As promised on the promos, tonight is the return of the BB Comics Veto Competition, always a hit on the show. I myself certainly like it more that I could ever like ZingBot!
We have Memphis and Christmas on the block going into tonight. If one of them wins, would it be Enzo up as a replacement? Say it ain't so!
I'll be updating this entry with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest update! As always -- no live feeds spoilers -- the real party is in the comments area. Please join in on the fun!
Ho-hum ... sitting through the Previously On segment ...
We pick up the action after the nominations end. Nicole is definitely targeting Memphis. Christmas thinks she's safe. Nicole told her she's not the target. Yet she remains a bit leery. Enzo and Cody feel very secure -- they're the only ones who have never been nominated for eviction.
Of course, Memphis and Christmas are tight. Memphis is sure Cody and Enzo will keep him safe because they're Wise Guys with him. Remember, he has a duplicate Wise Guys with Christmas instead of Cody. Enxo knows he will go up if one wins the veto. He also thinks Christmas is the more dangerous to his game than is Memphis.
On the other hand, Cody would just as soon, maybe even prefer, that Memphis gets the boot this week.
Enzo finds out teakettles whistle. Heh.
Christmas tries to get Enzo to promise to use the veto to save her. He tells her he's worried about going on the block. She tells him if he wins, saves one of them, they can backdoor Cody. Of course, she's talking to Enzo. He runs to Nicole with the intel. Enzo now thinks that Christmas needs to be the bigger target this week. Nicole thinks that Memphis is the bigger target and she isn't changing her mind.
Cody is talking about missing his girlfriend who has been stricken with Hodgkins lymphoma. Of course, Christmas has to turn the discussion about her mother. At least it ends with "cancer free." Then she cries to us in the DR because she misses her family.
Christmas talks to Nicole. Nicole seriously thinks keeping her is best for her game. Enzo talks to Tyler's inflatable cow.
Time for the veto comp -- BB Comics! It's the same as in previous years, zipline across, find the exact same 16 comics to post. They're dressed in superhero garb with capes and all. Cody's dumb line of the night - "Counting to six isn't easy." Enzo goes next, impressed with this own Meow Meow comic. Time for Christmas. She's scared of heights. That''s too bad, huh? Then it's time for Memphis or, as his comic goes -- MemFIST.
Nicole is up. She's breathing. She won BB Comics in her season. We'll see. She seems sad that she's a serial killer while Janelle is a blond bombshell. Heh. Poor Nicole. So sad, huh?
The times in minutes.seconds
Memphis 31.56
Enzo 28.19
Nicole 11.21
Christmas 27.45
Cody 16.08
NICOLE wins the Power of Veto!
Poor Christmas feels so defeated. She talks to Memphis. He's sure he's safe this week. She knows she's not Nicole's target, but it would be better for her own game if Cody went on the block and home. Well, to jury. She goes to Nicole who tells her she plans on keeping the noms the same and she would be safe. She pushes the Cody out bit to her. She says she doesn't trust Cody or Enzo with the vote. She actually does have a point that Cody would win if he makes the final two.
Nicole does NOT use the power of veto. Memphis and Christmas remain on the block.