Thursday, August 13, 2020

BB22: "Live or Not" Eviction, HOH Show Blog Party - Aug. 13


So, here we are at the first eviction. It seems like it will be taped rather than live. On the feeds today Enzo said something about it being taped then played back. If so, they're not leaving much editing time. The feeds were blocked at about 1pm their time. Hmm. I guess we'll see.

If you want to refresh yourself with your blog pool hamster, that list is at this link.

I will be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area ... please join in on the fun! 

Into "previously on." Okay, we know it's Keesha and Kevin on the block. Let's get this going!

Hmm. I think Julie looks a bit frumpy in that dress, but it might be just me. No mention of it being taped. We already had been told there would be no live audience. If taped, they really need to admit it!

Into a segment on the nominees. Cody wants to keep Kevin but wants the house to think it's their idea. Janelle thinks she and Kaysar need Keesha to stay but it has to come from Keesha rather than endanger her game or Kaysar's. Tyler wants to make amends with Bayleigh after their brouhaha during their season. Both want to forget the past.

Nicole A really likes Kevin and wants to go to the end with him. Memphis thinks his alliance with Cody -- the Commission -- needs a total of six. Hmm. Cody tells us if Memphis wants to do it, okay. But if it fails, all on Memphis.

Into a "who is best to keep for my game" segment. Keesha knows she can have Kaysar and Janelle's votes, must find five more. She thinks Taylor, er ... Trevor .. er, Tyler. Cody is looking for side alliances. He has Memphis for one, Enzo for another and wants to take in Da'vonne and Bayleigh with that Enzo alliance. In short, we're getting alliances all over the place. 

Finally, Julie teases us with the eviction after a commercial break. We've only spent a third of the show on this.

To the living room. 
Keesha -- Not get emotional, great to be here, amazing, do what's best for you, energy around me, wish most of you the best of luck
Kevin -- Feels like a tiny comet among supernovas, if you vote to keep me, we can shine bright together.

The votes to evict:
David - Keesha
Nicole A - Keesha
Ian - Keesha
Commercial (looks like the EvelDick Twitter spoiler was spot on)
Nicole F - Keesha
Tyler - Keesha
Christmas - Keesha
Kaysar - Keesha
Bayleigh - Keesha
Da'vonne - Keesha
Janelle - Keesha
Enzo - Keesha
Dani - Keesha
Memphis - Keesha

Good old house vote. I had hoped more from seasoned (or not so much) veterans.
 Keesha has to socially distance from Julie and put on a mask. Julie does NOT have a mask on! Julie mentions Keesha heading home, but I don't think that's where she's going. I think we'll see some sort of Battle Back thing. Hey, it's not like BB hasn't lied to us before in this season. :::cough Online cast interviews on live feeds cough::: and ::: cough live eviction show cough:::

HOH Comp time. Backyard has booths. Big Brother watch party. Show two videos for fans watching, questions. Seven questions. Last HG standing.

The first video shows a Zoom setting. 
Question 1 T or F -- Kaysar, David out
2. Enzo, Dani out
3. Nicole F, Christmas out
Second video
4. Kevin out
5. Janelle, Ian out

To the living room to talk. Safety Suite will be Brains and Bar theme.

BB22: Live Feeds into Thursday - August 13


Anyone for vegan carrot pie?

Don't forget -- tonight's live eviction show is at 8PM ET/PT, not the 9PM of previous years!

So, what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Domesticated Dolts?
  • There's been some waffling as far as the vote for tonight. How shocking is that?
  • Janelle and Kaysar still want Keesha to stay because they think she would work with them.
  • Cody, Enzo, Nicole F want Keesha out and are trying to steer a house vote.
  • Ian, not a part of the house vote mentality per se, told Kevin he would vote for him to stay.
  • Which, of course, is actually a vote for Keesha to go!
  • But you knew that.
  • Bayleigh and Da'vonne feel they're being left out of a lot of the game talk.
  • They are.From
  • They should get in camp with Kaysar and Janelle!
  • My personal opinion for the first few boots are voices which annoy me on the live feeds: Bayleigh, Keesha, Nicole F and sometimes Dani. Their voices are on the shrieky side. Make them stop!
  • Kaysar and Janelle remain the biggest targets after tonight's eviction.
  • I find it interesting to note that, for the most part, it's the guys leery of Kaysar while the women want Janelle out
  • The hamsters did a rather chaotic Facebook Live Q&A about previous hamsters, twists and comps yesterday. If CBS was hoping for more All Access subscriptions, all of them talking at once isn't particularly a good example.
  • Janelle is no longer a star. Well, she is. But she's not. The costume is now history.
  • While Tyler might be making a mistake by agreeing to all deals brought to him, he actually might be in a good place after all. Heck, if more than one hamster gets his name wrong, they might not be all that aware of him.
  • Speaking of wrong names, Cody repeatedly called David "Kevin." 
  • You can't help but wonder if he actually meant to put David on the block.
  • So far today, the major conversations all seem to be rotating about what they plan to wear for the live show.
  • From what Janelle was saying, the earliest that any of them can go home is mid-September. That pretty much guarantees a returning hamster out of the first four or so evictions, some kind of Battle Back.
  • I was thinking they might even remain in the house. Remember Julie teasing about more rooms?
  • Oh, well. That's it for now. I hope to "see" you this evening!

I think Janelle needs to go

Really? I will stay? Really?

So it's Keesha or Kevin? Which one?

Look! It's Taylor! Um, Trevor.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

BB22: Power of Veto Show Blog Party - Aug. 12


Are you ready for the first All-Stars Power of Veto comp of the season? No? Um. Well. Tough. 

I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh this page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!

If you don't know who your hamster is in the blog pool, the list can be found at this post.

Grab your snacks -- I suggest bananas and other fruits -- and let's watch the show!

I'll just twiddle my thumbs through the "Previously on" segment and thank goodness there hasn't been a lot of previous! They're already pointing out old school/new school. Sigh.

If I had my way the phrase "at the end of the day" would become a misdemeanor crime.

Kevin tells us he needs to put his feelings in a box and fight to stay in the game. Cody tells us he wants to work with Kevin ... which, of course, means he wants Keesha out. He does try to pep talk Kevin a bit.

Janelle thinks, although she likes Keesha, that she and Kaysar need to lay low. I personally doubt those two could ever stay low enough to be off the radar. 

Keesha and Cody talk. Cody denies that she's his target and tells her she is just on the block because they hadn't talked much. Keesha knows she's the target. 

Kaysar talks to Da'vonne about how he's from Iraq and first appeared on the show when the US was at war with Iraq. He said he knew people were prejudging him. He tells us he doesn't want his son to grow up in a world like that. A big change from last year!

Tyler tells us he didn't want to jump into a bunch of alliances because that was his downfall last time. Sure enough, he jumps into a whole bunch of deals.

Enzo wants to work with Cody and be in a final two. Cody feels loyal to Nicole F, but more loyal to Enzo.

They haven't had the yard and miss it. Ian says he misses the hammock. Then he mentions that he's on the spectrum. When he was last on the show it bothered him that he did an online search of himself and saw all the comments about autism. So, we have two big conversations tonight -- race and autism. 

Back to game, Kevin is SO worried. He tries to campaign. He tries to get Enzo to promise to save him if he plays and wins veto. Enzo won't commit. He asks Ian if he would back him up in a Houseguest Choice. Ian doesn't commit. And on and on.

Veto player pick time. Cody randomly picks Tyler. Kevin gets HG Choice and goes for Enzo, Keesha gets Ian.

POV Comp time -- Fruits and vegetables with saddles on bananas, BB Peleton machine, 90 reps, stack fruits on back. Stack the most produce in the fastest time. 30 minutes deadline. Cody, then Ian timeout stacking over 90 seconds. Enzo enters his score of 18 with a few minutes left in the deadline. Kevin timed out with his 90 seconds of stacking.

ENZO wins the golden Power of Veto!

Ian tells us that he trusts Nicole F the most in the game -- he's known her for about five years and they're the only two winners in the house. They make a final two deal with a pinky swear. Nicole thinks of him as a back-up plan to Cody. Hmm.

Kevin is hoping Enzo will save him because he chose him to play. When he approaches Enzo, Enzo says he will have to talk to Cody. So now Kevin thinks he will have to do anything he can to convince Cody. Cody is reluctant as he would have to come up with yet another nominee. He isn't receptive but Kevin makes some promises. So, we get some false promises.

Bayleigh and Da'vonne decide to work together. Enzo catches Nicole F and Ian talking game and runs to report to Cody. He tries to tell Cody not to trust them. Cody already doesn't trust Ian, so Cody says that he might have Enzo use the veto and put Ian on the block. Or, so the editing tells us.

Time for the veto meeting! Enzo does NOT use the veto. Keesha and Kevin remain on the block.

BB22: Live Feeds into Wednesday Afternoon - Aug. 12


I guess it's winter in California

Did the booze delivery last night make things more interesting last night inside that Big Brother House of Alcohol Antics? Read on ...
  • Well, it might have had they been given enough to affect them. Even with Kaysar and anyone else who don't drink, there really wasn't enough to do much at all.
  • Six beers and two bottles of wine. 16 people. If two abstain, 14 people. Um. Okay.
  • Last night they Have Nots could not only have alcohol, but they could eat real food once again.
  • While we saw a lot of the cooking leading up to the feast, BB blocked the feeds while they were feeding. I don't recall them cutting out the feast like that before.
  • In other news, Memphis is getting really heated about BB leaving the lights on while he tries to sleep.
  • It does seem like the Have Nots will stay in their room until new Have Nots are named. That's the only way there are enough beds.
  • And, of course, with no showmances (yay!) this season, people aren't into sharing beds!
  • With the exception of Janelle, Kaysar and perhaps David, there seem to be little alliances popping up all over the house -- including Tyler once again over-promising to too many.
  • Memphis wants a huge alliance which undoubtedly would crash and burn rather quickly.
  • Ian is concerned because back in his own season, he always pretty much knew what was going on. This season, not so much.
  • Keesha remains the main target.
  • Cody even tried to talk Kaysar into voting her out. Now, Kaysar isn't committing to anyone about his vote. I believe he wants to keep Keesha as he thinks she will work better with him and Janelle. But if it's going to pretty much be one of those ridiculous house votes again, she won't be staying.
  • Nicole A. thinks she and Kevin might align with Janelle, Kaysar and Ian.
  • The only problem with that is that so many people have all these little side alliances going on. Even Da'vonne talked about regretting jumping into alliances so soon.
  • When will they ever learn?
  • Unless something drastic happens, the general consensus is that Keesha will go. She hasn't built relationships with many, nor does she really help out much with chores in the house.
  • Memphis and David seem to be the cleaner dudes. All the others seem to pitch in with dishes and such.
  • Laters!

Nice enough guy, but so not an "All Star"

Ian is being left out of the loop

Maybe it's not winter?

Yes, please do cover up your mouth!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Tuesday Evening - August 11


Nicole A., make-up by Janelle

You don't know how much I'd love to tell you about how exciting and fascinating the feeds are the past few days. I just can't. We need a brouhaha. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Watching Paint Dry:

  • Nicole F. continues to cry on and off.
  • Do you know how much she loves and misses Victor?
  • While Kaysar has had long intelligent and thought-provoking talks with many, he doesn't seem to be gaining allies in the game.
  • Janelle is a target for many just because she's Janelle and they know she can rock comps. Well, at least she could 15 years ago.
  • I fear that if either Janelle or Kaysar don't win HOH this week, both will be on the block with Kaysar as the real target.
  • Dani thinks Ian uses his autism to further himself in the game.
  • I guess she thinks he can turn it on and off, huh?
  • Cody is more full of himself than he was in his own season and he doesn't even have a married woman hanging all over him like he did then.
  • It's still looking basically like a house vote to evict Keesha.
  • I guess we'll see.
  • They're all getting separately called into the Diary Room for their COVID tests as I get this posted. Fun! Yeah, right.
  • Maybe something exciting will happen tonight!

Meow thinks he's cool

Janelle, make-up by Janelle

Incognito if she ever stops talking

I'm not worthy