What up, Kaysar! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of BB No Stars:
- As you know from last night's brief update, Kevin won the Power of Veto.
- Sigh.
- So, what does he do?
- He cries.
- Then cries some more.
- He's so grateful to Enzo that I can't help but wonder (or maybe even to the point of think) that Enzo may have thrown the comp to him.
- Hmm
- I guess we won't really know until the comp airs on Wednesday.
- It sounds like David actually might have done fairly well in the comp.
- Doesn't matter.
- He still doesn't belong in the house with veterans of the show ... or if I daresay ... feeble stars.
- Now, Enzo's original plan was to put Ian up as a replacement. But, of course, he was thinking that would be if Kaysar won. He (nor I) expected a Kevin win.
- Naturally, I'd suggest a renom of David to put him out of his misery.
- Or, Enzo could go with a Dani renom and the votes just might be there.
- Although Dani is playing a shrewd (yet evil) game, her seed planting is starting to draw attention and not all of it good.
- Cody and Enzo know she's a dangerous player.
- More dangerous to their game than Kaysar?
- The problem is that Kaysar has walked around saying he wants to target Cody.
- If Dani were to target Cody, she'd sneaky get him on the block and then plant seeds with the others telling them Cody betrayed them.
- I honestly think she's more of a threat to anyone she decides to target than Kaysar is.
- Kaysar is just a bit too honest.
- Dani wants to solidify Kaysar's departure with a house meeting telling him that even though they all love and respect him, he's going home and should try to enjoy his last days in the house.
- @@
- And Cody and Enzo think that's a good idea!
- !!!!!
- Although Da'Vonne and Bayleigh were talking about voting Ian out instead of Kaysar, that wouldn't be enough to save him.
- Mind you, Ian is not on the block as of yet. The veto meeting isn't until tomorrow.
- As all of this is going on, seeds are being planted against Bayleigh rather than the previous seeds against Da'Vonne.
- Gah.
- And, I ask ... what about Nicole F? She needs to get gone! (However, I think she does deserve to be there more than David.)
- Oh, well.
- Tomorrow's another day.
Who is this? Why is he in the house? |
Yo, Enzo. Stop being so Bayonne! |
Working her way onto the radar. Uh-oh. |
Cry baby, cry. |