Thursday, March 27, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Overnight Into Thursday

Natalie looks all fluffy as she still can't get over winning HOH.

James knows that unless he wins POV, chances are he's going home this week. But will Natalie put him on the block or try to backdoor him?

Ryan sits in Natalie's HOH with her basket of goodies behind him.

Here are the late night/overnight happenings from the house:
  • James and Natalie talked some more. He told her that he has her back 100% now that Chelsia is gone.
  • They shook on James not using the veto to save Joshuah if he wins it.
  • He told her it's okay if she puts him on the block. She told him that she had to do what's best for her.
  • Adam happy danced. Snoopy has no competition.
  • Natalie told Sheila and Adam everything James said to her.
  • Sheila told her she can't work with James. Natalie said she wouldn't.
  • Sheila thinks it was horrible for James not to cast a sympathy vote for Chelsia. (Had he done that, she would have complained about that, too.)
  • Sharon told Joshuah she no longer trusts James -- he was trying to sell out Joshuah now.
  • Natalie told her group that she said she was going to put up both boys and she will be putting up both boys.
  • Joshuah warned Sharon that Natalie and Sheila are like sisters now.
  • Joshuah thinks it's going to be a scary week for him. He's very worried and doesn't have James in his corner now.
  • Natalie said she may look dumb because she has big boobs, but she isn't dumb.
  • Natalie keeps saying that she's going to give Matt his birthday present (by sending James to sequester).
  • After the others went to sleep, James roamed the house, stopping at the Memory Wall and the kitchen for a snack.
  • Finally, all are asleep as I post this.

BB9 - Show Review on TVS and Feeds Since Eviction

I was asked to write up the review/recap of tonight's live eviction show and it's now up over on TV Squad.

Here's the lowdown on what's gone on in the Big Brother House of A Change Is Gonna Come since the eviction:
  • Joshuah, certain that he and James will be put on the block, asked Natalie and Ryan to PLEASE win POV and let the nominations remain the same. He thinks that he stands the chance to stay against James, but James wins every POV comp.
  • Now Natalie is off her "8's" kick and onto '7's." She believes God obviously gave her His blessing -- James will NOT win POV because she'll be able to play in this one.
  • Natalie said tonight was EPIC.
  • James reminded Natalie that they had mended fences. She reminded him he backdoored her Mattie.
  • James told her if she puts him up, he'll be evicted.
  • He wants her to trust him. (Haven't we heard that before?)
  • James told Joshuah he thinks he'll be backdoored. Joshuah told him he wouldn't be -- he's sure both of them will put directly on the block, no backdooring about it.
  • James said Chelsia's speech and exit were a lot calmer than she had told them they would be. (Oh, my.)
  • James saw his brother on the video in back of Julie when he did the HOH interview with her, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.
  • James said that while everyone was upset about Chelsia and the Easter eggs, he was getting laid. (Sheila??? Heh, no. Chelsia, naturally!)
  • Natalie got her HOH room -- pictures of family, dog Sampson, a Yellowbird CD, alcohol.
  • James thinks that Chelsia ruined any chance he has with Sheila this week. (For her vote, not sex!)
  • James also said he won't rain on Natalie's parade. She wanted HOH so much and worked hard to get it.
  • Sheila and Natalie talked more about how horrid Chelsia is.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

American Idol - East Coast Update - 3/26 Results Show

Chikeezie is in the bottom three.

Carly is not pregnant.

Syesha Mercado is in the bottom three.

Jason Castro is in the bottom three. He's safe and sent to the couch.

Chikeezie was voted off tonight.

Big Brother 9 - 3/26 Live Eviction Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!

Recaps, of course. Josh is manipulating Sharon and it all comes to pass. I'm sure a black and white recap will come after the credits.

Julie Chen is wearing a beige pants and sweater set. No boots, it must be spring. I'm not used to seeing her in lighter colors.

She recaps the past. Sigh.

But first, it was Easter in the BB house and eggs weren't the only things to crack under pressure. Now the B&W recap! (I knew it.) The veto meeting once again. Chelsia tells us how pathetic Natalie is, Josh thinks he is so awesome. Natalie thinks the bigger threats are James and Chelsia, they must be split up.

Sharon tells Adam it's okay, he did the right thing, she's not stressing. Chelsia is upset. She's made a bond with James and THEY want to break it up. He's the only one she trusts in the game. She's not ready to leave. She doesn't think she's played the game and having a relationship with James has screwed her over in the game. She and James are laying on a bed -- he's sympathetic, but he wants to win, too.

Natalie is telling stories while Chelia pouts. All-timers disease is what Natalie thinks Alzheimers is. Chelsia is annoyed by Nat's lack of education and everything she does bothers her. Chelsia is ready to blow, you can tell it, as she watches Natalie color eggs. Natalie made a beaver egg.

Chelsia decided is she's going to go out of the house, she'll go out with a bang. She broke an egg of Natalie's, and another. She smashes the whole bowl of eggs and mushes them together. Natalie thinks she picks on her because she's her biggest threat. She's flipping out! Sharon goes to hide. Natalie prays and does her nails. Yikes.

Aam and Ryan are watching on the spycam. Even James doesn't understand her. He doesn't want to be connected with her and tells us he's voting against Chelsia tonight.

IN DR segments, Natalie can't stand Chelsia's foul mouth, Sheila thinks Chelsia has a potty mouth and is a problem child.

Julie checks in with the houseguests and even calls Adam Aballer. She asks about the baby food. He didn't put it on any of his questions, he says. She calls him a big sport. Then they show the Evel Dick wakeup to the HG. Sheila ran to Dick and hugged him. Is Evel Dick her kind of guy? Absolutely is and she's attracted to him. Natalie, you seem to be doing okay. Is Matt still on her mind? All the time, she misses. It's actually easier to play the game now, but she still misses him. How many letters are in Matt's last name? 8! Does it mean anything to her? Maybe.

Sharon, if you are evicted, who will take care of your fur-iends? Natalie.

Adam segment -- lot more to ABaller than one would expect. He cannonballs, struts, lifts weights. Sheila doesn't get Baller. His brother says you have to get through the layers of Baller til you get to Adam. Mom says he's kind and loving, very charitable, helps others, big heart (they show the Sheila ten grand again). His brother is better looking! They talk about his speech patterns. His mother says he remembers everything. His brother says he's really smart and fools people.

DR sessions -- Joshuah thinks Chelsia has been showing a dark side, Ryan wants Chelsia gone, James thinks she's the Titantic and she's bringing him down with her.

To the HOH to talk to Adam. He's happy. She brings up Sheila. Where does she stand with him now? He says he was never going to put her up, wanted to get a rise out of her, thinks she has his back. He admits he would have voted Alex in but didn't raise his hand because James was there. He's worried that James might win HOH and he'll go on the block. He came across as personable.

Talking to nominees -- just before live vote. Shraon, amazing time, would love to stay. Chelsia wants to stay, everything happens for a reason, fast talk, did not change for anyone, did not breatfeed off of anyone, so please give me your vote. James cringed. YIKES.

The votes:
Natalie votes to evict Chelsia.
Joshuah votes to evict Chelsia.
Ryan votes to evict Chelsia ... officially she's out.
Sheila votes to evict Chelsia
James votes to evict Chelsia ... sadly.

Unanimous vote to evict Chelsia and we go to commercial.

The reveal -- Chelsia OMG -- she talked so fast -- Adam, get a backbone, Sheila is roadkill, Natalie get educated, she loves Joshuah, she kisses James.

Sheila talks about her being rreal mature. Very weird and bound to be a classic exit.

Julie interview -- Whispered to Joshuah was a pep talk. She told James there's a reason he's in the game. She wants both James and Josh to do well. She tells Julie that she knew she would go and wanted to go out with a bang. She told James to play with his head ... she wants to see James win if she can't. Did she throw in the towel? No, she knew she needed Natalie, Sheila, and Ryan's vote, tried, but they were stuck in stone. Back to mystery guest, bringing James back in she regrets.

Goodbyes -- Josh will take out Natalie, Sharon remain friends, Nat sorry she's gone, will pray for her quit hating on people. James cares about her, his time with her special, she's amazing, he wants to be with her outside the house, worth more than a half-million. Now she cries, game is hard. Romance? She wants to watch the season before committing.

HOH comp -- Adam won't play. They are blindfolded in the Big Brother Election. Julie will ask questions based on our answers. They step forward if right. Stay of wrong. Player ahead after seven questions wins.

Who would recarve Mt. Rushmore only their face? Joshuah or Sheila. Sheila and James remain behind.

BB winnings to charity? Sheila or Adam? Adam

INteresting biogrpahy? James or Sheila -- James. Yikes, Natlaie in lead.

Lead into battle? Ryan or James -- James. All except for Sharon and James right.

Inspiring speech? Natalie or Joshuah -- Natalie ... ACK Nat almost there!

Stop motorcade for squirrel -- Sharon or Natalie -- Sharon.

ACKKK -- Natalie is the new HOH, screaming and jumping.

Natalie is overjoyed. She wants to see her photos of families, friends, and animals.

Tonight, Tonight and Live Feeds

Due to some circumstances beyond my control, I don't have much of a feeds report. I'll be live blogging tonight's show starting at 8 PM ET.

The early part of the day inside the BB9 house was uneventful.
  • Sheila and Natalie schemed and primped.
  • Sharon talked about Jacob.
  • Natalie prayed.
  • Joshuah brought James breakfast in bed.
  • They were told that they would be blindfolded for the HOH comp and if they miss a question, they won't be out. They think the questions will be about evicted houseguests, but if it's the poll with no place for "none of the above" that I took at the CBS site, it's present HG.
  • That poll may give them the wrong idea and make them think we like them!