntie Leigh, SueGee, Gibby in MI
Brittany    - Judi Sweeney, MikesGirl, Tilde, YoDave
Daniel    - jo C, Indiana Jane, Marthalight
Indy    - Brenda, JamieNJ, Krysta, Petals
Jasmine       - Sharon N, Babs, tbc, ChaCha
Joseph    - Cheryl in NC, T-Town Chick, Sharon C, Tammy M
Kyle    - RJM in SC, Nickelpeed, Donna NY
Michael    - Jennasmom, monty924, KelseyNY, Fred aka TwoBlackAces
Monte    - Sally, Willie J, Rodney
Taylor    - CherylNY, Donna in AL, Cherry Pie
Terrance    - Lili, Caela, Ayana, Nora, AprilW
Turner (Matt)- Bizaro22, Glenn Allen, Jasonuwp

Hamster watchers ready?

Julie has a melon shade summer dress tonight. She just better not twirl in that skirt! Previously on tells us all we already know. Tonight is the last evictee pre-jury.

Julie tells us it's Day 37 and that the Festie Bestie twist ends tonight. She says it's been a house divided and one side has been in the dark ... until now.

Kyle tells Daniel he won't throw him under the bus. Daniel tells us that he and Alyssa have figured out that there's an alliance he calls The Sorry Six. Now he believes that Kyle is in the alliance, so he will campaign against him.

Now Indy is hiding some of Michael's hard cider. Indy and Alyssa are tipsy. Kyle tells us he's back to riding with the Leftovers as Alyssa went all crazy about Monte going. He won't be able to protect her and try to get her into the Leftovers. Daniel thinks that Alyssa and Joseph are just afraid to really play the game.

Daniel is willing to sabotage the Kyle/Alyssa showmance by throwing him under the bus. He thinks he has these votes: Jasmine, Joseph, Terrance and Indy ... needs one more. Of course, he doesn't realize how tied to the Leftovers Joseph really is. He knows Joseph is in that alliance but thinks they're tight and he will "listen to logic." He's trying to convince Alyssa to vote out Kyle now.

To the living room for the vote --

Daniel - Please vote to evict me to be with Nicole, this is a circus and you're a bunch of clowns. Michael has won five comps! Keep me and I'll do your dirty work. There's an alliance! It will be boring without me.

Kyle - Shout outs, can benefit everybody's game, love ya.

The votes to evict:
Monte - Daniel
Brittany - Daniel
Turner - Daniel
To commercial ...
Alyssa - Daniel
Taylor - Daniel
Indy - Daniel
Jasmine - Daniel
Joseph - Daniel
Terrance - Kyle

Daniel knew the second Julie said eight to one. The only person he hugged was Terrance. He practically ran out. He thinks no one except Michael know the game.

Julie calls them to the living room again. She tells them the Festie Bestie twist is over. All have now, at least, made it to jury. She tells them another BB Classic Comp awaits them and tells them to go to the yard.

It is indeed the wall -- look for my next post if you want to follow it after the show ends. They are on a flat earth and the comp is called Conspiracy Fest.

Julie tells us she will let us in on a big secret twist that will "launch two simultaneous games at once." Okaaay.

Two hours next Thursday, house will split into two groups without interaction. There will be a double eviction the next week.

All still up as the show ends. OOPS. Spoke too soon. Jasmine fell down. What a shocker! Tune into my next post for updates on the comp.

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 HOH, Nominations Show Blog Party - August 7


Good evening! I hope everybody is holding up under the weather. I swear we've had more over 90-degree days than under 90 this year. And, that's not the norm.

Tonight's show will be the HOH and nominations. I guess that IS the norm this season -- holding off the HOH to boost Sunday ratings. Although many of us already know the results of the veto comp, shhhh. This is a show post -- no spoilers!

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!

Previously On and on and on. Ahh, they will show the Muffin Mystery tonight. That was fun on the feeds.

We pick up the action after Nicole leaves. Indy is not real receptive of being Festie Bestie with Taylor. Of course, Taylor chose those two as it gives two non-Leftover targets in her group.

Daniel cries to us. He confronts Alyssa because she voted for Nicole to go. She tells us she didn't want to go against the house. He sarcastically tells Monte that either he (Monte) or Michael will win the game. He's coming across as quite bitter. Daniel's behavior has his Festie Bestie Kyle concerned that they will both go on the block. (Daniel is a target no matter what at this point.)

HOH Comp. Dog Park -- BB Fest Poochapaloosa. Walk across obstacles -balance beams - in the park, hit button on other side. Mind your step.

Daniel - 16 seconds
Michael - 11.79 seconds
Joseph - Disqualified, not in time
Jasmine - Same as Joseph
Alyssa - Same as the last two
Terrance - Same again
Brittany - Same
Taylor - Same
Kyle - Just short of time
Indy - Same as the others
Turner - He fell down hard. out.


He tells us that he will do what's best for his game and thinking ahead. He and Brittany celebrate. He brings up Daniel, but is it best for his personal game? Brittany is thrilled just to be safe for the week. Taylor comes in and celebrates with them. They do have a final three together.

Alyssa is making an effort to at least act like she will work with Taylor. However, Indy is so not happy with the addition of Taylor to their Besties.

Oh, geez. Jasmine is overacting because Kyle MIGHT have bumped her ankle. Turner is skeptical that there was even a touch.

The move to put Terrance, Joseph and Monte on the block would give the Leftovers the most people playing for veto Jospeh and Monte are willing. The plan would be to get saved with the veto and Daniel/Kyle go up, Daniel goes home.

Ohh! Muffins! Jasmine decides to put a few in a bag and save for later. Oh noes! Half of one muffin is MISSING! Turner tells us that every day he's with Jasmine as his Festie Bestie, he goes a little more crazy. She is still using the cane on the wrong side of her body. Turner tells us and Taylor he ate the muffin.

To a Leftovers meeting in HOH. Turner wouldn't be upset if Jasmine goes home. Monte makes the suggestion of him, Joseph and Terrance. Taylor is just happy that she will not be going on the block. Michael tells us that Daniel is the best move for Monte, but is it for him? After all, Monte is a big threat in the game.

Grr, showmance time with Kyle and Alyssa. Heh. Jasmine interrupts them looking for her muffin thief. 

Daniel talks to Michael. I think he's overplaying things a bit. He's offering just about everything except his firstborn. Michael tells him that him gone is better for others but not necessarily for his own game. He tells him he has no plans.

Michael talks to Brittany and they discuss the dangers of Monte winning near the end and at the end. Brittanny wonders if it's a bit early to leave the Leftovers. Hmm. What is best for the both of them?

Time for the Nominations Ceremony. Michael nominates Festie Besties Monte, Terrance and Joseph. No surprises there.

The teaser lets us know the POV comp will be OTEV.

Friday, August 05, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Friday, New HoH - August 5


Turner LOVED Taylor's speech last night!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Boisterous Beasts:

  • Of course the feeds were blocked for the HOH comp.
  • I think production feels that showing the comp on the Sunday episode increases the ratings for that night.
  • I also think the only comps we will see on the feeds might be any endurance comps.
  • I could be wrong.
  • Ah, I miss the old days pre-Slop when they aired the food comps on the live feeds!
  • Anyway, the feeds returned to Michael wearing the HOH key and no Have Nots.
  • Hmm.
  • A rather disturbing conversation happened when Kyle told Michael he thinks the POC (including minorities like Indy from Brazil and Joseph due to being considered brown and his religion) are going to team up and want him out. He thinks he, Alyssa, Michael and Brittany should form an alliance to protect themselves.
  • Hmm.
  • Now, Michael didn't say anything.
  • However, Michael has a final three deal with Brittany and Taylor.
  • Plus, the POC in this cast of hamsters do NOT work together well -- most targeted Taylor!
  • Kyle is way off base and it looks like his rather sheltered life not exposing him to people unlike himself could be to his detriment.
  • Plus, the Kyle/Alyssa thing needs to stop!
  • That last was my own opinion.
  • Michael wants his ultimate target to be Daniel.
  • He's thinking of a backdoor plan, possibly putting the trio of Monte, Terrance and Joseph on the block, evicting Terrance if the veto is not used. If the veto is used, put up Daniel/Kyle.
  • Huh.
  • I personally think right now Daniel is not the threat he was before.
  • He's a rather broken and crushed version of his previous self.
  • Honestly, although I can't see it happening, of the two I think Kyle is more of a threat.
  • But I doubt Michael wants to make waves at this time.
  • He is just happy that he and Brittany are safe for the week. 
  • He really has issues that Alyssa didn't go as they agreed last week to give him and Brittany a shield of Indy in their Besties.
  • Hey, Michael ... you could do it this week!
  • Heh.

Does Monte know Kyle thinks he's a threat?

Michael going through his goodies basket

Jasmine still uses her ankle as a
 crutch in the game

Michael with his HOH key