As the houseguests sleep, I thought it would be interesting to pick up and run with something commenter Barbwire came up with on a previous entry here.
In thinking about Jameka and Amber's game strategy or lack there of, she wondered about past winners of the show and whether some flew under the radar. I'm offering my take here and would like to open the discussion floor for your thoughts. Does Amber really have a strategy? Jameka? If either wins, will it be a purely under the radar win? How about Zach? Has a lack of strategy won the game before?
Here's my take on the previous winners:
Season 1 Winner: Eddie McGee didn't play under the radar, but no one really had a plan that year.
Season 2 Winner: Will Kirby, didn't play under the radar yet threw every comp, his strategy was to lie and tell them he was lying. Puppetmaster and probably my favorite all-time houseguest.
Season 3 Winner: Lisa Donahue - now, I think she played a bit under the radar. Not my favorite player, nowhere near it. She was strong at times in comps.
Season 4 Winner: Jun Song, had a reputation for playing under the radar but I think she actually had a strategy and was a bit sneaky. I think she was pretty game-smart and used others (especially Jee) to her advantage.
Season 5 Winner: Drew Daniel, not the strongest strategist by a long shot. Joined an alliance and was likable. I think I'd put him in the flew somewhat under the radar camp.
Season 6 Winner: Maggie Ausburn, definitely didn't fly under the radar, but instead had others do all of her dirty work for her. In my opinion, a bit of puppetmaster although certainly not as entertaining for me as was Will Kirby.
Season 7 Winner: Mike "Boogie" Malin, didn't fly under the radar but instead rode on Will Kirby's coattails throughout the season. I was NOT happy to see him win, not at all.
Here's my take on those left in the house right now and their strategies:
Amber: Has no real strategy, had a vision she'd win, thinks she's good and nice, thus worthy of winning. She's playing under the radar, but her tears and whining bring her to the forefront -- that's not strategy, though.
Jameka: Nice and good person, make friends with all and win. Under the radar.
Daniele: Strong in comps, I think her original strategy was to get along well with people, win comps. Immaturity issues, her father in the house, and the personalities of others have affected her strategy. A change to super-alliance with Dad and win at the end because they like her better.
Dick: Studied the game and often says he wants to emulate Will Kirby. Alas, his own personality does him in. Change in strategy to work with Daniele. He'll be thrilled if she wins, but is also thinking about his own position in the house. Cooks, cleans, makes himself useful even in rant stages.
Jessica: Under the radar, nice, but uses Eric and others to do her dirty work for her, thus still coming up in favor of others. Decent people skills and she's using them. Decent in comps. I do think her strategy is a bit under the radar when compared with others in the house, but a stronger player than Amber or Jameka. She actually tries to think ahead in the game.
Zach: Almost under the radar, but his strategy is showing more as the numbers in the house dwindle. He puts himself in the position of siding with the HOH each week promising to vote their way in an effort to keep the spotlight off himself. He listens and picks up on everything. He would have been more successful with different housemates. I could see him and Roddy teaming up, etc. Zach puts himself in the position where he never offends anyone by nominating them, never wins any comps. Maybe he can't win comps because he did really want to save his own butt with the POV this week.
Eric: He's the Big Brother scholar, but his strategy has had to change due to America's Player. If he were at his own devices, I think he could have every move planned out ahead. Unfortunately for him, the AP has thrown him some curve balls. I think he's handled the cover-up with the stray votes and such better than I ever could. I'd actually like to see how he'd play the game on his own. I think he could very well be the best strategist in the house if not for the AP intervention.
Your thoughts?
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Into Sunday Morning 8/26
Yes, I think Zoetawny nailed it. Eric is a legend in his own mind!
I seriously wonder what his game plan was prior to being saddled with the America's Player gig. He knows the game in and out. He probably would fare well if he was playing it straight up.
But there are some issues with Eric, some he could improve with a bit of restraint and others a bit beyond his control. What he could improve is he talks too much and talks without first thinking. I think he sometimes talks just to talk. That he could change if he worked at it.
Harder for him are his mannerisms and body language. He's on the hyper side, always looks either nervous or guilty, wiggles around as he talks, and his eyes are all over the place as he talks or even sits. That body language tends to make him come across as sneaky or dishonest even if he's being truthful. He's squirmy!
Controlling his body language would be a tougher task than controlling his mouth, but I think it's hurting him in the house and with anyone who watches the feeds regularly. They don't show as much of his body language on the show as we see on the feeds.
Anyhoo ... here are the late night and overnight happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Lovable Buffoons (Or Not):
- For the longest time last night the feeds were intermittent as Daniele kept reading out loud from the BB Rules Book. "When Big Brother announces a lockdown, you must immediately ..." Feeds block. "Houseguests can use the pool at anytime but may not swim alone as there is no lifeguard." You guys don't know how much I'd love to get my hands on that book!
- Evel Dick assumed the chef position last night, cooking dinner for everyone.
- As BB won't let them have good cutlery, he had to chop and mince with a plastic knife.
- He swore at and bullied the [bleepin'] broccoli and carrots.
- Evel Dick said he has never seen so many green potatoes at a time.
- Amber is upset. She wants to talk to Jessica. She has too much to pack. People are deserting her. Fuss, fuss, whine, whine, sniffle, honk.
- Daniele thinks it's odd that they only got all those banner planes within one week and none since.
- They have the fake rats from the Power of Veto comp. Amber seems disturbingly attached to hers. (It's not a living being, Amber!)
- Jessica told Eric that, during the POV comp, she was thinking that Amber just might win. Apparently Amber had a good showing in the comp. Scary, eh?
- Jameka and Jessica plan to make Sunday's dinner.
- Zach offered to make dinner for Jameka and she told him to cook for everyone, not just her. Amber points out that he's said he was going to do so three different times and hasn't done it yet.
- Heh. Eric said that when he was in first grade he wrote an essay named "Sometimes I Wish I Was a Fly." They sent him to the school psychologist.
- Daniele told Dick she "can't stand these people."
- Jessica decided her fake rat has "devil eyes" and places it so it can guard the HOH room.
- Jessica, Amber, and Jameka tried to de-trunk Eric in the hot tub. (Y'see, in this aspect he does very well. Women are not intimidated by him and he doesn't creep them out at all. It's almost like a kid thing going on.)
- Dick exposed himself to Eric. Eric found it oddly amusing that it just seemed part of being in the house.
- Daniele told Dick that Amber kept complaining that Nick didn't mention her in the letter she received.
- Eric told Jessica that if the nominations remain the same, he'll say in the POV speech that he respects her opinion. But he'll try to scare everyone first by acting like he's going to shake things up.
- Daniele and Dad had a lengthy nice talk about family memories and house happenings. Good. No whining.
- Daniele said she can't talk about the trip, but watch for a "New Amber who's serious and kicking ass." Then she laughed.
- Dick wants an honest alliance -- no side deals with Jameka or others.
- Eric later told Jessica that now he's worried that Dick may have some side deals going on since he brought up the issue.
- When talking about Amber's visions, Eric said, "What is she? Miss Cleo?"
- The Alliance of Four -- Dick, Daniele, Eric, and Jessica -- came up with a new name for their alliance. It's the Little Julie Chen Alliance. Um. Okay.
- Eric thinks this might be the most bitter jury ever on the show. I think he could very well be right.
- Eric called Amber the One Person Nerd Herd. Not to her face, of course. She would have cried and we don't need more of that!
- Eric and Jessica continued their platonic, yet flirting, relationship. Oh, there was a massage! They touched! Oh, my!
- It's all quiet in the house now (finally) as I get this posted.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
'Big Brother 8 - Live Feeds - Saturday 8/25 So Far
Lucky Jessica gets to entertain Jameka and Zach in the HOH. It's a fascinating conversation.
Jameka: "What's the R in RV stand for?"
Everyone: "I don't know."
Zach: "The V is for vehicle."
@@ They may as well have Amber in the room with them! (It stands for recreational ... recreational vehicle, RV.)
Here are the day's events since I posted the morning update:
- Eric kept telling Jessica he never cheated, etc., etc. He is really irked at Jen's mention about his girlfriend/relationship.
- He does indeed seem to be a bit smitten with Jessica. Is it all part of the game? I don't think so. He reminds me of a 14 year old boy in love.
- Eric and Jessica discussed various scenarios around the POV. They intend to eliminate one of their original nominees and aren't targetting Dick, Daniele, or Jameka.
- Amber and Jameka talked about how Eric is feeding Jessica ideas and it's his decisions, not hers, going into play.
- Amber and Jameka were also discussing number combinations with 1, 3, 5, and 7. I don't know what that was about, but it was important to them!
- Amber prayed and told God to "do what you think is best." Um, I may have to pray to remind him that her leaving the house as soon as possible is best!
- Jessica, Jameka, and Zach practiced memory questions for comps.
- There was a long feeds blockage, then WHAM -- Eric had won the Power of Veto! Apparently Zach was a very close second, but second doesn't cut it.
- The Veto Comp had them finding rats. (I can't see how that would be that difficult in the house this season, can you?)
- Jessica's happy because an Eric win means the nominations will remain the same -- Zach and Amber.
- Amber cried. Or pouted. Or cried while she pouted.
- Not knowing it vanished, Zach keeps talking Pirate Master. He's mentioned it before. Maybe he wants to be a pirate bunny.
- Zach is pleading his case to stay with anyone who will listen.
- Jameka says she'll be shocked no matter what Eric does with the veto.
'Big Brother 8 - Live Feeds POV Winner 8/25
Eric won the Power of Veto. A full report will be posted later this evening!
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Saturday 8/25
Graphic artist Zoetawny had to use her "mad skillz" to create a second HOH graphic for Jessica! I think, in watching the feeds, Jessica is the one person least changed whan she's Head of House. With others, they seem to gloat (Dustin, Dick) or, in Daniele's case, freak out a bit. Jessica handles it well. I just wish her voice was a bit different. So, what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Whispers and Wimps? Here's the skinny:
- Zach had a long talk to Jessica about his nomination. He's worried that he might be evicted, but approached the conversation at the angle that he isn't the target. He told Jessica he's not mad at her and understands that it was the most logical move for her to make.
- Zach really wants to win POV (remember, he hasn't won anything yet) and remove himself from the block. If he does, he wants Jessica to put Dick on the block and backdoor him.
- Zach also thinks that Dick and Daniele will play hard for POV if they're chosen because they want the nominations to remain the same.
- Jessica took all Zach was saying in and obviously took it under consideration. After all, she was nodding her head and saying "uh-huh" and "yeah." I'm sure Zach took that to mean she agrees with him.
- Jessica committed to nothing with him.
- Zach told Jessica that, no matter what happens, he'd vote as she wants him to.
- Eric is still upset about Jen's comment warning Jessica about his girlfriend. Perhaps that was the impetus for his nasty remark as she left. He's still stewing about it.
- Jameka worked her way right into the happy group o' houseguests while Amber was a bit somber and Zach was um, Zach-ish. (He always reminds me of a comic book geek who's smart but not ever "in with the in crowd." Not a bad thing, but it makes it hard for others to understand where he's coming from at times.)
- Evel Dick wants Zach to go. It's only fitting that Zach wants Dick to go, right?
- Amber cried.
- Eric wonders if he'll set a record if he doesn't get chosen to play for the veto again.
- As the HG feasted, Amber was subdued.
- Beer pong was played. I miss zuma-zuma.
- Jameka went on a crying streak -- alone. Well, her and God, that is. She cried, she prayed, she cried while praying.
- Daniele told Dick everyone hates him. He didn't think so, so they went through the list. It's everyone. He just laughed.
- Jameka tried to shake Jessica's faith in Eric. Jameka just doesn't trust him and thinks Jessica shouldn't trust him either.
- That didn't last long as Eric and Jessica are still up talking in the HOH room as I post this. She has the woobie and they're still BFF. (Best friends forever)
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