Good evening! Tonight's show will let us in on which celeb is the newest Head of Household. I believe it will have the nominations, as well. It seems like the Power of Veto comp will be live on the live eviction show tomorrow. They have a very screwy schedule. I guess that's fitting as they obviously have a screwy idea of what constitutes "celebrity."
As this is a show post, I ask that no spoilers get posted and comments just cover what you see aired. Oh, you can go off topic -- just no spoilers!
I will be live-blogging and constantly updating this post with the major events as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there!
I will patiently sit through the Previously On segment.
Okay, we're where Teddi went out the door. Mirai is very grateful that Todd saved her. Chris Kattan is dazed and confused. Miesha tells us that Carson needs to go next. Carson is telling Todrick Miesha must go. Um. Todrick is in Miesha's camp. Shanna tells Carson and Cynthia that she voted with the house for Teddi to go. Uh-oh. Carson, Cynthia, Shanna and Teddi WERE working together.
Chris Kirkpatrick trusts Shanna. I personally think once a person betrays a trust, they will betray another one. Maybe that's just me. Todrick talks to Cynthia, and she no longer trusts him.
HOH Comp time. It's all potatoes. Rotten Potatoes will be the critics. They have to lock in a score on three "potatoes" with a ball. If they don't like the score, they can re-shoot but the comp is timed. Highest score on the Potato Meter wins. The comp is done individually, so Mirai is first and the rest return to the house.
Mirai 51
Todrick is second up. He gets 36. Lamar is next. He gets 61 and takes over the lead. Chris Kirkpatrick is up -- 75 and takes it from Lamar. Shanna is up. 52, not enough. Carson next. 36. Heh. Cynthia is up. 46, not enough. Todd is up. He sees Chris Kirk up there and scores 33 obviously throwing it. Chris Kattan didn't hit his last potato score in.
Chris Kirkpatrick is the new HOH.
Shanna is thrilled as she has her Day 2 alliance with him. Miesha is thrilled because he's in her alliance.
He already has his eye on Mirai because he's not "tight" with her. Miesha just worked hard to save Mirai and tells him he should put up Carson. He doesn't like her telling him what to do. He tells Shanna maybe Mirai and Todrick to take Todrick's vote away from Miesha's ploy.
Chris Kirk tells Carson and Cynthia that he's playing his own game and not gunning for either of them.
He talks to Todd and Lamar. Todd tells him he will vote whatever he wants him to vote. He wants Mirai but just can't figure who to put with her. Miesha is still pushing Carson at him. He tells her that Carson is not a threat to his game.
Nominations Ceremony time! Chris nominates Chris Kattan and then Mirai. He tells them it's because he hasn't talked game with either of them.
Tomorrow night 9pm ET/PT is the live eviction show.