Sunday, August 23, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Sunday - August 23


The coolness that is Kaysar

Thank you for bearing with me as I continue to battle some kind of gastronomical thing. I think it's due to the slop. Oh. Wait. That's the hamsters unless I'm dissing my own culinary abilities! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Jealous Jokers:
  • With Cody winning the power of veto, it seems the nominations will not change.
  • I think there would be a better shot of changing Tyler's nominations had Tyler won the PoV!
  • It's refreshing to watch the good friendship between Kaysar and Janelle. Unlike so many others in the game (this season and past), they share a complete honesty about their lives and game strategies. It's like there is nothing they cannot discuss and yet it's in no way any kind of showmance.
  • Janelle is pretty certain that she will be the one going home this week and wants Kaysar to continue to fight for the win.
  • Kaysar can't understand why -- in this season and their previous ones -- others seem to want Janelle out so badly and take an automatic dislike/distrust to her.
  • Kaysar thinks it's because she's such a strong woman -- something he admires about her, but others fear. He thinks she's much stronger than himself.
  • Both blame Kevin's involvement for the "brainwashing" of Nicole A. Janelle said of Kevin's brainwashing of Nicole regarding her -- "I'm not here to do diabolical damage to someone's brain."
  • Both still like Nicole A as a person but feel trying to save her ruined their own games.
  • They were talking with Bayleigh about it and she too thinks Kevin set all of Nicole's distrust of J/K in motion.
  • All three would love to see Kevin on the block and out.
  • Meanwhile, both Kayser and Janelle think that Tyler is a nice guy and playing the game well ... even though he put them on the block.
  • Kaysar and Janelle both cringed and laughed when they decided that Tyler was probably in the fourth grade when they first competed on BB6.
  • Enzo (two years older than Janelle and Kaysar) had his own moment of age cringing when he, in front of Cody and Tyler, declared himself the "Shundance Kid." He was referencing the movie The Sundance Kid and the fact that he was once on the block in costume and didn't get evicted. 
  • He had to explain the movie reference to both of then and they were still confused.
  • Then one, I think it was Cody, piped up with, "With Robert Redman?"
  • Oy.
  • In other news, the punishment that Christmas got from being the Plus One in the Safety Suite is "caring" for a baby star pillow with a happy face on it -- feeding it, burping it, taking it around in a stroller and generally mothering it.
  • @@
  • Sure, now we get to listen to her never-ending talking in baby talk.
  • So ... who are my likes and dislikes so far in the season? Hmm. I will always like Janelle and Kaysar, but I actually like Kaysar over Janelle. I really still like Ian even with his mustache. Don't hate me, but I do like Tyler even though he nominated my two favorites in the house. Bayleigh, except for her voice, is working her way up my like ladder. My liking runs hot/cold with Da'Vonne a bit. I think Enzo is actually playing the game pretty well and sometimes can be entertaining.
  • I do NOT like the way they're acting or how they're playing -- Dani (who I did like in previous seasons), Nicole F, Kevin and Memphis. 
  • I have to cheer on Cody as he's my blog pool match-up pick. Thanks a lot, SueGee.
  • David just seems very expendable. Nice enough guy, shouldn't be on this season of All-Stars.
  • Sundays are usually one of the doldrum days in the house with the yard open, no meetings, comps or ceremonies to be had.
  • Tomorrow will be the PoV ceremony. I don't expect Cody to save either Janelle or Kaysar.
  • Right now, it looks like Janelle would be the one leaving Thursday. If so, that would be the third woman out of the house and no men. It's like the season is setting up for a white Alpha Man win.
  • Again.
  • Sigh.

Good friends, not so good place

Adored by fans, hated by hamsters

Hamsters can't really figure him out

I was so blond in season six!

You can do it!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds Power of Veto Update - August 22


Unfortunately, I remain a bit under the weather still. My apologies.

As for the house happenings, things have gone pretty much as one would expect -- it remains Kaysar and Janelle targeted by the world.

The veto players were Bayleigh, Memphis and Cody in addition to Tyler, Janelle and Kaysar.

The feeds were blocked for the comp and it's been hard to pick up for sure who won. It seems to be Tyler. Wait. Now I'm thinking it might have been Cody. I wish someone was wearing the necklace!

Yes. CODY won the Power of Veto.

Friday, August 21, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds - Nominations - August 21


Can you guess the nominations?

So, we had yet another really lengthy live feeds block, certainly more time than it actually takes. Remember. Enzo and Christmas are safe due to the Safety Suite.

Surprise, surprise! Tyler's nominations for eviction are Janelle and Kaysar.

The Power of Veto will play out sometime tomorrow (Saturday).

BB22: Live Feeds Safety Suite Update - August 21


The final Safety Suite competition played out today. It was blocked to the live feeds and managed to block the feeds for most of the day. They will be blocked later for nominations. Sigh.

Enzo won the Safety Suite and chose Christmas as his Plus One.

Oh, well.

BB22: Live Feeds into Friday - August 21


Are we boring you, Dani?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of New School Nightmares:

  • So, Tyler is the new HoH.
  • Now, I liked him in his season. But his attitude towards "Old School" players so far this season has turned me off.
  • Y'see, I was old by BB standards when I first started watching the show in Season One twenty years ago.
  • Thus, you can see why he might be a bit off-putting to me.
  • The Have Nots are Bayleigh, Cody, Enzo and Janelle
  • Today will be the last of the Safety Suite comps.
  • With two people getting safety, any real plans for nominations are a bit on hold for now.
  • Sure, some targets for Tyler like Janelle, Kaysar and even Ian can't play in the comp. But, I think they can be Plus One. Maybe Janelle can't because she already was; I don't know.
  • Eligible to compete in the Safety Suite are: Tyler, Memphis, Nicole F and Dani.
  • I'm not sure I want any of them to win it! 
  • Tyler thinks his best Plus One might be Enzo. After all, he has no plans to nominate his one real ally, David.
  • Tyler plans on nominating Janelle and Kaysar.
  • Sigh.
  • It would be a hoot if Janelle Trash-Talker Dani wins, flips the script and actually saves her real life friend Janelle.
  • But I don't see that happening.
  • Oh, well.
  • The Safety Suite should play out later today and nominations tonight.
  • So, I expect a lot of blocked live feeds but will update when I find out.
  • I'm not sure they can beat the hours of blocked feeds yesterday. The feeds didn't return until past midnight here, apparently blocked until the West Coast airing ended.
Will Tyler make a big move?

Enzo is SO Bayonne

I wouldn't be able to sleep in that room