Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Big Brother 15: First Endurance HoH Comp of the season - 7/03

Well, it's actually more like a slip and slide than an actual endurance. It's going to be a LONG comp ... so, it's endurance on our part!

As I type this, the feeds are still blocked. But when they come back up, I'll keep up with the comp posting screencaps and the eventual winner. It's going to be a long night, for sure.

The feeds are still blocked at 9:14pm ET, but here are the pairs:




9:25pm ET and still no feeds for the comp. What's up with that?

9:29 and we have audio ...!

9:32pm ET and we lost the audio. We never had video except for trivia. Someone (Nick?) said something about "exactly halfway." But since we had trivia, I don't know.

Up and running at 9:34pm ET
Amanda/Kaitlin doing well

Nick and Judd filled the smaller jug to get the bigger scoops. But will they catch up?
Nick and Judd

We're back to blocked feeds and trivia. I couldn't see all the hamsters. But it appeared that Amanda and Kaitlin were doing quite well.

9:49pm ET - Feeds back. Andy and Elissa also doing very well! Uh-oh, so are Aaryn and Jeremy. Eep.

9:53pm ET

9:55pm ET - Feeds are blocked with trivia again. Grr.

OH NOES! 10:01pm ET -- JEREMY GOT THE BALL. Rats. Andy was SO close! Either Jeremy or Aaryn will be the new HoH. When I know, you'll know.


There's bound to be some controversy because Jeremy used his hands instead of a cup, but I imagine they'll remain the winners.


Aaryn, who's almost lost her voice, is trying to get people to confess to voting out David. Jeremy, for once showing smarts, says that was last week, this is this week; time to move on.

Somehow, Elissa, Helen, Andy and Candice are Have Nots. McCrae volunteered to be one, but didn't get chosen. I guess Jeremy or Aaryn named the Have Nots.
Spencer is denying voting for David to leave way too much.

I just heard Jeremy say "if I got HoH." Uh-oh. I think he gave it to Aaryn.


Big Brother 15: Live Eviction Show Blog Party - 7/03

If you're following the scorecard, by the end of this evening, it will be one evicted, two fired. If you're unaware of what I'm talking about, check out my last post.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with major happenings -- refresh the page to get the latest news!

But, as always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join us!

The pool picks are (if you've forgotten your hamster or want to forget your hamster:
Aaryn - QuixoticElf, Isabelle, April Weaver, Donna in FL
Amanda - Petals, JimmyB, Barb S., PDX Granny
Andy - Nickelpeed, jessica Underwood, Patti, Brent McKee
Candice - Terry is a Texan!, Shannon (purrbal), cloverandthetwins, Michelle C
David - Sally, DebbieD, Sharon S, SSW
Elissa - theresa jordan, Caela, jo, Ninboh
GinaMarie - Merrlee, Jackie, Cheryl, EileenM
Helen - Dr_Celine, Sasha, Buzzmaam, RBennie
Howard - Glenn, Jennasmom, ORKMommy, Aya
Jeremy - Tami, JonMD1267, lynn1, Delee, JOKATS
Jessie - Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden, Dave B.
Judd - Lili, SueGee, Karen in CaliforniaHer, Ed in Ohio, Marlol
Kaitlin - DKNYNC, Jillian's mom, BloggyMom, Billy
McCrae - Tammy, gaylos, Chacha, Joey
Nick - Witt, MikesGirl, Brian, poodlepam, Brenda
Spencer - Becky, monty924, Chris (chrob61), Carrie

Ah, they're going to show part of the brouhaha over the wine. Showing the showmances and the idea of keeping Elissa to "weaponize" her with the power of the MVP nom each week.

The three noms get a brief statement. Jessie, happy birthday dad, great week. Elissa - target since day one, keep target around, no one comes between me and my BB game. David - stand up guy, will wear pink dress again.

The vote:
Amanda - David
Aaryn - Elissa
Nick - David
Candice - Elissa
Spencer - David
Kaitlin - Elissa

More after commercial ...

Helen - David
Howard - David
GinaMarie - Elissa
Judd - David
Jeremy - Elissa
Andy - David

Julie tells them David is evicted ... Aaryn is stunned. She looks like a zombie.

David did his interview with Julie. The dude is SO clueless.

BBMVP voting is announced.

HoH comp time! Tomorrow is the 4th of July -- BB BBQ, picked balls out of a bag to pick a partner. Fill cup of BBQ sauce, down lane to partner, first one to remove ping pong ball from jug wins. Small jug has two cups for the team to remove the ball more quickly. The winning pair must decide amongst themselves which will be HoH.

Ah, an endurance. I'll post an update post when the feeds come up and keep you updated!  

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Pre-Eviction and GinaMarie fired, too

Today's Howard-a-Day screencap

Today's one of those days that more interesting stuff about Big Brother is coming from outside the house rather than inside it. I told you about Aaryn getting fired from her talent agency in my last post. Now GinaMarie has also been fired from her pageant gig. I feel the need to mention just yesterday in her breakdown she was saying how much she hated her job. Well, now she won't have to deal with it!

Here's the latest from inside the Big Brother House of the Rapidly Unemployed:
  • My gosh, Helen trains like a prizefighter. 
  • The live eviction days in the house are usually full of housekeeping and primping.
  • Although this is the first live eviction show for these hamsters, they're following tradition.
  • The more I see of Howard, the more I like him. I believe I respect him, too.
  • I don't say that of many hamsters, past or present.
  • Elissa thinks that if she gets voted out, BB will think of a way to put her back in because "they worked too hard getting me in here."
  • Hmm. I don't like that.
  • I have nothing against Elissa as a player in the game. At least she's not coming across as stupid and bigoted. BUT ... are they paying her more than the others? What will they stoop to to keep her in the house?
  • Inquiring minds want to know.
  • That said, BB seemingly has nothing to do with David being the target this week.
  • About the only BB connection is that they think Elissa will keep getting voted MVP and they can use that as a back-up plan for a backdoor.
  • Howard had a long talk with Helen about using her head not her heart in the game.
  • Jeremy told Spencer that he (Jeremy) has a secret alliance with Helen until the fourth eviction.
  • Does Helen know this?
  • Lots of small talk, lots of "what if" scenarios about HoH winner.
  • Typical.
  • Remember -- tonight's live eviction show is at 8pm ET. Next week it moves to Thursday 9pm ET. We'll be losing the Tuesday night show next week for Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Big Brother 15: Aaryn fired by her modeling agency


Tons of articles out there, here is but one. While in looks, she's quite pretty, she's not pretty when she's tossing out the gay, Asian and black slurs. Not at all.

If you do a Google search for "aaryn big brother" -- you'll find many more.

Do you think she deserves the shun from her agency? Do you think she can in any way redeem herself?

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday Night into Wednesday 7/02 - 7/03

Stupid is as stupid does

So, Momma proud of you now, Jeremy?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Disgusting Behavior:
  • Okay, since I led off with the shot, even though it's a bit out of order, I'll go there first.
  • Not that I really want to go there, mind you!
  • Just when Jeremy was starting to redeem himself a teensy bit with me, he took Elissa's cap and wiped his butt with it.
  • That's just nasty. I guess he thought of Shannon with Hardy's toothbrush and wanted to make more of a name for himself.
  • It even tops Spencer's odd flashing while going down the stairs yesterday.
  • He did get into trouble with BB for it and had to confess and apologize to Elissa.
  • He said it was stupid and immature.
  • Y'think?
  • He told her BB is dry cleaning her hat (I still wouldn't wear it!) and that he will buy her a new hat from his BB stipend earnings.
  • @@
  • He claimed to be very sorry.
  • I don't think he came across as all that sincere.
  • Elissa is concerned about his lack of respect for women.
  • Hey, he's a Mommy's boy! :::looking towards his Mom, wherever she may be:::
  • He told the others it wasn't a big deal. He also downplayed exactly what he did when apologizing to Elissa.
  • Back to the other happenings ...
  • Helen said her husband told her not to take the phone call from home if it's offered as a prize. I guess he wants her to concentrate on the game at hand.
  • Nick and Andy talked about Trader Joe's. Mmm.
  • GinaMarie thinks Candice's voice sounds "too white."
  • Say what? I'm speechless.
  • Thankfully I can still write.
  • Behind blocked feeds, they rehearsed for the eviction show.
  • While McCrae is very antsy as he'll be losing his safety, Spencer and Howard think they're smooth sailing as they get along with all.
  • Howard told the guys that Helen's workout almost killed him. It did. I saw. That Helen's one tough physical cookie. Who woulda thunk it?
  • Aaryn finally apologized to Candice about her fit over the bent hat. Candice alluded to the fact that had she actually sat on it, it would be more than bent.
  • They're all worried about the lack of beds situation.
  • The Have Not comp will solve that one.
  • Nick told Elissa he's "voting with the house." We know that means David.
  • Elissa, on the other hand, does not know for sure that means David.
  • Aaryn said that Elissa would look better if she didn't have a man's bone structure.
  • Oh, come on now. My only personal problem with Elissa's looks is that she reminds me too much of Rachel and Rachel annoyed me to no end. She doesn't have a "man's bone structure." She's not unattractive.
  • Aaryn needs to realize a pretty face means nothing if it covers an ugly soul.
  • Or something like that.
  • Helen thinks she's the only one who's not an actor, actress or model in the house. She's not that far off, but I give you: McCrae, Spencer ... who else?
  • Amanda, not knowing about the MC, wants Nick out before Aaryn.
  • In a way, she has a good point -- Nick is more popular and good in comps. If Aaryn ever made it to the end without her Bieber Fever buddies, she wouldn't get even one vote to win.
  • Amanda also said that the Diary Room has been hinting to Aaryn that David might be leaving.
  • Now, that's just not right! We've been through this before with the DR steering hamsters. Stop that, Big Brother.
  • BB must have really come down on Jeremy (as they should). He told Judd that he didn't know a HG could be expelled from the house.
  • The plan is still for a majority vote to evict David.
  • They're all sleeping as I post this.

Packing the HoH room

Howard a day screen cap


Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Big Brother 15: Nominations, MVP Show Blog Party - 7/02

Hamsterwatchers! Are you ready? Tonight is the nominations show blog party! Come one! Come all!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. But the real party, as always, is in the comments area. Come join us!

McCrae nominated Candice and Jessie.

Everybody thinks Elissa will be the MVP because of Rachel.

And, yes. America (Rachel fans) chose Elissa for MVP. She tells McCrae, telling him to keep it a secret. She also seeks advice on the nominee. He suggests David. He tells her he will be putting her on the block (because it's what the house wants and he needs to think of his own game) if the veto is used. Then he told her she'd still be safe.

Time to pick players for the veto comp! But, first ... the MVP nomination. The video screen stops on David's photo. So, McCrae randomlypicks - Elissa, Howard.

David is mad. Aaryn cries because he doesn't trust her. She blames him for making her cry in front of the house although HE is the one on the block.

McCrae, getting closer to Amanda, tells her that Elissa won MVP. He told her not to say anything since he's the only one who knows. Elissa keeps lying about it to others.

Veto comp time - The guy from the American Baking Competition is there. Howard says he'll get to see honeys in honey and smiles a lot. They have to go through honey, retrieve blueberry letters out of batter one at a time and spell the longest word they can spell. All are done. Well, except David. He chose too big a word. He's out of time.

The words:
Howard: sailing
Jessie: tumbled
Candice: rafts
David: didn't spell anything
Elissa: pot roast - eliminated - two words
McCrae: delivery

McCrae wins the PoV.

He feels he has to put Elissa on the block to keep himself in good graces with the house. Meanwhile, Nick thinks the Moving Company needs to get rid of David and they can use Elissa's MVP possibilities down the road. McCrae is in a quandary. Poor hamster.

Veto meeting time! McCrae uses the veto to save Candice. He puts Elissa on the block in her place. Told her better for the harmony of the house if she were to go home this week.

McCrae tells US that Elissa is NOT the target and won't be going home this week.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Tuesday Daytime 7/02

Too sexy for his shirt

Many "news" sources are picking up on the hate speech by some hamsters on the live feeds. Although I don't really think it's a "dumb" show -- I enjoy the behavior studies myself -- I do agree with a lot of what is written in this PBS article. I also think that, with the economy being the way it is, it shouldn't be all that hard to find an older bunch of folks to make for a better mix. There's a lot of laid-off people who could use a $750 a week stipend!

Remember ... the show starts at 9pm ET tonight! The blog party will be ON.

Anyway, here's what's happened so far today inside that Big Brother House of Silly Children:
  • Judd, Howard and Spencer talked about the immaturity level of the young'uns.
  • But, later in the day, I really enjoyed Helen and Howard's talk. Not only did they come across as adults, the conversation came off as intelligent and insightful.
  • When Spencer and Judd talk, while they're definitely not Bieber Fever, they more like a couple of good ol' country boys.
  • Nothing really wrong with that, mind you. But it often swings around to the misogynistic.
  • Spencer talks about smoking marijuana a lot. I doubt he's talking medicinal. I don't know how his railroad would react. While they say he's a "conductor" for the show bio, he's actually an engineer if he drives the train. Around here, they random drug test engineers. 
  • Surprise, surprise ... Jeremy actually tried to console GinaMarie to make her feel better and less homesick.
  • To give him a bit of credit, he has seemed sincere in his interactions with Helen after he blew up at her the other night.
  • Then Amanda cried. She thinks she's blown what she had with a boyfriend pre-habitral due to her lust, er ... relationship with McCrae.
  • @@
  • It's like it's just dawning her that they're on national television, not to even mention the internet worldwide.
  • Jeremy has no love lost for Elissa even though he's showing his soft side to GinaMarie.
  • Howard and Helen had an extensive backyard workout. He did all kinds of athletic crunches and such. Then they ran laps. Helen wore him out. But, then again, he did more exercise before the laps!
  • If Helen is in an endurance comp, my money would be on her.
  • Aaryn thinks it's funny that so many people have been on the verge of breakdowns.
  • Wait until she has one!
  • It still looks like David will be evicted tomorrow.

Sleeping in the Have Not Room

All that and a chip ... on his shoulder

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Night - 7/01-7/02

What's going on?

I know the suspense might be too much. So, I'll let you know right away. No, Nick isn't the house's dog. He doesn't go "woof, woof." They're playing charades.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rampant Rodents:
  • Jessie keeps following Nick around. She thinks she's very likeable and can't understand anyone not wanting to be around her.
  • Nutcase, I say.
  • GinaMarie's meltdown about her clothes being taken by BB soon went into how rotten her whole life is. She doesn't like her looks. She doesn't like her job. She doesn't like her life. She wants to go home.
  • Another nutcase, I say.
  • Nick was the poor person listening to much of GinaMarie's meltdown. He might have been better off with Jessie hanging on him.
  • Of course, if I were in the house, I'd be a bigger nutcase than either of them. But I'm smart enough to just stay here and mock hamsters.
  • McCrae and Amanda are still smooching. I'm still curious what's going to happen when he's no longer HoH. Will she be as interested then?
  • They still question Nick's sexuality. Aaryn started the latest by telling David that Nick wanted to sleep with him.
  • In actuality, Nick said he'd sleep in David's bed if need be. He didn't say WITH David.
  • Jessie thinks people are treating Elissa better than they're treating her.
  • How dare they? After all, she's so darn likeable!
  • Aaryn told David he should pay attention to the life lessons he learns on the show.
  • I'm biting my tongue. 
  • Wait until Aaryn goes back out in the real world! David is just a doofus. Aaryn has tossed slurs all around the house. I can't help but wonder what she will learn. Or, IF she will learn.
  • Aaryn spent a lot of time telling David that he wasn't the right guy for her in the long run.
  • In other words, she might as well have said she's using him.
  • Aaryn told GinaMarie that she doesn't like David and just pretends she does.
  • @@
  • Jessie went on with Elissa about her good looks. Not only is she darn likeable, she's good-looking, too! What a package!
  • Then, I ask ... why does she come across as so desperate for attention and friendships?
  • Elissa suggested they do charades of movie titles.
  • And they did.
  • Oh my. The hamsters can be herded.
  • Most of the Bieber Fever bunch think Elissa was brought aboard just to screw up the house.
  • The MC seems to still be sticking together. But it's getting confusing who might be going home. First, it was clear cut it would be Elissa. Then it was clear-cut it would be David. Now it's getting muddled a bit.
  • It should still be David walking out that door Wednesday, though. 

GinaMarie meltdown

Howard, muscles covered

Monday, July 01, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Monday Daytime - 7/01

Andy and Spencer, not a showmance

After last night's big brouhahas over really nothing (whether McCrae put a pizza tray in the oven, Jeremy taking extra wine, a squashed cowboy hat), today's been rather quiet. Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Misfit Toys:
  • Spencer admitted to McCrae he just said "Candice sat on it" on the spot when Aaryn went off about her hat being bent. He has no clue how the hat got bent.
  • Jessie is about the only early riser in the house, but most nights the majority of the house is up until almost dawn.
  • Jessie doesn't talk to us while she's up alone.
  • You'd think McCrae, a superfan, would know we like being talked to. That's one fantastic thing about Evel Dick -- he'd get up early almost every morning and talk to the live feeders.
  • The MC bunch think that David is a nice guy, but a very weak player.
  • Well. Duh. He came to be on TV with a showmance. That's not a good strategy!
  • Half the day was spent talking trash about other players.
  • Howard seems to still be getting by without ruffling anyone's feathers.
  • He used the gym equipment today. My gosh, you talk about MUSCLES!
  • GinaMarie cried and had a huge hissy fit because BB took a lot of the clothes she brought.
  • Well, she probably should have taken their rules seriously. They're very strict about clothes with logos. Colleges and states for t-shirts are about the only ones they regularly allow. I recall someone complaining a few seasons back they were told not to bring white.
  • The HoH camera came into play today.
  • Elissa did her yoga.
  • Howard and Jessie had a big bible study session.
  • All in all, whole lotta nuthin' goin' on today. 
HoH Camera time


Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Sunday Night into Monday Wee Hours - 6/30-7/01

Problems ...

Oh my. Bieber Fever is doing themselves in. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Immature Idjits:
  • While there was another booze delivery, the house decided to wait until midnight to break into it.
  • Why midnight?
  • Because the Have Nots were allowed to eat (and drink) then.
  • All is hunky-dory, right?
  • Nope.
  • Aaryn continues to instigate problems in the house. She seems to be at the core of most of the issues.
  • Aaryn blames alcohol for her slurs.
  • Yeah, right.
  • And we thought Elissa was going to be the problem!
  • Jeremy snagged a bottle of red wine and drank it with Kaitlin.
  • Before midnight.
  • Brouhaha!
  • Jeremy went drunk boy obnoxious and mouthy.
  • Aaryn egged him on.
  • Oops. Now Kaitlin feels bad.
  • Jeremy went off about Helen targeting him.
  • Amanda confronted him at the pool and he told her how great he was.
  • He's here to win and they're all going to bow to him!
  • Helen cried.
  • The Candice sitting on Aaryn's hat thing came up again.
  • Kaitlin dragged Jeremy in the house and yelled at him.
  • She said that he has just sent David home with his behavior.
  • Then Helen talked to him (crying) and said his mother watched his behavior.
  • Then he apologized and blamed the booze.
  • Meanwhile, Nick says he's going crazy hanging out with the Bieber Fever group.
  • Although it was Jeremy with the outburst, it's Aaryn who the others blame.
  • The boys are all happy because the girls are all fighting.
  • They're thrilled with Jeremy's outburst as, when David goes home, they can refer back to that.
  • The plot thickens ...


Helen cried. :-(

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Big Brother 15: 6/30 Nominations Episode Blog Party - Blog Pool Picks

Well, let's see how the edit comes out, eh? Tonight's show is actually starting on time here on the East Coast. So is the blog party!

As I mentioned in the last update, ORKMommy has finished the random blog pool match-ups. Here's who has whom in the game:

Aaryn - QuixoticElf, Isabelle, April Weaver, Donna in FL
Amanda - Petals, JimmyB, Barb S., PDX Granny
Andy - Nickelpeed, jessica Underwood, Patti, Brent McKee
Candice - Terry is a Texan!, Shannon (purrbal), cloverandthetwins, Michelle C
David - Sally, DebbieD, Sharon S, SSW
Elissa - theresa jordan, Caela, jo, Ninboh
GinaMarie - Merrlee, Jackie, Cheryl, EileenM
Helen - Dr_Celine, Sasha, Buzzmaam, RBennie
Howard - Glenn, Jennasmom, ORKMommy, Aya
Jeremy - Tami, JonMD1267, lynn1, Delee, JOKATS
Jessie - Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden, Dave B.
Judd - Lili, SueGee, Karen in CaliforniaHer, Ed in Ohio, Marlol
Kaitlin - DKNYNC, Jillian's mom, BloggyMom, Billy
McCrae - Tammy, gaylos, Chacha, Joey
Nick - Witt, MikesGirl, Brian, poodlepam, Brenda
Spencer - Becky, monty924, Chris (chrob61), Carrie
Hamster watchers ready? Got your drinks and snacks? Is your showmance partner going to dump you to further himself in the game? (Oh no, did I say that?)
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with the major happenings. But the real fun is the party in comments ... come join us!

The boys decide on an alliance - Spencer, Howard, Jeremy, Nick and McCrae.

David is out for a showmance more than a win. He's now one with Aaryn. Jessie is boy crazy. They've all figured out that Elissa is Rachel's sister. Well, all except David. He ain't too bright.

Time for the Have/Have Not Comp! They're divided into three teams of five (including Jeremy although he has the slop pass). It's Lake Big Brother, playing Cooler and the Gang. They have to go across a "lake" and then build a pyramid of cans. The red team - Howard, Andy, Elissa, Helen and Judd are the Have Nots.

The Have Not room is set up like an airplane. They have to sleep on rows of plane seats.

America's Vote - Have not food for next week - bologna and blue cheese, okra and oysters , and lima beans and liver.

McCrae is getting all kinds of advice to put up: Jessie, David, Elissa and Candice. Well, not all at once, obviously. I'm talking from different sources.

Nominations time - Key Order: Nick, Jeremy, David, Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Elissa, Helen, Amanda, Andy, Howard, Spencer, Judd. On the block: Jessie and Candice. McCrae says Candice needs to play for veto. He told Jessie she was nominated because she's a strong player. Cough.

Tuesday is the MVP and PoV show. But we know already. Bwahahaha! 

Big Brother 15: Blog Pool Picks, Live Feeds Into the Afternoon 6/30


Okay, this is going to be one of those multi-tasking type posts. Get ready. Put on your thinking caps or listening ears or feathery boa. Put on something.

First off -- The show tonight, despite some worries, will air on time on the East Coast. The blog party will be posted a few minutes before 8pm ET.

Second -- I'll re-post this listing on the blog party post, but this will give you a bit more warning ... ORKMommy has finished the match-ups for the blog pool. And, here they are:

Aaryn - QuixoticElf, Isabelle, April Weaver, Donna in FL
Amanda - Petals, JimmyB, Barb S., PDX Granny
Andy - Nickelpeed, jessica Underwood, Patti, Brent McKee
Candice - Terry is a Texan!, Shannon (purrbal), cloverandthetwins, Michelle C
David - Sally, DebbieD, Sharon S, SSW
Elissa - theresa jordan, Caela, jo, Ninboh
GinaMarie - Merrlee, Jackie, Cheryl, EileenM
Helen - Dr_Celine, Sasha, Buzzmaam, RBennie
Howard - Glenn, Jennasmom, ORKMommy, Aya
Jeremy - Tami, JonMD1267, lynn1, Delee, JOKATS
Jessie - Margo, Janice from GA, Pearlgarden, Dave B.
Judd - Lili, SueGee, Karen in CaliforniaHer, Ed in Ohio, Marlol
Kaitlin - DKNYNC, Jillian's mom, BloggyMom, Billy
McCrae - Tammy, gaylos, Chacha, Joey
Nick - Witt, MikesGirl, Brian, poodlepam, Brenda
Spencer - Becky, monty924, Chris (chrob61), Carrie
Oh my. I have GinaMarie. She better shape up soon!
And, lastly ... here's what's happened today inside that Big Brother House of Bigoted Babes and Misogynistic Men:
  • Jeremy told Nick he'd be more than willing to kick Kaitlin to the curb, preferring the MC alliance over her.
  • They both think that all David does is hang around Aaryn, so he might as well go this week.
  • Meanwhile, David has now suddenly remembered about the cameras after two "slips" while changing clothes.
  • Go figure.
  • Andy would put up Aaryn if he won HoH.
  • Hopefully others would, too.
  • MC alliance knows they need to get Candice aboard for her vote.
  • GinaMarie still thinks it's a no-brainer that David is going to stay and Elissa will go.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Although, it's BB. Anything can happen.
  • Spencer continues to denigrate women when he's around men, treat them decent when he's with them.
  • On the other hand, the CMG (Catty Mean Girls) are bigoted both in front of and behind the backs of their targeted slur material.
  • A group got together for massive cleaning of the filthy kitchen.
  • About time.
  • They still can't stop discussing Candice accidentally sitting on Aaryn's hat.
  • Tsk, tsk.
  • Nick denied he's gay.
  • Spencer misses his girlfriend, "a good woman."
  • It's Elissa's anniversary today.
That's about it!

Not a showmance

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Overnight Into Sunday 6/30

Jeremy's sneer says it all

I so love to snag screencaps which don't quite put the hamsters in the best light. Above, Jeremy seems to sneer as Kaitlin hangs all over him. He has no respect for her. But, then again, she doesn't seem to have much respect for herself, either. If she did, she wouldn't be all over any guy knowing him less than two weeks ... and in front of the world, no less.

In my last report I said that I thought the replacement nominee was Elissa although I didn't have confirmation at the time. I was indeed right. On the block we now have Jessie, David and Elissa. McCrae's original plan was to backdoor Elissa. There is a movement to oust David now and to use Elissa's possibilities of keeping on with the MVP vote to their own devices. It's all going to come down to a game of numbers.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of High School Hijinks:
  • They got their first booze delivery since the feeds went live last night.
  • Oh sheesh. Within ten minutes, many were acting all drunk. Amateurs!
  • I hear there's almost a record heat wave where they are in CA. Yet Nick wears a blue hoodie which matches his blue ball cap. He must think he looks fantastic in that get-up or something.
  • McCrae and Andy dissed the hot tub bunch for being "superficial." That bunch includes most of the Bieber Fever group. 
  • I think many of the hamsters ... most of them ... are on the "superficial" side. Isn't it a prerequisite for being on the show?
  • While talking with Nick, GinaMarie did the count of votes and think they'll have enough to evict Elissa.
  • Andy cried ... again. Sigh.
  • This time he was just listening to music in the HoH room!
  • Aaryn, the pretty girl who's not so pretty inside, wants to target Helen. She thinks Helen is against her, David, Jeremy and Kaitlin because of the showmances and knocks them for being young.
  • I don't know. It's more honorable to say a person is young (and foolish) than it is to make fun of the shape of their eyes or using slurs regarding the sexuality of other hamsters. Aaryn has done both of the latter.
  • So, she's no pretty girl.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin also want Andy out.
  • Oh. And they think Candice will bounce back and forth between the alliances and be a rat.
  • They might be right about that. The MC alliance also doesn't have much trust in Candice.
  • McCrae gets around. He also has a side alliance with Jeremy (of all people). At least he doesn't have one with Aaryn.
  • McCrae is still trying to get Amanda to back off a bit and distance herself.
  • He's not too successful.
  • I have a feeling that when he's no longer HoH, that might fade.
  • Helen's worried that Amanda spends too much time with Bieber Fever.
  • She needn't worry. They don't trust her.
  • GinaMarie keeps running around counting the votes she hopes will save David.
  • Candice and Aaryn, cat fight, meow! It was all over a hat that Aaryn thought Candice bent.
  • Oh geez.
  • Wanting to put distance between them, McCrae isn't going as far as to not make out with Amanda. After all, when has this scrawny scraggly pizza boy had such beauty all over him?
  • GinaMarie (who's fading with my like) is irked at both Jessie and Candice. She thinks Candice is like Monet and wonders why she's in the house. And, she's apparently jealous of Jessie, threatening to punch her if she gets all over Nick.
  • Well, she didn't threaten her to her face, mind you. She made that threat while talking to her soul sister, Aaryn.
  • @@
  • The Catty Mean Girls are now thinking they might want to evict Jessie instead of Elissa.
  • CMG = Aaryn, GinaMarie and Kaitlin.
  • Howard seems to be on an even keel with all, although definitely not a part of Bieber Fever. However, even BF doesn't seem to have him in their sights.
  • Every time they call him Howie, I think of Howie and his Jack Shack.
  • Oy. The memories.
  • Gina is just about as bad as Aaryn. Although Kaitlin first said they'd stick together, Gina had to reiterate that Candice and Howard will stick together because they're black and "blacks do that." She also referred to the two as tokens.
  • That was shortly after Aaryn told Helen to "shut up and go make rice."
  • Aaryn also thinks Andy will win MVP because "America loves queers."
  • ARGH! These are SO not people I'd want to be trapped inside that house with all summer. They annoy me enough on the live feeds where I can turn them off!
  • The waffling continues. Now the CMG don't want Jessie to go.
  • My head is spinning.
  • Jeremy, taken into confidence by McCrae in their side alliance, let on to Kaitlin that Elissa might not be evicted this week.
  • To give him a teensy bit of credit, he realized after he said it that he shouldn't have told her. He warned her not to say anything because others won't confide in him anymore.
  • Kaitlin freaks out anyway.
  • While the girls have clear-cut alliances going on without much side action, not so the boys. Spencer, Nick, McCrae and Jeremy each have deals with others.
  • Oh well. They're all still asleep as I get this posted.

I just don't know


Odd bedfellows?

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 30, 2013

Good Sunday morning to all those reading this! If you're here for the Big Brother live feeds posts, the last one is located right at this link. The next one will be posted a bit later today. One of the things I do year 'round here is an off television topic post reflecting on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. You've been warned!

Once again this week, at least in the early week, I got caught in storms heading home. Grr. I thought I put in a request with Mother Nature for the storms to occur during the overnight hours!

On one of the stormy, hot and humid days, I got into a bit of a kerfuffle with some rowdy kids on the train home. They weren't familiar to me and I really didn't expect them to get off at my stop ... screaming and yelling at me. Eep. Thankfully, there were two Plainfield police officers working at the station. When one went to move the obnoxious teens along, the other (after asking where I live), gave me a ride home. Yes, in the front seat! That sergeant ROCKS! That was so nice of him! And, no, he's not one of the officers I actually know on the Plainfield PD.

Those who follow the show know, but others who tune in specifically for this weekly post might not realize -- Big Brother and its live feeds started up for the summer. Working a full-time "real" job and covering the house happenings make for a lack of sleep for about three months. Oy. But, on the other hand, I never have to be worried about having nothing to do!

On the home front, I shared the elevator once again with the now not-so-new upstairs neighbor. No tennis clothes this time, but shorts nonetheless. He's very pleasant and polite. And, that South African/quasi-British accent is a nice change of pace for my ears. He's still quite quiet up there. He can stay.

That's about all I have for you right now ... onto the photos!

Bunny 4 photo IMG_8288a_zps9a9c18d2.jpg
Bunny in the grass

Much better than a snake in the grass, don't you think? Corner of East Front and Berckman in Plainfield.

Rose photo IMG_8293a_zps8cffa705.jpg
By any other name

East Front Street, Plainfield


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Saturday Evening - PoV Meeting - 6/29

Some things are best ignored

Since I last posted, the PoV meeting went down. As always, it was blocked to the live feeds. But, also as always, the hamsters talk. McCrae did use the veto to take Candice down (as decided long ago). It seems like Elissa was put up in her place (also as planned). Although the original plan was to backdoor Elissa if all went in motion, the latest target is David (the MVP - Elissa's nomination). The MC (McCrae? Mature Crew?) alliance want to work with Elissa as they think she will keep getting MVP and they can use her nomination to backdoor people.

Here's what's gone down in that Big Brother House of Heck, They're ALL Bieber Fever to ME ...
  • Despite Spencer's long talk with Nick this morning, he's still not quite trusted by the group.
  • Amanda keeps molesting McCrae in bed.
  • McCrae keeps telling her they have to cool it. He tells others she won't stop following him around.
  • Jeremy and Kaitlin are kissing and snuggling whenever and wherever they can. Ew.
  • Howard really is religious, as he said he was. He regularly prays, but thankfully isn't pulling an Amber.
  • Helen continues to talk to others and help them. If she manages to stay in until the end, she'll have no real enemies.
  • Elissa isn't thrilled about the plan to use her MVP vote as they wish each time she wins it.
  • Amanda got a bit pushy about it. "Don't you understand we're keeping you because of it?"
  • Well, that's not so nicely put, is it?
  • Amanda also went on about Jessie still flirting with Jeremy even though he's practically attached at the lips to Aaryn.
  • Children.
  • Sigh.
  • There are probably screen caps out there with David dropping his pants forgetting about the cameras.
  • I don't post those kind of screen caps.
  • But you can bet someone did!
I haven't had any direct confirmation on Elissa being the replacement nom. But some of the things she's mentioned about worrying about being voted out along with the plan to put her up ... she's probably it. If I'm in error, I'll correct it.

Elissa and Helen in the Have Not room

McCrae and his headgear

Oh noes! They killed Howard!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday Night Into Wee Hours 6/28 -6/29


As it is every season, it's a house divided. This season, it's Bieber Fever and well, the Others don't seem to have a name. Bieber Fever includes: Aaryn, David, Kaitlin, Jeremy and sometimes Nick, GinaMarie and Jessie. The core group of the Others are McCrae, Amanda, Spencer, Judd, Andy and Howard on the edge. They have Elissa in mind as an addition. They also plan on adding in Helen and perhaps Candice down the line. By the way, THEY named Bieber Fever, not me.

Who would have thought that in this BB15 of young'uns, the deciding factor in the house split would fall along the line of older (plus McCrae) and younger. Heck, they're ALL kids!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wanton Waffling:
  • Now the core group (which I'll call the Others) are tossing around evicting David and keeping Elissa.
  • They think that Elissa might win MVP most weeks and they could use that as a backdoor plan, working with her to get out Bieber Fever.
  • The early coupling of Aaryn/David and Kaitlin/Jeremy has given the others mocking material and reasons to target them.
  • Jessie still pines for Jeremy.
  • Jeremy and David think they're being used as a shield by the girls.
  • Jeremy isn't as into Kaitlin (or Jessie) as they think he is. He told David he thinks the only girl who can be trusted is GinaMarie.
  • Nick is a very peripheral player. He's not really getting involved or close to anyone. A few have speculated that he might be gay.
  • Actually, I think he's playing it smarter than Bieber Fever by remaining a bit of a nonentity.
  • The Kaitlin/Jeremy showmance is cooling a bit. Kaitlin thinks Jeremy doesn't trust her and GinaMarie is encouraging her to be stronger as an individual hamster.
  • Well, GinaMarie didn't say hamster. I did.
  • Amanda talked to Elissa, told her to work on her relationship with the younger bunch. She hinted she will stay.
  • Of course, McCrae, although the original plan and house wish was to evict her, has been telling Elissa all along she will stay.
  • Elissa can definitely work this to her advantage.
  • I'm still tired of CBS bringing in old players and relatives of players. I'm tired of Rachel. I really am. I was tired of the Hantz family, too. Yet they keep it going. Sigh.
  • Elissa, on the other hand, might have a better back-up alliance than Rachel ever did if she stays this week.
  • The Others plan to evict David this week, go after Jeremy the next week.
  • We'll see how that goes.
  • The Others are leery of Howard possibly blabbing to Candice even though they have eyes on her to bring her into the alliance.
I'm still not sure when the PoV meeting will be held. The plan still seems to be to take Candice down and put Elissa up. Yet, now they will have the votes to save Elissa and evict David.
Elissa and Amanda

Kaitlin, GinaMarie and Jeremy


Friday, June 28, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Friday Afternoon 6/28

Yard time today

If you're reading this, entry for the blog pool is closed. This season has the biggest pool ever! Woohoo! ORKMommy will be making the random picks and I'll announce the match-ups before the Sunday episode.

What's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Many Mean Girls and Their Mimbos since I last posted? Read on ...
  • Andy told Judd that he's worried if they get rid of Elissa this week, Jeremy might target them (Andy, Judd) next.
  • Of course, technically, Elissa isn't on the block.
  • McCrae nominated Candice and Jessie. Elissa (although denying it to most of the house) was voted MVP and nominated David. McCrae won Veto. He told Elissa he was going to put her up, but said she's not the target.
  • The original plan was to backdoor Elissa all along.
  • Who knows? These are silly hamster games!
  • Helen doesn't really drink, but claims she will drink in the house.
  • I probably would, too.
  • Andy is getting emotional. Didn't he say he wouldn't?
  • Jeremy thinks if David stays, he'd target Amanda or Candice.
  • Amanda has latched onto Pizza Boy McCrae.
  • Would that happen in real life? Ha.
  • Aaryn and Elissa kissed (not literally) and made up after their fight from last night. It was all over Elissa rumored (true!) to be the MVP who nominated Aaryn's shiny showmance boy David.
  • Jeremy went around talking how he'd "go off" if he got nominated.
  • I want him to be nominated now! Don't you?
  • Helen is quite the social player. She seems to know what to say to each hamster to make them feel better. Hmm.
  • David is worried that he might get evicted and tried to get McCrae to tell him.
  • McCrae honestly told him he didn't really know. He doesn't plan on taking him off the block, but doesn't think he's a real target right now.
  • McCrae wants Elissa to go. He thinks that she's likely to be too popular with "America" and would keep winning MVP.
  • McCrae plans on taking Candice down, putting up Elissa. We'll see.
  • They finally got outside today after being on indoor lockdown for more than two days.
  • There's a photo booth now! You know the kind ... a strip of four pictures. An announcer's countdown voice and all.
  • At least it's something for them to do!
  • I'm not sure when the PoV meeting will be held, but when I find out, you'll find out!


Pretty, I'm so pretty ...

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Report Thursday Into the Night 6/28 -PoV

She does look too much like her sister!

If she didn't look SO much like Rachel, Elissa might have a chance in the house. She doesn't come across as abrasive and, obviously, there isn't the tension of a Brendon in the house for her. She did light into Jeremy for calling her out about the MVP thing, then accused him of being a woman abuser. I don't know. They BOTH came off as jerks in that one.

Anyway ... here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Happy Shiny Hamsters:
  • McCrae, David, Candice, Jessie, Elissa and Howard were the veto players. GinaMarie was the host.
  • The comp, blocked to the live feeds, seemed to be some sort of spelling bee with honey. McCrae, true to his life's work, spelled out "delivery."
  • Elissa came up with "pot roast" but quickly found out that it's two words, not one.
  • D'oh!
  • McCrae came up the winner of this one.
  • So, we still have David (MVP nominee) and Candice/Jessie on the block ... for now.
  • Kaitlin was all over Jeremy.
  • Jeremy is definitely a player. Amanda warned Jessie (another of Jeremy's playtoys) about it.
  • Jessie says she knows.
  • I feel like I'm back in high school with this bunch.
  • Maybe junior high!
  • Some of the girls took a bubble bath in the HoH tub to coincide with the BBAD show.
  • Although they mention the feeds, it doesn't seem to have sunk in that it's not all about BBAD!
  • Elissa told Helen that McCrae plans to use the veto and she (Elissa) will be put up in the place of a nominee. He didn't say who would come down.
  • McCrae has Elissa believing she's not the target.
  • He's of the mind that it's what the house wants -- if they all vote out Elissa as they wanted, fine. If they want out someone else (David?), also fine. 
  • He thinks whatever the outcome, he comes out clean.
  • We'll see.
With the new season on, I'm not sure when the PoV meeting will be held. But it does seem McCrae will stick to the initial plan of at least setting up for the backdoor exit of Elissa.

I personally wouldn't mind David going home, either. The Aaryn/David coupling is way too much too soon. She actually irks me more than he does. I think she's a pretty girl, but she's a know-it-all who really doesn't know as much as she thinks. One thing she's right about, though -- her coupling with David has put a target on both of them!

For those folks wanting to get into the pool, you need to add your name in comments at the SIGN-UP POST. The cut-off for joining is 6pm ET TODAY (Friday).

Already others don't really trust him

Cowgirl at heart

The pretty people

Even dressed alike!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Brief - Not PoV Yet, MVP Nom instead

Stuck in the middle with you ...

Okay, the feeds returned to a quasi-brouhaha. Apparently they had the PoV players picked (Elissa is playing) and some kind of issues about the seating arrangement for the meeting. @@

Elissa is mad at McCrae because he told her he told Amanda that she was MVP. Elissa is mad at Amanda because she knows she is MVP.
Elissa denies being MVP to all.
All suspect or know she is.

The mysterious MVP (cough::Elissa::cough) nominated Dave.  So, currently on the block -- Jessie, Candice and Dave.

They're still on indoor lockdown with the PoV being built in the backyard.