Thursday, July 20, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Daytime 7/20

It's live show day! Quick! Clean up the house! Throw all those clothes under the bed. The viewers will never know!

Yes, tonight is the live eviction. As per my usual practice, I'll be posting quick updates on the eviction and HOH winner as it occurs here on the east coast. So, if you're in another time zone and simply can't wait, the news will be here. (Mark it down - I say we'll see Nakomis leave, quite possibly by a unanimous vote.

Here are the day's events from that Big Brother House of Hassled Houseguests:
  • Howie is really not feeling well. He was running to the bathroom and then took Tylenol in the wee hours of the morning.
  • This morning, by herself, Danielle talked to the Memory Wall. "Why are they it like that? Are we having a comp today? Let's get it ON!" [Editor's note: I'm not sure what was different, but she seemed to notice some sort of change.]
  • There was a long period of flame/clouds, some cams with trivia! All with the new bad theme music. When the flame/clouds ended, the HG were already on an inside lockdown. [Editor's note: They even have to pull down all the panels so they can't see outside in these things. On HOH comp day, a long indoor lockdown might be because the staff is setting up the yard. Another long flame/clouds would be the HG practicing at the comp so they don't make the live show go overtime.]
  • James said the BB Slop group can eat at midnight. I think he's right, if memory serves.
  • A cute Will/Marcellas exchange -- Will: "An oxymoron would be something like military intelligence." Marcellas: "Or Big Brother All Stars." Heh.
  • A fairly long outdoor lockdown - nothing new in the yard.
  • Then some nap, some discuss Scientology (ack).
  • Will said he wants to go home before sequester - week four or five.
  • James told Kaysar that Chilltown approached him and wants a truce, claims they'll target the floaters if they win HOH. [Editor's note: Not the plan Will and Mike Boogie discussed on their own. They said Howie and Janelle.]
  • James, Danielle (see, now she's there!) and Kaysar discussed how Janelle and Marcellas were hanging out together too much. None are thrilled with Marcellas' constant complaining this season. Kaysar, in particular, is unhappy with Marcellas going against their voting plan and being partly responsible for the turnaround to vote out Nakomis.
  • Danielle was taking all that in and got in her two cents to make Marcellas look even worse and herself such a trusted ally. [Editor's note: Cough. Work that mojo, Danielle!]
  • Lots of primping. Will wants Mike Boogie to wear Marcellas' huge Afro wig on the live show.
  • George was the only one I saw doing any real cleaning.

And, that's bringing things up to date for now. Stop on back later. I may have cookies and milk for everyone.

Or not.

'Big Brother: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into 7/20

I really wixh Big Brother would clamp down and institute a bedtime on these houseguests. They're up most of the night, or at least a good portion of them are up. Me? I'm not an insomniac!

Here are the events of the overnight period in the Big Brother House of Noctorunal Ne'er-do-wells:

  • Mike Boogie doesn't think Marcellas would put him up if he wins HOH. [Editor's note: Suuure, Mike. Keep on believing that!]
  • George wore a thong on his head given to him by Howie.
  • Danielle, perhaps not seriously, tried to rally the Slop eaters together to eat, then all get penalty nominations.
  • Diane told Mike Boogie that Marcellas told her to talk to S6. [Editor's note: There ya go, Marcellas. She is in with them. Should I type it slower so you understand? If she's not in with them, she'll use them.]
  • BB yelled at the HG to stop singing on and off overnight. Most of the time, no one seemed to be singing. At least not on the feed I was watching.
  • Howie's BB Slop diet is affecting his system. Keep the bathroom available!
  • Mike Boogie (and James before) complained about the light in the tarantula cage being on all the time.
  • Janelle and Howie are still grilling each other on House Trivia for the HOH, or one down the road. They seem to think they'll be playing a Majority Rules question game.
  • Marcellas is wondering if S6 Players will come after him since he didn't vote the way they wanted (for Nakomis to stay). He and Erika discussed throwing the HOH.
  • Kaysar still hasn't told Nakomis the votes switched and she's going home.
  • Will complained to anyone who'd listen (or pretend to) about this season being boring and nothing special.
  • A BB Slop bucket left sitting on the stove melted and slop abounds, plastic stuck on the burner.
  • Janelle thinks they have a good chance of winning HOH.

And, there you go. Now most will sleep until BB forces them out of bed. They have a lot of housecleaning and personal primping to do. Howie is already set with new blond highlights in his hair.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Evening 7/19

Kaysar finishes his prayers
So, who's going home tomorrow? I don't know for sure, but if I were a betting woman I'd say Nakomis. That's not the person I want evicted but the houseguests didn't consult me.


Here are the latest tidbits from the Big Brother House of Shenanigans and Tomfoolery:

  • Marcellas said he has no fear about going home because he's not invested (emotionally) this season. Of course, if he were on the block, he may be singing a different tune. Y'think?
  • Apparently Kaysar and Janelle haven't seen each other much since last season ended. He said he didn't really know what she was like outside of the house when she asked him if he thought she was a spoiled brat.
  • Will doesn't remember his season being as boring as this one is. He says it's bad when the most exciting moment is playing kickball with a beach ball.
  • Diane asked Marcellas why Mike/Will came on the show if all they're going to do is complain.
  • Marcellas advised Diane to tell the S6 Players that she's not after them if she stays.
  • Will questioned Howie about how boring Season 6 was. [Editor's note: First the shrink kick, now the boring marathon. Boring, Will!]
  • Then Marcellas went to Nakomis and Erika fussing that people who don't want to be in the house (Mike/Will) shouldn't be there.
  • The HG set up a net in the backyard and played a game which could only be described as a volleyball/soccer/hackysack combination... with a beachball.
  • Will/Mike (talking together) said they should make a truce with Howie and James. Then nominate Kaysar and Janelle if they get HOH. [Editor's note: So much for Kaysar's deal. He's done been Jenned again!]
  • Danielle and Will think they've already earned about $12,000 in stipend money so far. [Editor's note: Interesting amount. Up until last year, HG got $750 a week for time spent in sequester and/or the house. This year I heard them mention it was around $1,000, if memory serves. They haven't been tied up for 12 weeks already!]
  • Chilltown caught on that S6 Players (allegedly) changed their votes to keep Diane instead of Nakomis.
  • Mike Boogie wore a "looking for my next shomance" shirt most of the day. I think the tank top with Boogie 0 on the back is more fitting.
  • Instead of the usual throwing of comps, Will and Mike plan to really play for HOH tomorrow. We'll see.
  • Will told George not to worry about washing the dishes, he'd get them.
  • George washed the dishes. Not that Will didn't get them, mind you. He didn't give him a chance. George is a Man on a Mission in the house. Someone has to clean!

That's about it for now. Tomorrow should be full of primping and preening preparing for the live show. For tomorrow night's live show, I'll be blogging quick updates on the eviction and HOH comp as they occur in East Coast time. So, if you're West Coast and you love show night spoilers, check in here.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Schtuff - 7/19 Daytime

Ah, voting day in the Big Brother house. It's typically a fairly calm day, especially once all the votes have been cast. The houseguests aren't allowed to discuss their votes (the votes are considered Diary Room sessions) and there's no longer a need to try to sway others to vote a particular way. So, the day tends to be a bit peaceful and there's not a heck of a lot of strategic planning going on.

No, the live feed watchers aren't privy to the votes, either. I can tell you no secrets. (Rats!)

Here are some of the highlights and low dives happening today so far in the Big Brother House of Boisterous Buffoons:
  • Will was up fairly early (before 9 AM their time) and addressed one of the cameras. "The twist this season is depression!" He again requested to talk to the BB shrink.
  • Will keeps singing which, in turn, blocks the feeds with flame/clouds and the new annoying show theme. [Editor's note: If you're not familiar with the reasoning -- it's because the show broadcasts over the Internet. Theoretically, if they sing a song, the show must pay royalties. So, when the HG sing, we get blocked. The HG know it and sometimes deliberately sing.]
  • James complained about the wake-up song -- said it was too loud. System of Down? We also don't get to hear the wake-up song BB blasts them with to get them out of bed.
  • Diane told Erika BB called her before the show, they didn't call Jase. But Alison was in on it. [Editor's note: This would be the infamous alleged Mr. & Mrs. Smith Alliance - Alison, Jase and Diane. I still don't know exactly its extent, but there does seem to be communication between those three prior to the season.]
  • The HG go one by one as called to the Diary Room to vote.
  • James shops at Trader Joe's. [Editor's note: I deem this worthy because I'm a Trader Joe's shopper myself. Great store!]
  • Some talked about what they're wearing for the live show. It always gets me that these people are watched all the time, but when it comes live show... they primp and fuss. Don't they realize that most of the show's fodder comes from day to day?
  • Nakomis and Janelle are holding out hope for some kind of twist that might affect tomorrow's eviction.
  • Jase told the others he cried when he wrote his HOH Diary entry last week. [Editor's note: @@ He gets the eyeroll! He knew what he was getting into when he went in the house. Sheesh!]
  • Both Diane and Nakomis have to pack their bags.
  • George made a Jedi In Training hat out of foil and is wearing it. [Editor's note: Heh, reminds me of his space suit in the john bit in Season 1! He's a goof, but he makes me smile.]
  • Kaysar got his HOH camera and, as usual, they had fun taking pictures. At least this season, the house isn't so divided on a personal level that a whole group doesn't participate. At least, so far...

That's where we stand at the time of posting. I want to give thanks to those who have made donations to this blog (button on right), AOL for featuring my blog feeds on their Big Brother feature page and to Deidre over at TV Squad for linking it in her show recap! But, most of all, my thanks go out to the readers. It's your encouragement that keeps me going on these Hamsters. I treasure you all!

Graphic by Zoetawny

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into 7/19

My, oh my. What a tangled web we weave...

When I last updated, Kaysar's plan to eliminate the floaters and have the power players in the end game seemed to be faltering. Now, un-Kaysar-like, his plan included lying to the floaters and giving them the false impression that they're safe. Or more safe with the S6 Players than with Chilltown.

Let's play "What If." What if the floaters think it's more safe for them to join up with Chilltown? What if...?

Here's the lowdown on the events (and a few non-events) that I found interesting in the late night and overnight hours in the Big Brother House of Rising No-Stars:
  • Similar to his approach to James, Jase tried convincing Marcellas that he should be in the final three with him. The third? Chicken George! [Editor's note: That would be a very odd final three. Jase is pulling straws and legs with his scenarios.]
  • Jase also told Marcellas that he wanted Nakomis to go home before. But now with the Mr. & Mrs. Smith Alliance rumors (Jase, Diane, Alison), he wants Diane to go home just to prove the point. [Editor: Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! He agreed with Chilltown to vote out Nakomis. He's trying to manipulate Marcellas. Will Marc catch on...?]
  • Jase then reported back to Mike Boogie that Marcellas is voting with them to keep Diane. He wanted to know where the work on George stood. [Editor's note: Remember, Chilltown went out to get both George and Marcellas to vote for Diane to stay. They needed two more votes. They have Will/Mike, Jase, Danielle and now... Marcellas and George. 6 to 4 will keep Diane. A tie would give Kaysar the ability to keep Nakomis.]
  • Jase and Mike Boogie discussed how Janelle controls Marcellas and thinks he may flip-flop.
  • James and Jase started trying to jump over the narrow end of the pool. With too many injuries so early in the season, BB snapped at them -- "Stop that! Stop that NOW!" BB yelled at them about a half-dozen times. Good. They need to be yelled at.
  • Jase tried to feed a moth to a spider out in the yard. Symbolic, I say.
  • In a private talk between Jase and Mike Boogie, both admitted they wouldn't mind seeing Kaysar win as he's a good guy. They like both him and Howie. Mike also said that Chicken George can stay a long time -- he's cooking and cleaning. He's nice enough, though a bit weird.
  • Nakomis talked with Kaysar in the HOH room. She told him that she wants to ally with S6 because they don't "strongarm" people like Chilltown. She also knows that before the show, Diane told her to trust Jase. So, there may be something to Mrs. & Mrs. Smith.
  • Nakomis said if she stays and wins HOH, she would put up Will and George. Then she'd rally to keep George.
  • She also asked Kaysar why he didn't nominate Will/Mike. He told her it was because that was the expected move. He wanted to see who would ally with whom. He also told her he knew something was going on between Diane and Jase.
  • James asked Danielle if she would vote to evict Diane. Danielle told him she already gave her word to Diane, can't change it.
  • Marcellas had a blow-up with Kaysar over his vote. He said that he's voting to keep Diane and that's it. He voted last week to keep Danielle, but he can't vote Diane out this week. He told them they should talk to Diane because he believes she'll target Chilltown. [Editor's note: Yeah, right.]
  • Marcellas sees Nakomis as a monster - her cards are all too close to her chest. [Editor's note: Huh?]
  • It was a huge long verbal brouhaha. Kaysar was trying to manipulate, then said he can't manipulate. Marcellas doesn't want to be pressured. And on and on. And on.
  • James thinks the floaters are planning the demise of S6 Players.
  • Marcellas told Erika that Diane will go after Chilltown. He also said Nakomis is a stronger player than Diane. Erika wonders why Kaysar is determined to keep the strongest players in the game. Marcellas told her that he thinks S6 Players are pushing the floaters towards Chilltown by being such an exclusive group.
  • Marcellas is being like the Energizer Bunny with his rant. He even seems to have forgotten to rant about having to eat BB Slop. Is there an on/off switch I could use?
  • Kaysar is very upset about the vote changes. His plan is backfiring.
  • James freaked out saying that if the votes don't come their way, they're screwed. [Editor's note: Okay, he was a bit more graphic. I try to keep this blog on a PG level. ;-)]
  • Erika told James that she'll vote along with the HOH needs. But, even if she votes for Nakomis to stay, it's still 6-4. They would need to swing someone back to at least get a tie where Kaysar would make the deciding vote.
  • Marcellas got into another snit with Kaysar and James. Kaysar brushed him off and James actually got into an almost physical spat with him. [Editor's note: Are they insuring he'll vote to keep Diane if it's not already set in stone?]
  • Marcellas and James kind of sort of kissed and made up. Okay, they hugged. But it was such an emotional moment. Someone pass me a tissue, please. [honk]
  • S6 Players are considering dumping their plan and all voting for Diane to stay. "Our adversary just grew," said Kaysar. [Editor's note: That's what you get for being sneaky, K. You should have nominated Will/Mike and gotten rid of Mike -- the actual leader of Chilltown.]
  • Danielle teamed up once again with S6 and they talked to her about Diane. [Editor's note: Now, here's the actual best player in this game. She's in with both groups. Unless Chicken George has a devious plan, Danielle is the best sneak in the house.]
  • The rest of the time was small talk, Internet talk and nothing too exciting.
  • As usual, a good portion of the houseguests stayed up most of the night. They need a bedtime! They're all sleeping as I post this entry.

The voting is today, but once they vote the HG are not allowed to talk about the votes cast. Right now it's looking very bad for Nakomis. Very, very bad. That's a shame as I personally would rather see what she could do in the game and I never cared for Diane, the girl without a plan. Oh, other to cry about how her life sucks and she has nothing. @@ There. She deserves eyerolls from us all.

Once again, graphics by AOL's own Zoetawny. I love this one!