Sunday, August 15, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Sunday Morning - August 15


Oh noes! There's WHEAT in this!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Veto Voles:

  • While Azah pretty much admitted that she threw the veto comp to Britini (who didn't win anyway), Kyland denies he threw the comp to Alyssa (which the others think is very obvious).
  • Yes, he wanted Alyssa to win the veto.
  • Since he bet on her in the High Rollers Room, he would have a veto for himself.
  • Plus, he has plans for the veto. 
  • He has asked Alyssa not to use it but has not told her of his plan to blindside Britini. She agrees the less she knows, the better. She promised him she won't use it.
  • He wants to go first in the veto meeting to make her move (or lack thereof) less demanding.
  • Meanwhile, Derek F knows what he plans to do and is okay with it.
  • Derek F wants to tell Azah, though.
  • That would be a big mistake, methinks.
  • Xavier, Tiffany and Claire know the plan.
  • Kyland told Claire after the comp that he will indeed be saving her.
  • He is still denying that he threw the comp, though. He keeps saying he was a bit confused looking at two cards in the comp, looked up and saw Alyssa running to OTEV.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Unless Derek F tells Azah and she feels the need to tell Britini, which would probably be the case, today should be quiet.
  • Fireworks are expected tomorrow after the veto meeting.
  • Even though Derek F is walking around acting like he's the target this week, Britini will surely freak over being on the block again.

Wonder bread? Really, BB?

Currently has no idea she is to be blindsided

Safe only due to Kyland's reign of power this week

Privy to the blindside

Saturday, August 14, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds POV Bulletin - August 14


Oh geez ... the Power of Veto was over with rather quickly. It seems just about everyone is upset, except the winner.

Azah and Derek F are mad, feel they have been targeted. Claire says she will never trust Kyland again. Derek X is mad and says that Kyland is playing a good game ... for himself. Tiffany says she thinks he will take Claire off.

And Alyssa has the second veto?

Oh my.

Kyland is telling Derek F that he will use the veto to save Claire and put  Britini up with him on the block and that Alyssa will not use her veto.

Okay, so it was Alyssa who won the actual veto from the comp. It was indeed OTEV. Kyland won the second veto because he had bet on Alyssa to win.

BB23: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening - August 14


They yawn, I yawn

Here is the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Confusing Cougars:

  • Okay, I'm getting all kinds of discombobulated here. 
  • Befuddled, as well.
  • I have no problem understanding that they drew players for the veto comp.
  • In addition to Kyland, Claire and Derek F we have Azah, Britini and Alyssa. Hmm.
  • But then that High Rollers twist bit steps in.
  • It seems they could bet on people to win and one could win a second veto? They could use it this week or next. 
  • I find that a bit perplexing!
  • I think I might have to drag out my Thesaurus!
  • From my understanding (or lack thereof): Derek F chose Britini, Kyland chose Alyssa, SarahBeth chose Azah, Claire chose Kyland.
  • The rest of the hamsters didn't bet, perhaps saving their BB bucks for a better prize bet.
  • I guess.
  • Or, maybe the $50 people didn't have enough?
  • I find myself a bit bewildered.
  • It was a feeds block frenzy once again today.
  • After one, they came back talking about OTEV. I don't know if they were told that would be the comp or whether they just got it in their heads that it could be.
  • Some are saying it's too early for it, others saying it isn't.
  • I'm baffled.
  • The target this week seems to be Britini, thank you to Xavier and Tiffany for pushing that to save Claire.
  • What?
  • Britini's not a nomination!
  • But she is a picked at random veto player.
  • If she puts her mind to it like she did to save her own butt and saves Claire (or even Derek F although he's a pawn but has been very nice to her), who would go up?
  • Will there be more nominees because of the second veto?
  • Argh!
  • I find it all quite puzzling.

What the heck is going on?!?!

Will his talk go 'round in circles?

If not for the Cookout, it would be
her, Claire and Derek X

Probably won't win, but he's a winner anyway

Says she only got the $50 for High Rollers

Seriously ... now is the time to win comps, Claire!

BB23: Live Feeds into Saturday Morning - August 14


KITTEHS!!! Saw most of the day it seems ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Gambling Gremlins:

  • After all the tedious one-on-one meetings by Kyland as he tried to decide on nominations, it seemed to come down to Claire and Britini.
  • But then Derek F valiantly stepped in front of the speeding train of broken hamster dreams, offering to be the pawn in place of Britini.
  • Valiant? Hmm. He says he doesn't want Britini to go through being on the block again.
  • Maybe. If so, it will be one of the few worthwhile kind things he's done in the house. And, I'm sure that's at least a part of his reasoning for volunteering to be a pawn.
  • But, you see, I've watched him all season talking about how he would be happy just to make it to jury, has nothing at home to return to and on and on. He knows the likelihood of him winning a comp is just about nil. He realizes that physical comps just aren't his thing and he's failed at the mental comps, too. A paid vacation in the jury house sounds great to him!
  • In a fair and just world, the person wanting to stay and play the game would stay while the one who already thinks he won't win will go to jury.
  • Alas, then there's the Cookout.
  • Any non-Cookout hamster up with Derek F is almost certainly going to be voted out.
  • The nominations are Derek F and Claire.
  • Wah. 
  • So much of yesterday was kittens and puppies between the nominations block and then the really extended block for the new High Rollers twist.
  • The hamsters know there are three levels of $$$ and that America is voting on who gets how much.
  • So ... it gives them an idea who America really likes.
  • As a result, most are not talking or are lying about how much they got.
  • Derek X told Hannah he got $100, the highest amount. I believe it.
  • It sounds like Derek F (?!?!?!) and Britini may have been the other "big" winners.
  • It sounds like many accepted or bet on the powers, but I really can't divulge much about the powers.
  • Um. I can't divulge because I am so confused! There was something about a second veto that I just don't understand. I guess we will have to wait until the show for clarification.
  • Meanwhile, it seems that Hannah and Tiffany really don't want Claire out this week. If they had their way, SarahBeth would win veto, save Claire and Britini would go up and out.
  • That's because, of course, they just cannot vote out fellow Cookout member, Derek F!
  • They were saying no one else was really mentioning Claire as a target right now and it was all Kyland.
  • Grr.
  • The veto comp will be later today.
  • A lot will hinge on the winner of that comp.
  • Please let it be Claire!

Her fate is in the cards

Still bereft

No, I don't want to be your pawn!

Um. Okay. Whatever.

And then a donkey led them ...

Exactly how I felt watching them yesterday

Friday, August 13, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - August 13


After a fairly lengthy live feeds blocking with those adorable adoptable little critters, the critters in the BB house returned.

And, the nominations are in.

Claire and Derek F. 

I'd be happy about the second one there as, to me, he's a waste of space in the house. I also don't care for his demeanor at all. Except for his occasional thoughtful consoling someone, he can get outright nasty. Unfortunately, he's sure to be the pawn this week.