Friday, September 18, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds Bulletin - New HoH - Sept. 18


Well, the live feeds were blocked until past the end of the West Coast airing. This is beyond annoying.

Memphis won HoH. Cody and Christmas are the Have Nots. They are ticked off. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

BB22: Live Eviction, HOH Comp Show Blog Party - Sept. 17


Tonight is a big night -- two fan favorites on the block, one will be the first member of the jury. Will it be Ian or Tyler going out the door? Yeah, I know many of the readers here would prefer it being Nicole ... or Memphis ... or Dani ... or Christmas ... or David ... the list goes on.

If you want to doublecheck on your blog pool pick by the esteemed SueGee, you can check on that news right at this here linked post.

I'll be updating this post with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page for the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun!

C'mon Previously On ... let's get to the show!

Day 44, halfway to finale. Could the ultimate pawn be in for the ultimate blindside? Wah! I said the Wah, not Julie.

At least, if the diary segments are truthful, it won't be a ridiculous house vote once again. Of course, Nicole cries. Damn. SHE should be on the block! Ian has to console her? He tells us that he's leery but "no one ever made a dime panicking." He thinks if he can get four votes, Dani will break the tie in his favor. Sigh. Why does he trust Dani?

Da'Vonne tried to get Dani to understand why she saved Kevin. Dani tells us it was a bad move, but she will get Da'Vonne back in the fold. Meanwhile, Dani keeps lying to Ian and he keeps believing her. Dani says she just can't go against the Committee alliance. Well, she could have put Enzo up.

She is truthful when talking to Tyler. She tells us that she is over going after him and needs him in her game ... until she doesn't need him. Tyler thinks she's being honest about this vote, but doesn't trust her past it. 

Ian is going around campaigning. Right now he's talking to Memphis. Memphis is honest enough with him and says he thinks Ian is a powerful game player as is Tyler. Ian is coming to the realization that he isn't considered a pawn at all. Nicole, not crying, tells us she has to figure a way to save him. Yeah, right.

Sure, Julie ... focus on Nicole who is likely to betray a dear friend. Da'Vonne and Kevin figure out that Dani actually wants Tyler to stay. Nicole feels she has to check with the Committee before voting to keep Ian. Dani says no to it. We can expect Nicole to cry. Memphis laughs at her. Cody lays down all the times Tyler has worked to keep him THEM safe.

They're editing it like Nicole will vote to save Ian. So, she probably won't. Ian doesn't feel safe. And, he shouldn't. Ian tells her if she doesn't vote to keep him, he won't vote for her to win if it comes to that. He tries to guilt trip Dani, too. Hmm ... not the best strategy, Ian.

Nicole cries again. I wish they'd just get over this stuff and to the actual vote!

Finally ... to the living room.
Ian -- Frustrating, but rewarding, too. I have a lot to give. If I can help your game, leave me in.
Tyler - Infomercials and praises Ian, please keep me, BB changed my life, Angela, blah, blah. Don't be a clown, keep Tyler around.

The votes to evict:
Christmas - Ian
Enzo - Ian
To commercial ...
Da'Vonne - Tyler
Cody - Ian
Kevin - Tyler
Memphis - Ian
David - Tyler
Nicole - Cries, Ian

Five to three, Ian is out. Thanks, Nicole! You keep digging yourself a deeper hole with the fans. Despite all of his threats on the live feeds, he hugs all and leaves quietly.

Looking at the time and the fact they're in athletic clothes, the HoH comp will only start of the show. No mention of live feeds yet. Ian has yet to do his interview with Julie and we have ten minutes left of the show.

Ian was classy and dignified through the interview to the point in which Julie commented how impressed she is with him.

Time for the HoH comp -- Dani does not use her power. Hydrant Hustle. Across the yard, hydrant puzzle pieces, first right wins. Find out who wins on Sunday. It won't be on the live feeds but I will know the result and will post later tonight. Julie tells us next week a BB Legend moves into the house next door. Hmm.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Wednesday Afternoon - Sept. 16


Playing with cool camera props

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Blocking B-Words:
  • I took a rest from posting the live feeds yesterday. It's bad enough they rescheduled a television episode to air on my birthday.
  • Although I didn't post, I did watch the feeds on and off during the day and into the night.
  • Well, that is, I watched the crumbs left for us in between feeds blockages.
  • We are missing many strategy talks.
  • We are missing kerfuffles.
  • We are missing rather minor brouhahas.
  • We are missing them talking about what happened that we missed.
  • I guess the person on the switch was napping when we got the Christmas/Bayleigh/Da'Vonne brouhaha.
  • We haven't seen one since.
  • Last night there apparently were blow-ups between David and Ian and Ian and Dani.
  • But did we see them?
  • Nope.
  • Heck, BB gave them almost a glass of wine each last night, then cut the feeds.
  • I'm beginning to wonder if this isn't the beginning of the end of the live feeds or of the show itself.
  • Anyway ... Ian is getting on the nerves of everyone. That is not good for him.
  • He had long talks about his growing up issues with handling failures poorly and being a poor sportsman. It sounds like he has really had some traumatic times over losing. He thinks he's worked on it and has made progress.
  • Yet, we did see he has anger issues when he thinks he's losing.
  • Sigh.
  • While I do think Dani does indeed feel terrible about nominating him, she did it. She needs to own it.
  • While I like Tyler, before the Ian nom, Tyler would definitely go after her and Ian not so much. She realized beforehand that if Ian was on the block with Tyler, it would probably be Tyler staying. This was AFTER she made it clear that Tyler was her target.
  • Silly mean girl.
  • Ian is going around trying to get people to shake on voting to keep him.
  • David kept pushing and pushing him getting Ian to the point of anger.
  • Then David went around saying his intent was to make Ian mad.
  • Dang. Ian would be better off out of this toxic house!
  • Of course, Nicole cried.
  • We knew she would.
  • Enzo seems legitimately torn between Tyler and Ian. I think he seems to have a soft spot for Ian but knows it's a lost cause with the others in the house.
  • Ian thinks he has enough support to force Dani to break a tie.
  • I don't think he has.
  • And, if he has, would she break it in his favor?
  • Probably for her game's sake, no.
  • She really should have put Christmas or Memphis up against Tyler. She claimed that Tyler was her target so she put up someone with almost no allies with him.
  • Shame on her.
You reap what you sow

She's proud of her head contraption

Ian is being duped by them

Yes, he is indeed expendable

Guaranteed to target Dani

Enzo really likes Ian ... hmm ...

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

BB22: Power of Veto Blog Party - Sept. 15


Good evening! I hope most folks realize that the show is on tonight rather than its usual Wednesday night slot. If not, may they enjoy country music tomorrow night!

I'll be updating this entry with the major happenings as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments section -- please join in on the fun!

Previously on and all that comes with it ...

Okay, we're to the point when Dani nominated David and Kevin. Let's get to it!

Dani tells us of the two, she would prefer David go home. If one is saved with the veto, she MIGHT go after Tyler. He isn't feeling safe. David tells us he will be using his power.

Oh, yes! I forgot from last year -- David is the one who can fake cry real tears! He goes into his act and cries first to Da'Vonne. Cody and Memphis don't want Tyler to go up as any kind of replacement, neither does Enzo who thinks of Tyler as a shield. They know Dani wants to get Tyler out.

A female heckling voice pipes through the house calling them all to the dining room: "The Disruptor Power has been unleashed!" It's followed with an evil laugh.

David is saved and pretends he wasn't expecting it. Dani must name a renom immediately and puts Tyler on the block. Poor Dani. Heh. She's freaking out. Kevin is upset because he thinks Tyler will win veto.

Dani thinks she needs to convince Tyler she wants him to stay and put him up in a moment of panic. Tyler tells us he's not buying it. She thinks he can win the veto. Tyler brings up that Kevin might win the veto and then who will she replace him with?

David (foolishly) goes around the house to see who saved him. That makes no sense as you know that they all know he would be the only one to save himself. They are not fooled. I don't know why he's doing it. Da'Vonne tells us he's just being weird.

Christmas is Dani's chosen pawn if someone comes off the block. Christmas isn't happy as she too is in the alliance.

Nicole shunned her Slopitard.

Veto picks -- Dani got Da'Vonne, Tyler got Ian and Kevin got Enzo.

Dani tells Da'Vonne to please win the comp as she wants the nominations to stay the same. 

Veto comp -- Microbrews -- they have to take a teletransporter . The veto comp is being held in the living room. How odd is that?

They have to stack 15 microbrews into a pyramid using giant tweezers. The microbrews are tiny. The rest of the hamsters are watching them on the screen in the HoH room and Nicole is hosting.


Dani hopes Day will keep her promise. Kevin hopes she will use it to save him. Tyler thinks he needs to rethink his strategy. Day tells us she promised Dani only because she's never won a comp and didn't think she'd win.

Kevin and Da'vonne talk. Should she save him with the veto? They are close. She goes to talk to Dani and tells her she's thinking of using the veto on Kevin because there's a "big ass" alliance in the house and she's not a part of it.

Dani goes to Christmas trying to decide what to do if the veto is used. Christmas says her only options are Ian or Enzo. She just cannot put up another member of the Committee alliance. Woe is her.

Dani tells Cody that her only option is Ian. She tells him that she wants Tyler out. He doesn't. 

She tells Nicole about Ian being the only option -- everyone else would be unhappy with her. Nicole, of course, has her own alliance with Ian and doesn't want him to go home. Or, actually to jury now.

Dani tries to put pressure on Day to not save Kevin. After all, she can do more for Day in the game than Kevin can. Also, showing her closeness with Kevin will be a detriment to her game. Sheesh.

Time for the veto meeting. Da'Vonne uses the veto to save Kevin. Dani, reluctantly, puts Ian up in his place. She tells them she needs the 'ultimate pawn" and she wants Tyler to go home this week. So, it's Ian and Tyler on the block.

Monday, September 14, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds into Monday Afternoon, PoV Meeting - Sept. 14


Sharing a 'do with Tyler today

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Terrible Turtles:

  • Sigh, I try not to be the one whining.
  • But, this year, the feeds blocks are much too much.
  • Apparently there was another wall shouter yesterday evening.
  • Those in the yard didn't hear it. Enzo even thought they called an indoor lockdown due to fires.
  • I haven't heard them complaining of the smoke, but would think there has to be at least some smell in the air there.
  • I found it interesting that one hamster (Cody?) said they have an armed guard on set.
  • Oh my.
  • Nonetheless, a wall shouter not heard by anyone, hamster or feeds watcher, does not or should not necessitate a shut down of the live feeds for hours and hours.
  • They were down well into the night, almost to the dawn here on the East Coast.
  • I'm disgusted with the live feeds coverage this season. Or, more accurately, the lack thereof. It's almost as if they're not pushing the feeds as they have done for years. 
  • Anyway ... the POV meeting went down fairly early (for them) today.
  • Da'Vonne used the veto to save Kevin. 
  • Dani replaced Kevin with Ian.
  • So, it's Ian and Tyler on the block -- two of the players I actually wanted to watch play the game this season.
  • With Kevin on the block, it was likely that Tyler might be sent packing.
  • He's already had a hissy fit claiming if he's sent to jury he's just going to leave and forfeit any monies.
  • Hmm.
  • Ian has also voiced that he wants to go home.
  • Watching their talks since the veto meeting, it seems now it should be Ian leaving on Thursday.
  • David told Da'Vonne that Ian acts like he and Kevin are dumb.
  • No one really knows Ian's gameplay.
  • He has no real close allies other than Nicole and Nicole is more attached to him than he to her.
  • He is one of the two previous winners in this house of supposed all stars.
  • It looks like Tyler is now out of the crosshairs and Ian is the target.
  • Sigh.
  • Unless things change, it will be Ian leaving.
  • In a way, it might be best for him. He would be out of the house of stress where people are mocking him for his autism. He has voiced hope that Kaysar might get him a job. I can see Kaysar doing that if he can.
  • But if he leaves, that would leave me with just a few I actually like to watch on the live feeds -- Da'Vonne and Enzo.
  • Oh, well. 

Oh, Da'Vonne, what have you done?

Schemes more than he plays

Yo, Bayonne, what up?

See! It's Christmas hair!